MTL - Master of Untold Daos-Chapter 1051 Monastic Demon Ao Xiaochun

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The dignified little Tianzun, let alone the little Tianzun Immeasurable Dao ancestor?

Don't say it was Ao Chun, even if the Dragon Emperor Tianzun sent someone to greet him personally, it was also qualified.

The Dragon Emperor Tianzhi outside the bronze carriage was frightened, but Chen Ming, who was seated in the bronze carriage, was discussing with Princess Ashura.

The two sat opposite, even though they were sitting in the same carriage, they could still see that they kept a sense of distance between them.

In front of the two of them, there was a celadon aquarium. In the celadon aquarium, there was a black fish and a white fish.

This is the soul of a half-dead whale. Chen Ming has completely absorbed their origins because of the ignition of the fire of life, so their souls now have nowhere to rest.

Chen Ming refined a fish tank with mana and temporarily stored the souls of two fishes here.

After all, after following him for so long, Chen Ming is a man of affection again, so naturally he should see if there is any chance that belongs to these two fishes.

Princess Ashura stretched out her hand and gently brushed across the surface of the fish tank, "Actually, the dragon body of Dao Ancestor, isn't it a treat for them?"

Chen Ming shook his head slightly, and then said: "What we want is to have a relationship with the Dragon Emperor, not to tear his skin."

Then he added, "At least not now."

He knew very well that assisting the spirit race, that is, assisting the Lingbao Tianzun's ambition to unify the nine heavens, needed not only to defeat the seven ghosts and gods, but also the other five heavenly beings of the current alliance.

Princess Ashura thought for a moment, and understood the meaning of Chen Ming’s words, “You mean, we are leaving early now. Evil Ghost Heaven and Bone Bone Heaven don’t dare to act directly. This is how we came here, but there is no The reason for the attack?"

Chen Ming nodded, "Although we are now enough to kill the Dao Ancestors of Evil Ghost Heaven and Bone Heaven, we still have to wait for Muye to arrive if we want to catch them all."

"Counting the time, Muye is almost here, we should give Evil Ghost and Bone a reason to take action."

"Cross-evil Dragon Emperor Tianzun means that once we are attacked, Dragon Emperor Tianzun will not take action."

"In this way, we gave them a beautiful opportunity."

Princess Ashura said: "The Dragon Emperor Tianzun is the most protective of shortcomings. What if he starts to suppress you?"

Chen Ming said: "That's fine, just let me try to see how high the strength of Tianzun is. The Dragon Emperor Tianzun makes a move, at least there is

These scruples will not be like the seven ghosts and gods, and their hands are to kill. "

Princess Asura nodded, "Okay, when that time comes, I will turn into the sword of the Emperor of Asura and help you."

Speaking of this, Princess Ashura suddenly shook her head, and then said: "No, if even the Dragon Emperor Tianzun fails to suppress you, do they dare to take action?"

Chen Ming was stunned suddenly, yes, if Tianzun didn't easily suppress him when he made a move, then his strength was definitely much higher than that of Ghost Brake. Would they dare to make a move?

He stretched out his fingers and rubbed his temples, and suddenly felt a headache.

Because of the hasty travel, the ghosts who want to assassinate their own ghosts are not ready at all, so they need a chance.

And he can't expose too much, and he has to deal with the Dragon Emperor Tianzun.

This is a bit difficult, he rubbed his head, and then said: "It seems that you should not kill Dao Ancestor and suppress it for a thousand years."

Princess Ashura looked through the curtain of the car and looked at the three ancestors of the Dragon Emperor and Heavenly Dao ancestors with embarrassed faces, and silently thought that in one sentence, the fate of these three ancestors was already determined.

Possibly, there is still Ao Chun's fate.

Chen Ming no longer suppressed his own voice, and said to the outside of the carriage: "This seat is boundless and goes to the Asura Heaven. After learning the extremely fierce warfare, it is necessary to integrate all the Dao ancestors of the Seven Days, establish a Dao Dao League, and hunt down the evil ghost heaven. And the ancestor of the bones of heaven."

"This is the first time I have come to Longhuangtian, doesn't Ao Chun take this seat in his eyes?"

"Then how can other Dao ancestors convince me when the Dao Dao League is established?"

This sentence, one is to find a reason for yourself, and the other is to give Guisha some oppression.

Once he really establishes the Killing League, Evil Ghost Heaven and Bone Bone Heaven are actually defeated, it's just a matter of time.

After all, including Chen Ming himself and the long-established Floating Taoist ancestor, plus the princess Asura who is believed to be returning soon, they have at least three bright little Tianzun sitting here.

With the advantage of crushing at the level of the little Tianzun, not doing anything is not going to be blind to this cultivation level.

Hearing Chen Ming's words, the three Taoist ancestors looked at each other, and they also knew that Chen Ming's thoughts actually had no problem.

The appearance of Chen Ming gave Qitian a great advantage in Daozu's combat power. As the highest position among them, Chen Ming must do something.


It was a coincidence that Chen Ming's first trip was when he came to Dragon Emperor Heaven. What's even more coincidental was that Ao Chun, the strongest Taoist ancestor of Dragon Emperor Heaven, was a new Dao ancestor.

Ao Chun became the ancestor of Dao for more than two thousand years, but his strength was able to overwhelm many Dao ancestors of the Dragon Emperor and Heaven.

As a result, Ao Chun didn't respect the old Dao ancestors, and even more respected the new Dao ancestors like Chen Ming.

To put it simply, Ao Chun used to think that he was the center of the entire world, and there was a gap with the old Taoist ancestors. He felt that his practice time was too short.

As for the new Taoist ancestor, I'm sorry, the first new Taoist ancestor after him was Chen Ming.

Well, he has never been severely beaten by a Dao ancestor since he became a Dao ancestor, which caused him to be a little too arrogant.

Moreover, after becoming a Taoist ancestor, he spent most of his time cultivating hard, and he didn't know the situation of the heavens and the realms even more.

Therefore, he did not have a clear understanding of Chen Ming's status and strength.

And this gave Chen Ming a chance to find fault.

When the three Dragon Emperor Tian Dao Zu saw Chen Ming's troubles, they were all ready to apologize, but they hadn't spoken yet, they heard a loud shout: "It's endless, right? You are immeasurable, right, all Dao ancestors, what are they? Spectrum."

"If you want to hit it, hit it. I'll go home to practice after I'm done!"

The three Dragon Sovereign Heavenly Dao Ancestors looked at the person who spoke out surprisingly. Who else could it be if it wasn't Ao Chun?

At this moment, Ao Chun obviously had just arrived from home, covered in trash and sloppy, full of beard, clothes in tatters and dirty.

His hair was messy like a chicken coop, and his face was impatient.

But those eyes are exceptionally clear.

Regarding the character of Ao Chun, the three Dragon Emperor and Heavenly Dao ancestors are already quite surprised.

This is a young man who is sincere in Taoism. Except for Taoism, he has no other thoughts. It can be said that this is a Taoism madman.

Just when they were worried that Ao Chun would offend Chen Ming, they suddenly discovered that Chen Ming had opened the car curtain, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Ao Chun with admiration, "It's a pretty good young man. It's because you are sincere. Yu Dao, for the sake of unkindness, I will impose a small punishment on it."

Read The Duke's Passion