MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1696 Ye Xuan VS Liu Qingyue (2)

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The Black Flame Underworld, one of Liu Qingyue’s biggest trump cards and reliances, was formed by the fusion of his world master domain and the power of heaven when he broke through the titled world master. The power is even greater and terrifying, with powerful destructive and destructive power , Once he used this trick to kill eight masters of the world at once.

The raging black flames in the Heiyan Underworld burned, and the black flames were everywhere in the entire void world, like a black sea of ​​fire.

The slaughter gods of heaven and earth, surrounded by the slaughter gas, slowly appeared in the sea of ​​fire, and there were thousands of heads.

They are huge in size, a hundred feet tall, and look at the ancient gods. They seem to be decapitated or they do not have a head. They have long arms and two blood-colored eyes in the palms of their hands. They are huge bodies. Wrapped in the burning blood flames, holding a battle knife, a long spear, or a battle shield in his hand, it is like an army from hell, full of a breath of fear and even suffocation.

This is the thousand strange beasts that Liu Qingyue has spent countless energy searching for in the universe, killing them, drawing their beast souls into her black flame underworld, and letting them have the majesty of the past. Reproduced and became his huge weapon.

Every alien beast Slaughter God possesses the fighting power to hire a powerful master of the United States. A thousand Slaughter Gods is equivalent to a thousand realm masters, which makes people feel extremely suffocated and desperate.

This is also the reason why Liu Qingyue was given the title Thousand Slaughter, and he was honored as the Lord of Thousand Slaughter.

Liu Qingyue stood on his nearly ten thousand-meter-large realm master Zhen, and a thousand ancient and mysterious planets slowly rotated behind him, and the majestic star power poured into his body, flowing into the bodies of those Slaughter Gods. Make them more vigorous and stronger.

At this moment, Liu Qingyue was like a general who ruled the world's strongest army.

Ye Xuan stood in the air, looking solemnly at the fierce Slaughter God in front of him, at the burning black flames, and at Liu Qingyue standing far away, feeling a huge threat and pressure in his heart.

This Liu Qingyue is definitely one of the strongest opponents he has ever encountered.

At the same time, Ye Xuan's heart also surged with an unprecedented war spirit.

Defeat Liu Qingyue and absorb it, then he should be able to advance to the Six-Star Ancient God, right?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan took a deep breath, his expression became solemn, endless icy blue flames burst out of his body to resist the burning of black inflammation, his hair turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye. A white unfolding on his body slowly condensed, and the icy blue flame burning on the surface of his body also turned white at this moment. The dazzling white holy light gleamed on the whole body, making him look extremely sacred.

White dragon form, open!

"Everything you are doing now is in vain. Enjoy the last moment of your life slowly and kill him!"

Liu Qingyue stood against the wind, pulling out the long sword in his hand and pointing at Ye Xuan.

Oh oh oh!

As his words fell, the piercing horn sounded quietly at this moment, and the mouths of a large number of strange beasts Slaughter God's chest let out an angry roar, carrying endless killing intent towards Ye Xuan.

Thousands of monsters, who are strong enough to hire the beauty of the world, all start the charge at this moment. Such a battle is vast and it makes people feel desperate.

Wherever they pass along the way, a wild wind blows up, and the burning black flame is attached to them like a ghost fire, making them more vigorous and fierce, like an army of giant beasts controlled by evil spirits.

They weren't near yet, a breath of suffocation and despair spread over the surface, bringing Ye Xuan a powerful oppression, causing a deep crisis in Ye Xuan's heart.

These guys are very dangerous, if you let them get close, then Ye Xuan will be in endless trouble.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan looked solemn, the majestic power in his body whizzed, and the terrifying star power continuously poured into the dragon blade in his hand.

The endless sword intent in his eyes surged and slashed out with a sharp sword.


The rays of light circulated, the power of terror roared horizontally, and the brilliant sword aura burst out, tearing the void in front of him, a huge black river appeared out of thin air, blocking Ye Xuan’s front, endless mutant walking corpses from the river It rushed out from the middle, rushing towards the army of the slaughter gods of different beasts like a ghost.

Sword Eye 36 Types: Broken River!


The fierce roar of the slaughter gods of different animals sounded, and the mutant walking corpses rushing out of the black Styx could easily tear them apart in front of them like ants, and could not stop them at all.

In the next instant, they rushed into the Styx blocking Ye Xuan one after another. At this moment, their slender and thick hands crossed the black Styx and time and space, reaching into another dimension to grasp Ye Xuan. Come.

Not only that, but also the monster Slaughter God rushed out of the torn space in the Styx, appeared in front of Ye Xuan and launched the most ferocious attack on him.

At this moment, a strong crisis came, and Ye Xuan was already in the endless crisis, and he was going to face the slaughter of a thousand different beasts.

At this moment, these strange beast slaughter gods were like death gods coming out of **** and attacked Ye Xuan, making him look cold and ugly.

However, at this time, Ye Xuan did not intend to back down, and there was no reason to back down.

The strong are fearless, but only a thousand heads!

The dragon blade in his hand was unsheathed and rushed out violently, waving the dragon blade one by one, and the endless sword energy rushed out from his eyes, and the tearing of the void merged with the sword energy!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Type: Thunder!

Sword Eye 36 Type: Qianlong!

Sword Eye 36 Types: Destroy the City!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Breaking the Sky!

Sword Eye 36 Types: Exile!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Cold Light!

Sword Eye Thirty-Six Types: Burning Heaven!


Powerful sword moves were continuously displayed in Ye Xuan's hands, endless sword aura rushed and roared, one after another, Slaughter God fell under Ye Xuan’s slaughter, but there were more Slaughter Gods who were not afraid of life and death. Come here!

And even if there was a monster Slaughter God who was killed by Ye Xuan, it didn't take long for these guys to be resurrected in the Black Flame Underworld, and besiege Ye Xuan again.

Because they are not physical existence at all, but the beast souls that Liu Qingyue extracted are fused into their realm master domain. As long as the star power continues, then they can continuously rebirth. As long as he does not die, then these alien beasts Slaughter God will be immortal.

This is the power and horror of the titled world master!

The killing is constant, the sword is not stopping!

Facing the continuous siege of Thousand Heads of Alien Beasts Slaughter God, Ye Xuan's movements gradually slowed down, and he would be consumed alive because of his physical strength being consumed.

As for Liu Qingyue, this guy stood in the distance, standing on top of the real body of the world master watching the good show with great interest.

Observing the battle for a long time, Ye Xuan had already discovered the secret, knowing that fighting with these Slaughter Gods had no effect, it was just a futile effort.

Only by defeating Liu Qingyue, who controls these strange beasts and slaughter gods and provides them with strength, can solve the current dilemma and problems.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan simply stopped fighting these alien beasts and slaughter gods, but turned into streamers and went straight to Liu Qingyue.

"Things looking for death, the Hand of Thousand Slaughter!"

Upon seeing this, Liu Qingyue flashed a trace of coldness in her eyes, and a trace of coldness and disdain flashed on her face, pinching the tactics with her hands, endless star power flowed, and a cold voice came from his mouth.


As his words fell, Thousand Heads of Alien Beasts Slaughter God raised up to the sky and let out a roar. At this moment, Qi Qi stretched out his huge palm and grabbed it towards Ye Xuan, and their arms continued to stretch, forming a huge circle. The encircling circle sealed Ye Xuan's retreat.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's sight was only the head of the 1,000 Slaughter Gods, and the strange blood-colored eyes in the center of their palms made Ye Xuan's expression drastically changed, and a horror surged in his heart.

Those eyes can disturb the mind, making him unable to look directly.

The power contained in those palms made him look solemn and there was nowhere to escape.

At this moment, Ye Xuan was completely forced into a desperate situation, and there was no way out.

Want to escape, can't escape!

Want to go, can't go!

Only a last stand!

Looking at the palms he grabbed, Ye Xuan looked solemn, took a deep breath, and slowly spit out the rich foul air from his mouth, while the endless star power was poured into the dragon blade by him.

In the next instant, the dragon blade's rays were radiant, and the endless blue cold air swept in all directions around Ye Xuan's body.

Dragon Blade Half-Solved-Mosasaurus's Wrath!


The endless icy water with a monstrous coldness rushed in all directions centered on Ye Xuan's body, setting off huge waves and tsunamis.

All they pass along the way are swallowed by sea water, and then frozen by the icy air contained in the sea water.

The thousand god-slaughtering ghost hands that were rushing towards Ye Xuan collided with the howling sea water, rolling up a huge wave.

The wild power roared in all directions, and the strong ice-bound power spread. The palms of those caught Slaughter Gods were ice-bound on the spot, and the ice-bound spread along their arms, and their bodies were also ice-bound. , Turning them into a striking ice sculpture and then being swallowed by the tossing waves, smashed into nothingness...

