MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 10 Some people don't know where to lose

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One young man after another was overtaken by Ji Xinghe. At first they looked at Ji Xinghe with resentment, but their resentment was actually fine, because if the old man Ji Xinghe wasn't chasing after them, they wouldn't have wasted their time. Physically running wildly and then losing the physical energy to run the full distance.

The resentful eyes gradually disappeared, because Ji Xinghe caught up with the vanguard. The young people in the vanguard are usually keen on exercising. Start to adjust the speed, save energy, and complete the test within the specified time.

One kilometer, two kilometers...

When they ran five kilometers away from the stadium, all of them felt tired, and everyone was sweating, even the sports talents among them.

Because this is not a five-kilometer jog, if it is a jog, they can easily run to ten kilometers, but they need more than an hour to jog ten kilometers, and this physical fitness test only takes 35 minutes.

The military drones in the sky eliminated the possibility of cheating, and everyone was running with the most real physical energy.

So when the young people in the vanguard heard the exclamation of the onlookers on the side of the road and saw their excited expressions, so when they couldn't help but look back, their eyes were full of shock.

That old man who inexplicably appeared in their batch followed up?

Five kilometers away, the young people looked at the distance signs beside the road and began to suspect that these signs were misplaced. But the distance and time they ran, as well as the physical energy they spent, can clearly prove that the signboard was not misplaced. The old man who fell behind from the beginning really ran five kilometers and caught up.

From resentful gazes to shocking gazes, to amazed and admiring gazes, it only took a distance of five kilometers, and only changed a group of people. The gaze from the laggards is definitely different from the gaze from the leaders.

Because the leaders knew very well how much physical energy it took for Ji Xinghe, who was able to appear five kilometers away from the stadium and was not thrown off by them again, this is physical energy that an old man should not have.

"Come on."

A young man who was overtaken by Ji Xinghe's firm footsteps shouted at Ji Xinghe for some reason.

But more cheering sounds came from those young people who were overtaken by Ji Xinghe, and from the onlookers who followed excitedly on both sides of the runway.

In fact, some people followed from the exit of the stadium, but they all disappeared now because they didn't follow. Most of the remaining people started to follow from three kilometers away from the stadium, but after only two kilometers away, they couldn't keep up.

Even if the person they follow is just a 65-year-old man.

"Old Ji, forget it."

There were some strange voices mixed in with the constant sound of cheering. The onlookers glared at the person who made the voice, but the anger in their eyes quickly disappeared, because the strange voice came from a few old men and old ladies. And it sounds like they should know the old man on the runway.

"Old Ji, are you trying to exhaust yourself to death?"

The old lady who just said that Ji Xinghe seduced her daughter took her daughter to the side of the runway and shouted at Ji Xinghe in the runway.

"Uncle Ji, stop, you can't hold on."

"Old Ji, even if you want to run, can you run slower, I can't keep up with you, aren't you tired?"

A few old men and old ladies led a few young people to run beside the runway, gradually panting for shouts, but Ji Xinghe turned a deaf ear to them.

The onlookers and the young people on the runway gradually fell silent, and no one cheered anymore, because they finally remembered that the old man had already run five kilometers, and his speed was not slow, faster than many young people.

They finally saw the sweat dripping from Ji Xinghe's body, they finally saw Ji Xinghe's face gradually pale, they finally saw the vest and shorts on Ji Xinghe's body, they were already soaked through at some point.

But Ji Xinghe is still running, his speed is slower than when he just ran out of the gymnasium, but he is still running, his eyes are not diverted by the shouts on both sides of the track, and he looks straight at him. the road ahead.

"Grandpa Ji, take a break, you can rest."

Pei Jing took advantage of her position to get close to Ji Xinghe, and seeing her outstretched hands, it seemed that she was ready to support Ji Xinghe at any time.

But Ji Xinghe did not fall, he was still running, still surpassing, surpassing one young man after another, he was also surpassing himself.

Pei Jing was very worried, but she didn't dare to stop Ji Xinghe, so she turned around and ran to the supply station ahead of time to pick up two cups of warm water, one was salt water and the other was sugar water, and then she stepped on the balance car and returned to Ji Xinghe's side to hand it over. past.

But Ji Xinghe didn't pick it up, as if he didn't see Pei Jing at all.

"Grandpa Ji, you can drink water, and you don't violate the rules."

Ji Xinghe turned a deaf ear and continued to run, completely ignoring Pei Jing and the two glasses of water in Pei Jing's hands.

A sign 'six kilometers' appeared on the side of the runway, and Ji Xinghe didn't even look at it when he ran past.

"Grandpa Ji, it won't take long to drink two glasses of water. You still have time, and it's enough."

Pei Jing is a little worried. She knows that long-distance running will produce a lot of sweat. Sweat is salty, so you need to add salt water. Physical energy consumption needs sugar to replenish, so you need to drink sugar water, otherwise you will suffer from hypoglycemia.

"Grandpa Ji, time is really enough, but you have to drink water, otherwise you will be dehydrated and exhausted..."

Ji Xinghe continued to ignore.

"Old Ji."

A flying car suddenly rushed over the heads of the onlookers beside the runway. In the open window, the old man who was driving was Ji Xinghe's colleague who had worked with him for more than 30 years. He looked at Ji Xinghe and shouted while driving.

The siren sounded from the police drone next to the runway, and the sound reminded the flying car to stop dangerous driving immediately, but the old man driving the car continued to shout loudly regardless.

"Old Ji, can I let my son avenge your son? Go back, you will die of exhaustion from running like this."

There is more than one person in the car. If it weren’t for this car that can only seat four people, if it wasn’t for the repair shop today that only has this newly repaired flying car, dozens of people may come to the repair shop. Ji Xinghe’s popularity has always been very good .

The window in the back seat has also been opened, and a middle-aged man shouted with a choked voice: "Master, I will avenge my junior brother, I will join the army, I will avenge my junior brother, UU reading you Let's take a break."

This middle-aged man is not Ji Xinghe's kung fu heir, Ji Xinghe only taught his son martial arts, but Ji Xinghe taught this young man how to fix cars.

However, the onlookers were not aware of this, and two key words emerged in their minds: master and younger brother.

"Old Ji, tell me something."

"Master Ji, take a break, and run again after a while."

The car repair master who was driving saw a flying police car rushing over, and shouted in a hurry: "That little girl, don't ask him, just give him a drink, Lao Ji can't hear him, he can't hear anything."


Can't hear you?

But just now...

Pei Jing didn't understand why Ji Xinghe suddenly became deaf, but the people in that car ran over to persuade Ji Xinghe regardless of the police car chasing him and the punishment afterwards, and he would definitely not lie about this kind of thing.

So she stepped on the balance bike to keep the distance, tried not to affect Ji Xinghe's running movement as much as possible, controlled the speed and kept relatively still with Ji Xinghe, and then handed the cup on her right hand to Ji Xinghe's mouth.

Ji Xinghe, who hadn't reacted all this time, finally had an action other than running. He opened his mouth and raised his head slightly. Pei Jing tilted the glass very cooperatively, and drank the glass of water in one gulp.

Ji Xinghe didn't stop running during the whole process, and he even overtook another young man in the process. The young man looked at the big beauty Pei Jing who was following Ji Xinghe, and once again reached out to hold a cup to feed Ji Xinghe, An inexplicable sadness welled up in my heart.

I wanted to join the army because of a broken relationship, but when I took the physical fitness test, I was chased and fed dog food. I was still an old man and a beautiful girl.

God, where did I lose?

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