MTL - Master of Untold Daos-Chapter 1021 Lingbao Magical Fight against evil ghosts and shoot the coffin!

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What a powerful enemy this is, if the emperor's eyes are allowed to fight against other **** sons and goddesses, I am afraid that no **** son or goddess can defeat him!

Once again, he waved the giant axe in his hand, and the emperor's eye directly knocked the three charging princes into the air with an axe!

Xiao Xiao looked at the three Dao Monarchs who had been knocked into the air.

What a terrifying power this is, this power is enough to shred laws!

However, the Dao Monarchs of Shura Heaven are all ruthless characters, and they will not be afraid because of the death of their fellow robe. On the contrary, they are more angry.

The anger made them just want to tear the emperor's eye into pieces!

After the emperor eye swung the giant axe in his hand and knocked more than a dozen Dao Monarchs into the air, three Dao Monarchs finally rushed in front of him, and the three spears stabbed out, but it only made him tremble.

The defense of Emperor Eye is equally strong!

Emperor Eye continued to wave the giant axe in his hand. From a distance, it looked like a giant standing in the blood-colored river, about to overturn the entire river!

The battle has just begun, and there are dozens of Taoist monarchs who died in the Asura Heaven, but the war is still going on, and no one will hesitate for a moment at this moment.

The Taoist monarch, who took tens of thousands of years to achieve, died on the battlefield like ordinary people on this day, his death disappeared, and tens of thousands of years of accumulation were ruined.

The battle began to get more and more fierce, even if the emperor's eye's defense was astonishingly powerful, at this moment, it was beginning to become a little strenuous, his enemy, after all, was a thousand or two hundred Daojun!

Shicha has never been idle, since the emperor's eyes rushed out, he began to prepare.

Hatred is performing magic tricks, and he also has to hurry to use magic tricks.

Before Shicha landed on a coffin, he waved his hand and slapped it fiercely.

Shoot the coffin, the evil spirit shoots the coffin!


Only the dead are sleeping in the coffin, and now, the dead are awakened.


A dry hand pushed open the lid of the coffin, and Daojun's coercion spread out.

A Taoist monarch uncovered the coffin, and although his eyes were not half looking, he rushed towards the battlefield where the emperor's eyes were!

Shisha slapped one step at a time, and every time the palm of his hand fell, he called out a Taoist monarch, and then quickly joined the battlefield.

After a breath, Shisha stepped on

More than a hundred steps, in the same way, he awakened the bodies of more than a hundred Taoists!

Although these Daoists are just corpses, they have the fighting instincts before they are alive, and they can even use the spells they used before they were born!

This is what the evil spirits rely on to dominate the heavens, the evil spirits slap the coffin, and the living retreat!

With the body of evil spirits, he led the evil spirits to counterattack, attack the heavens, and trample under their feet the majesty of the seven days.

Three breaths passed in a flash, and more than three hundred Dao Sovereigns who had been awakened by evil spirits slapped the coffin to join the battlefield and began to help Emperor Eyes against the Dao Sovereign of Asura Heaven.

Seeing the enemy's influx of new combat power, Huoluan knew that she couldn't wait any longer. She stretched out her hand to point to the battlefield, and then said: "Come on, help the Daoist of Asura Heaven!"

Huoluan didn't bring many Taoists this time, so he could only help.

But with Huo Luan's assistance, Shura Tian's casualties slowed down significantly.

Whenever the Dao Sovereign of Shura Heaven faces a fatal attack, the Dao Sovereign of Chaos Heaven will take action, interfere with the enemy's actions, and save his own people.

Whenever there is a chance to severely inflict an enemy, the confused Daoist will seize the opportunity to make this attack even more deadly.

Although there are not many Dao Monarchs who are confused, but at such a critical moment, they can have a miraculous effect!

After all, not everyone can have Chen Minghua as a spirit armor protection.

He breathed and took a hundred steps, shooting continuously in his hand, and Hate Tian also kept pinching in his hand, continuing to perform the magical magic tricks.

Both sides are relying on their allies to delay time, hoping to complete their spell casting faster.

Although Hatetian had said to protect him before, in fact, A Xiao and Huoluan didn't care about Hatetian's safety very much.

With the vigorous cultivation base of the person in Hatred Heaven, the defense against the heavens, and the authority of the disgusting person, even if everyone on this battlefield died, Hatred could not die.

The reason why Hatred said that before, may be to give Shisha a surprise.

When Shicha broke through the many difficulties and finally rushed to Hate Tian, ​​when he suddenly found that he could not hurt Hate Tian at all, his expression must be very wonderful.

Both sides are buying time for their respective commanders. Whether it is the coffin shooting or the magical magic, once displayed on the battlefield, it will be a heavenly magical technique that can reverse the entire battlefield.

The golden white rays of light fell again and again,

Shicha was also continuously shooting the coffin. Finally, Shicha's last palm fell, and all the Taoists in the three thousand six hundred ghost coffins were awakened by him, and they were already on the battlefield!

One person, one kind of magic technique, awakens 3,600 combat powers of the same realm. This is an invincible technique in the realm of Taoist monarchs. After practicing this technique, it is destined to be invincible of the same rank!

The Lingbao magic technique is also a mysterious and unparalleled. Although it can't wake up the dead, it can borrow power from the living!

The corpse awakened by coffin shooting is not as strong as before, but it is not afraid of death.

The mother cloud of the pregnant dao of the magical magic technique, the Shenguang Crossing Sword, can turn three thousand Daojun into a dao sword, driving like an arm.

The two heavenly supernatural methods finally revealed its unparalleled fierce power!

What is the Heavenly Sovereign Magic Method, as long as it is displayed, it is an invincible technique, and then it is the Heavenly Sovereign Magic Method!

It can be said that in the battlefield, magic spells and coffin shooting are much stronger than the spells of other days.

Their role in the battlefield is dominant!

As long as they are displayed, they will be the emperor well-deserved in the battlefield, and everything will be surrendered in front of them!

And now, the most powerful spells on the two battlefields will be divided at this moment!

Even Chen Ming is in white clothes, and Peng Bai is in his heart at this moment. This fierce battle, even he, is the first time he has met.

Because of the melee of thousands of Dao Monarchs, the entire Lingzun Treasure World was already in chaos, but it was just born, and there was a scene of annihilation.

Shicha looked at the battlefield. Although Emperor Eye was invincible among Dao Monarchs, there were too many enemies, and he was a bit injured at this moment.

Shicha looked at the hatred sky who continued to pinch his gaze, "Kill you, everything is over!"

Shicha stretched out his hand to Hate Heaven, and the undead Daojun, who was full of corpses, rushed towards Hate Heaven like a black river.

And the lords of the evil ghost sky are also rushing toward the hatred sky one by one, and the hatred sky at this moment, without a doubt, has become the center of the battlefield!

And the decisive point is also in Hatred's body!

Shicha looked at the lonely figure of Hatred Heaven and smiled, "Sura Heaven and the Dao Sovereign of Chaos Heaven have suffered many casualties because they resisted the emperor's eyes, and now you dare to turn all the Dao Swords in Lingbaotian into Dao Swords!"

"The Daojian attack is indeed unstoppable, but who will protect you?"