MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 417 Molesting the goddess of springs and becoming a demigod

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  Chapter 417 Molesting the goddess of spring water and becoming a demigod

  Zhao Ba did not expect that Chao Bufan would launch a live broadcast during his sneak attack.

  But he thought about it, if he could kill him live in front of the players in the world, then Chao Bufan would gain a shocking reputation.

  However, Chao Bufan didn't succeed, and Zhao Ba's reputation increased instead.

   "Brother Ba's ranking on the fighter list has not improved, it's impossible, he killed the big boss, and then killed Chao Bufan, this is unscientific!"

   "Heh, I don't even need to think about it, Brother Ba must have some piece of equipment from Chao Bufan, that's why it has the effect of hiding the ranking. Chao Bufan was also like this back then!"

   "Fuck, Brother Ba's real combat power is a mystery again!"

   Zhao Ba possesses the virtue of forbearance, which was guessed by everyone, but everyone didn't know his true strength.

  As long as his combat power is a mystery, those Xiao Xiaoxiao will not dare to trouble him.

  He will also be much more relaxed.

   "It's so refreshing to take a bath!"

   After a while, Zhao Ba finished swiping the information on the World Channel, and found that the hymn had stopped, and the body washing and ascension ceremony officially began.

  【Game Tips: The ceremony of body washing and ascension officially begins! 】

  【Game Tip: After the Ascension Ceremony is over, you will have the body of a demigod! 】

  【Game Tip: Your physique begins to change, the basic strength increases by 1%, the basic physique increases by 1%, the basic agility increases by 1%...】

   Zhao Ba's body began to become stronger, and endless energy filled his body.

  This body washing ceremony is much more enjoyable than the previous few times.

   "Brave adventurer, please walk to the center of the pool and don't lean against the outer wall of the pool."

  Lorian's soft voice rang behind Zhao Ba's ears.

   "You want to bathe with me?"

  Zhao Ba was taken aback.

  Lorian said in a swimsuit.

  Although she is a lolita, she has a surprisingly good figure.

   "No, you are not Lori Ann, you are the Goddess of Spring Water!"

  Zhao Ba suddenly saw the burning golden light shining on Lorian's body, and said, "Then come in quickly!"

   "Welcome, Lady Goddess!"

   "It's a great blessing to be able to bathe with the goddess. If you say it, you will be..."

  The goddess of spring water, Irene, was taken aback for a moment, and she smiled slightly, revealing a slight redness, but then a treasured sword appeared in her right hand, and Zhao Ba suddenly dared not speak.

  There is a knife on the head of the color character.

  She walked into the bath and said: "For countless thousands of years, you are still such a bold and frivolous one among the human beings I have seen!"

   Zhao Ba smiled and said, "Because I am different from others!"

  The Goddess of Spring Water, Irene, nodded uncompromisingly:

   "Why do you have the blessing of that little **** God of Beauty on you?"

   "Hmph, you'd better hold yourself, please don't move around for a while, or I will **** you!"

   "I will let you achieve the strongest ascension ceremony!"

  Holding a special magic item, she gently placed her hand on Zhao Ba's body, and suddenly there was a terrible pain.

  【Game Tip: Your physique begins to transform into a demigod, you can accommodate part of the divine power! 】

  Besides the difference in soul between gods and humans, the soul of ordinary people is blue, while the soul of gods, that is, the fire of gods, is golden, there is also a difference in the essence of power.

  Divine power is the power of rules, it is like a lever, and it has the effect of four or two.

   To obtain divine power, one must rely on human beings to comprehend it by themselves. For example, Logan, the strong man in human legends, relied on his own talent to comprehend the power of the soul, thus possessing immortal divine power.

  Soul magic is deployed through divine power, and the result is different.

   Possesses divine fire and divine power, and is a demigod.

  If you have the priesthood and the kingdom of God, you will be a real god!

  God's vocation can solve Zhao Ba's vocation.

  When he owns the mythical-level portable base Sky City, he can use the ascension technique to turn it into a kingdom of gods.

   "How do I feel, all of this is planned, um, it is a special reminder and the main **** arranged for me together!"

   Zhao Ba thought to himself, he felt something interesting happened again.

   "Goddess, can you be gentle, that is the important part of a man, you are going to destroy me!"

   Zhao Ba suddenly felt an unbearable pain in his heart.

   He looked at the goddess in front of him and said with tears in his eyes.

  Goddess Irene gave him a contemptuous look, then pretended not to know anything and said, "You're not old enough!"

   Zhao Ba felt humiliated.

   After a while, Irene walked behind, her face started to turn red at this time, and when she took that special ointment, she deliberately took more amount, which made Zhao Ba feel extreme pain.

   "Let you tease me!"

   "You hateful mortal!"

   "My old lady has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one dares to tease her!"

  The Goddess of Spring showed a dark smile on her face.

  Lolita's heart is black.

   Zhao Ba's power is still getting stronger, but he is also tortured by the spring goddess Irene, who is about to faint.

   When he felt the tingling pain disappear, he opened his eyes.

   "Okay, remember this body washing ceremony. In the future, you will be a member of the Spring Church, and you will be a ghost of the Spring Church in death!"

  Irene stood in front of Zhao Ba and said with her head held high.

  She seemed a little tired, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

  【Game Tip: After the washing ceremony, your body will transform into a demigod's body! 】

  【Name: Body of a Demigod】

  【Quality: Epic +5】

  【Normal Effect: Double the value of all your basic attributes! 】

  【Special Effect - Flying: You can consume energy stones to fly, please be careful not to fight in the air, you are not a fighter, you will only become a living target! 】

  【Special Effect-Extreme Strength: Double your basic strength again! 】

  【Special Effect-Extreme Physique: Double your basic physique again! 】

  【Special Effect-Extreme Agility: Double your basic agility! 】

[Epic-level special effect-Ascension: Consume 1000 energy stones per minute, and you will enter the ascension effect, during which you will transform into a giant, immune to control below LV.50, and the effect of control above LV.55 is reduced by 80%. The damage is reduced by 80%, your movement speed is doubled, and your attack power is also doubled! 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, you will automatically turn on the epic hidden special effects-God level is turned on!】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect-God Stage Opening: You will open the **** stage that can only be opened by gods, and can absorb a certain amount of divine power and master artifacts. 】

  【Introduction: The mighty warriors created by the Ascension Ceremony are not necessarily demigods, only those favored by the Goddess of Spring are, and demigods are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. The demigod you have achieved is the strongest, so Irene, the goddess of springs, loves you the most! But a certain **** likes Irene, and he can't ask for it, so you have to be careful. 】

  The effect of the demigod's body is simply powerful. If all the basic values ​​are doubled, the effect is so strong that it will explode.

  Like Zhao Ba's Giant Mark, which can increase strength by 200%, it seems very strong, but it is not.

  If Zhao Ba's basic power is 100, then the power he increases is 100*200%=200 points of power.

  When Zhao Ba's basic strength is doubled, his basic strength is 100*2=200.

  At this time, the effect of increasing the power of the giant power mark is 200*200%=400 points of power.

  He now has doubled all basic attributes, and his actual combat effectiveness is already unimaginably high.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion