MTL - Master Dan Dao-v2 Chapter 8369 The Ke family, with a sword hanging over their heads, was restless for a moment

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Chapter 8369 The Ke family with a sword hanging from their head is restless for a moment

Ke Daoquan was even more worried when he heard this.

"Admiral Feng, you have to help me find a way. Isn't it just waiting to die when I go back now?"

Under Feng Tianxing's plan, Ke Daoquan's thoughts have been occupied by his fear. Obviously, he doesn't have the ability to deal with the next changes. Now that Feng Tianxing has such an attitude, he naturally won't rest assured.

Feng Tianxing thought about it before speaking.

"Actually, you don't have to worry. The envoys I sent have stated their interests. At least in the short term, they won't do anything to you."

"The most important thing is to change people before the battle. This is a big taboo for military strategists. Remember, after you go back, you must pretend that nothing happened and do your job well."

"Actually, I still have a few friends in Ke's family. I have already told them that if Ke Dan has the idea of ​​killing you, he will naturally report it to me as soon as possible. Don't worry about that."

After Feng Tianxing's relief, Ke Daoquan left full of doubts.

He didn't know what Feng Tianxing said to Kedan, so that he could survive, but this was his last hope.

The only way for him to deal with it himself is to run as far as he can.

But his opponent is the Ke family, the Ke family who occupies the commanding position in this world.

How difficult it is to escape.

Ke Daoquan really has no other way to deal with it, he can only put his hope on Feng Tianxing, he can't understand the method given by Feng Tianxing, he can't see it, but he knows very well that Feng Tianxing should not Let him die here.

Thinking of this, Ke Daoquan suddenly thought of something, went back and forth, and rushed all the way back.

"Admiral Feng, if you have anything to do in the future, just tell me directly, and you will be willing to go through fire or water."

"As long as I am not punished, the demons under me will still obey my orders, and I can help you with anything you need."

Feng Tianxing nodded quietly.

This Ke Daoquan's brain has been improving rapidly, at least he now knows how to improve his own value, and let Feng Tianxing value him.

With Feng Tianxing's approval, Ke Daoquan took out some of the resources he carried with him and presented them to Feng Tianxing, which was a show of his original intention.

After this operation, Ke Daoquan returned to Ke's house.

Feng Tianxing weighed the Sumeru ring in his hand. There were not many resources in it, but that was not much for the Ke family. Putting it in Feng Tianxing's hands was enough to supply the demons in his jurisdiction for half a month.

How rich the Ke family's resources are can be seen at a glance.

It is precisely because of the resources in this Xumi ring that Feng Tianxing's idea of ​​annexing the Ke family is further strengthened.

Whether it's a conspiracy or a conspiracy, as long as he can annex the Ke family, the strength of the demons in his hands can be raised to another level.

"Kedaoquan is a good pawn, and there will be times when you will play a role in the future."

As Feng Tianxing left, the calm lake collapsed in an instant, turning into pieces of overflowing spiritual energy and dispersing in all directions.

Feng Tianxing has mastered a lot of the power of the great way, and now there is only one thing that restricts him from exerting it, strength.

Now Feng Tianxing's true strength is the peak of the Venerable Realm.

When everyone thought that Feng Tianxing had no improvement in strength, Feng Tianxing had already broken through to the peak of the Venerable Realm, and was only a thin line away from the Absolute Beginning Realm.

This speed is already extremely fast. Ordinary demons have no such record at all. It has only been more than 20 years since Feng Tianxing was born, and he has stepped into the realm of venerables. It set a precedent among them.

But this is not enough, if you want to have the right to speak in front of these demons, you must at least reach the early stage of the Absolute Beginning Realm, and it is best to step into the Immortal Slaughter Realm.

Only in this realm can Feng Tianxing and the family forces sit on an equal footing, instead of being despised by others and asking for resources at will.

The retreat and practice constituted Feng Tianxing's daily life.

In the Ke family, Ke Daoquan also kept a little careful thought, and sent someone to the demon clan outside the Kedan mansion to ask if the envoy from Feng Tianxing visited today, and he got a positive answer, and learned that the envoy had left safely Only then did Ke Daoquan feel relieved.

It seems that Feng Tianxing's persuasion has played some role, but I have to be more careful in my future performance.

"Uncle Daoquan, my father told you to gather your men and try to break the void gate."

Ke Daoquan nodded quickly.

"it is good!"

Having just experienced life and death, now that he has the opportunity to perform, Ke Daoquan naturally wants to go all out and strive to use his outstanding performance to convince Ke Dan and the others that they cannot change the commander-in-chief.

Gather all the elite demons under him, set off to the entrance of the Ke family's ancestral land, line up in front of the huge void door, and get ready to fight at any time.

The army was displayed very neatly. The demons in Ke Daoquan's hands were the elite of the Ke family. They were naturally a little different from the demons outside. Following Ke Daoquan's order, these demons opened the gate to the void in different batches. attack.

For a while, there was an endless roar.

Even the ancestral land of the Ke family trembled slightly.

The entire Void Gate was submerged by the demons' means, and the attack lasted for an entire hour. Ke Daoquan saw that the demons under him were a little tired, so he ordered the demons to stop and rest.

But when all the dust dispersed and Ke Daoquan saw the void gate again, his pupils suddenly tightened.

He saw that the void gate still exists, and it has not changed at all compared to before.

Still strong, still clean as new.

Ke Daoquan went on stage in person, punched with all his strength, and slammed the gate of the void so hard that even the ground under his feet trembled slightly.

Punching with all his strength, but still seeing no change, Ke Daoquan went straight back to the demon army, casually ordered a cronies, and asked him to pass the news to Ke Dan.

After hearing about Ke Daoquan's attempt, Ke Dan shook his head helplessly.

"Is there no way?"

"Who else in the family has special methods, pull them out and try."

Kedan is very anxious now.

Feng Tianxing was already the first variable he had ever seen. He gave up the cooperation with Feng Tianxing, but this almost instantly brought the Ke family back to the original predicament.

Feng Tianxing gave them the means to fight against the void on the battlefield, not to deal with this door.

As the elite of the family came forward to try one after another, the Ke family's ancestral land was also trembling.

"Patriarch Hui! Ke Nan's secret method has not been broken."

"Patriarch Hui! Keming failed in the physical collision. Keming is now seriously injured and needs at least three days to recuperate."

"Patriarch! Klin tried to fail with the power of the Dao."

The more demons tried, the more despair Kedan felt in his heart.

He really wanted to know how to defeat the Void Gate. This thing was a sharp sword hanging above his head, which made people uneasy for a moment.

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