The entire world burning with black flames instantly turned into an ocean!


Mosasaron's roar sounded, and a huge ancient Mosasaur rushed out of the rushing deep sea, opening its blood basin with a mouthful of endless killing intent and biting away at Liu Qingyue who was standing in the wind.

Thousands of different beasts and Slaughter Gods were instantly destroyed, and the dragon suddenly roared and rushed out, biting.

This series of changes caused Liu Qingyue's face to change slightly. He didn't expect Ye Xuan to have such a powerful assassin.

Looking at the mosquito who was biting and howling, a cold and fierce light flashed in his eyes.

With a thought in his mind, he controlled the huge real body of the realm master holding the ancient and mysterious holy sword and slammed towards the dragon at a speed as fast as lightning that pierced the night.


A scream of screams came from Canglong's mouth, and its head was pierced by the mysterious holy sword held by the real body of Liu Qingyue.

Then, his huge body burst open.

The howling sea also faded away at this moment.

Although Ye Xuan's Wrath of the Dragon had destroyed the Thousands of Alien Beasts Slaughter God, it did not cause any harm to Liu Qingyue, and was blocked by him forcibly.

However, taking advantage of the gap where Liu Qingyue blocked the Wrath of the Dragon, Ye Xuan had already reached Liu Qingyue's.

The golden ancient star on the center of his eyebrows appeared, the rays of light flowed, his right hand clenched a fist, and he slammed it out with violent power.

With Ye Xuan's punch, an ancient **** of vicissitudes emerged behind him, exuding a wild aura and an invincible, unbreakable domineering attitude!

This is the unique skill of the ancient gods-ancient **** tyrant fist!

This sudden change caused Liu Qingyue's face to change drastically, and a strong crisis filled his heart, causing him to burst out of shape.

It is a pity that Ye Xuan's figure and fists are chasing him like a tarsal maggot, bringing him a violent crisis, making his face extremely cold and ugly.

Seeing Ye Xuan's fist screaming, Liu Qingyue crossed his arms and quickly blocked him.

His real body master wrapped his body at this moment and made the same defensive action!


The dull collision sounded, and Ye Xuan's fist slammed heavily on the crossed arms of the real body of Liu Qingyue. The majestic power of the ancient gods roared out like wild beasts and poured into Liu arrogantly In the real body of Qingyue's realm master, his expression was solemn and ugly.

"Kacha Kacha..."

The sound of the crack spreading quietly sounded. Under Liu Qingyue’s horrified gaze, thin cracks appeared on the arms of his real body, and the cracks continued to spread vertically and horizontally, toward other parts of the body. Spread away.


In the end, under Liu Qingyue's horrified gaze, his real body of the realm master burst out at this moment because he couldn't bear the terrifying energy contained in Ye Xuan's punch.


Ye Xuan's fist hit Liu Qingyue's body unabated.

His cross-blocking arms twisted and deformed in an instant, and Ye Xuan's fist shook his arms open and hit his chest fiercely.

The sound of broken bones and the sound of blood vomiting sounded.


A large amount of black blood spurted from his mouth, and his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken wire, smashing down on the distant planets behind him, blasting the stars.

Upon seeing this, Ye Xuan's eyes were more cold. He did not give up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water, but rushed out like a lightning, his figure turned into nine ghosts and appeared in front of Liu Qingyue, waving the whip. The leg kicked out.


A powerful whip kick hit Liu Qingyue's face, and the terrifying power made his face change drastically, a large amount of black blood spurted from his mouth, and his body flew out completely uncontrollably.

"Ah... **** crap, I'm going to kill you!"

Suffering continuous heavy blows, Liu Qingyue looked mad, with an angry roar from her mouth.


However, his words just fell silent, and the ghost shadow steps of the heavens under Ye Xuan's feet once again appeared in front of him, attacked him, and his body was beaten out again.

From a distance, Liu Qingyue was like a football being kicked and beaten in mid-air by nine Ye Xuan, looking extremely miserable.

"It's almost time to end!"

Ye Xuan stared at Liu Qingyue who was kicked out by him, clutching the dragon blade, rushing out like lightning, and instantly appeared in front of Liu Qingyue, pressing the dragon blade first solution button as fast as lightning. .

The first solution of the dragon blade-black and white sky lock!