MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1727 Completely defeated!

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The opponents of Violet, the female emperor of the universe, are three titled emperors who have survived for tens of thousands of years.

   Although their energy and blood are a bit depleted now, their strength is still strong, which is by no means comparable to that of ordinary titled emperors.

   Their names are Canggu Great, Wilderness Great, Taichu Great Emperor.

   Facing the strong siege of the three of Canggu, the wilderness, and the early emperor, the female emperor Violet did not fall into the slightest disadvantage, but always held the initiative.

   The strength of the great emperor who once ruled the star realm is extraordinary, and should not be underestimated.

   But after a long time unable to take down these three old things, the eyes of the star empress Violet were already full of impatient.

   She has lost the patience to continue to consume these three old things.

   Thinking of this, the killing intent in her eyes surged, and she threw out the dry smoke in her hand with some reluctance.


As the dry smoke was thrown away by her, her overall momentum changed and she appeared even more fierce. The majestic purple star power spread out from her body and turned into a statue of the great emperor that covered the sky behind her. The coercion of the titled domain master spread out from her body.

   "How about summoning the real body of the emperor? All have to die!"

   Seeing this, the Great Emperor Canggu, the Great Wilderness, and the Great Emperor had a cold light in their eyes, and they spoke without hesitation.

   At the moment when their words fell, the star power burst into their bodies, and the wild and ancient emperor's true form also appeared, carrying Ling Li's killing intent and rushed straight to the star realm Empress Violet.

   The three of them attacked Violet, the Empress of the Star Realm, in three different directions, without giving her the slightest chance to dodge.

   "Canggu punches!"

   "The Hammer of the Wilderness!"

   "The Sword of the Beginning!"

  In a short time, three powerful ultimate moves are to envelop the Astral Empress Violet.

   "Roland's Shield!"

   Star Realm Empress Violet's eyes flashed with icy light, and the star power flowed all over her body. A huge purple defensive cover enveloped her body, blocking all the attacks of the Great Emperor Canggu, the Great Wilderness, and the Great Emperor.

"how is this possible?"

   "Did one person block the attack of the three of us?"

   "How did she do this woman?"

   This scene made the three of the three of the Great Emperor Wilderness, Canggu, and Taichu all change their faces, and there was an incredible voice in their mouths.

   easily resisted their attack, the majestic star power burst out from the body of the star realm female emperor Violet, and the cold and solemn voice rang at this moment.

   "The Death of Mandala!"

   With the sound of this sound, countless petals floated up in the sky suddenly, which seemed so beautiful and fascinating.

   When the wilderness emperor, Canggu emperor, and the early emperor came back to their senses, they were already in the endless void.

A huge mandala flower covering the sky and the sun enveloped the three of them, and its vines covered with sharp barbed thorns even entangled the Wilderness Great, the Canggu Great, the Great Beginning Great Emperor and the others, making them even move. No.

   The majestic star power in their bodies is even absorbed by the mandala flower, making their complexions hard to see the extreme.

   "What the **** is this?"


   However, their words just fell silent, but their cold voice suddenly sounded.


   In the next moment, a screaming scream sounded.

   Under the horrified and desperate gazes of the Great Emperor of the Wilderness, the Great Emperor Canggu, and the Great Emperor of the Beginning, the branches and vines that entangled them suddenly shrank, and the sharp barbs pierced into their bodies, hanging them alive.

   The scarlet blood of the emperor fell on the mandala flower, making it look very beautiful.

   Astral Empress Violet stands on the mandala flower, like an enchanting and **** fairy, with the majestic energy pouring into her body, making her even more seductive and moving.

   In the black void space, the Dragon Emperor Lan Feng stood up against the wind, staring coldly at the two hideous Hei Tian Emperors in front of him, and the Dark Hei Emperor, with indifferent words in his mouth.

   "Do you have any other means? If there are none, then it's almost my turn!"

   Hearing the words of the Dragon Emperor, watching his appearance that was calm as water and warm as jade from beginning to end, the faces of the Hei Tian Emperor and the Dark Hei Emperor were extremely cold, and their expressions were hard to see the extreme.

   Although the two of them were enlightened by the Heavenly Sage Sovereign, and their strength was greatly improved, they still had difficulty defeating the Dragon Emperor with all their best efforts.

   Such a result makes the expressions of the two of them hard to see to the extreme.

   They have never encountered such a difficult enemy.

   It is clear that the realm of the two sides is the same, and even the two of them will be stronger, but still can't beat this guy, he is playing around.

   The keenness, intuition and combat experience of this guy completely surpassed them and surpassed them.

   "It looks like you are already out of luck! If that's the case, then it's my turn."

   Seeing that they didn't answer, Longdi's heart was already dark, and he spoke indifferently.

At the moment his words fell, endless dragon energy burst out from his body, illuminating this black space, and an unmatched aura came from the body of the dragon emperor. Spread out.

   Behind him, the huge and mysterious real body of the Great Emperor slowly appeared at this moment, standing on the top of the sky, making him steadily rising.

  He has a solemn expression and pinches with both hands. Behind him, a huge and ancient **** emerges, nine of them stand behind him.

With the change of the Dragon Emperor's seal, these nine gods who were enough to hire the beautiful titled emperor melted together at this moment, turning into a war **** surrounded by this golden dragon. He held the sacred sword of Jun Yan and stood in the sky. At the top, overlooking the common people.

  The Dragon Emperor calmly watched the Diablo Emperor and the indifferent words from the Heitian Emperor’s mouth.

   "I created this trick as I wanted, and I haven't used it so far. I don't know how powerful it is. I will try it with you today."

   Hearing the words of the Dragon Emperor, he felt his rising aura at this moment. Looking at the golden dragon war **** standing in the sky, the faces of the Heitian Emperor and the Diablo Emperor were ugly to the extreme. They gritted their teeth abruptly, and cold words came from their mouths.

   "Now that the battle has reached this level, we have no retreat, but we have to fight him hard!"

As their words fell, their momentum skyrocketed, and two huge emperor bodies appeared, and then their bodies suddenly retreated, and their great emperor bodies carried endless killing intent to the dragon. The emperor is gone.

   At the moment of rushing out, the killing intent in the eyes of the Heitian Emperor and the Dark Hei Emperor surged, and the power in their bodies madly poured into his real body of the Great Emperor, and they said coldly when their real body rushed to the Dragon Emperor.

   "Dragon Emperor, go to **** for you! Great Emperor Xianbang!"

   At the moment their words fell, they actually detonated their great emperor.

   At this time, the Dragon Emperor's energy storage was finally completed, and when he pointed it out, cold words came out of his mouth.

   "Tenth Form of God's Fury: I alone dominate!"

   At the moment his words fell, the golden war **** behind him rushed out.


   In the next instant, a huge explosion sounded through the sky.

  A huge mushroom cloud blooms in the sky, and in this vast starry sky, all 100,000 miles have been razed to the ground!


   The face of Hei Tiandi and Dark Heidi, who were retreating crazily, changed drastically. They were swept away by the energy of the explosion. Bright red blood spurted out of their mouths, and their bodies flew out at a faster speed.

   "Ahem... dead?"

   Steadily stabilized, looking at the burning sea of ​​fire, cold and bitter voices came from their mouths.


   However, their words just fell silent, and a shocking scene happened suddenly.

   Under their horrified and horrified gaze, a huge golden dragon rushed out from the center of the explosion, opened its mouth and bit at them and swallowed it.

"Do not……"

   This sudden change made their faces changed drastically and they let out a desperate cry.


   In the next instant, their bodies were swallowed by the domineering golden dragon.

   The center of the explosion, surrounded by golden light, the domineering Dragon Emperor slowly walked out.


  A trace of black blood dripped down his clothes.

   The attacks performed by the two titled emperors at the expense of exploding the emperor’s true body before they died were indeed terrifying, and they caused him to suffer skin injuries and bleed.

   Dragon Emperor's expression was calm, his heart moved, the huge enchantment gradually dissipated, and he walked towards the outside.

   Hei Tian Di and Di Hei Di are dead, and now the only threat is the Holy Monarch of Heaven.

While the Dragon Emperor and the others solved their opponents, Ling Chi, Wu Shen Wu Qianjue, Ye Sifeng, Chu Nan, God Killing Heaven, Zi Yao, Wang Qing the Great, and Lian Tian Great also took their respective opponents at this moment. Give the kill solution.

  In a short time, a large number of enchantments dispersed, and countless corpses of the Great Emperor fell down from the midair.

   Ye Xuan, Dragon Emperor, Astral Empress Violet, Eagle Eye Sword Emperor Mihawk, Wu Qianjue and their figures are slowly revealed.

   The top powerhouses of the Cosmos Alliance almost all fell and defeated at this moment.

   Looking at the battlefield that was still fighting, their eyes flickered, and they went straight to the various circles.

   After a while, the cold and majestic voices of Ye Xuan and Long Di resounded throughout the world.

   "Listen to the people of the Cosmos Alliance, Hei Tiandi, Dark Hei, Dark Night, Beast Master and others all died in battle, you have already lost!"

The    sound resounded like a rainbow, spread all over every battlefield and fell into the ears of the people of the Cosmos Alliance, making their complexion greatly changed. They raised their heads and looked at the silhouettes that stood in the sky, and their eyes were full of deep shock and amazement.

   "The Dark Emperor, the Dark Emperor, they are all dead, lost?

   At this moment, their fighting spirit dropped sharply and their morale fell to the extreme.

   After all, in their minds, the Dark Emperor, the Dark Emperor is their supreme leader.

   But now they are all dead?

   This is undoubtedly a huge blow to them.

   Finally, they reluctantly chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

   At this point, the war that burned the entire Hei Mingtian domain gradually came to an end.

   Now, the only enemy left is Heavenly Sovereign.

   It's just that he was dragged into the reincarnation star realm by the Milky Way, the Purple Phoenix, and they couldn't see their battle and situation at all, and they couldn't help.

  Everyone can only wait patiently.


   At this moment, a huge explosion suddenly sounded.

   The void suddenly shattered, and a blood-drenched figure flew out of the shattered void, slammed into the distant stars, and lifted up dust in the sky.

   "Purple Phoenix!"

   "Emperor Galaxy!"

   When people see the figure clearly, their complexion can't help but change.

   Ye Xuan rushed over at the first instant.

   "Purple Phoenix, how are you?"

   "Purple Phoenix..."

   Ye Xuan held Zihuang's body, and there was a voice of concern.

   He quickly checked the Purple Phoenix, only to find that there was no star power in the Purple Phoenix, and he became a mortal.

   "How could this be? Purple Phoenix..."

   "Ahem...I'm fine, I can't die...Be careful of that guy, he can deprive the emperor Daoguo strong."

   Purple Phoenix's face was pale, and he spoke weakly.

   "Haha...Nine heavens and ten earths, I alone dominate, who can do anything to me in this vast universe?"

   His words just fell silent, and the cheerful laughter rang out at this moment.

   With the sound of this sound, under the horrifying gaze of people, the figure of the heavenly monarch slowly emerged.

   Not only did this guy not suffer the slightest harm in the battle with the Purple Phoenix, but at this moment he became even more powerful and terrifying, which shocked and shocked the people on the scene.