MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 451 Desperate Iai Zhan, get the priesthood-Sword God

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  Chapter 451 The Desperate Iai Slash, Obtaining the Priesthood-Sword God


   Zhao Ba finished this blow, and then looked back at the Juggernaut.

  Yagyu Toizumi stood on the wooden wreckage of the house, and his breathing became even louder.

  He also has divine power, which increases the effect of skills, but also increases physical energy consumption.

   "It's not over yet!"


   "Wind Cut!"

   Liu Sheng Dongquan raised his sword, and the terrifying sword energy turned into a gust of wind, slashing towards Zhao Ba from a distance.


  Zhao Ba does not move. The attack range of the wind cut is large, and the flying speed is fast. It is best to block it with the big sword.

   The wind cut down again and again, but they were all blocked by Zhao Ba's giant mark.

   "Oh, amazing!"

   "Let's fight hand to hand!"

   "My attack will become fierce!"

  Yusheng Dongquan jumped, and the energy sword quickly slashed towards Zhao Ba, and then added a small skill to the domineering attack.

  However, this is different from before. His sword is more domineering, and he enters the mode of injuring one thousand enemies and injuring himself eight hundred.

  Zhao Ba withdraws and changes back to the Cold Shadow Knife.

  Yusheng Dongquan's attack slowly took effect, and Zhao Ba's blood gradually increased, and the blood volume dropped below 50% after a while.

   But that's about it.

  Yagyu Tosen's stamina is running out.

   "Chi Chi Chi..."

  He stopped, gulping for air.

  For an existence stronger than the Son of God and the human body of gods.

  If he can give him the power of faith and continuously replenish his physical strength, maybe he can do better.

  It's a pity that there are not such good things in this world.

  Zhao Ba is too powerful to achieve a godly body.

  He even has a lot of hole cards that he hasn't used yet, such as the domain of divine power, the diary of a demigod and Lich, powerful control effects...

  Yagyu Tosen used to feel the presence of fear, but not now.

  The rapid increase in strength has brought about a qualitative change in Zhao Ba.

  The only ones who can fight Zhao Ba now are the top 20 names hidden in their combat power.

   "Take my last blow!"

   "I was praised by people before because I have the strongest Iai Zhan!"

   "I call the next blow "Jian Yiju combined chop"!"

  Liusheng Dongquan's physical fitness recovered very slowly, he put away the blade, but released it at that moment, fearful Juhe rushed towards Zhao Ba.

   At that moment, Yagyu Toizumi's entire body collapsed and turned into sand.

   "A fatal blow!"

  Wang Lu was surprised, how unstoppable this blow must be!

   Everyone looked at how Zhao Ba should answer!

   "Sure enough, I am not as good as a Juggernaut in terms of using a sword!"

  Zhao Ba looked at the incomparable sword intent and said lightly.

  He raised his left hand, and at that moment the Chaos Shield became bigger and blocked in front of him.


  The huge impact force, even Zhao Ba now has doubled his strength, he even retreated countless steps, stepping on the ground into big pits.

  Even with the damage reduction from the Chaos Shield and its own countless effects, he still received 19% of his maximum health as damage.

  If he took the next blow with his sword, he would definitely die.

  In terms of sword use, Zhao Ba is no match for Liusheng Dongquan even if he relies on the vocation of God.


  Wang Zhilu said in surprise.

  He didn't expect that the final blow was so fast that it caught people off guard.

  Liu Sheng Dongquan fought desperately, but Zhao Ba was not killed.

  Red Shadow-Legend of Flame LV.45: "Brother Ba is too awesome!"

  Lee Seung Hyuk-Catch the Mad Demon LV.47: "Oh, I didn't expect that!"

  Alijago-Dragoon Warrior LV.48: "There is an extra enemy in our boat of solidarity!"

  Everyone understands that Zhao Ba's strength is far above Liu Sheng Dongquan.

   It is even very possible that if Zhao Ba exerts all his strength, Liu Sheng Dongquan will lose miserably.

  Everything ended here, and the sword master of Liu Shengdongquan's generation also ended at this time.

  【Game reminder: After the system judges, before the death of Liu Shengdongquan, you caused the highest damage to him, and it is considered that you killed him! 】

  【Game Tips: You got all items and a lot of experience from Liu Shengdongquan! 】

  【Game Tip: You have replaced Liu Sheng Dongquan on the combat power list! 】

  【Game Tips: You got the vocation of God - Juggernaut】

  【Game Tip: You get Virtue - Temperance. 】

  【Game Tip: You get 15 divine power points. 】

  【Game hint: You get 7 points of magic fire. 】

  【Game hint: You get 103 reputation points. 】

  Zhao Ba watched this scene, put away his weapon, and prepared to go to Daphne.

   And the live broadcast is also closed at the same time.

  But in the hearts of everyone, everything they see will be spread and savored carefully.

  Countless power of faith flocked to Zhao Ba, and his experience value increased rapidly.

  【Game Tip: You gain a lot of experience through the power of faith, and the level is increased from LV.48 to LV.49! 】

   Zhao Ba's level has improved, and he has gained too much experience through the power of faith.

  He had to change his strategy and get more power of faith.

   But this is all later, the first thing he saw was the vocation of God - Juggernaut

  【Name: Fragment of God's Occupation - Sword Master】

  【Quality: Special】

  【Special Effects - Juggernaut: You master all kinds of sword weapons to the extreme, and no one in the world will be able to match you. 】

  【Special Effect - Momentless: You can change the number of moves of the skill, after all, you have reached the limit of the sword! 】

  【Special Effect - Fusion: You can also fuse similar fragments to improve the quality of the item. 】

  [Introduction: Juggernaut can use both swords and knives in most games, and this is also the case in maze games. 】

  Zhao Ba can almost copy the number of ways Yagyu Tosen used his sword.

   Recalling every previous blow, he was able to find a solution.

   But this is not the most important thing. With the vocation of God - Juggernaut, he can combine the vocation of God - Peerless Swordsman, and the Great Swordsman of God's vocation to form something stronger.

  【Game Tips: You take the vocation fragment of God - Juggernaut as the core, and integrate the vocation of God - Great Swordsman, and the profession of God - Peerless Swordsman! 】

  【Game Tips: You got the vocation of God-Sword God! 】

  【Name: God's Occupation-Sword God】

  【Principal Quality: Elementary】

  【Special Effect-Sword God: You have mastered all kinds of sword weapons to the extreme, and you have reached the level of a god. 】

  【Special Effect - Momentless: You can change the number of moves of the skill, after all, you have reached the limit of the sword! 】

  【Prince Effect-Creation: You can create more skills and miracles, but this requires you to spend divine power and time. 】

  【Special Effect - Fusion: You can also fuse similar fragments to improve the quality of the item. 】

  【Introduction: The **** of swords can become a priesthood! 】

  Zhao Ba used the vocation of God to turn it into a priesthood-Sword God, and if he wanted, he could create powerful skills, and be able to cast divine power on others and turn it into miracles.

   But this is not cost-effective.

  The biggest effect of the priesthood is that when he gets divine power, he can derive powerful divine skills.

  However, Zhao Ba has not obtained the new divine power yet, and the divine skills have not been produced for the time being, so he needs to wait for a while.

  (end of this chapter)

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