MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1741 Drop or die?

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"What a powerful move, my strongest sword is not as powerful as his!"

Eagle-eyed Sword Emperor Mihawk stared at the figure standing on the sky overlooking the common people scorchingly, murmured words in his mouth.

"too horrible!"

Emperor Liantian was shocked.

"He is stronger than the former emperor!"

Emperor Wangqing said solemnly.

"So strong!"

"Too strong! What has he experienced with this man? How did he do it?"

The Great Dark Night of the Great Universe Alliance, and the Great Emperor Yu Beast also looked shocked and shocked, looking at the Dragon Emperor as if he had seen a ghost.

They can imagine what would happen to them if they were swept by the attack just now.

Under this move, the military spirit and fighting will of the Cosmos Alliance can be described as a linear decline.


"The Dragon Emperor is invincible!"

"Long live the Dragon Emperor!"

After a brief shock, the warriors in the Dragon Nest, the comrades in the Wangxianlou, and the people of the Alchemist Guild were all excited and frantic, with endless excitement and excitement in their mouths.

It's really too strong, so powerful that people doubt life.

Compared with the look of excitement, the Dragon Nest Warriors, Wangxianlou and the Alchemist Guild, the people from the Great Alliance of the Universe are looking hard to see the extreme, and their hearts are full of dignity.

"Where are the hall masters?"

"Emperor Heitian, Emperor Hei, and the three ancient Emperors?"

"Could it be that Dragon Emperor just killed three adults with that trick?"

The sound of astonishment came from their mouths.

The dragon shadow flickered in the dragon emperor's eyes, raising his head to look into the distance.

His gaze seemed to cross the space to see the distant world.

Above a certain star in the distance, Heitian Emperor, Diablo Emperor, and Ancient Emperor are all covered in blood, hanging in the stars like murals.

"Isn't it dead?"

Longdi raised his brows, and his eyes flashed with cold light.

He seemed to feel the gaze of the Dragon Emperor, covered in blood, the Black Heaven Emperor, the Dark Emperor, and the Ancient Emperor whose armor was broken, their expressions were ugly, they stretched out their palms to wipe the blood from the corners of their mouths and rushed out.


The violent wind swept through, and the three blood-covered emperors broke through the air and reappeared in the cosmic alliance camp.


Seeing them covered in blood and embarrassed looks, everyone at the scene couldn't help but take a breath.

These are the three top figures in the universe, the emperor who is usually very powerful, and now he is shattered and bloody, like a beggar.

If it weren't for the breath of the great emperor they released, they would not recognize the three of them.

"Good! Very good! Very good!"

"Dragon Emperor, we underestimated your strength...but don't underestimate the three of us!"

"Your move didn't kill us just now, then we should kill you next!"

As their words fell, they rushed with energy, surrounded by countless thunders, holding weapons and carrying Ling Xun's killing intent towards the Dragon Emperor.

Upon seeing this, a hint of coldness and coldness flashed in Longdi's eyes.

He opened his arms again.


Seeing the Dragon Emperor's action, the faces of the Heitian Emperor, the Ancient Emperor, and the Dark Emperor who had rushed out had changed drastically, and the rush came to an abrupt halt, and they turned around and ran away.

At this moment, they are undoubtedly seriously injured, if they take the Dragon Emperor again, they will have to peel off even if they are not dead.


This funny scene made the Dragon Nest, Wangxianlou, and Medicine Refining Guild all laugh.

How much shadow did these three guys be cast by Lord Longdi?

The people of the Cosmos League just couldn't laugh at all.

The three titled emperors joined forces and were defeated by the Dragon Emperor!

"Do you still want to fight?"

Longdi's eyes were cold and he spoke indifferently.

"Of course you have to fight. The move just now has already used all of your power, and you won't be able to use it anymore for a while!"

Hei Tian Di stared at Long Di with a cold expression and spoke coldly.


As Heitiandi's words fell, he went straight to Longdi carrying Ling Xun's killing intent.

Not only that, the dark emperor and the ancient emperor also rushed out, one left and the other right, and launched a siege towards the dragon emperor.

Upon seeing this, Longdi's face was cold, a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, and his palms came out, and the cool-looking Jun Yan appeared in his hands, making him soar.

"Since you want to die, then this seat will fulfill you!"

As the Dragon Emperor's words fell, the Jun Yan sword in his hand was cut out like lightning, a series of vague sword shadows appeared, and endless sword light suddenly bloomed.

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Return to the Market!

Sword Eye 36 Types: Broken River!

Sword Eye 36 Types: Chasing the Dragon!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Type: Reach the Star!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Lan Yue!


Sword Eye 36 Types: Tu Emperor!

In just an instant, all the moves of the 36th Sword Eye were displayed by the Dragon Emperor.

For a time, the world faded, and the wind was surging!

The entire world was replaced by an indescribable terrifying sword aura.

At this moment, the huge sky seemed to be torn into countless fragments by the sharp sword aura, and it shattered like a mirror.



The screams suddenly sounded in the sky.

The Heitian emperor, the ancient emperor, and the dark emperor, who raised respect to the dragon emperor, were swallowed by the endless sword light before they rushed to the dragon emperor.

They seemed to be imprisoned in another dimension and torn apart by sword energy.


With the sound of Jun Yan sword returning to its sheath, the world was silent.

The torn void healed again, and a large rain of blood fell from mid-air.

Under people's shocking gaze, the ancient emperor's body slowly emerged in mid-air, and dense sword marks appeared on the surface of the body, which then burst into a cloud of blood mist.

His true soul of the great emperor was also annihilated!

Ancient Emperor, fall!


A violent cough sounded, blood and wounds all over, the Diablo Emperor who had broken one arm and the Heitian Di who was covered with scars slowly emerged, and a large amount of the blood of the Emperor flowed out of their bodies. It made them look very embarrassed.

There is no doubt that they were seriously injured!

Three titled emperors shot at the same time, but the final result was one death and two injuries.



Looking at the fallen ancient emperor, looking at the seriously injured Heitian emperor and the dark emperor, the people on the scene were shocked, and the eyes of the dragon emperor were full of undisguised shock and horror.

The sound of swallowing saliva and the sound of inhaling air-conditioning kept coming from their mouths.

That man is too powerful and terrifying.

He fought against the three titled emperors with one enemy and three. He was unscathed but left the three titled emperors dead and two injured.

Such a terrifying record can be said to have never appeared in the universe.

Is this man already so strong?

The Dragon Emperor calmly watched the Heitian Emperor and the Dark Emperor, and there was a cold voice in his mouth.

"Drop or die?"

PS: It will be over in a few days. Although it is a bit rushed, Xiaoming really tried his best to give everyone a perfect ending. At least the appearance of the Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk or the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng did not let everyone. Disappointed. Thank you all for your support and company along the way, love you all, yeah!

Read The Duke's Passion