MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1723 Bone Dragon Palace

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There is a huge bone dragon palace at the bottom of Wanling Shenquan Lake.

The entire dragon palace is built of dense white bones, and it looks very strange and eerie, like a terrible hell.

At the gate of the White Bone Dragon Palace, there are undead guards guarding them, and it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to get in.

In the deep palace of the White Bone Dragon Palace, a bone dragon that is difficult to see the whole body occupies, surrounded by energy crystals or energy light clusters shining with colorful divine light, making him look noble and mysterious.

If the monks outside see these things, they will be shocked and shocked, because these energy crystals or energy light clusters are not mortal things, but the origin of the domain master and the heart of the domain master.

They were obtained by the skull dragon in front of him by slaughtering countless domain masters over a long period of time. They represent its dazzling record and are its most precious collection.

Kidd's figure appeared in the dark palace, and his gaze toward the bone dragon was full of unabashed respect and awe, and a low voice came out from his mouth.

"Kid sees his master!"

"Find out what happened outside?"

The cold voice of the bone dragon echoed in the hall.

"Enlighten Master, it has been investigated clearly! A group of testers from the outside have come outside, and they come here to capture the origin of the domain master and the heart of the domain master in your hands."

Kidd replied respectfully.

"Is that so?"

Bone Dragon's eyes shone with blood, and asked coldly: "Where are they?"

"The subordinates are incompetent and could not capture them! Although there are only three of those guys, their strength is not weak, especially for a kid who has a different fire on the cosmic fire list, which is extremely restrained for us. It was difficult to defeat and many people were lost."

Kidd's voice is still respectful.

"The strange fire on the cosmic strange fire list? Tsk tsk... This is a good thing, but one of the king's favorite collections! I didn't expect someone to take the initiative to send it to the door."

The sharp light in the eyes of the bone dragon flickered, and unabashed greed appeared on his face.

Kidd hesitated for a moment and continued to speak: "Master, according to past experience, those guys will probably summon a large number of companions to attack us in a short time."

"Haha... so better, we have human flesh that hasn't been tasted for thousands of years. Those guys must be delicious, but they are much better than the devil cow! The order is passed on and all the undead guards are ready for battle , And opened the way to the Dragon Palace, bringing all the human monks here. This king wants to have a good meal."

At the moment, Gu Long said with a sharp face.


As his words fell, Kidd quickly stepped back respectfully.

The faint light in the dark hall gradually dimmed, and the figure of the bone dragon slowly disappeared.

Over the Ten Thousand Spirits Sacred Spring Lake, as Ye Xuan and the others spread the news that it had the origin of the domain master and the heart of the domain master, there are now densely packed powerhouses here.

They hovered in the air, looking at the emerald green lake below, their brows wrinkled together.

"Does it really have the origin and heart of the domain master?"

"This lake is the sacred spring of all souls, and it must contain peerless treasures, but it also contains peerless and fierce things. It is not bottomless, and I dare not sneak in!"

"Is there any brother who is willing to take the lead? This son is willing to pay a lot of money to ask him to explore the way!" Everyone was babbling, and no one dared to dive into the lake rashly. What you cultivate is the water attribute star power.

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man, and someone now sneaks into the lake of the all-spirit divine spring after collecting the two realm master origins.


It's a pity that this guy had just jumped into the lake before he had time to make waves. A big mouth of the blood basin suddenly burst out of the lake. Under the horrified and astonished eyes of people, he was caught by this blood The basin swallowed.

This fierce scene caused the people at the scene to take a breath, and their expressions looked particularly solemn.

Ye Xuan, who was dressed in a different outfit among the crowd, Ling Chi, Qin Qingxia and the others all frowned when they saw this scene.

This Wanling Shenquan Lake looked more ferocious and dangerous than before.

"Hehe...a group of ants, even if they dare not go down to fetch a Ten Thousand Spirits Sacred Spring Lake, they really lost the face of my generation of monks."

Just when people were hesitant, the crisp sound of abuse rang out at this moment.

With the sound of this sound, under the gaze of people's eyes, a young man rode a huge divine bird from a distance.

He was black and dressed in black, and he was full of a breath of contempt for the world, and a majestic coercion spread from his body.

This guy is a half-step domain master.

"His Sixth Highness Liu Shaodong of the Black Soul Palace!"

"Isn't he only the title master cultivation base? When did he break through and he became a half-step domain master?"

"Could it be that this guy got a huge adventure after entering here, breaking through to the half-step domain major cultivation base?"

Seeing the arrival of Liu Shaodong, the people at the scene looked solemn and opened the door abruptly.

