MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 421 Magic Trap Area, Intermediate Gold Mimic

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  Chapter 421 Magic Trap Area, Intermediate Gold Mimic

  Zhao Ba immediately emailed the design drawing of the Magician Tower to Steward Augen, asking him to build this legendary portable base at all costs.

  Zhao Ba continued to move in the alchemy laboratory, walking among the bottles and jars, looking at the pile of magic instruments, it seemed that this magic alchemy laboratory was like this, and the things inside were very ordinary.

   But obviously, not so.

  【The laboratory in front of you has been given space magic. If you want to get in touch with its true secrets, you have to open several magic organs next to it. 】

   A special prompt appears.

  Zhao Ba walked to a key position, and after a while, a space door shone with light.

  When Zhao Ba walked into it, he suddenly found that he seemed to have entered the entrance of the laboratory again, but the scene in front of him became strange and complicated.

  Like a large shopping mall on the earth.


   "What a rare visitor, an intruder, seeing you holding a huge sword, should you be a mentally handicapped warrior?"

   "Although your status cannot be compared with noble magicians, I still tell you, don't go any further."

  A blue figure appeared in the distance, his lower body was transparent, but his upper body was like a blue human being.

   This is a wind djinn, he is also a creature of the wind element, but mischievous magicians often trap wind spirits in bottles or teapots.

  Because the oil in the teapot can light the lamp, they are sometimes called "deng gods".

  Some magicians will let him act as the manager of the magic tower, just like Orgen as a housekeeper.

   "See if there are any, it's all the remnants of the intruder's body!"

  The wind dwarf pointed to the land full of magic traps in front of Zhao Ba and said.

  There are indeed various wreckages there, and some of the wreckages have huge bones, not like humans, but like trolls or giants.

  Some of the wreckage resembles humans, but if you look closely, you will find that they are the corpses of elves.

   In addition, there are corpses that look like goblins and dwarves...

  The corpses of human adventurers are even more numerous.

  From ancient times to the present, countless people have discovered hidden alchemy laboratories, but they all died under the terrible traps arranged by magicians during the treasure hunting process.

  Don't overestimate the morality of a magician, because they have no conscience.

  After the intruder triggers a trap, it will be like a chain reaction, and multiple different traps will be released at one time. In the end, there will always be a trap that can kill the intruder.

   "Of course, I also think you can give it a try. Take your life as a bet and see if there is a golden treasure chest in front of you. It contains the spoils of my master, the great great magister Joseph."

   "That's the treasure he got after killing the gods with the Ascension to God technique, you can get it as much as you want."

   "The magician master feels that if someone can break through the magic trap he set, then he must be a magic genius, and the intruder should be rewarded!"

  The Djinn flew over the middle-level golden treasure chest and circled around, and Zhao Ba's eyes were quickly attracted by the middle-level golden treasure chest.

   Just opened a lower-level golden treasure chest, and now there is an intermediate-level golden treasure chest, so cool.

   This golden treasure chest is actually set by the game system as a reward for the player to successfully pass the level.

  The terrifying magic trap in front of you is more dangerous than a giant dragon.

   Of course, danger is relative.

  【There is a triggering magic trap on the third slab in front. Once you enter it, you will be silenced, and then you will be knocked into the air by the spring underneath, triggering a series of magic traps, making your death very ugly. 】

  【There are gravity traps in the area of ​​more than 2.5 meters in the air, you will enjoy the feeling of a hundred times the pressure of gravity, and then trigger a bunch of traps, don't even think about running or flying over. 】

【Forward right…】

   For Zhao Ba, he likes magic traps the most.

   "Daphne, don't move, I'll hold you to escape the magic trap..."

   He said to Daphne.

   "Yes, Lord...wait...hold me?"

  Daphne was stunned, and Zhao Ba quickly rolled the nine tails from behind her, and rushed into the magic trap area.

   "It hurts so much, take it easy!"

  Daphne felt that Zhao Ba's power had become so great that she couldn't even push him away.


   Just as they walked over a stone slab, a terrible explosion hit, which frightened Daphne immediately, and then she didn't know what to do, and was confused.

  【The space ahead is a trigger-type explosive trap, pass through as soon as possible to avoid damage from the explosion! 】


  The big wind blade struck quickly, Zhao Ba suddenly turned around, narrowly dodging the blow.

   This cuts off Daphne's hair a bit!

  She curled up more carefully, like a good baby.

  Zhao Ba is simply a madman who tramples on thunder, he deliberately wants to achieve the immediate effect.

   Trigger some traps, and it will be easier when he gets the epic alchemy pot and walks out of this area.

   "Hehe, you are such a fool, but luck is also good!"

   "Come on, you are already very close to me!"

   "Five hundred meters!"

   "Three hundred meters!"

   "One hundred meters!"

   "Gan, back off, what are you doing so close to me!"

  The dwarf steward suddenly discovered that Zhao Ba was a little powerful.

  Obviously, there were explosions all over the sky, but Zhao Ba was still like the protagonist in the movie, rushing over without taking any damage.

   "Don't come here!"

  The dwarf suddenly thought of a terrible thing, and Zhao Ba in front of him had already seen through all the traps.

  He is different from the previous adventurers.

  He prayed that Zhao Ba was unlucky, which trap he stepped on and died.

  Unfortunately, Zhao Ba just didn't get what he wanted.

   "Oh, what a formidable adventurer!" The djinn couldn't help but backed away, and he snorted coldly and said, "I advise you to leave here after you get the reward from the master."

   "If you insist on challenging, the next active protection system will tear you apart!"

  He flew very fast, and he ran far away in a short while.

   Zhao Ba ignored him, but put Daphne on the ground. Seeing that the girl was still a little unconscious, he patted his **** and said:

   "We are here, let me borrow some luck from you."

  Daphne was still a little dizzy, but she still nodded and said, "Okay!"

  Zhao Ba walked towards the middle-level golden treasure chest. This is also a treasure chest that will definitely produce complete epic-level items, and may even produce highly-enhanced epic-level items!

  Just open it, and you can earn a wave of blood.

   But suddenly, he stopped.

  【The mid-level golden treasure chest is a treasure box monster. 】

   "Hehe, the biggest trap is this golden treasure chest!"

   "I can make treasure chests to blame others, so don't others use treasure chests to insult me?"

   "Fun and fun!"

  Zhao Ba took out the giant mark, and looked at the golden treasure chest monster with cold eyes.

   This is a monster equivalent to a powerful LV.60 boss.

   "Ham, why did I forget, deal with the treasure box monsters, lure them into the magic trap and it's over."

  He put away the arrow again, let Daphne go aside, he went to the distance, picked up the cursed crossbow, after aiming, pulled the trigger, a bow and arrow with a curse rushed towards the golden treasure chest monster.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion