MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 427 Wen Kedu turned into a dark descendant, Zhao Ba's supernatural power

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  Chapter 427 Wen Kedu turned into a dark descendant, Zhao Ba's supernatural power

  【Game Tip: You have entered a state of intense bleeding! 】

  【Game Tip: You have entered a disabled state! 】

  【Game Tips: You have entered the Armor Break state! 】

  【Game hint: you enter...】

  Agile fighters not only attack fast, but also have terrifying special effects attached to their attacks.


  But suddenly at this time, Qian Duoduo, who Zhao Ba has been hiding in the pet space, rushed out.

   "Everyone is responsible!"

  Zhao Ba strengthened Qian Duoduo to the same attribute as his own, and at this moment used the evil tiger to attack.

  It was too late for Wen Keduo to end the phantom sword dance state, and instantly his body suffered a huge force and fell to the ground.

   "Shadow of the Lone Wolf"


   "Third Eye!"

   Zhao Ba also found an opportunity at this time to use his control skills.

  【Game Tips: Wen Keduo's heart is like a knife activates the effect, and the shadow of the lone wolf can't control Wen Keduo! 】

  【Game Tips: The petrification effect level is greater than LV.57, which can cause control effects on Wen Kedu, reducing its attack speed and movement speed by 280%. 】

  【Game Tips: Wen Keduo's Heart Like a Knife activates the effect, and the Obsessed Blood Eye cannot control it. 】

  The level of control skills is not high enough, and it is difficult to play a role when dealing with powerful opponents.

   It seems that Zhao Ba possesses the Pride of God and Armor of Vengeance, so ordinary controls are ineffective on him.

  This is the same for Wen Kedo, so he didn't release the control skills from the beginning to the end.

  However, the mechanism of Qian Duoduo's vicious tiger predation skill is very special. Its judgment effect is not based on the level, but based on the comparison of the strength of the two sides.

  After Qian Duoduo's attributes are raised to be the same as Zhao Ba's, he can suppress Wen Keduo.

  Even if his heart is like a knife, he will be pressed down by Qian Duoduo and cannot move.

   "The beginning of chaos!"

   "Desolate Ancient Slash!"

   Zhao Ba is also welcome, if you use the ultimate move, you can kill Wen Ke more in seconds, try to kill in seconds, and you will have more night dreams.

   "Oh, it is indeed Zhao Ba, it's rare to fight!"

   "I said why you rank above me on the reward list, so that's how it is!"

   "Die, you bastard, don't disturb my battle!"

   At the moment when Qian Duoduo suppressed Wen Keduo and Zhao Ba emptied Wen Keduo's health bar, a terrifying black light shot out.


  Qian Duoduo entered a state of fear.

  【Game Tip: You enter the fear state of LV.60 for 0.4 seconds! 】

  Zhao Ba also suffered from a super high level control effect.

  In his eyes, Wen Kedo turned into a dark demon.

  The Ascension Ceremony of Biheim requires the blessing of the gods to be successful, making the body of the demigod stronger.

  But after the arrival of Logan, Biheim gradually lost the blessing of the goddess of springs. In the end, there was no way.

  This is also the reason why Zhao Ba was able to become a demigod, while Wen Keduo became a dark descendant. The God of Looting once blessed him.

  【Game Tips: When your HP drops below 10%, you can enter Darkin mode! 】

  【Game Tips: When your HP is 0, you will definitely enter Darkin mode! 】

  【Game Tips: You enter the darkborn mode, with demon wings growing behind you, transforming into a hybrid demon, and instantly release the LV.60 fear effect on the surrounding enemies. After transforming into a hybrid demon, your power will be greatly increased! 】

   In the blink of an eye, Qian Duoduo was cut off countless times by Wen Kedu, and his blood volume bottomed out.

  【Game Tip: Your pet Qian Duoduo died, you can revive it through rituals! 】

  Zhao Ba looked coldly at Wen Keduo, who had become a giant of a hundred feet. His whole body turned black and red, and horns grew from his head. When he looked at Zhao Ba, he somewhat disdainful.


  He made a gloomy voice: "In the darkin mode, I am the great devil of hell!"

   "Humans, die!"

  His knife slashed towards Zhao Ba, like killing a fly.

   "Damn you!"

   Zhao Ba also turned on the ascension mode at this moment, and also turned into a giant of hundreds of feet!


  The giant sword rushed towards Wen Kedo, and at this moment, a red light rushed out.

  【Game Tips: You Activate Special Effects - Revenge Duel Domain】

  【Special Effect-Revenge Duel Domain: Pull an enemy into the Vengeance Duel Domain, and the enemy cannot enter the stealth state. Within the domain, your all stats increase by 40%, and the effect of the Three Hallows of Vengeance is doubled. Duration 5 minutes, cooldown 6 hours. 】

   This time, Zhao Ba didn't open the domain for the effect of immortality, what he wanted was the effect of increasing the attribute and the blessing of the Holy Artifact of Vengeance.

  After he activates the will to revenge, his attack speed doubles instantly!

   And at this point, the second realm unfolds!

   "Shenwei suppresses the field!"

  A ray of light burst out, and Zhao Ba was filled with the majesty of a god.

   This golden field is mixed with the blood-red field, representing blood and fire!

  【Game Tips: Expand the field of divine power suppression with you as the center! 】

  【Game Tips: According to the system judgment, your strength and physique and other attributes are higher than Wenkdo, you will increase your strength and physique by 2% every second, and Wenkdo will decrease your strength and physique by 2% every second! 】

  The effect of Ascension is similar to that of Darkin, and even the power generated is the same.

   Between Wen Ke and Zhao Ba, no one can make things difficult for the other.

  But the effect of divine power, the damage increase effect brought by the pride of the gods, all exert their power to the maximum.


   Zhao Ba took revenge through recoloring, and after doubling his attack speed and movement speed, Wen Keduo could no longer suppress him.

  After his strength was improved, and then suppressed by divine power, even if Wen Kedu turned into a dark descendant, he would be knocked away by his sword at this moment.

   "Your strength is too weak!"

   Zhao Ba will not let him go.

  He doesn't need to release skills either. With the extremely fast attack speed, using skills is a waste of time.

"Do not!"

  Wen Keduo felt that even if he ascended to become a dark descendant, he would not be able to suppress Zhao Ba, and was even severely suppressed by Zhao Ba.

   It made him feel unbelievable.

  Even the knife in his hand seemed weak.

  Obviously he is a genius with swords, why can't he suppress Zhao Ba's giant sword?

  What he didn't know was that Zhao Ba didn't know how to use a giant sword before he got the vocation of God - Great Swordsman.

   But when he got the giant swordsman, he was a genius at using giant swords, and he could enter the realm of the unity of human and sword.

  When the skills of the two are comparable, attribute suppression will become obvious.

   "Aren't you very proud?"

   "The light of cowardice appears in your eyes!"

   "You want to run, but you can't, this is the field of revenge duel!"

   Zhao Ba cut Wen Keduo into the air with a single sword strike.

   Another effect of opening the field of revenge duel is to keep Vinkdo unable to escape.

   Not only will he be trapped in the suppression field, but he will also be killed by Zhao Ba!


  Wen Keduo regretted using the original sin-arrogance effect. He didn't even think that Zhao Ba not only possessed the body of a demigod, but also possessed other powerful equipment, and his strength improved too quickly.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion