MTL - Medical Master-v9 Chapter 535 The power of puppets!

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"Crunch ..."

The puppets, who seem to be dumb, will continue to make the crunch of the rubbing of the dead wood when they turn their hands and feet.

It seems to be a puppet controlled by a man.

A corner of the battlefield.

A senior wearing a kimono holding a whisk, caught in the siege of the Nirvana army, fluttered with a burst of energy and energy, and beat **** a Nirvana black robe, and he will attack him instantly. The former Nirvana men in black robe flew out.

However, a batch just got rid of.

There are also a large number of people in black robe, rushing up like a surge.

"Kill one enough book, kill two Lao Tzu to earn one, and how many are directed at Lao Tzu."

The lame senior shouted, the one who took the lame position, there was a lot of energy and energy surging out, directly forming an energy leg and foot, just about to rush up.

From heaven to earth, the army of Nirvana came up in all directions.

Seeing that momentum, it simply couldn't resist.

But even so.

The predecessor still did not mean to retreat at all, but directly rushed towards the large number of Nirvana black robe people who attacked directly in front, and left the Nirvana black robe people up, down, left, and right behind.

He did not urge the slightest energy to protect him. He wanted to use all the energy to kill the Nirvana.

Because he knew that he didn't have much inner qi available, and he used the remaining inner qi for stealing life and death, it was better to take this great opportunity to kill him again.

Even if a few people can't be killed, when all Nirvana people in black robe come up, they can at least expose themselves to a group.


It started.

The dust in his hand bombarded a group of black robes directly in front of him, and immediately beheaded the two oncoming people, and the others were seriously injured.


Just when this shot was down, he was about to expose himself, but he found that Nirvana black robe who had attacked from all directions had not rushed to himself.

How is this going?

In doubt, he turned his head around.

But I saw that I didn't know anything about me, but a large group of puppets appeared.

These puppets blocked the black robe who attacked from all sides.

"Crunch ..."

The puppet turned and made a creaking noise, as if speaking to him.

See the puppet.

The senior smiled suddenly.

Because he had seen these puppets once, he knew that they belonged to Master Yao.

Has Master Yao come to the main battlefield?

of course not.

Master Yao cannot possibly enter the main battlefield at all times.

However, Master Yao cannot come, his disciples can come!

Wu Sanqing, the only apprentice that Master Yao personally acknowledged and taught with great care.

Look at the puppets around him.

The lame predecessor quickly flew up, rushed into the sky, and looked around.

He saw it.

The scene a hundred years ago.

A hundred years ago, the scene where Nirvana's army was killed and the head of the mouse was fleeing, Nirvana was repeatedly retreated.

I see.

In the entire main battlefield, the most central point between heaven and earth.

A figure stood in the sky, surrounded by eighteen puppets around him, like patrolling and protecting him.

Aside from the eighteen puppets, they looked farther away.

The whole black battlefield.

There are thousands of wood

Even, quietly appeared in every corner.

"Crunch ..."

The obscure sound of the puppet joint twisting spread.

not one.

Instead, all the puppets performed the same action at the same time, emitting the same sound.

This person is very unacceptable.

Even in the main battlefield of shouting, screaming, and screaming of pain, the sound of dense puppets attracted everyone's attention on the battlefield in an instant.

For these Nirvana men in black robe, they simply don't know how terrible these puppets are, because they didn't participate in the battle that was a hundred years ago, so they are not afraid at all.


When the crunch spread across the main battlefield.

The main battlefield is close to the Nirvana Six Lords at the edge of the king-cutting area, close to the Nirvana Venerables where the old man is located, and the Nirvana Grand Master close to the place where Master Yao is guarding.

Their faces were all gloomy at this moment.

"Don't mess with me, don't mess with me, I haven't researched my organs yet, I don't want to die."

In an instant, Wu Sanqing, who had become the focus of the audience, was shrinking his body, shrinking under the protection of eighteen puppets and looking around.

"It wasn't long before I entered the martial arts, where have I seen such a big battle?"

"It's scary, I'm still a kid."

"Don't come here, you come again, I will move."

Wu Sanqing's panic was a little confused.

It does.

Although he was taken into the martial arts by Fang Qiu, since he entered the martial arts, he has spent all his time on the research institute puppets, and only a small part of his time is spent on cultivation.

