MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 7 Night Goddess [Third]

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Leaving from the evil wolf, Ye Xuan stopped a taxi and rushed towards a mysterious antique shop in the commercial center.

He needs to buy some necessities such as mobile phones, watches, weapons, etc ...

The location of this store is particularly hidden. In a rather quiet alley in the commercial center, ordinary people can find it. After all, everything sold here is prohibited. If Ye Xuan had the memory of the last life, he would also Difficult to find here.

Entering the shop, Ye Xuan's sight was full of famous paintings and antiques.

A beautiful boss with a ponytail and a shirt and black pants uniform sitting at the front desk bored playing with her mobile phone.

"Hello, sir, what do you need to buy?"

Seeing Ye Xuan walked in, the signature smile appeared on the beautiful cheek of the beauty boss and greeted her.

"What I want is written here!"

Ye Xuan pulled out a pre-written note from her pocket and waited for the beauty.

"First ... sir, have you gone the wrong way? We are an antique shop here. Where can you find these things?"

The beauty boss glanced at the note and smiled and shook her head.

Ye Xuan smiled mysteriously, took a pen and wrote two lines of poems on a note.

Looking at the two lines of poems written by Ye Xuan, the beauty boss's pupils shrank sharply, her face changed, but her heart set off a terrible storm.

She had seen these two lines of poems during training at the headquarters, which shows that the young man in front of him had at least visited their headquarters, but he was a noble guest.

She quickly pressed down on the side of the institution, the murals on the wall were collapsed, and a secret road emerged.

"Dear distinguished guest, please here!"

She bowed to Ye Xuan, made a gesture of please, and a word of respect came from her mouth.

Ye Xuan nodded slightly and stepped forward into the dark road. Jo Mo took a few steps, his eyes suddenly opened up.

What appeared to him was an exquisite exhibition hall, which contained a variety of unique equipment and weapons, firearms, sabers, and swords.

Ye Xuan was carefully selected.

When Ye Xuan came out of this black shop, he originally had a total of 1.2 million on him, but now he has less than 30,000 yuan. This spends money faster than running water.

Of course, this is no wonder Ye Xuan, after all, he used to be in an extraordinary status and used high-end goods, such as the humble watch he now wears worth 300,000.

This is a military holographic projection watch, which not only has functions such as satellite communication, holographic projection scanning, etc., but also is tailored according to Ye Xuan's requirements. The center of each band is hidden with a silver needle that can be removed. It is Ye Xuanshan. One of the assassination weapons used.

Another example is the mobile phone used by Ye Xuan, which also has holographic projection function, satellite communication and so on.

Of course, the most expensive thing is Ye Xuan's own weapons worth 500,000.

This is a saber created by Nano Zhenjin. The knife has a dragon pattern. The knife handle is a dragon head. There is also a special nano emitter inside, which is particularly powerful and invisible to kill!

Although it seems to many people to buy these equipment weapons, it costs a lot, but it is not worth mentioning for Ye Xuan. This is because he lowered many requirements before buying. After all, he alone was worth thousands of dollars for the same equipment. Tens or even hundreds of millions.

What's more, the equipment he bought today can enhance his combat power, allowing him to cope with unexpected situations.

If you really customize the weapon according to Ye Xuan's requirements, then the money on him is far from enough. After all, in the peak period, he could not use the money to describe the magic watch because he had too much Advanced features.

When Ye Xuan left the antique shop, the beautiful owner looked at the two poems written by Ye Xuan, and her eyes were full of shock.

After thinking about it for a while, she took a picture with her mobile phone and sent it out. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that Ye Xuan was full of mystery, because the customer had never been to their store before, and he did n’t have to pay when he bought something. Showing her loyalty card from any of their black stores made her wonder.

And the two lines he wrote are:

"Since ancient times, why is there a trace of silk in the world?"

The handwriting of these two poems is exactly the same as the two poems and handwriting mounted on a plaque in the lobby of their headquarters ...

Shadow Country, Royal Group, conference room.

A huge high-level meeting is being held.

Perhaps because of disagreement, the senior leaders on both sides of the conference table are engaged in fierce quarrels and discussions.

A beautiful woman with three thousand silver wires sitting elegantly sitting on a throne in front of the conference room holding a tablet and playing games boringly, turning a blind eye to the controversy below.

She not only possesses the exquisite and flawless features, the glorious appearance of the country, has a super perfect figure, but also has the supreme power and status. She is the female president of the Royal Kingdom of the Shadow Kingdom. Her name is Sendi Aina !!

At the same time, she is also the founder of the Night Goddess and is known as the Night Goddess.

The black store is one of the brands managed by the Night God Temple.

"Tick ..."

Just as the crowd quarreled fiercely, the crisp sound of the mobile phone quietly sounded at this moment, so that the crowd who had the fierce quarrel at the scene gave a slight glance, his face was wrong, all stopped invariably to look at the source of the mobile phone sound .

They want to see who dares to play mobile phones at such meetings.

It's just that, when they saw the source of the phone ringing, they were aggressive, because the sound of the phone came from the group president, Sandy Anina!

Suddenly, the sound of the mobile phone made Anina beautifully wrinkled, and she quickly took out her phone to check ...

What appeared to her was Ye Xuan's vigorous and incisive poems written with a pen in Xinghai Heidian.

"How ... how is that possible?"

Looking at this vigorous and powerful pen, Anina stood up abruptly with incredible words in her mouth.

She was so familiar with this pen-word, it was the two poems written by the supreme man at that time ...

"Da da da……"

The next moment, she picked up her mobile phone and quickly walked towards the outside of the conference room, leaving many high-level executives in the conference room with a confused look and a dumbfounded look.

This is the first time that they have seen such a disorientation from the always calm and calm CEO ...

Out of the meeting room, Anina went straight into her independent office, dialed a five-digit number, and a clear and pleasant word came out: "Eddie, what was the handwriting of the photo you just sent me? What happened? "

"Dear Queen, that photo is from a branch in Xinghai, Huaxia. According to the manager of the shop, Ye Qiangwei, a mysterious and strange man came to the store to buy equipment and weapons, because he was not a regular customer service attendant, so he would Take out the paper and pen and write these two lines ... "

"After our comparison, we found that these two lines of poems are exactly the same in both the handwriting and writing style of our black shop headquarters!"

On the phone, there were words of great respect.

When she heard the words from the phone, Anina's heart set off a stormy sea, because she knew that those two poems were given to her by the well-known devil in the Western Shura world.

Three years ago, the demon was betrayed by a traitor, and fell under the siege of four other emperors.

But now the same words and verses appear again, so how can Anina not be shocked?

Could it be said that Lord Demon was not dead?

At this moment, Anina had too many thoughts flashing in her mind.

At the moment, she quickly said: "Pass me an order to block the news, and at the same time tell Ye Xinghai of the Xinghai Black Shop to try to make a good deal with the guest, never to investigate its identity! At the same time, the Royal Kingdom of the Shadow Kingdom Group in Xinghai She gave her full responsibility for project cooperation ... "


A respectful voice came across the phone.

Anina nodded slightly and hung up.

With a little groaning, she took out another cell phone and dialed a unique number, and there was no doubt in her mouth.

"Mina, I need you to go to Xinghai ..."