MTL - Medical Martial God-Chapter 1667 Buy magic weapon!

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The next day, when the morning sun spilled in from the window, Ye Xuan, who had been sitting cross-legged on the bed for a whole night, slowly opened his closed eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, there seemed to be stars in his eyes flashing away.

Because of absorbing the vitality and energy in a realm subject like Liu Dafu, Ye Xuan's strength has obviously improved after this night of cultivation. Although he is still the cultivation base of the five-star realm master, he is still far from the six-star realm master. Not far.

It only takes one chance, one chance, and he can break through this boundary.

At the same time, Ye Xuan also sensed the situation and whereabouts of his second clone Ling Chi and the third clone Sky Swallowing Demon Venerable.

Now his second clone Ling Chi has returned to the Jiutian Star Territory and Qin Jiutian, and Qin Qingxia and the others are ready to go to the Qinglong Ancient Territory, on the way to the Qinglong Star.

As for Ye Xuan's third avatar, the Sky-Swallowing Demon Venerable, he was brought back to the Demon Dragon Star Territory by the Demon General Cannes. He was practicing and growing under the resources of the entire Demon Dragon clan, and his strength was restored and improved extremely quickly.

Ye Xuan didn't need to worry about the second clone Ling Chi and the third clone Sky Swallowing Demon Venerable.

After yawning and stretching lazily, Ye Xuan simply washed and walked out of the room.

The two beauties, Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue, had already prepared breakfast and waited for him in the dining room.

Seeing Ye Xuan coming over, both of them took the initiative to greet him: "My son, good morning!"

"Master, please use it early!"

"Good morning, by the way... Where are the Great Elder and Lan Chen?"

Ye Xuan sat down at the dining table and looked around and did not find the Grand Elder and Lan Chen, causing a trace of doubt in his eyes, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"Prince, the elder rushed back to the Haotian Medicine Sect after seeing you last night. As for the son of Lan Chen, he left early in the morning. It seems that something is going on..."

Hun Yuying poured Ye Xuan a cup of morning tea, smiling.

"Is that so? The Great Elder is really impatient!"

Hearing this, Ye Xuan couldn't help but a small smile appeared on his face, enjoying getting up early and enjoying the morning tea.

"Do you know where to buy spiritual weapons?"

After eating early, Ye Xuan set his eyes on Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, and asked with a smile.

"The largest supplier of spiritual weapons in the Azure Dragon Ancient Territory is definitely the Jubao Pavilion, and they have a branch in Baiyun City. I heard that the worst spiritual weapons there are low grades..."

Hearing Ye Xuan's question, Ao Bingxue answered with a smile.

"Really? Go, let's go to Jubao Pavilion for a tour."

Ao Bingxue's answer made Ye Xuan's eyes light up, a look of interest appeared on his face, and immediately he spoke quickly.

"Okay, okay..."

Ye Xuan's words undoubtedly surprised Dehun Yuying and Ao Bingxue.

Their equipment should indeed be updated.

Right now, Ye Xuan didn't have any pause, and took the soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue straight to Jubao Pavilion.

Jubao Pavilion is located in the most prosperous commercial center of Baiyun City. The whole loft is magnificent, majestic and majestic, and looks very magnificent.

When Ye Xuan came here with Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue, a large number of people had already gathered here, they were constantly shuttled in the Jubao Pavilion building, curiously looking at the treasures around them.

Ye Xuan's arrival attracted a lot of people's attention. After all, the two beauties, Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue, beside Ye Xuan were too obvious.

"Welcome three distinguished guests, I am Xiaoxiao, how can I help you?"

The gold medal salesperson Mao Xiaoxiao, dressed in a cat maid costume, looked particularly cute and eager to greet him, which made the people around him enviable.

You must know that Mao Xiaoxiao, as a representative of Jubao Pavilion's popularity, is particularly popular with the gold medal sales champion. Many people come here to see her cute face and enjoy her super service.

Now that Ye Xuan is being actively received by Mao Xiaoxiao, it will inevitably make people envy and envy.

After all, who doesn’t want a beauty like Mao Xiaoxiao to serve here?

But she chose Ye Xuan instead.

"I want to buy some equipment and weapons!"

Ye Xuan pondered for a moment, then slowly said.