Even if Master Yao passed away from Fang Qiu, he has been concentrating on practicing. Except for being forcibly beaten by He Gaoming and others, he hardly experienced any war, let alone this This kind of population is almost a million.

If Master Yao had not given the order of death, he would not be willing to run in and become this early bird.

After all, the probability of this early bird being shot is too great, although he also has a heart of war to kill Nirvana.

"Kill him, don't let him activate the organ puppet array."

The words of the Six Lords rang loudly on the battlefield.

A lot of bloodshot eyes appeared in his eyes, as if foreseeing what terrible things were about to happen.

And here.

"To kill me?"

When Wu Sanqing heard it, he was immediately anxious. Immediately, his hands quickly formed a handprint in front of him, and his right hand was stretched out in front of him in the void. Tap the center of the picture slightly.

"Storm Pear Flower!"

The icy and decisive words came from Wu Sanqing's mouth.

next moment.

"Destroy the puppet!"

Another roar came from Nirvana to Lord.

Not only the roar, but at the same time, Nirvana Lord even threw a few formations towards this side, trying to destroy a large number of puppets who were quietly scattered on the battlefield.


Just as his words spread, the densely distributed puppets on the battlefield suddenly moved.

"Crunch ..."

Every puppet's mouth is open, and the entire head is rotating rapidly. The chest and abdomen of the body, the legs and feet, the arms and even the fingers, almost every part with joints, starts to rotate rapidly.

Some are rotating in the forward direction, some are in the opposite direction

To rotate.

Under this extremely rapid rotation, an extremely sharp embroidery needle completely formed by the condensation of energy bursts out of each puppet's body.

These energy pins look very small, but their penetration is so frightening.

At the moment when it broke out.


On the entire battlefield, a neat penetration sounded immediately.

In a short time, thousands of Nirvana people in black robe were penetrated.

Because of the small size of the needle body, even if there are dozens of energy needle bodies penetrating the body of a black robe at the same time, they cannot be fatally blown, just let them be injured.


The whole organization of puppets is not a one-off.

The energy chalcedony is installed in the body of each organ puppet, and the energy exploded therein is enough to support the puppet's continuous eruption for five minutes or even ten minutes.

"Hoohoo ..."

The dark and **** battlefield was instantly enveloped by this dense energy needle body.

From a distance.

In the **** battlefield, the milky white energy needle body looks like a very peaceful, starry sky that people can't bear to look away from.

However, hidden under this seemingly peaceful scene of the starry sky, it is **** that people dare not imagine.

In the battlefield.

All the fierce battles, all the desperation, all the Chinese martial arts who are rushing to kill, all stopped their hands at this moment.

Beside each of them, there is at least one puppet.

Under the protection of the puppets, the dense energy needles that burst out of the sky will be absorbed or blocked by the puppets when they attack nearby, and will not cause any harm to any Chinese people.

Seeing that the Nirvana army was caught in a large group of organ puppets, even if the opponent who just needed full efforts was in front of him, the warriors of Huaxia all put down their defenses one by one and pulled out the panacea from the pants while laughing. , Swallowed into the abdomen.

In front of the opponent's face, swallow the medicine to recover.

Because they know.

Their opponents couldn't help them.

Waves of energy needles penetrated the bodies of these black robes crazily. They could not be killed twice or twice, and they could be seriously injured ten or twenty times.

Some Nirvana black robes with weaker strength and a large number of puppets existed nearby. They did not even have the power to destroy a puppet, so they were pierced into horse honeycombs by countless energy needles and died in pain.



On the battlefield that had been suspended due to the appearance of the organ puppet, a shout of killing suddenly sounded.

this moment.

All the Chinese martial arts soldiers who were exhausted in the battlefield regained their combat power with the help of the pill. Although they were too short to return to the peak, they have recovered enough to kill the Nirvana black robe. Degree.

As this shout spread.

All the Chinese martial arts soldiers shot one by one, facing the nirvana black robe who was hit hard by the organ puppets in front of him, and even the action was difficult, straight down the killer!

next moment.

The blood in this world is thicker.

A corpse continued to fall from high altitude. Even in the process of falling, it still encountered a puncture of dense energy needles, and was strangled into a shard of dust before landing.

at the same time.

A loud roar came.

The sword fool, He Gaoming and others returned from victory, strangling Nirvana's top ten protectors!

Read The Duke's Passion