MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1676 Ye Xuan slapped her face!

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A dull crash sounded, and Zhao Dong's powerful fist hit Ye Xuan's chest, but Ye Xuan's body remained motionless.

Not to mention that he hadn't retreated half a step, even if his body didn't tremble.

"How could this be?"

Zhao Dong's pupils shrank, and he froze on the spot.

His powerful punch did not cause any harm to this kid?

"Just that little strength? I think you can use the strength of breastfeeding."

Ye Xuan stared calmly at the surprised Zhao Dong, and said coldly.

"Humph! I only used 30% of my strength just now, so don't be proud of you here!"

Zhao Dong's face was cold, he let out a cold snort, and his half-step cultivation broke out in an all-round way, and the immortal body appeared quietly. He took all the strength of his body and slammed it at Ye Xuan.

This punch is powerful!

Countless star power gathered in Zhao Dong's fist, making his fist radiant, and with the immortal body, it was extremely fierce.


However, this fist hit Ye Xuan's body, and still did not shake Ye Xuan any minute, causing him the slightest damage.

His ancient **** body has reached five stars and broke through six stars. Where can a small half-step realm master be able to shake it?

Even if it is a master-level powerhouse, it may not be able to break his physical body!

"I'll give you two chances, it's mine next!"

Zhao Dong's face changed drastically, and he was about to retreat. Ye Xuan's body shook, his waist was raised, his spine was like a dragon wagging his tail, a powerful force burst out, and a brutal force rushed into Zhao Dong's body...


Where can Zhao Dong withstand Ye Xuan's physical strength, he only felt a powerful force poured into his body arbitrarily, as if he was about to shatter all the bones of his whole body, and the five internal organs were shaken to shift. As a result, blood spurted from his mouth, his body flew out like a dead dog, and he was seriously injured!


This powerful scene fell into the eyes of the disciples of the Haotian Medicine Sect, shocking their expressions, and couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

Even Li Sanduo's pupils shrank and was shocked by this scene.

The boy in front of him is so fierce and powerful, can it be said that he is a realm master?

You know, Zhao Dong is the cultivation base of the half-step world master!

Only Lan Chen and Yu Chen looked calm. After all, they had seen Ye Xuan's true horror and power. He had eliminated the three top powerhouses like Sky Blade, Earth Spider, and Ying Jue alone.

The only thing they worry about is Ye Xuan's medicine alchemy.

Needless to say, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue.

Zhao Dong's skill with a three-legged cat is simply not worth mentioning in front of the son!

"Okay, very good... It is true that there are talents from Jiangshan generation. A newcomer has such a strength. It seems that my Haotian Medicine Sect is promising!"

After a brief shock and anger, Li Sanduo came back to his senses and laughed.

This guy's acting skills are truly extraordinary, he looks like he thinks about and is happy for the sect.

"However, we must be stricter for such an outstanding talent...boy, your martial arts passed! Next is the assessment of alchemy... If you pass, you can be promoted to an inner disciple!"

Afterwards, Li Sanduo said with a smile.

"Li Sanduo, that's enough!"

Hearing that Li Sanduo was going to test Ye Xuan's medicine alchemy, Lan Chen was unhappy at the time.

"Stop talking nonsense, follow me to the medicine refining examination hall!"

Li Sanduo's expression became cold, and the coercion of being the master of the world was released.

How can he swallow this breath today?

"I can accept your medicine refining test, but I have one condition!"

Ye Xuan stared at Li Sanduo and said coldly.

"Conditions? What conditions?"

Li Sanduo looked at Ye Xuan with interest.

A newcomer dare to make terms with him?

"If I pass the refining test, then... you must apologize to us in public?"

Ye Xuan said lightly.

"Then if you can't get it through, then just kneel down and kowtow to them, how about?"

Li Sanduo's eyes were cold and sharp.

"Brother Ye..."

"it is good!"

Lan Chen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ye Xuan.

"In that case, let me go!"

Li Sanduo waved his hand and went straight to the mountain.

There are so many assessment methods, and he has some ways to play this guy to death.

"Let's go!"

Ye Xuan followed directly.

He also wanted to see how far his current alchemy skills were.

"Hey, did you hear that? A new kid actually got on the hook with Senior Brother Li, and also bet with Senior Brother Li!"

"Which Brother Li? What bet?"

"Of course it's Senior Brother Li Sanduo. You didn't know that the boy came up and injured some of Zhao Dong's senior brothers. Senior Brother Li didn't think he wanted to force him to apologize, but the boy relied on Senior Brother Lan Chen to protect him. Apology, so Senior Brother Li made a bet with him. I heard that he was going to test his alchemy skills. If he fails the test, he has to kneel down and apologize..."

"What if he passed the examination?"

"It is said that Senior Brother Li apologized to him, and he was also exceptionally promoted to an inner disciple?"

"I'll go, walk around, hurry up and see, that guy has hurt Senior Brother Zhao Dong so vigorously? He is the master of the half-step world..."

I don't know who leaked the news, the entire disciples of the Haotian Medicine Sect were alarmed and rushed to the medicine refining examination hall.

Even some of the elders and deacons in the sect have come, after all, it is a bit weird for a newcomer to hurt a master like Zhao Dong.

At this moment, the medicine refining assessment hall was overcrowded, and there were black heads everywhere.

Most people's eyes focused on the two super beauties, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, beside Ye Xuan, and their eyes were full of intense fanaticism, which made their hearts beat wildly and talked a lot.

"When did the sect have two such beautiful beauties?"