"My son, we have all kinds of weapons, magic weapons, treasures, hidden weapons, etc., all of which are of different ranks. I don't know what type of weapons the son needs?"

Mao Xiaoxiao asked enthusiastically and patiently.

"What grades are there?"

Ye Xuan's eyes flashed, thinking about it and asking.

"Holy rank low grade, holy rank middle grade, holy rank top grade!"

The cat answered with a smile.

"Only these three grades? Is there no better one?"

Ye Xuan frowned slightly and asked suspiciously.

With the improvement of their strength, the holy rank weapons can no longer meet their needs and strength.

"The son wants something better?"

Cat Xiaoxiao was taken aback by what Ye Xuan said.

Under normal circumstances, the price of Saint-Rank high-grade spirit weapons is extremely expensive, and many world masters can only have it.

The young man in front of me [Jiujiu novel] actually looked down on the things of the top grade of the holy order?

"My son, in addition to the holy-rank high-grade spirit weapons, we also have higher-rank star-rank spirit weapons here!"

Mao Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "However, Star-level Spirit Soldiers are extremely rare, and the conditions for refining are extremely demanding, so the price is very expensive..."

"The price doesn't matter, it's easy to use!"

A hint of interest appeared on Ye Xuan's face, and he spoke lightly.

The Star-Rank Spirit Weapon ranks above the Saint-Rank Spirit Weapon. It is still divided into upper, middle and lower ranks, but its destructive power and defense are very exaggerated and amazing. Of course, its price is also very exaggerated. Ten times as many as those who can afford it are people with a lot of background.

"In that case, the three, please come..."

After receiving Ye Xuan's breezy answer, Mao Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and under the enviable gaze of people around him, he took Ye Xuan upstairs.

It is a place where high-end players can only enter.

Walking upstairs, Ye Xuan saw a starry sky exhibition hall in Ye Xuan's line of sight. Inside the cabinets of the exhibition hall were all kinds of dazzling soldiers, which made people dizzy.

"On this floor are all Saint-Rank High-Rank Spirit Soldiers. The upper floor is where the Star-Rank Spirit Soldiers are placed. Please follow me upstairs!"

Mao Xiaoxiao introduced with a smile.

Soon, Ye Xuan and the others went upstairs and came to a more magnificent exhibition hall. In this exhibition hall were placed a variety of unique and gorgeous weapons. They seemed to have life, absorbing cabinets. The vast star power gushing out made people secretly surprised.

Mao Xiaoxiao took Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, Ao Bingxue and the others patiently around the exhibition hall, introducing them to the weapons and magic weapons here.

"Star energy war blade, star-level low-grade warrior, crafted from the depths of the universe to obtain thunderous immortal stone, possessing lightning attributes, not only powerful and destructive, but also has a speed increase effect, which can increase the speed of the monk by 5% ...The price, 18 million stars!"

"The Vientiane Heavenly Tribulation Knife, a star-level low-grade warrior, is made of the Heavenly Tribulation Stone born in the Vientiane Tribulation Cloud in the depths of the universe. It can be used as a means of attack, and the price is 13 million stars..."

"Xinghai Tears Eyes, a low-grade treasure of the star ranks, which store vast star power, which can continuously provide star power and source energy for monks. After wearing it, there is no need to worry about star power consumption when fighting, which is equivalent to an extra huge The energy treasure box is enough to consume opponents... the price is 26 million stars!"

"The Star Dragon Soul Blade, a middle-ranked star-ranked soul warrior, is made from the rare and expensive Heavenly Soul Divine Stone in the universe, and has absorbed the Star Dragon Soul, combined with soul martial arts, and has amazing lethality... the price is 100 million. Twenty million stars!"

"The ice basalt armor, the middle-grade armor of the star rank, is made from the fusion of billion-year basalt ice and basalt armor in the void sea in the depths of the universe. The soul of basalt is sealed inside. The defense is amazing and it can resist the titled master The attack... the price is 80 million stars!"


Listening to the introduction of the cat, looking at all kinds of fascinating star-level weapons, Ye Xuan, Hun Yuying, and Ao Bingxue were all secretly surprised.

In the Nine Heavens Star Territory, there are no sales and sales of these star-level weapons, but I did not expect that there will be Baiyun City in the Azure Dragon Ancient Territory, and there are still a lot of them.

