MTL - Master Dan Dao-v2 Chapter 8365 Some demons are starting to lose face

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Before today, all the demons, even those who are most afraid of the void, never thought that the means of attacking the void can be so direct and candid.

Placing the exit of the space channel here, it is clear that we must fight, and it is clear that we will fight to the end.

Kedan looked at the huge door, feeling puzzled in his heart.

According to common sense, if Void chose to attack, why would he stop suddenly at this time, leave this door behind and leave?

But if it is said that Void doesn't want to open it, then why bother to send such a big door in front of them.

Ke Dan couldn't figure it out for a while, and coupled with the fact that he had been thinking about Feng Tianxing before, this urgency was like a headache.

"Did you find the void?"

Covering his head, Kedan asked the surrounding demons.

But all the demons shook their heads. None of the demons saw the void appear, but all the demons can be sure that they felt the breath of the void the moment the gate appeared.

Obviously, this is a declaration of war, declared at the door of Ke's house.

Kedan was silent for a moment, then gave instructions to Kechan who was beside him.

"Take a few people to see if you can destroy this thing. I'll contact the patriarchs of other families first."

Kedan didn't want to stay at all at this moment, so he turned around and went back to contact other Void families. Except for the few families whose light curtain was broken by Feng Tianxing, the other families were all connected.

Ke Dan confirmed his guess, this time it was Void who was provoking.

Almost all demon families have such a huge door, and no one knows what is behind the door. Even the most powerful demons cannot defeat this gate, let alone Kedan.

Just when a group of patriarchs were having a headache and wanted to find a solution, Kedan caught a glimpse of Feng Tianxing flying past with a few demons.

Maybe he knows something.

This was the first idea that came to Kedan's mind, and it was limited to this.

Ke Dan doesn't want to rely on Feng Tianxing anymore, he wants to find it by himself.

But how should I put it, when the idea of ​​Kedan came up, he didn't have the feeling that he could solve the problem by taking action, but he felt at a loss when he suddenly faced the mountain.

He didn't even know where to start looking for clues.

"What's the situation with you, Kedan? You have the closest relationship with Feng Tianxing, what is he doing?"

Kedan was silent for a moment, and only after Feng Tianxing left did he tell the other patriarchs.

"Feng Tianxing just took a few cronies to search among the family, and he didn't know what he was looking for."

These words made the demons present silent for a moment.

Only then did they suddenly wake up one by one.

Void is not a demon clan, and they don't know martial arts, let alone where and when to fight, they will kill them if they want to!

Now that there is an extra door in their family power, who can guarantee that there will not be more strange things coming out?

No one can guarantee it!

For a while, although the demons were quite prejudiced against Feng Tianxing, they still followed Feng Tianxing's example and sent people to search inside and outside the family thoroughly.

It was also this move that allowed a group of demons to find a second door in their family.

A small door about the size of a palm, like jasper.

And the air of void projected from this door has already surpassed that door by far.

The leader of the demon clan finally couldn't bear it anymore, he ordered Kedan.

"Kedan, go and call Feng Tianxing over, I have something to ask him."

That palm-sized jasper door was not real, and the demons couldn't move him even with the power of their blood. Obviously, this was beyond their comprehension.

At this juncture, no one is willing to fight within their own family. Taking the family as the main battlefield, they are too timid, and the void can be unscrupulous!

This gap alone is enough to deflate the demons everywhere.

The fact that the order was issued this time was because they had admitted their cowardice and wanted to show their favor to Feng Tianxing.

It's not that they forgot their previous attitude, but the sudden appearance of Void raised the priority of winning Feng Tianxing to infinitely high!

The plan for Void's first attack is ready, so can the second step be far behind?

The battle with the Void is about to start, they really don't have the confidence to face the Void head-on, they know too little about the Void!

In the last round of attacks against the high-level demon clan, these families basically didn't have many battles, they just solved some weak voids, which was very difficult!

Now that they have dealt with the high-ranking Void of the Demon Race and turned their heads to kill them, can they still resist?

As far as they are currently ignorant of the void, if they can win, there will be ghosts!

The urgency of this demand made them give up the thing of face directly.

But Ke Kedan couldn't move his feet.

Because he had already acted to kill Feng Tian just now, Feng Tianxing had already gathered his three thousand subordinates at the same time when the change occurred, he would not believe that Feng Tianxing didn't notice it at all.

Both parties are fighting for their lives with a clear card, so there is no possibility of peace talks, and they will not change their minds under the comfort of their own words.

Because he has lost that qualification.

"Ke Dan! What are you doing there in a daze! Hurry up, I need to know about Feng Tianxing's information, I can apologize to him, and agree to all the conditions he raised earlier."

Ke Dan sighed helplessly, and decided to be the messenger.

But when Ke Dan found Feng Tianxing, he had dismissed his three thousand men, and held the jasper-like door in his hand.

Seeing Ke Dan approaching, Feng Tianxing's face remained unchanged.

From the first appearance of Kedan and his brothers and siblings, as well as the information he obtained from infiltrating Kedo's consciousness, it is not difficult to guess what Kedan was planning before.

It's nothing more than his own life.

When the two met, neither of them spoke first.

After a long time, Ke Dan couldn't help it.

"Tian Xing, they asked me to bring you a sentence, saying that I am willing to agree to the previous conditions and apologize to you."

Feng Tianxing suddenly let out a chuckle, let go of his hand, and the jasper-like door fell back into the Kedan family.

"My previous condition was already preferential treatment. Now that the situation is urgent, I know it's urgent. I want to increase the price by ten times. If you don't agree, there is no talk."

Ke Dan almost spit out a mouthful of blood, ten times?

Isn't this all about the interests of their big families? How could such a condition be agreed.

Seeing that Feng Tianxing made it clear that he didn't want to talk about it, Ke Dan's eyes were slightly empty, and his heart was filled with killing intent.

Although Kedan's strength is not considered strong among these Patriarchs, he has advantages that other Patriarchs do not have. He can face Feng Tianxing directly, and he can exert all his strength without being restricted by distance. Ke Dan's killing intent was already overflowing.

Read The Duke's Passion