MTL - Matrix Survival: I Get A Random Chest Every Day-v2 Chapter 369 Radium element Get!

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After dinner with Sakura, it was past eight o'clock in the evening, and the world channel was lively.

Li Zheng turned on the regional channel, and it was like a ghost frequency. Obviously, he and Sarutobi Yuluo had nothing to talk about.

On the contrary, it was a bit lively in the private messages. Some people from Fengshan and others sent them to ask if they wanted to challenge the event today; some people who participated in the auction before wanted to buy props from Li Zheng; some Liu Qishao and Tang Qianzang asked Li Zheng to sell them. How many petri dishes do they have.

First deal with the problems of Liu Qishao and Tang Qianzang, and tell them that it takes time to make the petri dish, and it will be delivered in a few days, so they can rest easy.

Li Zheng has already thought about it, Kunlun will give 100 units and Jiutian 30 units.

There were a total of 130 petri dishes, and they were rubbed continuously for nearly an hour. Li Zheng was definitely not free today.

These two got it done, and Li Zheng picked out a few others who were pleasing to the eye, and negotiated a few orders.

Basically, all of them are aircraft and technology cups, and Li Zheng did not take any other orders.

Someone also asked what the last lot was, but Li Zheng ignored it.

After everything was dealt with, Li Zheng found an interesting guy.

Head of Night Rose.

"Mr. Li, I tried Alice's performance just now. Can you tell me which popular streamer I recorded at that time? Why is it so... so... defeated?"

Li Zheng was overjoyed after reading this private message, and glanced at the other party's name: Frank.

"Frank, you can go to the live broadcast interface and search for Zhou Shufen. Before entering the matrix, this anchor was a popular one in my country. He has tens of millions of fans and is very popular."

"Zhou Shufen?" Frank repeated the name: "I'll go take a look."

After Frank entered Zhou Shufen's live broadcast room through a search, he knew that Li Zheng did not lie to him. Now this time is when the number of entertainers in the matrix is ​​the largest. There are as many as 10 million viewers in Zhou Shufen's live broadcast room!

The popularity is even more than what Li Zheng said.

If the barrage is not blocked, you can't even see the live broadcast, and you can only hear a somewhat familiar voice with a broken gong saying loudly: "The world of Huahua is charming, don't compete if you don't have the strength."

"High heels and tights, call me Sister Zhou, remember!"

Frank shivered on the spot when he heard the voice, and his face turned white.

Just now he was holding a housekeeping doll named Alice, and wanted to play a different flower work.

As a result, the voice of Meng Bu Ding came out, frightening him on the spot.

It's still a little hard to get up now.

Looking at the screen full of barrage, Frank was a little suspicious of life: "Why do so many people like to watch an anchor with such an ugly voice? Are they masochists?"

Out of curiosity, he tried to block the barrage in the live broadcast room.

The next moment, a female voice in a camouflage uniform with neat ponytails, a clean face, fair and smooth skin, and beautiful facial features appeared in front of him.

Just looking at it, Frank felt the crazy secretion of dopamine in his body, a feeling called "love" appeared in his heart, and there was a sweet sense of happiness.

Even the sluggish younger brother is a little refreshed!

This appearance, the power is many times greater than Alice's!

Frank almost wanted to yell, "Mom, I'm in love!"

However, the moment the girl opened her mouth to speak, this feeling disappeared without a trace.

The younger brother's spirit was even more sluggish, and the dopamine returned to the original way, and by the way, two thick iron plates were placed on the brain, and they were firmly welded to death.

An impulse to become a monk immediately grew in his heart, and Frank doubted that he had learned the Great Compassion Mantra of the Longguo Buddhist School without a teacher.

"Oh~~~~~Fa~~~~~~~~ gram!!!"

Frank clutched at his hair, unacceptable that such a lovely girl had such a voice.

"My sister can't take it!"


"Why did God give her such a face and yet such a voice?"


He suddenly remembered the screen-filled barrage just now, and only after reopening it did he see it clearly. Although the full-screen barrage contained various languages, there was actually only one sentence after the translation: Unfortunately, he opened his mouth!

"Have you found it?" Li Zheng sent a private message and asked, "Is she very beautiful? Zhou Shufen has the honorable title of recoil fighter in our country!"

"Hehe...hehehe..." Frank smiled bitterly and replied, "I'm also the first woman who wants to be poisonous and dumb with my own hands since I was born!"

"Then I have to advise you not to take action." Li Zheng replied with a smile: "You are poisonous and dumb, and I will slaughter the black rose!"

Frank's back suddenly froze. He knew that Li Zheng could do what he said, and they probably didn't even have a chance to resist.

"It's just... just a joke, don't take it seriously, Mr. Li." Frank instantly confessed and asked a little unwillingly, "Can that intelligent doll retire?"

"Guess." Li Zheng replied with only two words.

Still want to return it?

What do you think I am here?

Pay for treasure?

Seven days no reason to return?

Don't even think about it!

"Then... can you change one for me? I really can't accept this sound!" Frank changed his terms.

"you guess."

Exchanges are not covered by the service.


There is no after-sales service for the things Li sold.

From the word "roll" in Zhan Zhouzhou, Li Zheng decided to tear up the service spirit and throw it into the garbage.

Fengmou was deeply touched by this.

"At least turn off the sound system or remove it?" Frank pleaded.

You can't just throw away more than 30 thunder-type props, right?

"I won't." Li Zheng replied: "Either you find a way, or you try to take off her head, although she will most likely be damaged directly after taking her head off."

"..." Frank knew that he didn't want to seek benefits from Li Zheng, so he had to cut to the chase, "Then Mr. Li can sell me a few petri can you?"

Look, isn't the fox's tail exposed?

Li Zhengmi smiled: "Not for sale!"

Frank wasn't the first to be rejected, nor will he be the last.

It is true that selling petri dishes can earn a lot of resources.

But... After Li Zheng went through an auction, he no longer lacked that little thing.

In contrast, controlling the strength of these foreign players is more valuable.

However, among the players participating in the auction, it was not that no one else bought the petri dish.

Wu Hao was the only player other than Liu Qishao and Tang Qianzang who bought a petri dish from Li Zheng.

The reason why Li Zheng agreed to sell him five sets was not because of his status as a compatriot of the Dragon Kingdom.

Instead, look at fifty units of radium.

Otherwise, Wu Hao, like everyone else, would never buy even a petri dish from Li Zheng.

"Radium element, with this thing, I can finally repair the damaged moving cores that I have accumulated before."

Li Zheng was playing with an irregular blue fluorescent hard rock in his hand.

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