Of course, there are not many people who can afford it.

"Take out Xinghai's tearful eyes, star dragon soul blade, and ice basalt armor to take a look..."

In the end, Ye Xuan fixed his gaze on the three treasures of Xinghai Tears' Eyes, Star Dragon Soul Blade, and Ice Basalt Armor.

"My son, because the Star-tier weapons are too expensive, we usually don't take them out of the cabinet. If we really want to open them, we need to pay a certain deposit..."

Hearing what Ye Xuan said, Mao Xiaoxiao said with some embarrassment.

"It's still like this? It's quite troublesome."

Hearing this, Ye Xuan frowned slightly, feeling a little troublesome. Mao Xiaoxiao thought that Ye Xuan might not have so much funds, so he smiled and said, "My son, or you should take a look at the holy rank weapons, they are actually quite good. ...If these star-level weapons have no realm master level cultivation base, it will be difficult for them to display their strength..."

‘No need, swipe your card! Bought all three! "

However, the cat Xiaoxiao was interrupted by Ye Xuan before he could finish speaking.

"All... have you bought all?"

Ye Xuan's words made Mao Xiaoxiao's whole person unable to help but feel unreality.

"Yes, swipe your card!"

Ye Xuan nodded, and threw a star coin card to Mao Xiaoxiao.

Anyway, he earned a lot of stars last night...

"Uh...Master, please move to the VIP room!"

It took a long time for Mao Xiaoxiao to recover, and quickly led Ye Xuan to the VIP reception room.

After a while, an imposing middle-aged man rushed over.

"Three, in Xiazhuang, they are the patrons of Jubao Pavilion! If there is any lack of hospitality, I hope the three will forgive me!"

Zhuang Xian faced Ye Xuan, and the soul Yuying held their fists respectfully.

Obviously, the Zhuang Xian Pavilion Master was surprised by Ye Xuan's pride...

"Pavilion Master is polite!"

Ye Xuan smiled and clasped his fists in response.

"I heard that Young Master is going to buy Xinghai Tears Eye, Star Dragon Soul Blade, and Ice Xuanwu Armor all at once?" Zhuang Xian asked with a smile.

"Not bad!"

Ye Xuan nodded.

"Three, wait a minute, I'll let someone get them!"

Zhuang Xian nodded, and ordered to his hand.

Soon, these three treasures were sent over and placed in front of Ye Xuan.

"Yes, just them, swipe your card!"

Ye Xuan looked at it carefully and nodded in satisfaction.

"My son, the discounted price is 200 million Star Coins. This is your Star Coin Card. This is our Jubao Supreme Card. Take it away!"

After a while, the transaction was completed, and Zhuang Xian respectfully delivered the three treasures and the membership card to Ye Xuan's hands.

Such a big customer definitely has a huge backing, and they must get a discount to hug their thighs. Therefore, Zhuang Xian gave a discount and gave out the limited edition Jubao Supreme Card!

"Yuying, the eyes of Xinghai Tears are for you...With it, you don't have to worry about the consumption of soul power, it is enough to greatly increase your combat effectiveness..."

"Ice and Snow, this ice basalt armor is given to you. With it, your defense and combat effectiveness will be greatly improved, and your combat effectiveness will increase by a step."

Ye Xuan gave Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue Xinghai's tearful eyes and the ice basalt armor, which made them both flattered.

"My son, this is actually for us?"

Looking at the things Ye Xuan handed over, both Soul Yuying and Ao Bingxue were in a daze. Obviously they didn't expect Ye Xuan to buy them and give them to them.

"Of course it's for you. Take it!"

Ye Xuan said with a smile.

Although the prices of these two things are different, they are both the most suitable for Hun Yuying and Ao Bingxue. They have a huge effect on improving their combat effectiveness and have significant effects.

As for the Star Dragon Soul Blade, Ye Xuan bought it for himself. It will undoubtedly undergo a qualitative change with Ye Xuan’s soul martial skill "Star Reaper Blade", which will greatly increase his combat effectiveness...

This scene caused Zhuang Xian and Mao Xiaoxiao next to them to be in a daze. Obviously, they didn't expect Ye Xuan to give such valuable items to the two maids...

"I wish I had such a son."

Mao Xiaoxindi is even more envious.