MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 423 The effect of divine power, the endless taya dragon

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  Chapter 423 The effect of divine power, the endless Ta Yalong

   This stone looks like a crystal with mysterious runes on it.

  Zhao Ba decisively chose a steady increase.

  【Game hint: You get 3 divine power points! 】

  【Game Tip: Divine power will increase the effect of your skills when you use them. Every point of divine power will increase the effect by 0.1 times】

  【Game Tip: Divine power will increase the effect of your normal skills. For every bit of divine power, the effect of your normal skills will increase by one-third. 】

  【Note: Divine power will double your stamina and mana consumption. 】

  【Game Tip: Every point of divine power will increase the effect of your mythical weapon by 10%. 】

  Zhao Ba felt a strange energy pouring into his body.

  He picked up the giant standard and used a strong slash, and at that moment a huge sound of piercing through the air resounded.

   This is the power of the gods.

  It is a lever that makes the gods move their hands and feet to produce miraculous effects.

   With only 3 points of divine power, Zhao Ba doubled the effect of the skill.

  Even if a mortal cultivates a skill to the top level, its effect may not necessarily double.

  The gods also have the skills of gods.

   This is the existence that mortals fear.

   "It's a good thing that gods can't come down to earth at will!"

   Zhao Ba thought to himself.

   These 3 points of divine power made his combat effectiveness skyrocket.

   This is also the benefit of having a divine body.

   Otherwise, he would not be able to absorb divine power, and would only lose it.

  【Prayer Stone】

  【Quality: Epic】

  【Common effect: Add a layer of permanent enchantment effect to your weapon! 】

  【Special effect-Element: Enchant your weapons with elemental attributes. When performing normal attacks, add elemental attribute damage and increase attribute enhancement. 】

  【Special Effects-Damage: Add damage special effect enchantment to your weapon, so that when you attack the enemy, it will cause poisoning, bleeding, curse and other effects! 】

  【Epic Special Effects-Amplification: Enchant the effects of your original weapon, so that the original weapon’s armor-piercing, blood-sucking, and damage-reducing effects are enhanced! 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the epic hidden special effect-sacred enchantment will be automatically activated! 】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect-Holy Enchantment: 20% of all damage done by your weapon is converted into real damage. 】

  【Introduction: The gods pray for your weapon and offer blessings. 】

  The effect of the Prayer Stone is very good, and many players like weapon enchanting very much.

   Players who did not transfer to a hidden class at the beginning, but only have no attribute fighting spirit need elemental enchantment, which can increase damage.

  Assassin players need to strengthen the effects of poisoning and bleeding.

  As for the armor-breaking, magic-breaking, and blood-sucking effects, everyone likes it.

   Zhao Ba directly enchanted the Giant's Mark, using a hidden effect, and 20% of the damage was converted into real damage.

  Combined with the effect of his Chaos Fighting Qi, a maximum of 50% of the damage he causes will be converted into real damage.

   This is awesome PLUS!

  Because of the effect of Virtue-Forbearance, after he improved his strength, his ranking in the fighter profession rankings did not improve.

  Although some people guess how much his real strength has increased, but that has always been a mystery.

  You are really strong, and others don't know how strong you are, so that's interesting.

   Zhao Ba found Daphne and asked her to move on.

   "Haha, when that guy sees the huge golden treasure chest, he must think that there are countless good things in it, but he doesn't know that it is a trap left by the owner!"

   "Greedy intruders, you will all die in your own desires!"

   "The treasure monster must be hungry too?"

   The djinn thought to himself.

  He felt that Zhao Ba hadn't come for so long, he must have been eaten by a treasure box monster.

   This is so normal.

   Countless powerful warriors died at the mouth of the monsters.

  Even if some warriors find that the treasure chest is abnormal and want to kill the treasure chest monster and then take the contents, they will find that they are wrong.

   The treasure monsters made of intermediate golden treasure chests are stronger than ordinary bosses!

   "Daphne, you are my maid, I will let you warm the bed in the future, do you agree?"

   Zhao Ba's voice suddenly sounded.

"how come!"

  Giant was stunned for a second, then turned to look at Zhao Ba's figure.

   "I disagree, how could it be like that, you humans are so perverted!"

  Daphne said in surprise.

   She is still very pure.

   "Disagree? You will lose your salary next month!"

   Zhao Ba smiled, unknowingly, the original sin set by God of Beauty was working.

  He chatted shamelessly with Daphne, who had no scruples about the djinn in the distance.

   "Damn it! Why are you still alive!"

   The djinn was angry.

   This shows that the treasure left by his master has been taken away by Zhao Ba.

   This is really dereliction of duty, dereliction of duty!

   "Heh, can you take it?"

  He looked back at Zhao Ba again, and the resentment burst out in his eyes.

   "Next, you will see Ta Yalong's true splendor!"

  On the statue of the magician at the end of the passage, a jewel exudes blue light, and countless taya dragons come out of the passage.

  They were larger than their counterparts in the wasteland, and they walked in a uniform pace, staring at Zhao Ba with a chilling light rising.

   "Even the allied forces of the gods were defeated by this Ta Yalong. It is not wrong for you to be killed by them!"

   "Even this can be said to be an honor!"

   "Let's fight!"

  Tayalong, whose soul was controlled, flew up, and the terrible dragon's breath was aimed at Zhao Ba.

  Zhao Ba and Daphne still stood where they were.

   "You want to defend with a shield, right?"

   "It's a pity that the power of the dragon's breath will melt your shield together!"


   The djinn thought viciously.

  Although every fighter wants to be a dragon slayer, most of them just talk about it.

   There are very few existences who really have the courage to slay dragons.

  Among these very few, many died in the mouth of the dragon.

  When Ta Yalong is under control, it can exert a power stronger than that of a real dragon!

   "Burn you lovers!"

  The djinn smiled at last.

"take off!"

  But at this moment, Zhao Ba's body jumped and flew in the air.

  Dragon's breath moved forward along the ground, not threatening him at all.

   "Daphne, do you see the top pillars, grab them!"

   Zhao Ba said, throwing Daphne away again.

   "I'm holding on!"

  Daphne said as she landed on the pillar.

   Zhao Ba alone will deal with these terrifying Ta Yalong.


   Zhao Ba's body fell down again.

  He used the Heaven-shattering Slash in mid-air, in order to clean up the Ta Yalong who had breathed out the dragon's breath and landed on the ground to rest as soon as possible.

   There was a loud bang, and the Giant's Mark hit the ground, immediately causing all Ta Yalongs to suffer the first damage.

   Followed by Chaos Storm, tearing countless ta'ya dragons to pieces.

  Even if they are stronger than Ta Yalong in the wasteland, and they are LV.60 elite monsters, they can't withstand Zhao Ba's big move.

  He has the effect of a prominent warrior, and the skill level of Shattering Slash is increased by LV.5.

   Another 50% true damage.

   There are also 3 points of divine power, which doubles the effect of the skill.

  Then there is the special effect of Dragon Mark - Enemy of Dragons, which increases the damage to dragons by 200%.

  Countless effects were superimposed together, and the first batch of more than a dozen flying taya dragons died, and their bodies fell to the ground.

   "Do you think this is the end?"

   "This is just the beginning!"

   "Tayalong Legion is endless!"

  The djinn's eyes looked at Zhao Ba fiercely.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion