MTL - Marvel’s Disassembler-Chapter 555 Experience!

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The establishment of a branch in the city of Vacanda, this summer night without any hesitation.

In fact, if this division can be set up successfully, strictly speaking, it will be more convenient for the Caspian camp to carry out some big moves.

The barrier that Vacanda has made the whole world so far, does not know that it is the most highly developed country in the world, and definitely allows the superheroes to hide deeper.

The most profound hiding is that this country is helping you hide!

Therefore, the summer night was very happy to agree to this matter, gave Techara sufficient authority, so that he can do it drastically.

Two people came to the conference room while talking.

At this meeting today, only Natasha did not participate in the battle, but as a clerk, she also ranked on one side.

When the summer night arrived, the people had already arrived.

Xia Zhi’s night stunned: "This is not to say that the presiding meeting must come to the end. I just didn't think that you came so fast, I thought you didn't come."

"It is a common problem for the elderly to be late, and we can understand this."

Do not know how to self-regulate Tony patted his own hand, first expressed his opinion.

But after watching the summer stare at him for a while, he suddenly waved his hand and said, "You go out."

"Ha?" Tony snorted: "I seem to just make a joke."

"It’s no problem to make a joke, but this time you have to stay home." Summer night said: "And if you follow, Tony will follow, who will supervise the artificial intelligence plan? So, this time, regardless of How many regrets you have to stay."

In fact, the summer night is more worried about his mentality.

Although in the movie, Hung Hom just missed a face, but it is precisely because he just revealed a face, so no one knows what kind of cards he has.

In the face of uncertainty, if you are the most powerful person, you may suffer unpredictable harm.

Therefore, Xia Zhi made such a decision.

Tony looked a little lost, and shrugged his shoulders and said, "Okay, I understand."

He took a deep look at the summer night, obviously this sentence ‘understood’ is not just simple to understand.

They are all smart people. Who can fool them?

Summer night nodded: "If you understand, then sit and listen... there is not much to say..."

He looked around the scene, Steve, Banner, Little Spider, Techara, Wanda, Pietro, Brock!

The rest of Sam and Sharon are left to see the family. Now join Tony and Natasha. The problem in the Caspian camp should be small.

After licking my own temple, Xia Zhi said: "I have said this plan more than once before this time. This time we are going to a place that is completely strange planet! I have mentioned it to you more than once. The story about the six infinite gems in the universe, and the place we went this time is the one of the six gems, the most special one, the soul gems! Unlike other gems, this jewel It has its own ideas!"

“An infinite gem with independent consciousness?” Tony’s subconscious opening, and then found that everyone’s eyes were all on their own, and now shrugged and said: “Can’t you speak after listening?”

"Of course." Summer night sighed helplessly: "Nice, an infinite gem with independent consciousness, with powerful power, simply speaking, it can control the soul!"

"So, when we step into the place where this gemstone can reach, our soul may be attacked by this gem?"

Banna played the wisdom of his seven doctoral societies and said, "What should we do with this gem?"

Summer night shrugged and said: "So, the real problem is here! We went to that place, not to deal with the jewel, but to deal with the red 骷髅!"

"A former Hydra leader, is it worth our effort?" The little spider said: "Although I think that the bad guys really should be caught, it is true that we are so far-reaching, for a red beggar, does it worth?"

"of course!"

The venom of Bullock screamed and said: "I have heard about the red guy. I don't know if it tastes like braised pork. I especially liked this dish recently!"

"As an alien life, you are really too edible." Brock said angrily: "You have not found that you have been fat recently? I feel that the burden on the body is a lot heavier!"

"My dear, I will eat all the extra burden." The sound of the venom became very strange.

Bullock snorted: "Are you going to eat me or eat you?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Is this important?"

Bullock is going crazy!

Summer night turned a blind eye and gently knocked on the table twice. "I think the point of this question is not here. Well, in a strict sense, this person is really important."

Everyone heard this, waiting for the following, but did not wait.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and I didn’t even ask.

More than one fact proves that Maybe Xia night on the issue of personal feelings, tangled like an 80-year-old woman, but in these key things, it has always been reliable.

So, if the night of summer says that this person has to deal with it, then it must be dealt with!

Nothing to hesitate!

"That's all right," said Banner. "So, for us now, the most important thing is to figure out what kind of power the red dragonfly that is next to the soul gemstones has in the past! This should be Nothing wrong?"

Summer night nodded: "Today's meeting, in addition to telling everyone about this goal, mainly want to remind everyone. After arriving at that place, be careful and be careful. If there are one hundred strong men Hulk can definitely kill them completely, but when it comes to the problem of the soul, I think that in this respect, each of us has no experience."

“Would anyone like this experience?” Tony suddenly said, “Did you not go to Kama Taj?”

Xia night blinked and suddenly smiled: "Maybe, someone can help!"

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