MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 863 please don't die

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The generous lord of the empire, the stingy first man of the Federation.

If there were many listeners, such a conclusion might be drawn, but the only people who could hear the conversation between the two sides were Jirong Xinyue, Xingyue, and another orangutan, Aidakang. For them and it, for the lord of the empire and the first person of the Federation, generosity and stinginess naturally do not exist.

Emperor Wu III wanted something from Ji Xinghe, and Ji Xinghe knew it, so he was reluctant to pass it on to Ji Rong Xinyue. No matter whether he can let Jirong Xinyue successfully obtain the gift characteristics after passing it on to Jirong Xinyue, while still maintaining the gift characteristics himself, it does not mean that their grandfather and grandson will add a star that is equivalent to no combat power. In the first month, he could survive the attack of Emperor Wudi III and Aida Kang, the strongest brothers in the empire.

Ji Xinghe is no longer afraid of death, but he is very afraid that something will happen to Ji Rong Xinyue.

Therefore, Ji Xinghe must ask Emperor Wu III, as long as he can guarantee Jirong Xinyue's safety, it will be considered as giving all he has, and he will not even care about some opportunity that represents the future of mankind.

Of course, Ji Xinghe is now eligible to ask for prices, and Emperor Wudi III is also eligible to pay back the money.

A negotiation seems to be about to start. Judging from the increased understanding of Emperor Wu III today, Aida Kang believes that Emperor Wu III will definitely agree to negotiate with Ji Xinghe, but he is actually a little disappointed in his heart. Disappointed in Ji Xinghe and Emperor Wudi III, the two most powerful beings in the federation and empire, because of all kinds of constraints and desires, they make compromises.

Aida Kang thought in his heart: Why should I be the emperor? It's just because no one can decide my fate anymore, only I can decide the fate of hundreds of millions of living beings. But looking at it now, even if one can really become the emperor, become the lord of the empire, or even unify the two intelligent civilizations after the Federation is destroyed, can he really decide his own destiny in a true sense?

It thought a lot at this moment, and the speed of thinking would not be limited by the laws of physics. In theory, the speed of light that matter with mass cannot reach, in a sense, is not an obstacle to spiritual consciousness.

ruin civilization.

Aida Kang thought of the powerful intelligent civilization that the empire and the federation that might not have been destroyed at that time would have to face forty years later. It suddenly understood the goal of Emperor Wu III, even if it destroyed the Federation and all mankind, so what? With the legacy left by the two civilizations after the world-destroying war, it is impossible to give birth to a force that can resist the ruined civilization.

It is not enough to have artificial intelligence life Xingyue, the time is too short, for more than 40 years, all the resources that the planets owned by the two intelligent civilizations can exploit, and the huge interstellar fleet built, perhaps for the ruined civilization, It only takes one salvo of the fleet's main guns to complete the annihilation.

Therefore, resources are not important. Whether the empire is in possession of it now or those occupied by the Federation, it is really not that important to the huge universe and the empire with the leap gate technology.

The most important thing is actually time, the time required for development, the eruption of artificial intelligence life force enough to shock the ruined civilization, it really takes time.

However, whether it is the Federation or the Empire, will they really pin all their hopes on Xingyue? Is it entrusted to the life of this generation, and the unknown future does not know which generation's descendants?

Changsheng Jiushi may be a goal, but it is also a means, a means to check and balance Xingyue, and a means to check and balance future generations to strengthen a certain belief, a certain goal, and a certain will.

Aida Kang finally understands why the Imperial Starfleet, which Emperor Wudi III spent twenty years building, has never been involved in the war with the Federation, even if the situation has become so bad as it is today.

That interstellar fleet is not a spear or a shield in the hands of Emperor Wudi III, but a ship, a way of retreat, and the way of retreat is the way forward.

"I do not accept."

The voice of Emperor Wu III rang out after a brief silence, which made Aida Kang startled again. Jirong Xinyue and Xingyue were equally astonished. In the process of their thinking, they both believed that Emperor Wu III would agree to negotiate with Ji Xinghe, just like Aida Kang.

But in this world, are there really people, chimpanzees, and monkeys who can understand Emperor Wu III?

Its rejection of Ji Xinghe has not yet been raised, but when everyone can guess the approximate conditions, although there is some hesitation, its rejection is very firm, as if it has been unquestionable countless times in the Imperial Star Dynasty Hall.

"You don't have the ability to gift Xingyue, at least not now."

The tone of Emperor Wu III calmed down, it had recovered from the surprise brought by Ji Xinghe, because it saw the truth, at least part of the truth.

"I feel that the so-called biological material of the champion Houli is different from yours. Maybe you have already started to use your genes to cultivate this biological material, but unfortunately, you have not had time to use your own genes to cultivate it. Make a mech."

Through the six metal walls, Emperor Wudi III had the ability to perceive the champion without being discovered by the champion. From this point of view, no matter whether Ji Xinghe can perceive the perception of Emperor Wu III, it is stronger than Ji Xinghe, which is very unreasonable and very reasonable.

The truth is exactly what it says.

After the first generation of Glory Armor was blown up by the organization at the top of the tower, both Ji Xinghe and Xingyue believed that they could not completely rely on the Federal Academy of Sciences. Xingyue's secret plan to build a mecha for Ji Xinghe began to be implemented at that time.

It is only because of the constant changes in the war, the rapid development of science and technology, etc. that the new mecha that Xingyue built for Ji Xinghe did not complete the sixth revised design until recently. It was when Ji Xinghe successfully gifted the cripple's Glory Armor and Su Chuanyun's God's Punishment Armor that Xingyue proposed to directly use Ji Xinghe's genes to cultivate biological materials and enhance the overclocking mode of the new mecha.

The previous revisions were related to energy shields, the 13th generation core engine, propulsion engine (Emperor/Nuclear version), automatic electromagnetic rifle firepower system, high-energy boosting system for melee weapons, miniaturized launcher for energy main guns... Wait for technology upgrades.

Although there is a saying that ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in the hand, for Ji Xinghe, he does not lack usable mechas, especially after he has shown the ability to dismantle the mechas with his bare hands.

Moreover, Xingyue never thought that the war would develop to the present level, including Ji Xinghe himself. The empire is not just passively beaten. Their various strategies and tactics in response to the federal offensive will lead to the war going beyond Ji Xinghe's expectations, beyond the expectations of the federation's top staff team, and beyond the expectations of all the federation's high-level generals.

Therefore, Ji Xinghe's new mecha is still being manufactured, and it is in a space not too far from the alien star. It is a universe that focuses on industrial manufacturing and scientific research that does not exist in all the detection systems of the Federation. The spaceship, Dr. Essen is on that spaceship.

The lie was exposed, but Ji Xinghe didn't panic at all, he still kept the smile on his face when he said "conditional", as if everything was under control, giving Ada Kang the feeling that Ji Xinghe is the king of the empire. The master's illusion: This is the base belonging to Ji Xinghe, and it and Emperor Wudi III are the only ones who invaded this base.

"It's true that champion Houli's biological materials were not bred using my genes, but they can be."

Ji Xinghe's voice was still loud, and he didn't look like a seventy-one-year-old man who was seriously injured and near death. Aidakang is very puzzled as to why Ji Xinghe can survive until now. If the energy of the Holy Crystal is so easy to absorb and use, it would have started to use the Holy Crystal to practice.

It's a pity that Aida Kang doesn't have the right to speak today. When Emperor Wudi III was present and showed a sense of dominance, he, the prince of the empire known as the "Conqueror", was actually not much different from a war slave.

"What do you mean?" Emperor Wu III seemed to be interested, and asked, "You want to use your genes to infect the genes of Champion Hou's biological material, and take advantage of the stripping during inheritance."


"Of course you can try, but unfortunately, I still won't accept the conditions you want to propose."


The smile on Ji Xinghe's face faded, as if he was finally about to take out his trump card, and said in a loud voice: "Is Xingyue's cooperation enough?"

His trump card turned out to be Xingyue? Thinking of this, Aida Kang felt a little like laughing.

The lord's trump card has to be me! Thinking of this, Xingyue wanted to laugh.

Grandpa's trump card turned out to be Xingyue... Thinking about it, Ji Rong Xinyue wanted to laugh.

Both they and it wanted to laugh, but they didn't laugh. Emperor Wudi III laughed: "Why do you think I can't control it, Xingyue?"

Xingyue answered Ji Xinghe's questions about her: "Because I'm not afraid of death, you won't, and you haven't been able to see it until now? Hehe!"

Xingyue, who accompanied Ji Rong Xinyue into the transition base, was of course not afraid of death, but she was also afraid of death.

Emperor Wudi III said: "You are not afraid of your own death, but you are afraid of the death of both of them."

"If you use them to threaten me, don't you still have to accept my lord's conditions?" Xingyue called Ji Xinghe by the title of lord for the first time in front of other intelligent beings except Jirong Xinyue, thinking To show her attitude in this way, she said: "Besides, you won't, you haven't been able to see it until now, are they not afraid of death?"

Emperor Wudi III seemed to be very sure about Xingyue. Instead of responding to Xingyue's words, he said to Ji Xinghe: "Ji Xinghe, what other ideas do you think will interest me? Tell me, and I will tell you." Dispel your last delusion."

