MTL - Master of Untold Daos-Chapter 982 Three years and three years

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Ziyu looked at Wu Sixuan who was walking towards him with cold eyes, "In the old days, Chen Ming shouted that I was invincible in the whole world, and countless heroes were smashed into the sand under his hands. Today, my Ziyu will also talk about it. One sentence!"

Ziyu looked at the badly injured Dayan and laughed wildly. He opened his arms as if embracing the whole world, "I am invincible in the world!"

"Those who hurt me, those who hurt me, and those who don't respect me all deserve death!"

At this moment, he suddenly saw a golden corpse falling behind Wu Sixuan, Yun Gong stretched out his hand, and a palm was printed on Wu Sixuan's left back.

Ziyu sneered, "Oh, Wu Chi's body, you actually succeeded in proving the Dao, and you are about to become the emperor, but, is it useful?"

This was not over yet, after this golden corpse, another corpse covered with chains fell on Wu Sixuan's back, with a palm printed on Wu Sixuan's right back.

Bloody Wu Sixuan gradually raised his head, "I forgot to tell you. My master also taught me a trick. This trick is to reverse the Qi and transform the Sanqing, and call it the Sanqing Guiyuan Dao!"

In the next moment, Wu Sixuan's body was full of blue light, and the golden body walked towards him and merged into his body. The chained body also walked towards him and merged into it.

Wu Sixuan closed his eyes and felt his own strength. After ten breaths, he opened his eyes. They were golden eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, he knew what he had cultivated.

The three generations are the ultimate in martial arts, and the three are unified.

At this moment, he is already the martial emperor!

His whole body's injuries began to recover, and his whole body was filled with golden light. He looked at Ziyu in anger, and shouted: "The Oracle· Wuzhao Shenguang!"

His body was shining with endless golden light, and the golden light was everywhere, even the dust-free place in front of him was shattered under the light of this golden light!

Ziyu was finally moved at this moment, "What kind of authority is this? It is so powerful that it can break through my dust-free place!"

This Wuzhao divine light can actually break through a clean place!

Chen Ming in black looked at Wu Sixuan in the distance, and he could see Wu Sixuan's aura:

[Oracle·Wu Zhaoming]: After activation, spell immunity for a certain period of time.

[Additional effect]: Permanent golden body, golden pupil that never goes out.

Permanent golden body: Strengthen double the origin.

The never extinguished golden pupil: capture by martial arts.

This is also an extremely perverted halo, a permanent golden body, not to improve other things, but to strengthen the source! It seems that this apprentice did not lose money.

The dust-free land shattered under the light of Wu Zhao divine light, Ziyu also coughed up a mouthful of blood. He looked at Wu Sixuan, covered in magic flames, "But, what is the use of this, even if you become the emperor, and it is The real emperor, you are only the first-order emperor."

Ziyu rushed towards Wu Sixuan, Wu Sixuan was also unwilling to show weakness, and slammed a punch towards Ziyu, and the two fists faced each other. Wu Sixuan was directly blasted into the wall of the Zenith City, and he struggled to get up.

Ziyu laughed, "Even if you break through to the emperor, all this is over!"

"You all will die!"

"Wu Sixuan, you are still not my opponent!"

At this time, in everyone's ears, a vague voice suddenly sounded, "Yes, everything is over."

Ziyu looked around and saw that in the endless void, Chen Ming Mu Ran in black stepped through the void and stood on the top of the sky.

The subfish's eye is about to split, "Chen Ming!"

"How could you still be alive?"

Ziyu looked at black-clothed Chen Ming carefully, "Oh, I understand, you are not Chen Ming, you are just a clone of Chen Ming!"

"It's just a clone, and it's impossible to defeat me, Chen Ming, you are too underestimating me!"

Everyone looked at black-clothed Chen Ming. They didn't know what tricks black-clothed Chen Ming was about to use. They saw that black-clothed Chen Ming quietly stretched out his hand, and then gently flipped it, endless chains of the world hovered in his palm, turning into a world !

The world kept shrinking, and the ziyu was collected in an instant, and there was no more waves. The people present, even if they couldn't even see the ziyu have any struggle, had been easily suppressed.

Chen Ming's body is already the sixth-order emperor, and his clone, at least the fifth-order emperor, can't let Ziyu a third-order emperor shout.

Chen Ming in black swung his sleeves and put the world that suppressed Ziyu into his sleeves. He smiled, "This Ziyu's magic power is a bit interesting. I will take it away and evolve the spells for the writer of Wanjudaozang."

He waved his sleeves again, and a burst of green light enveloped everyone. Their injuries recovered instantly, and everyone got up and saluted Chen Ming in black.

"I have seen Master Uncle!"

"Mr. Met!"

Everyone looked at the black-clothed Chen Ming with some palpitations. The unbeatable fish before, the black-clothed Chen Ming easily suppressed it by waving his hands!

What a mighty force this is!

It seems that Emperor Yan's strength is terribly powerful!

Black-clothed Chen Ming quietly looked at everything in front of him, "Wei Buchen defended his country's merits, resisted the attack of the rebels, and protected my Dayan. Now, in my name, Wei Buchen is named King Chen!"

"Wei Buchen, don't thank you!"

Wei Buchen touched his head in embarrassment. He didn't seem to be doing anything. In the end, it was the Ziyu who was personally suppressed by the uncle, but he still got up and knelt towards Chen Ming in black, "Yes, thank you, Uncle!"