"Brother Liu, you came just right. The situation here needs talents and leaders like you to preside over the overall situation."

Seeing the arrival of Liu Shaodong, Tai Tianming, the holy son of the Holy Land of the Beginning, greeted him and said with a smile.

Although Tai Tianming's cultivation is slightly inferior to Liu Shaodong's, he is a titled realm master with powerful strength, and their relationship between the Holy Land of the Beginning and the Black Soul Palace is even better.

"It's just a mere ten thousand spirits sacred spring lake, can't you just break into it?"

Liu Shaodong didn't care.

"go with!"

With a thought to him, the sacred bird under his feet swooped toward the huge lake, and a majestic coercion suddenly fell, causing waves to rise above the Wanling Shenquan Lake.

"come back!"

As if feeling something, Liu Shaodong's face changed slightly, and he shouted sharply.

The sacred bird that had flew towards the lake suddenly flew back.

Under the gaze of people's consternation and doubt, a huge whirlpool appeared in the center of the huge lake, with wind and waves surging.

In the center of the whirlpool, a mysterious and gloomy bone dragon palace is looming, appearing in people's sight, making their look suddenly hot and greedy.

"This White Bone Dragon Palace was actually built from the bones of the Slaughter Gods, this hand is simply terrifying!"

"There must be a treasure in the White Bone Dragon Palace. It seems that the rumors of the origin of the domain master and the heart of the domain master are true!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Brothers, rush!"

In the next moment, these guys couldn't care much anymore, rushing towards the vortex at a super fast speed, and went straight to the Crystal Dragon Palace. They know very well that it is impossible for them to compete for the final Azure Dragon Order with their current strength. The only thing they can do is to find opportunities and improve their strength as much as possible before that. Qualified to compete for the final Azure Dragon Order.

Therefore, they will never miss any opportunity to become stronger, and they are even less willing to miss the opportunity.

Seeing that the cultivators rushing out in front were not even more attacked or in danger, Liu Shaodong and Tai Tianming also rushed out with people like lightning.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan, Ling Chi, and Qin Qingxia all followed silently and rushed into the whirlpool.

After everyone rushed into the whirlpool, the turbulent lake gradually became calm and the whirlpool gradually disappeared.

When they rushed into the whirlpool, people only felt a flower in front of them, and when they recovered, they had already appeared at the bottom of the lake.

In front of them is a magnificent, huge bone dragon palace.


Looking at the White Bone Dragon Palace, people looked excited and rushed towards the White Bone Dragon Palace frantically.

At this moment, the accident protruded.

"Shoo, hoo..."

The densely packed bone arrows burst out from the White Bone Dragon Palace without warning, carrying Ling Li's killing intent and turning into a torrent of people, trying to engulf them.

Every bone arrow contained a deadly danger, enough to kill the half-step world master. Countless bone arrows shot out, shocking the scene and bringing people even more deadly crisis.

"No, there is an ambush!"

"Afraid of a fart, it's just a bone arrow, how can you stand me?"

"Hehe, as long as there are great opportunities, there are dangers, the treasures of heaven and earth can be obtained by those who have the ability, and I will not take a step back!"

After a moment of panic, the monks calmed down, distributed their cultivation bases, picked up their weapons, and displayed a powerful counterattack. A bone arrow was shot down by them, and the majestic attack came from them. Bombarded from his hands, bombed towards the Crystal Dragon Palace, triggering a series of explosions.

"Eighteen Soul Sky Cannon!"

Liu Shaodong's expression was cold, and he spoke coldly.

As his words fell, his storage ring flashed light, and a magical instrument that resembled a heavy cannon appeared in his hand. The black star power poured into it and combined with his right arm. It burst out, knocking down all the bone arrows from the blast, and blasting the undead guards in the room in the Dragon Palace.

"Sorrowful God Weeping Bow!"

Tai Tianming is also showing off his skills, a golden longbow emerged in his hand.

This bow and arrow is called the Sorrowful Sky Weeping God Bow.

With Taitian Mingshen's bow in hand, his momentum climbed steadily, shooting arrows with his bow, one arrow shot out, turning into a phoenix burning around the flames, and engulfing everything along the way.

"Dead Guards, all attack! Attack!"

At this moment, a cold and majestic voice rang.

"Boom boom boom!"

With the sound of this sound, a dense army of undead rushed out of the Bone Dragon Palace.

They were so powerful that they rushed out like an army with endless murderous intent and fought fiercely with the monks rushing towards the Bone Dragon Palace.

Waves of majestic energy spread out from the center of their battle, swallowing everything around them.


Suddenly, at the door of the White Bone Dragon Palace, the shouts of killing were shaking!

Read The Duke's Passion