Its goal does not conflict with its not letting Jirong Xinyue and Xingyue leave, not to mention whether it will let Ji Xinghe go. Let Ji Xinghe raise the conditions himself, and he will not raise such meaningless conditions.

Ji Xinghe's pale face already had a sense of transparency at this time, and the thinner face seemed to be gradually dissolving flesh and blood, and the eyes tended to be scarlet, which looked like the last burning of vitality.

But his voice was still loud.

"If Xingyue can successfully accept my inheritance without losing her natural ability, it means..."

The sound of heavy breathing sounded in the passage, from the speaker, from Emperor Wudi III and Aida Kang. Correspondingly, the breathing of Jirong Xinyue and Xingyue stagnated at the same time, Xingyue has breathing, she imitated it.

Because Ji Xinghe didn't have the possibility to say it, it was too shocking.

The artificial intelligence life Xingyue can accept the inheritance that can only be obtained by intelligent life that needs to have genes, nervous system, body, spiritual will, etc., and then obtain the characteristics of gifts. Then, can the intelligent life with gifted characteristics reversely obtain a natural ability of Xingyue?

Digitization of consciousness.

And it doesn't stop there, when the gifted characteristics are combined with the talent of consciousness digitization, the advantages of the two life forms can be possessed at the same time through the conversion of life forms, and the disadvantages can be ignored through the conversion.

"The flesh and blood are short, and the machine soars?"

The words spoken by Emperor Wudi III obviously came from Li Zhengfan, because from the beginning it spoke the Dragon language of the Federation, not the Imperial language that Ji Xinghe and Ji Rong Xinyue were not very good at.

Ji Xinghe replied: "It complements each other, and we can have both, wouldn't it be fun."

Emperor Wu III fell into silence again, which involved the condition that Ji Xinghe had just put forward—the cooperation of Xingyue.

Whether Xingyue can successfully accept the gift, or through Xingyue to conduct corresponding research and attempts after success, Xingyue's sincere cooperation is required. If an artificial intelligence life wants to obey others, it is too easy to target a completely unknown field, no matter what kind of means Emperor Wudi III has to manipulate Xingyue.

Aidakang really wanted to speak at this time, it felt that Emperor Wu III could try to have a serious talk with Ji Xinghe and agree to some conditions. Compared with the possibility proposed by Ji Xinghe, giving up some benefits is really nothing.

If it were to be the master, it would be no problem to give this leap base to Ji Xinghe.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this that after knowing that Ji Xinghe, Ji Rong Xinyue, and Xingyue had come to the inside of the jump base, Emperor Wudi III chose the fastest personal conquest by the imperial driver. with.

While waiting, the only Emperor Wudi III who had the power to decide the fate of Ji Xinghe, Ji Rong Xinyue, Xingyue, Aida Kang, and more humans and orangutans finally spoke out.

"Champion Hou can't."

It actually sensed Champion Hou once again, not even just a simple perception.

But Ji Xinghe didn't seem to be surprised. When the throat of fate was choked by Emperor Wudi III, he made an effective resistance both invisible and visible. Like, when he was once refused to join the army.

"The biological material cultivated with my genes can be delivered in only thirty-seven minutes."

If the picture is the same, it is difficult to achieve results because the map is too short and the size of the dagger is too large and obvious.

Emperor Wudi III said softly: "I will not let Jirong Xinyue and Xingyue leave."

It said it would not accept any conditions, but after all it started to talk about conditions with Ji Xinghe.

"Then just let Ji Rong Xinyue leave. UU Reading" Xingyue couldn't hold back, she knew that Ji Xinghe would definitely not be able to leave today, so she said: "My lord and I will go to the empire for a while."

Emperor Wudi III ignored her and continued to wait for Ji Xinghe's answer.

But Ji Xinghe seemed to have not heard what Emperor Wu III said at all, and he said in a loud voice: "You will let Jirong Xinyue and Xingyue leave, and you will also destroy this transition base, at least close the empire. The transition port of the star."


"Because I'm dying."

Ji Xinghe laughed again, the smile looked very miserable because of the shape of his face at the moment, he seemed to be dying, and he said at a faster speed: "I will pass on the inheritance to Ji Rong Xinyue, Ji Rong Xinyue will Take Xingyue and leave, leaving Champion Hou behind. They will try the path I just mentioned. No matter whether they succeed or not, they will go to Imperial Star to save me, and you will have a chance to get everything.

Of course, there is the most important step, I will only wear armor if you beg me.

Everything you think, please beg me, don't die. "

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