"Tsk tsk, a **** mature, very alluring! A cold and pure, it is absolutely amazing!"

"Yeah, they are our newly recruited female disciples? They are simply too beautiful to compare with Senior Sister Mu Qingxue!"

"Loved, I like them better than Sister Mu. Tsk tsk...Sister flower!"

Obviously, people like Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue.

Even if many female disciples saw them, they felt ashamed and ashamed.

Of course, there are also some female disciples who think Ye Xuan is very handsome and elegant, which makes their eyes shine.

After all, Ye Xuan's temperament was not weaker than Lan Chen and Li Sanduo, and his appearance was even higher.

As for the surrounding elders and deacons, they all looked at Ye Xuan, Soul Yuying and others with curious eyes. For what reason, they actually felt a hint of danger from these three people.

"Elder Guan, this is a new disciple I recruited down the mountain, please take an assessment from Elder Guan."

Lan Chen took a deep breath, glanced at the sneered Li Sanduo, and held his fist at the elder Guan Chengyun.

Every disciple of the Clear Sky Medicine Sect who wants to truly start to become a disciple of the Clear Sky Medicine Sect must accept the assessment and determine the talent.

Of course those high-ranking elders can accept disciples directly, and disciples don't need to be assessed!

Ye Xuan does not have a master in the Haotian Medicine Sect, so entering the Sect requires an assessment.

After all, even the Great Elder did not intend to accept Ye Xuan as a disciple.

Guan Chengyun looked 70 or 80 years old, with gray hair and vicissitudes of life, very cold.

It is said that he secretly has a very good relationship with Li Sanduo, and it can be described as a very good personal relationship.

He glanced at Li Sanduo without a trace, then set his eyes on Ye Xuan's body, and spoke coldly.

"The assessment is divided into three steps: identification of medicinal materials, written examination and refining medicine! According to Li Sanduo, the requirements for the assessment are the level and difficulty of the inner disciple. Once you pass, you will be the inner disciple of the Haotian Medicine Sect. You can be ready ?"

"let's start!"

Ye Xuan nodded lightly and said in a deep voice.

Guan Chengyun patted his hands gently, and suddenly a large number of disciples came up with a large number of various medicinal materials.

Some of these medicinal materials have been dried in the sun, and some are still fresh, in different shapes and sizes, which are extremely difficult to distinguish, and they are almost full of the assessment hall, which is secretive.

"The first assessment, identification of medicinal materials! There are a total of 999 medicinal materials. You need to write down their names and effects within one stick of incense, let's start!"

Guan Chengyun pointed to the mountain of medicinal materials and said.


"So many medicinal materials have to be distinguished within one stick of incense, and their names are written out?"

"Is the assessment of inner disciples so difficult?"

"That kid is the difficulty of the inner door assessment when he comes. Is this too exaggerated?"

Guan Chengyun's words caused many outside disciples at the scene to breathe in air.

Guan Chengyun's words fell, and someone lit a stick of incense before Ye Xuan answered.

Assess the first level, start!

Ye Xuan's face was cold, and quickly began to identify various drugs, and engraved their name attributes.

His speed is extremely fast, but it seems that the incense burns faster, only a third of it burns in a moment.

"I'm going, does time pass so fast? The incense has burned one-third, is he in time?"

"Why do I feel that this incense burns at a different speed from usual?"

Looking at the burning incense, Yuchen and Lan Chen frowned slightly, and spoke suspiciously.

Hearing what they said, a sneer appeared on Li Sanduo's face.

This incense is of course different from the usual ones. He made people make hands and feet on the incense, and the burning speed is twice as fast as usual, and the 999 kinds of medicinal materials are still carefully selected by him, making it the most difficult and tricky one. There are a few things that are totally unrecognizable, just by looking at them.

That kid will die in this first level!

"It's too late, the incense has burned two-thirds, and Ye Xuan only recognizes the medicinal materials that have written one-fifth..."

"My son, move faster..."

Looking at the burning incense, Hun Yuying, Ao Bingxue, Yuchen, they were extremely anxious.

Ye Xuan glanced at only one-third of the fragrance, looking at the medicinal materials piled up in front of him, his face was cold and his eyes flashed.


In the next moment, his thoughts moved, and the majestic soul power burst out, wrapping every medicinal material, making them suspended in mid-air.

"What a terrifying soul!"

"This guy's soul is too abnormal, right?"

Feeling the soul fluctuations spreading out of Ye Xuan, the faces of the people on the scene could not help changing, and their eyes were filled with shock and amazement.

Such fluctuations in soul power are much stronger than them.

Even the elders and deacons felt an oppression!

"All right!"

Seeing that the incense was about to burn, Ye Xuan had already completed the assessment.

All the information is engraved into the assessment jade slip!

"Fuck, so fast? No way?"

"Hehe, just pretending to be pretentious. Perceiving medicinal materials with soul power and distinguishing medicinal materials is the most basic operation. It is a personal experience, but he only thought of this method in such a short time, obviously too late..."

"Yes, this guy just pretended it on purpose."

"He will lose in this first level!"

Upon seeing this, everyone talked.

Zhao Dong, Li Sanduo and the others sneered.

They don't think Ye Xuan can distinguish all the medicinal materials.

"Get it!"

Guan Chengyun glanced at Ye Xuan and said lightly.

Ye Xuan nodded and threw the jade slip to Guan Chengyun.

Guan Chengyun picked up the jade slip and dived into it to read the information.

As the information continued to be read, his expression gradually became solemn.

"How is it possible?"

In the end, Guan Chengyun couldn't help but speak silently.