Chen Ming in black nodded in satisfaction, "Princes, see King Chen!"

Many princes looked at Wei Buchen and all bowed together in salute, "I wait, see King Chen!"

King Chen, there is something about this title. Ling Xian is the immortal king, Li Suyi is the demon king, Wu Sixuan is the king of Wu, eight thousand princes are no titles, Luo Muye is the Phoenix King, and the titles of other kings are all with himself His practice is related, but the title of Wei Buchen is King Chen!

What is Chen?

Chen Ming is Chen!

Emperor Yan said that Wei Buchen was the most like himself, and he had such a high evaluation of Wei Buchen!

The princes saluted, and they knew Wei Buchen's status silently.

Chen Ming in black looked at Wei Buchen and smiled and said: "The first thing I give you is to organize the marriage between Xuan Ji and Si Xuan. This is the first marriage of the kings of Dayan. It must be done. It’s beautiful, do you understand?"

Wu Sixuan glanced at Xuan Ji with some embarrassment, but found that Xuan Ji gave himself a white look.

Is Uncle Master a bit too direct?

For Wu Sixuan, Wei Buchen has always felt ashamed. Hearing Chen Ming in black said this at this moment, he was delighted, "Yes, yeah, uncle, the disciple must do it well! Not only is it beautiful, but also great. Do it!"

The others naturally understood that Chen Ming's intention in black clothes was more than that. In the turmoil of the heavens, Dayan almost wiped out the country. Naturally, we need a happy event to tell the world that Dayan is not only fine, but also very good!

Worthy of being a never-ending stare!

Dayan began to prepare Wu Si Xuanhe

Xuan Ji's marriage was hurriedly ten years later. On a star named Sun Chaser, Man Boyan was drawing circles in the shadow of the city wall, drawing circles with branches and swearing at the same time!

Sun Chaser is a native star inhabited by the Kua father, and it is also a slave star, belonging to the ancient temple.

This single star is as big as dozens of emperor stars, resulting in only this star and the sun and moon in the entire world.

Man Boyan, tall and tall, is a Kuafu. Nine years ago, he was valued by the senior officials of the ancient temple. In order to prevent the Kuafu clan from dissatisfied with the enslavement rebellion, the senior officials of the ancient temple let him break into the high-level Kuafu clan. Among them, he promised to get him out of slavery as long as three years of information were obtained.

Man Boyan muttered to himself in the shadow of the city wall, "Three years and three years, three years after three years, and now nine years have passed! I have become the leader of the Kuafu tribe, my lord. What are you going to do to prevent me from leaving my slavery and joining the ancient temple?"

At this moment, a handsome Kuafu with a broken dice pendant on his chest walked behind Man Boyan, and stretched out his hand to pat Man Boyan on the shoulder, "Man Xian has been looking for you for a long time, brother, tell you one The good news is that the former leader of our Kua father's clan, the King of the Sun is finally dead!"

Man Boyan turned his head, threw away the branch in his hand, and said with a smile, "It turns out to be a Manxian, the King of the Sun is dead, what can we be happy about?"

Man Xian smiled and said: "Big brother, you don’t know yet. You have the best chance to be on the throne of the Sunseeker. There are plain clothes, eight thousand and wild, and we brothers are here. The throne of the sunseeker must be It belongs to you!"

"Other tribes cannot be the opponents of our three thousand brothers! With our three thousand brothers, you will definitely be supported on the throne of the Sunseeker!"

In Man Boyan's heart, it seems that I am no longer the leader of the Kuafu clan, I am about to be the king of all Kuafu, the King of the Sun!

No, how can I be such an outrageous traitor?

No, this Man Xian, Man Su Yi, Man Eight Thousand, Man Mu Ye four brothers, and three thousand brothers under their command, are they too strong?

I am inexplicable, a traitor is going to become the only king of the Kua family?

Man Boyan was confused, Man Xian only thought that Man Boyan was too happy and didn't care, and Man Suyi directly framed Man Boyan to the tribe gathering where King Zhuri was elected.

After waiting, Man Boyan finally slowed down, and suddenly found himself sitting on the throne. Man Xian was holding a crown engraved with the sun and walking towards him, putting it on his head, and then Man Su Yi shouted at the endless Kua fathers, "My eldest brother Man Boyan, is already the King of the Sun, don't you hurry up to visit!"

All the Kuafu raised their heads and saw the three thousand Kuafu standing under the high platform of Manboyan and the four brave Kuafu. They immediately felt respect. These Kuafu are too powerful and very clever!

Endless Kuafu knelt towards them, and the four Manxian brothers nodded in satisfaction.

Man Boyan looked at the scene in front of him, and said to his heart that when the traitor was the head of the enemy army, he would have been himself through the ages, and the adult would not allow himself to join the ancient temple!

So now, I'm still a fart gangster!

I am the King of the Sun!

Thinking of the days when the Kuafu clan was endlessly enslaved, Man Boyan got up and shouted: "As long as I live for one day, I will fight for the Kuafu clan's freedom!"

"We are not slaves!"

Countless Kuafu's heart wave Peng Bai, following Man Boyan's words, got up and shouted, "Dead battle! Dead battle! Dead battle!"

"Support the King of the Sun!"

"Follow the footsteps of the Sun King!"

Read The Duke's Passion