MTL - Master Dan Dao-v2 Chapter 8416 A genius, first of all a genius

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Chapter 8416 Genius, first of all genius

Seeing that Nuo Si was about to leave with Feng Tianxing, Kaqiu on the side was dissatisfied, and he stepped forward two steps quickly.

"Chief North, I finally came here, to show me face, how about having some wine together?"

North rolled his eyes at him.

"What are you talking about? This time I didn't settle accounts with you because I thought highly of you. Just leave me alone and cool off. You have nothing to do here."

The North patriarch looked unhappy.

Not only did this guy almost hurt his distinguished guest, but he still has the face to beg for a drink?

You are too disrespectful to me.

The North patriarch directly cast a blank stare at Kaqiu, letting him experience it for himself.

This differentiated treatment immediately reveals the identity very clearly.

The demons who had helped Kaqiu before were trembling with fright, for fear that Feng Tianxing would cause trouble for him.

Kaqiu is an outside ally of the North family, so it's not convenient for him to do it directly, but he violated the rules and almost hurt Feng Tianxing. If this matter is traced, he will bear the blame.

Those demons who shouted for Kaqiu earlier also had extremely gloomy faces, and they dared not be dissatisfied.

Just when North was about to leave with Feng Tianxing, a long rainbow came from the horizon.

Suddenly, the ground of the entire arena dropped several meters, and the dense cracks were shocking.

"Who is Fengtianxing!"

This roar almost made Feng Tianxing spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The strength of the opponent is very strong!

According to Feng Tianxing's preliminary judgment, this guy's strength can be evenly divided with Jia Luo's. The only one who can tell the winner depends on who has more means and is stronger.

However, it is obvious that the old man also has an advantage that Galo cannot match in this respect. He is a family, and Galo is just an individual.

Kaqiu panicked when he heard this roar.

It would be alright if he was here to deal with Feng Tianxing, he still had a little bit of reliance, but no matter how he thought about it, the probability was so low that it was a bit scary.

Thinking about the actions of the North patriarch before, when he thought that he had accidentally injured Feng Tianxing, he was so harsh on himself that he almost turned his face.

But when he saw clearly that he had been wounded, he didn't mention a single extra word, just invited him to drink.

Where can this thing be justified?

Now Kaqiu has done a very sensible thing and bowed his head in silence!

Pretend to know nothing!

No one believes, no one can trust!

The chief patriarch of North used means to help Feng Tianxing resist the huge pressure, and then he bowed to the old man in the sky.

"Uncle, what kind of wind brought you here?"

"I haven't seen it for decades since you announced last time that you were going to retreat. I just prepared a banquet for Feng Tianxing. How about we have a drink together?"

The old man slowly lowered his body and pointed to Feng Tianxing.

"Is he Fengtianxing?"

The North patriarch nodded quickly.

"Yes, he is Admiral Feng Tian Xing Feng. Last time I sent someone to tell you that he has a kindness to us great patriarchs."

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

"The strength is well hidden, if it weren't for the sharp eyes of the old man, I would have been deceived by you."

Feng Tianxing hurriedly saluted.

"How can I deceive seniors with a clumsy method? I have been walking outside for so many years, and I have some enemies. If the enemies know my strength, wouldn't I be in danger? That's why I have this habit. Please forgive me, senior. "

The old man didn't criticize him, he came to Feng Tianxing and looked at him carefully.

"They say you are unparalleled..."

Just as he was talking, the old man suddenly turned his head to look at Kaqiu, took a closer look at the injury on his arm, and changed the topic.

"I think it's similar. Let's go and have a drink together. You have such terrifying strength at such a young age. You have a bright future. I don't think my demons have produced such a genius for many years."

The patriarch of North was very happy, he took his uncle and Feng Tianxing, and got into the chariot that his wife was belated, and then rushed back to the hall of North's house.

In the hall, there was a lot of joy and joy.

Feng Tianxing directly took out his ability to compliment people, and coaxed a group of people into comfort.

During the dinner, North took advantage of the alcohol to bring up the topic again.

"Admiral Feng, this lady has already said that the Red Spring should have been used by you, so don't shirk it."

Feng Tianxing thought for a moment, but shook his head.

"Madam's two sons should use it. I haven't encountered any shackles so far."

The North patriarch's face sank.

"Whatever you say, you will encounter shackles when you break through the realm and pass through. Before you have fully mastered the method of breaking through, these are blind eyes, and there is no way to learn from them."

"For you, breaking through the situation should be the most necessary preparation. It is inevitable to encounter bottlenecks. Don't be polite here. One day you will need it."

Feng Tianxing helplessly shook his head.

"I don't know how to say this, anyway, I have never encountered a bottleneck in breaking through."

The North patriarch still wanted to ask, but the old man on the side put the cup on the table with a snap.

"Nephew, this matter should be left to Admiral Yifeng. I also thought about it. For a genius of his level, it should be easy to break through."

The North patriarch looked puzzled.

"Uncle, why is this? There will almost always be bottlenecks in breaking through, why can he be so easy?"

The old man snorted softly, and cast a blank stare at the chief patriarch, North.

"As for you incompetent bastard, if it weren't for your brothers who are even more incompetent, where would you be in the top position?"

"Remember it for me, never compare yourself with a genius, they are not on the same level at all."

"Of course, the old man can barely count as half."

The North patriarch had a bitter look on his face.

Why are these words so offensive?

Emotional own position as the chief patriarch has nothing to do with whether you work hard or not. The only thing that plays a decisive role is because your other brothers are too rubbish?


A few of my brothers are either reborn or venerable, and there are still a lot of records to check. If these become synonymous with trash, what will a genius look like that day?

The old man seemed to have seen the thoughts of the chief patriarch of North, raised his wine glass, drank a drink with everyone, and then transmitted the voice to the chief of North.

"You kid want to know what kind of person is a genius. You might as well learn more from Feng Tianxing. Do you think that the reason I came to help is because the Norscandi sent someone to ask for help? It's not that simple, I'm rushing over here Before, I went down there."

"A genius is never the one who is brave and brave. There is only one prerequisite for a genius in the true sense. He must be a genius."

Read The Duke's Passion