MTL - Master Dan Dao-v2 Chapter 8399 A simple test among old monsters

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Chapter 8399 Simple exploration among old monsters

Cal Saro suddenly appeared, which caught Jia Luo a little off guard, and he really did not expect this.

As one of the most powerful group of demons in the demon clan, his special status, coupled with his loyalty to the demon emperor, makes people think of a person, the daughter of the demon emperor.

As far as the current situation of the Demon Race is concerned, the most important position for Cal Saro to guard is next to the Demon Emperor's daughter.

Could it be that the Demon Emperor's daughter has arrived here?

With this in mind, Jia Luo directly opened his mouth to test.

"You don't protect the Demon Emperor's daughter, what are you doing here? If something goes wrong with the Demon Emperor's daughter, can you take responsibility?"

Just as Carl Saro was about to speak, Feng Tianxing sent a sound transmission to remind him.

"This is lying to you. You can't mention the position of the Demon Emperor's daughter. Just say that you protect these demon patriarchs back. Let Jia Luo guess the details."

Carzaro made his choice in just a split second.

Since that human race is capable of persuading him, as his boss, at least Feng Tianxing's rhetoric will not be a big problem.

And the human race has already said that one of Jia Luo's goals is to be the daughter of the Demon Emperor, so it's better to be on the safe side.

I would rather miss it than let it go.

"The patriarchs of the demon clan fought fiercely against the void. In order to preserve the strength of the demon clan, I took them out of the battlefield and passed by here to rest."

All the monsters present are monsters who have practiced for many years, and Carl Saro's acting skills are at full capacity at this moment, and he speaks generously.

After these words, Carzaro suddenly changed the subject.

"Gara, as one of the former nobles of my demon clan, you are powerful. You can do this besides me, but I don't know why you didn't make a move? This place is much closer to the place where Void and the demon clan fought."

Carsaro directly opposed the general.

Jia Luo suddenly felt a little tricky, and the easiest way to answer was to find a plausible reason. To be honest, that is to make your purpose known to the public, and you will definitely become the enemy of these demon patriarchs by then.

But fabricating reasons is not easy.

He had to avoid what he was dealing with, and when he rolled his eyes, Jia Luo responded calmly.

"I wanted to make a move, but I was in vain, and I don't know who smashed the key pillars of the Demon Emperor's plane, causing the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor's daughter to disappear, and countless demons died. If it is Carl Saro, what news do you know? , please tell me."

I have to say that Jia Luo's excuse is very good.

He did it, in vain only because he was slow to start, that's all.

No key crime can be found by reverse inquiry. The only thing that can be questioned again and again is nothing more than irrelevant sources of information, and none of them are fatal.

Cal Saro didn't have much trouble with Jia Luo. On the contrary, this little episode made him deeply understand one thing. Feng Tianxing is not an easy guy.

He saw through Jia Luo's purpose at a glance, and then gave a countermeasure. Although the additional counter-general was his idea, it was considered a secondary processing.

It is a change made on the basis of seeing through.

Generally speaking, this small incident made Carzaro think highly of Feng Tianxing.

Or to be precise, it is a little bit higher than the already high expectations.

Jia Luo on the side also secretly speculated that this Carl Saro is shrewd today.

My own tentative inducement actually didn't work, it seems that I have to avoid him trying to find the daughter of the Demon Emperor.

Jia Luo suddenly changed the subject.

"Since you have rescued these demons, then I don't have to worry about it. This time I came to Feng Tianxing to ask for his help. You haven't been attacked by the void recently, have you?"

Feng Tianxing shook his head directly.

"Return to master, no, the void has been quiet recently, and I basically have no problems here."

Seeing that Feng Tian could not be fooled, Jia Luo was somewhat suspicious.

Right now, his chest has become a boulder weighing on the hearts of all the demons, why doesn't he feel any pressure here?

Could it be that he has already dealt with these matters?

Has the Void really been thoroughly researched by him and is no longer a threat?

Jia Luo had a lot of doubts in his mind, especially when he thought about the rough plans that Feng Tianxing had mentioned to him in the past years, it was not surprising that he could do these things.

"Teacher, have you already mastered the key to fighting the void?"

Feng Tianxing smiled, with a bit of complacency on his face.

"Returning to the master, Void is no longer a strong enemy for me. I have already seen their weaknesses and weaknesses, and I have a way to deal with them. As long as it is not suppressed by absolute strength, I should be able to deal with it."

Hearing this, Jia Luo said immediately.

"How did you fight against the void? They are very powerful, and according to the news I got, the void has an advantage against the demons."

"If you have a way, can you tell my teacher?"

Jia Luo's purpose is very clear, as long as he can make an appointment with Feng Tianxing alone, half of his purpose will be achieved.

He has an absolute strength advantage in front of Feng Tianxing, as well as an identity advantage. It should not be difficult to ask him about the whereabouts of the Demon Emperor's daughter, or search for him in his jurisdiction.

It was this identity that made it difficult for Jia Luo to attack Feng Tianxing, because he was a master, and for the sake of the safety of so many of his apprentices, it was impossible for him to directly kill Feng Tianxing.

Otherwise, this hidden danger should have been erased long ago.

Without waiting for Feng Tianxing to respond, Cal Saro looked directly at Feng Tianxing.

"You have the means to fight against the void, can you share it with us, after all, we patriarchs don't want to be deflated in the hands of the void every time."

Carl Saro's strong meddling made Jia Luo very speechless.

I'm talking to my apprentice, what are you talking about here?

Being constantly disturbed by others, Jia Luo felt very unhappy. He couldn't find the Demon Emperor's daughter every day, and he felt uneasy every day.

Feng Tianxing thought for a while before speaking.

"Actually, the biggest problem facing Void right now is that they don't understand Void's weakness. It's not worthwhile to waste their energy on what they do best."

"I have summed up some relevant experience here, and I have already compiled it in the book. Both of you are seniors. You can read my experience. There will definitely be a large number of demons who will benefit from it. This is a good thing. I did not refuse. reason."

After finishing speaking, Feng Tianxing took out two copies of the manual against the void that he customized for his subordinates from his arms.

Then I talked about it.

"The two of you can take a look here, and you can ask any questions as soon as possible. You two should have no objections to this kind of communication, right?"

Cal Salo glanced at it, his heart was heavy.

In his opinion, although this is the first time to meet Feng Tianxing, the idea of ​​wooing him has reached the extreme.

Read The Duke's Passion