MTL - Matrix Survival: I Get A Random Chest Every Day-v2 Chapter 359 Suka is not listed!

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"Speak, don't talk! Talk, don't talk! Talk, don't talk!"

Following a series of interrogations, Li Zheng came to the place where the White Bear Army led by Rebecca was controlled.

Looking at the handsome and domineering face, which was entirely based on his own aesthetics, Rebecca's eyes were blank for a moment.

Then she woke up and glared at Li Zheng, without waiting for him to speak, she said solemnly: "Li Zheng, you despicable and shameless villain, you actually use this kind of inferior... uh..."

Halfway through the words, she realized that she was the despicable and shameless villain who attacked others with indiscriminate means.

"Speak, don't talk! Talk, don't talk! Talk, don't talk!"

The interrogation and screams not far away made her heart skip a beat, for fear that she would be treated like that too.

Gritting his teeth: "If you want to kill or cut, just do it! Just don't torture us like that!"

Close your eyes and turn your head to the side, but there is a bit of stubbornness.

Li Zheng laughed: "Don't worry, someone wants to protect you, so I consciously keep the most valuable things on your body."

"Protect us?" Rebecca opened her eyes, glanced back and forth on Li Zheng and the others, and finally locked on Liu Qishao, "Kunlun?"

Liu Qishao smiled and pointed to Joanna, who was leaning beside him: "It's not that we Kunlun want to protect you, but this lady Joanna."

"Joanna?" Rebecca looked at the blond woman with a cat-like expression and squinted, "I remember you, you are one of the Knight Commanders of the Knights!"

When she brought someone over, Joanna was in the C position among the ten knight commanders, indicating that her status was higher than other knight commanders.

"Traitor!" She gritted her teeth and scolded fiercely: "We White Bear Legion despise traitors the most, and would rather die than accept your guarantee!"

"Li Zheng, kill me, I am willing to die in your hands!"

He raised his head, revealing his white neck, and his eyes with gray pupils showed a trace of pain and reluctance.

Li Zheng frowned: "Death in my hands? You don't deserve it!"

You are such a white-named player, and you want me to kill you?

You are also going blind!

Hearing this, Rebecca was struck by lightning: "I... am I not even qualified to die in your hands?"

"What do you say?"

Li Zheng shook his head, ready to ignore her.

"Okay." Rebecca turned to look at Joanna again: "You have to vouch for us, all you want is to include us!"

"I'll give you a chance, as long as you can beat me, I'll follow you in the future."

"Single pick, group fight, pick as you like!"

"But I explained in advance that even if I lose, it only means that the fifty of us will follow you, and I will transfer the White Bear Legion to others, so you can't get your hands on it!"

Among the players in Maoziguo, the White Bear Legion is not very large. All members together, the number is only 30,000 to 40,000.

But the individual fighting consciousness, and the sense of belief are very strong.

Fighting alone may only be considered acceptable, but group fights...

Within the same level, Mao Ziguo can definitely crush most legions.

If it weren't for the large number of Li Zhengyao's people this time, coupled with the high-end combat power and dimensionality reduction, it would be very troublesome to control these fifty people.

If it wasn't for this, Joanna wouldn't have specifically offered to guarantee them to take it away.

"I'll give you a fair chance to fight." Joanna did not reject Rebecca's challenge as Li Zheng thought, but accepted it very seriously.

This behavior made both Li Zheng and Rebecca take a high look at her.

"But you have to wait for me. I'll communicate with a few colleagues first, and I'll come to you later." After Joanna finished speaking, she dragged Liu Qishao to the nine knight commanders.

Li Zheng raised his heels and glanced at Rebecca more before leaving. He always felt that there was something wrong with the way this neutral-looking Mao woman with short hair looked at him.

But he couldn't say what the problem was.

I scratched my bald head, well, it was smooth.

Li Zheng pondered, how come the hair loss this time has not grown back? Shouldn't it be permanently bald?

Then walk away.

Seeing Li Zheng touching his bald head, Rebecca became confused and gulped.

So handsome! I really want to…

Next to him, a man from the country of Mao who was in the same legion, as strong as a bear, leaned over and asked naively, "Head of the regiment, what do you want to eat? Give me some points?"

He heard swallowing.

Rebecca's fantasy was interrupted, and she scolded: "I'm eating your mother!"


The burly man was scolded, but instead of being annoyed, he pleaded with tears: "It's really not easy for my mother to give birth to me and raise me. The head of the regiment should not eat her, okay?"

"I want to eat my dad! He has a lot of meat and is strong, and he must taste good!"

As he said that, he pointed to another middle-aged Mao Guo man standing behind him. The man looked exactly like him, but he was over forty years old and looked quite calm.

The middle-aged man was not far away, and when he heard this, he yelled: "Suka is not listed! I should have shot you on your mother's belly back then!"

The few Dragon Kingdom players who were watching over them immediately figured out the reason and were overjoyed.

"Death to Filial Piety!"

"So filial!"

"Xiao moved the sky!"

The burly man raised his big bear-paw-like hand and rubbed the needle-like hair on his head, wondering in his heart, why are these Dragon Kingdom players still praising him?

On the other side, where the members of the Knights of the Round Table are located.

They had the fewest people in this operation, and they felt a bit lonely and desolate when they stood together.

But the people who looked at them were the most powerful ones present.

Zhan Zhouzhou, Chu Xiao, and Ye Kai are all here!

From this point, the strength of the nine knight commanders can be seen.

Even if they were watched by Zhan Zhouzhou personally, they did not show any nervousness, and even a little leisurely.

When Li Zheng came over, he almost thought that these people were going to put the tables and chairs in place, make a pot of black tea, and take a vacation here.

Joanna walked up to a few people and listed their names one by one: "Peel, Kidd, Leah... You should know in your heart the reason why my sister chose this time to participate in the plan with me."

"I won't say too much, as long as you follow me, I will take you to kill her!"

Peel took a deep breath. "Just because we didn't sign the pact of allegiance?"

Diana had previously drawn up a somewhat selfish "allegiance agreement", trying to completely bind hundreds of knight commanders through this agreement.

The nine of them and Joanna were the few who refused to sign on the spot.

Only they refused directly!

This time, Diana sent them It's a good idea to borrow Li Zheng's hand to get rid of their ideas.

Joanna didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

Peel asked again: "What about you? With such a good opportunity, you don't want us to sign an allegiance agreement too?"

With Li Zheng and others present, they might have signed it with their lives at risk.

"No." Joanna shook her head without hesitation: "I respect your freedom!"

Peel was older, over thirty.

Hearing what Joanna said, he hesitated, took the lead and knelt down on one knee, lowered his head and said, "I am willing to serve you, Your Majesty."

Effectiveness, not allegiance.

So his knees didn't touch the ground.

The other eight people took a step slower, saluted and shouted in unison.

"I am willing to work for you!"