MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1726 Fighting Monkey Hair

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The majestic black air current was like a galloping wild beast towards Ye Xuan, Ling Chi, Soul Yuying and the others whizzed, making their faces cold and solemn.

This thing brought them a strong crisis before they even touched it, and intuition told them that if it was stained at all, there would be no bones left.

Perhaps this is how the bones in the hall came.

"Judge the Great Demon Realm!"

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan's face became cold, his hair continued to grow and turned white, and a piece of dawn armor burning with white holy light emerged on his body. The majestic white holy light whizzed forward with his body as the center. Out, and collided with those black air currents.


A huge collision sounded, and the black air current that was enough to swallow and destroy everything was resisted and swallowed by the white holy light. The entire hall was burning with white holy light, like a flame hell.

Both Qin Qingxia and Ling Chi also showed a battle armor of dawn on their bodies, which made their vigor and combat effectiveness increased greatly.

This result made them extremely happy, one left and one right followed Ye Xuan towards the bone dragon, and launched a siege on it.

Seeing that his breath was actually resolved by that kid in this way, a strange color flashed in Bone Dragon's eyes, and a cold voice came from his mouth.

"Kidd said that you have the strange fires on the cosmic strange fire list. Now it seems to be good. No wonder those guys will lose in your hands."

As the bone dragon's words fell, it let out a sky-shaking roar, dragged its huge body towards Ye Xuan and the others, and fought with Ye Xuan and the others with monstrous power.

After experiencing the fierce battle just now, not only was this guy not injured, but he became more fierce and tough. Facing Ye Xuan and the three of them, they had the absolute upper hand in the siege, even if it was Ye Xuan and they did everything they could. It's hard to fight.

"The real body of the ancient god!"

At the moment, Ye Xuan's face was cold, his body was surging with divine power, six ancient gods appeared in the center of his eyebrows, and his body suddenly swelled and transformed into a giant, and a wild aura of looking over the world diffused out of his body.

"It turns out to be an ancient god, but... you have just entered the six stars, and you are not an opponent of this king at all! If you can swallow and absorb you, this king will completely evolve and transform... Tsk tsk, this is really a surprise."

Looking at Ye Xuan, who was incarnate as an ancient god, Bone Dragon spoke greedily and hotly.

The ancient **** in front of him is definitely the most satisfying prey he has encountered over the years.

"Nine Heavens Sword Domain!"

Ling Chi also displayed his realm of the world at this moment, dragging Ye Xuan and the others into the endless world of swords.

Ye Xuan's white sacred fire was burning in this sword world, vast and growing.

"Suzaku's true body!"

Qin Qingxia also summoned her real body master without hesitation at this moment.

They stood in the void with Ye Xuan, staring at the bone dragon in front of them, like three peerless gods of war.

"Haha...some ability, not weaker than those guys just now, but unfortunately it has no effect. Obediently become the delicacy in the king's mouth, the energy of evolution!"

Upon seeing this, the Bone Dragon didn't care, and sneered.


As his words fell, black flames burned on its huge body, and a dark black dragon scale armor formed, turning him into a black dragon, extremely fierce.

In the next instant, it rushed out towards Ye Xuan and the others with a monstrous fierce might.


Ye Xuan's expressions were cold, and they also rushed out to launch a fierce attack on the bone dragon, displaying all the means.

Unfortunately, still unable to break through the defense of this skull dragon.

After this guy put on this black dragon scale armor, his combat power and defense power increased dozens of times.

Even if Ye Xuan displayed the real body of the ancient god, fighting with the ancient **** cauldron was invalid.

Because it is a different species in itself, and it also possesses the power of immortality.

After a fierce battle, Ye Xuan, Ling Chi, Qin Qingxia and the others were already covered in wounds, and blood was standing everywhere, but the skull dragon was fierce, and there were no scars on his body.

Even Ye Xuan and the others didn't even break the dragon scale armor on it.

This guy has existed here for tens of thousands of years and has survived for countless years. There have been countless monks who came to crusade and were defeated in its hands. It has become its delicacy, and it is no less powerful.

"Is this your method and trump card?"

"If you don’t have other means, then just behave and catch it. For the sake of playing with this king for so long, this king can make you suffer less pain before you die, unlike those guys who are miserable. Up."

The bone dragon was suspended in mid-air, with a huge body covering the sky and the sun, looking down at Ye Xuan, Ling Chi and Qin Qingxia.


Ye Xuan and the three of them looked at each other and let out a sigh of foul breath, the endless power in their bodies surged, and they decided to use the last resort to fight the bone dragon.

"It seems that you are not planning to compromise, if so, let you deeply feel the despair!"

Upon seeing this, the bone dragon's eyes instantly turned bloody, and a cold and cruel voice came from its mouth.


It uttered a roar to the sky, and its terrifying aura spread, shattering the floating planet. Ye Xuan and the others were struck by lightning, vomiting blood in their mouths, flying upside down like a kite with a broken wire.

"Feel death and become the king's delicacy!"

The bone dragon rushed out like lightning, and instantly appeared in front of Qin Qingxia. The sharp dragon claws came out, grabbed her in his hand, and then stuffed it into its mouth.


Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan, Ling Chi's expression changed.

"I'm leaving, take care!"

Seeing that the bone dragon was about to swallow Qin Qingxia into her abdomen, Qin Qingxia exhausted her last bit of strength to crush her token.

The invisible power spread, her body gradually became empty and transparent, and finally disappeared without a trace, making the bone dragon bite empty.

Seeing this scene, both Ye Xuan and Qin Qingxia couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Damn... I forgot that you still have the token given by that guy..."

When the prey that reached its mouth ran away, the bone dragon was extremely angry. It looked terrifying, and rushed towards Ye Xuan and the others with monstrous anger, looking fierce.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan and their faces changed, and they only felt that their bodies were enveloped by tremendous pressure. They were about to do their work, but the bone dragon roared from the sky.

"Still domain!"

In the next moment, Ye Xuan, Ling Chi and their bodies couldn't move at all.

No matter how hard they struggle, it is useless.

At this moment, as if time had stopped, only the bone dragon could move.

"You are done."

An icy voice came from Bone Dragon's mouth, and he opened his big mouth and bit towards Ye Xuan and the others.

When the crisis came, Ye Xuan and their bodies couldn't move at all, they could only watch the blood bowl magnify in their eyes.

Seeing the crisis approaching, Ye Xuan gritted his teeth abruptly, and his soul power surged, urging the Doutian Monkey Hair bestowed by Emperor Doutian! "boom!"

A breath of terror broke out without warning.

A huge ancient phantom stood in front of Ye Xuan and Ling Chi.

Emperor Doutian turned out.

He was holding the heaven-shaking sacred rod, and with great power, he smashed the bone dragon that opened his huge mouth and bite!


Such a sudden change caused the Bone Dragon's face to change drastically, and an unprecedented crisis surged in his heart.

Looking at this huge phantom, looking at the sky-shaking divine wand carrying the supreme divine power, he wanted to dodge but it was too late.

In the next moment, the trembling magic stick directly hit the bone dragon's head.


The terrifying energy roared horizontally, endless power roared out, and rushed into the bone dragon's body ruthlessly, destroying everything.

In Ye Xuan, under the horrified and shocking gazes of Ling Chi and their gaze, the indestructible black dragon scales on the surface of the bone dragon collapsed and burst out, revealing his body.

However, all of this did not end.

Because of his huge body, because he could not withstand the great power of Emperor Doutian, a series of fine cracks appeared.

The cracks continued to spread vertically and horizontally, and finally its huge body collapsed and shattered suddenly, turning into sky fragments and falling down.

"So strong!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Xuan and Ling Chi both had their faces shocked. They never expected that the avatar that Doutian Great Emperor had transformed was so powerful that they would defeat this fierce bone dragon with one blow.

The bone dragon shattered, and Ye Xuan and their bodies resumed their actions. He was about to speak, but the angry roar rang out at this moment.


"who are you?"

As this angry roar sounded, the broken body of the bone dragon that was originally smashed by the Great Emperor Doutian began to reorganize and finally became the original appearance, glaring at the Great Emperor Doutian clone.

"Huh? A mere skull dragon has mastered the power of time and space retrospect?"

Upon seeing this, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the Great Emperor Doutian, and a cold voice came out of his mouth.

"However, I still don't see enough in front of this emperor! I'm in a hurry, so...a solution."

At the moment when Emperor Doutian's words fell, he grabbed the magic wand, rushed out, and smashed the bone dragon fiercely with wild power.

"Time and Space Roar!"

Seeing this scene, Bone Dragon's face changed drastically, and the voice of angry and ghoulish words came out.


As his words fell, the endless power in his body surged, and huge energy bullets condensed in its huge mouth.

Unfortunately, his movements were too slow in front of Emperor Doutian.

In the next instant, Emperor Doutian's magic stick directly hit his head again.

The huge body of the bone dragon collapsed suddenly.

This time, he was never able to regroup again.

A mysterious light group is quietly suspended in mid-air.


Emperor Doutian turned his head to look at Ye Xuan, his body slowly disappeared without a trace.

"So strong, is this the power of the emperor?"

Looking at the disappearing Emperor Doutian, Ye Xuan and Ling Chi spoke with shocked faces.

They never thought that this fierce bone dragon would be so easily solved by the clone of Emperor Doutian.

Withdrawing their thoughts, their eyes fell on the mysterious light group floating in the air.