MTL - Mechanical God Emperor-Chapter 1508 Unification of the two universes

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"My Lord has fallen!!"

"No!! My Lord will not fall!!"

"No! How could this be?"


At the moment when the **** of light was fallen, the eternal angels in the universe of the gods and the blazing angels of the emperor's ranks trembled and screamed and screamed. They are all set aside by the **** of light, and once they are degraded, they will also fall.

"My Lord!! I am coming to follow you!!"

"My Lord!! I will follow you!"


In the Shenguang universe, after countless screams of screaming screams by countless gods and gods, they committed suicide.

Yang Feng’s mechanical army took the opportunity to attack and attack the Shenguang universe.

The Shenguang universe lost the guardian of the emperor. In front of Yang Feng’s mechanical army, the surviving blazing angels were simply defeated and easily defeated by Yang Feng’s mechanical army.

The emperor in the universe of the Yunyun saw that the mechanical army that suddenly appeared was not well known and began to choose alliances.

Thirteen emperors formed a cloud universe alliance, trying to compete with Yang Feng.

The Yunyun Universe Alliance was just established, and it was directly killed by Xingji and killed.

Yang Feng killed the emperor of the cloud universe and the **** of light that killed the gods of the universe. He became the enemy of the universe in the two universes. The countless powerful men of the two universes stood up against his rule.

One mechanical arm after another was sent directly by Yang Feng, killing the rebels of the two great universes.

Numerous races and trillions of creatures were slaughtered by Yang Feng’s mechanical corps and became the resources of the two major universes.

Ten years later, most of the wisdom stars of the entire universe have been firmly grasped by Yang Feng. Only some weak people have taken their own people to hide in the deepest part of the universe, some ridiculous and dead stars, lingering and avoiding Yang Feng's pursuit.

"You can start! Harvest!"

Yang Feng stood in the void, his mouth slightly raised, showing a satisfactory smile.

"Yes! Lord!!"

There was a glimmer of light in the beauty of the United States, and countless curses appeared. A white jade disc emerged directly, madly absorbing the cosmic origin of the universe.

The power of a vast and boundless horror universe is directly absorbed by zero.

From the deepest part of the universe, a horrible repulsive force emerged in an attempt to exclude zero directly from the universe.

A trace of incomparable cockroaches emerges in the body of zero, which can easily crush the repulsion of the eternal seven heavenly powers but has no effect on zero.

Ten years have passed away, and the time of the universe has been extracted for a decade.

After the integration of the two universes, it only takes 100,000 years, and it is possible to advance to the 8th-order universe. But after ten years of extracting the origin of the universe, the universe that had just fought the universe was not prosperous, but only maintained to the extent of the 7th-level universe.

A vast and boundless great power emerged from the zero eyes, and did not enter Yang Feng's body.

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed a touch of excitement: “This power is so powerful that it is enough for me to advance to the eternal eight heavens!!”

"But the rapid advancement also has troubles, it is best to stabilize the foundation!!"

Yang Feng’s heart moved slightly, and after seeing the white jade phalanx that swallowed refining and refining, the mysterious structure of the white jade phalanx was analyzed.

"The white jade phalanx is definitely the eternal king, even the terrorist power on top of it!! Transformed into a structure like them, to be able to reach the top."

Yang Feng’s eyes flashed a ruthless color, and there were countless mysterious curses in the body, madly absorbing the powerful cosmic energy from zero, and the body structure was pointing to the white jade phalanx. Direction conversion.

Yang Feng's body structure has just changed, and the energy consumption in the whole body has increased by a million times. The whole person seems to change into a black hole that can swallow everything, and madly swallows all the forces around him.

"No!! My strength is not enough, the foundation is not deep enough, forcing a step into the sky and transforming into that structure, only one dead end."

In Yang Feng’s heart, there was a hint of enlightenment, and he decided to stop the conversion to the white jade phalanx completely, and only began to convert in the brain.

That is enough to make a cosmic advanced level 8 universe source power into the brain of Yang Feng, turning it into a mysterious structure.

A hundred years have passed.

A mysterious, imposing red diamond-shaped mantra appeared in Yang Feng's eyebrows, and he slowly opened his eyes.

"My realm is still at the peak of the eternal seven heavens, but my combat power has increased by a hundred times!! This structure is really wonderful. It is worthy of the eternal king series or even the above horror. Unfortunately, this structure wants To shape, the energy that needs to be consumed is too horrible!!"

Yang Feng flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes, his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile, and glanced at his right hand, and saw a swallowing curse containing a mysterious structure appearing in his right hand.

This is the new curse formed by Yang Feng using the mysterious white jade phalanx structure combined with the devour of the mysterious meditation of his own life. The power is terrible, and with this mysterious curse, even the eternal giant of the eternal nine heavens, He also dared to fight with one.

In the eyes of Yang Feng, there is a flash of hot color: "My current strength can already stand in the Ten Holy Days of the Eternal World. You can go to the Ten Holy Days of the Eternal World!!"

The Ten Holy Days of the Eternal World are the backbone of the great universe, controlled by the King of Eternity.

Among the ten holy heavens, it is really the emperor who walks across the street, and eternal is not as good as a dog. Those who are the eternal and powerful heavens in the great universe are the only elite soldiers and slaves in the Ten Holy Days.

In the ten holy heavens, the eternal of the eternal four heavens is considered a master. The eternal of the eternal seven heavens is considered to be a strong, and the eternal nine-day strong is the giant, but the top of the ten holy heavens.

The high and the high, the invincible, can traverse the eternal king of many universes, is the master of the ten holy heavens, but also the most powerful and invincible horrible existence in this universe.

Yang Feng’s mind calculated: “In the Ten Holy Days, only the three holy heavens of Tai Xuan Sheng Tian, ​​Pada Sacred Heaven, and Really Holy Sacred are the human races. I am offended by Tai Xuan Sheng Tian and Pada Sacred Heaven. There are too many strong people, or it’s wonderful to go to the holy day."

Among the ten holy heavens of the eternal world, in addition to human species, there are various kinds of strong people such as ghost species, demon species, giant species, and dragon species.

Human beings are orcs, humans, angels, elves, etc., which are mainly human forms, and aesthetics is also a race with human form as the mainstream.

Among the ten holy heavens, there are many tyrannical races, one that grows strangely in the eyes of human beings, and may be beautiful in the eyes of those races.

In the case of various cultures and aesthetics, if Yang Feng goes to other holy days, he must disguise himself, and at the same time he can foresee a lot of trouble.

Really holy day.

"This is the true holy day!"

A trace of silky flashes, Yang Feng appeared in front of a city in this true holy day, looking at the city, a flash of light in the eyes.

I saw it above the city, suspended with a mysterious ball, a mysterious wave of mysterious brilliance, directly pulling the life source of a thousand miles and pouring it into the city.

In the city, high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and one suspension track after another emerges at different heights.

On top of that suspended track, there was a separate suspension train.

Numerous suspension vehicles are galloping in different tracks.

"Handsome, do you want to take a ride together?"

A red-red suspension car stopped at Yang Feng's side, wearing a red off-the-shoulder leather coat, revealing a large piece of snow-white shoulders, a long red-wavy hair, a large sunglasses, and looks very beautiful. The girl, about 16 or 17 years old, stopped at Yang Feng’s side and took the initiative to take the road.

After Yang Feng's numerous evolutions, although the appearance has not changed much, the whole person exudes a mysterious temperament that is extraordinary and has great appeal to the opposite sex.

If Yang Feng does not use the secret method to converge, he will stand quietly in the same place, and the natural charm will easily make the opposite **** of the saints fascinated, bewildered by him, and willingly die for him. This is one of the extraordinary powers of the eternal seven-day power.

Even though Yang Feng has already converged all the charms, it still looks handsome and extraordinary, and the temperament is dusty.

"it is good!"

Yang Feng looked at the beautiful girl, as if she had seen the beautiful and lively girls on the earth and the memories of the old days of the earth. She smiled and boarded the suspension car directly.

Zhao Haimei took off the mirror and revealed a sweet face. She smiled sweetly: "My name is Zhao Haimei, what about you?"

Yang Feng smiled slightly: "My name is Yang Feng!"

Zhao Haimei smiled and said: "Yang Da Ge, I want to participate in the suspension race, just missing a partner. Are you coming to be my partner?"

Yang Feng chuckled and said: "Good!"

Yang Feng has been painstakingly repairing and pursuing the road to the peak. He has not known how long it has not stopped his own pace and stopped to look at the surrounding scenery. After he entered the eternal seven heavens, his strength surged. Among the ten holy days, unless several eternal giants joined forces, or the eternal king personally shot, no one could kill him.

The suspension car quickly stopped at an alpine mountain.

In that mountainous mountain, there are dozens of beautiful and luxurious suspension vehicles. At the same time, next to the suspension car, a pair of handsome men and women can be seen everywhere, as if they are partying, and they are carnival.

Read The Duke's Passion