MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 436 Yi Xueliu's challenge, the deal with Zero Eye

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  Chapter 436 Yi Xueliu's challenge, the deal with Zero Eye

   "Bajun, this is my long-cherished wish, and now it can finally come true!"

   She said while holding a wooden knife.

   After repeated requests from her, Zhao Ba finally agreed and picked up the wooden knife.

  He has the vocation of the gods and heavens - the peerless swordsman, the ability to play swords, only under certain talents, he can play back and forth with Yi Xueliu.


  At the beginning, Zhao Ba was even able to suppress Yi Xueliu by relying on his attribute advantages, but Yi Xueliu found a way to crack it, and soon found a tricky attack method to fight back.

   This lasted for a long time, Ling Mou didn't move away, just looked at her with her long legs upside down.

  Her eyes were always focused on Zhao Ba.

   "Why does he always make me have the idea of ​​surrender."

   "And the blood on his body, I always feel that it is very delicious."

   "I really want to take a breath. Why do I feel this way? It's very strange!"

  Zero Eye's pupils glowed slightly red, and the original sin on her body - gluttony, was slightly hot.

  Original sin will have different effects on each person. For most humans, original sin will cause them to devour different creatures.

   But for vampires, it will allow them to absorb different blood, and increase the degree of evolution of vampires, gaining abilities that they did not have before.

   "Don't think too much, the big deal is to sell him a favor and let him **** two for me."

  Zero Mou decided: "Besides, I also want to exchange information with him."

   "He should also know about Hydra!"

  Hydra organization, mysterious and huge, but disappeared at a certain point in history.

  Uncover their secrets, and you will get unexpected benefits.

   This is also the purpose of Zero Eye's trip, and the final secret will be revealed soon.

   "Huh, Overlord, thank you for being able to guide me, I need to digest it now!"

  Sandao Yi Xueliu went from excited to calm, she began to think about how to defeat Zhao Ba, and what she could learn from Zhao Ba.

  She is immersed in it and is not disturbed by external objects.

   "Little handsome guy, come here, I want to make a deal with you."

  Zero Mou waved at Zhao Ba and said, "You know this thing!"

   "The content of the transaction is it!"

  She took out the demilich's diary, which was one of the gains she got from exploring the Hydra ruins.

   "I'd be happy to trade with you."

  Zhao Ba looked around. The woods are very lush, which can isolate the sound very well.

  Three-sword Yi Xueliu is very quiet, she is immersed in the sword technique wholeheartedly.

   "Hey, don't wander off in your mind!" Ling Mou sensed something unusual from Zhao Ba's eyes.

   She is much more visible to this set.

   Zhao Ba said: "There is no such thing."

   "Tell me, what do you want?"

   "What to trade."

  He pretended to be calm, but he was still a little disappointed.

  After Zero Eye took away the sharp claws, it was pretty good.

   "Give me some blood, and then tell me the original news about the Hydra organization, and the deal will be concluded!"

   "This is a legend +4 diary, you should have a diary, right? As long as you synthesize it, you may be able to improve the quality of the diary to epic!"

   "You make a lot of money!"

  The Diary of the Demigod Lich has many effects, which greatly improves Zhao Ba, and is a very good piece of equipment in the early and mid-term.

  But for him now, he is a bit outdated, unable to keep up with his pace of upgrading.

  Zero Eye's proposal is very good. If Zhao Ba can upgrade the demigod lich's diary to epic quality, then his improvement will be great.

   Disintegration is a powerful skill that will reduce the enemy's armor and magic resistance more. Although Zhao Ba has the effect of Chaos Dou Qi, which is not very useful, it can increase the output of friendly troops in future group battles.

  Skills such as Dark Shield, Miracle Shield, and Soul Crystal Gun are almost useless, but if they can be upgraded, they will give off a second spring.

   "Heh, that doesn't have to be epic equipment." Zhao Ba shook his head. If the other party offers extremely attractive conditions and spends a lot of money to do something, then he must be profitable.

   Otherwise why would he do it?

   This is the same for Zero Eye.

   Zhao Ba's blood and Hydra's secrets have brought her many benefits.

   "Then what do you want, don't just ask for a price? After this, you won't have this store!"

   "I have a hunch that you want to know the contents of the Demi Lich's diary more than me!"

   "That seems important to you!"

  Zero Mou stood up and stared at Zhao Ba's eyes.

   "After passing this one, there will be no such store!"

   "You have to think clearly!"


   She chuckled.

   Zhao Ba tried his best to remain calm.

  If he can know how a demigod lich becomes a god, he can learn it and reduce the obstacles on the way to becoming a god.

   After all, apart from the divine body, there are priesthood and divine kingdom.

   This is all troublesome.

   After a while, Zhao Ba weighed in, and then said: "Well, just do as you said!"

   "Now tell me, how do you take blood?"

   "If neck biting is necessary, I won't do it."

   When a vampire **** blood, like a mosquito, it will produce a toxin with a paralyzing effect.

  Zhao Ba doesn't believe in Zero Eye, she is both an enemy and a friend, so she can only make a deal.

   "Is it okay to bite your hand?" Ling Mou said aggrievedly: "Is that why you don't believe me?"

   "Just because of past misunderstandings?"

   She was crying while she spoke.

   Zhao Ba shook his head and said, "Is it okay not to bite?"

  Zero Mou said: "No, but I have to kill you to get your hard work, so you still let me bite! It doesn't hurt!"

  She bargained with Zhao Ba in the end, and finally the deal was reached. Zhao Ba got the other contents of the demigod lich's diary with his right hand, and stretched out his left hand for Lingmu to bite.

   "What a stingy man!"

  Zero Mou smiled.

   Then he opened his mouth ambiguously and bit Zhao Ba's index finger.

   She deserves to be a vampire, squatting in front of Zhao Ba sucking blood, she is so elegant and charming, just like the squatting service in the first-class cabin.

  【Game hint: You have lost a certain amount of hard work, entered a weak state, and all attributes have dropped! 】

  【Game hint: You have lost a certain amount of hard work, entered a weak state, and all attributes have dropped! 】

  【Game Tip: You lost...】

  Zhao Ba felt a little numb in his hands, and his body became weak. His upper limit of blood volume, upper limit of physical strength, and strength were all decreasing.

   This is the state of weakness.

  But as long as Zero Eye stops sucking blood, the weak state can be lifted after a period of time.

   "Hey, thanks for feeding!"

  Ling Mou put down Zhao Ba's left hand: "Your blood smells good."

   "It would be great if I could drink it from time to time!"

   Zhao Ba turned pale, shook his head and said, "Then I will be sucked dry."

  His strength has dropped a bit, and he can only exert 50% of his normal strength.

  Zero Mou looked more and more beautiful, radiant, even with a little blush on his face, very attractive.

  She slightly showed her tongue and took away the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Do you want to take a vampire as a maid? I don't want money, as long as you can feed me!"

   "How about letting me **** a little blood every day?"

   "I don't eat much!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion