MTL - Marvel’s Disassembler-Chapter 11 1 small ending

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After listening to Carter’s words in the summer night, I figured out the whole story.

To sum up briefly, the first is the enemy's sneak attack, and then the rice country immediately formulated a counterattack plan. And pulled a team to prepare to directly copy the other's base camp.

However, it may be because the team that was temporarily pulled over is not well prepared.

So the counterattack plan was not successful, and finally the second plan was made... it was the decapitation!

Once the dagger’s action is successful, the formation of the other party’s formation becomes chaotic. The first wave of the team can take advantage of this chaos, directly destroy the other’s base camp, and let the enemy’s attacking army become a lonely army. Very casual.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if the dagger action did not succeed, but as long as the stab wounded enemy commander, for the first wave of the team, is a golden opportunity.

As for saying, why the dagger team does not choose from the first wave of teams, this summer night is not clear.

There are too many possibilities.

The war is played by people, and each step is made by people.

The human being is precisely the most complicated creature in the world. The various conditions of the selfishness and the righteousness of the situation may be related to the release of an order.

However, after thinking about it in the summer night, I still asked a question: "Since we have 'our people' here, why does the ambush team not borrow this channel and directly rush here, but instead make a dagger action with great difficulty? ?"

"First of all, the way we come here, if there are too many people, it is easy to be discovered by the enemy."

Carter explained: "Secondly, when they thought of this, they have already been discovered."

"……Ha ha."

What can I say in addition to laughing in the summer night?

Sure enough, because of the rushed relationship? Otherwise, is there a problem with the brain?

But these things are indifferent to the summer night, and the result is good now.

The rest of the matter has nothing to do with Summer Night.

On the side of ‘our people’, waiting for a while without the news of the soldiers and the sergeant, Carter decided to retreat.

If you don’t have a life to do in the summer night, you must wait for your own ‘comrades’. Once they don’t come, they don’t have to be an accident. After all, the first wave of teams has been attacked, and the enemy's main attention should be placed on them. Under the state of the two guys licking the water, the degree of danger has been greatly reduced.

Secondly, even if there is any accident, it is meaningless to wait here. This is also the reason why Carter decided to retreat immediately. Summer night naturally has no reason to refuse.

When we left, ‘our people’ also revealed a face. After saying a few words to Carter’s work, the man went to the camp and went to the camp.

Xia Zhi night did not know what he was going to do, and he did not speak at all.

Quietly watching the other's back and leaving, the campfire inside the rumble, the summer night inexplicably want to laugh.

This morning, he was still a otaku sitting at home drinking Coke, watching movies, and playing games.

It can be from the left side of the bed, rolling all the way to the right, even if it is rolled to the ground, you can continue to lie on the ordinary people who sleep.

And now...

What did he experience in this afternoon plus half a night?

"Life... what is really illusory."

Summer night whispered.


Not far from the Carter's opening, the summer night quickly followed. What do you feel about, do it later, what he really wants most now is to find a place and take a nap.



Open your eyes, the light is dim, and the hand hangs on the pergola and looks out the window, and finds that it is almost sunset.

The summer night pouted, feeling empty in the belly.

He and Carter were returning to the camp at four in the morning. When they returned, they went directly to the headquarters. But sitting there, the summer night began to doze off, and then was arranged to sleep here.

It seems that it is probably a whole day of sleep.

Standing up, stretched out, feeling that the body was full of strength, the dragon was fierce, could not help but learn the characters in the movie, hip-hop hit two punches.

The door was just opened, and Carter walked in with two boxes of cans. When he was so active, he couldn’t help but smile: "Hua Xia Kung Fu?"

Xia Zhi’s night was flushed.

I have graduated from Secondary 2 College for so many years. I didn’t expect the occasional recurrence of childlike innocence, and I was directly thrown into the foreigner’s side.

"You have been sleeping for a whole day, it's time to eat something."

Carter looked at the embarrassing look of the summer night, and the smile on his face was thicker. He came over and placed the cans in the hands of the summer night and said, "We can't always let the hero go hungry?"


Xia Zhi night licked his nose, always feel that such a title and his gossip can not be played.

"Of course it is a hero."

Carter nodded: "Last night's action ~ You played a vital role. You killed the butcher commander and saved many of our comrades!"

Summer night is not okay, my heart said that when I killed him last night, I don’t know what this guy is doing.

The yin is wrong, the yin is wrong!

I didn't have time to think about it last night. I was too tired and tired.

Looking back at this time, there were too many accidents last night!

Who can think that the enemy commander is actually hidden in an ordinary camp, and there is no protection around him?

The summer night’s move to the armory was also extremely risky, and the bold idea that suddenly emerged was even more crazy.

In fact, if it wasn't the last, the leading officer of the other party suddenly let the summer night to convey his orders, it was not so easy to get away from the summer night.

The attack of the first wave of ambush troops, the sergeant and the soldiers who put the fire on it... After all this was combined, it was the main reason for the successful completion of the mission last night and the smooth retreat.

If it is not because of so many coincidences, Summer Night feels that this so-called hero can already give himself a cool one.

"Remember what I said to you before?"

Carter suddenly spoke.

"What about?"

Summer night is trying to ask: "Isn’t it always about love?"

"If you like, I can discuss some issues about love with you in the future. But now, I would like to discuss with you about the issue of the 'Super Soldier Plan.'"

Carter said with a helpless face: "But now, you seem to have forgotten this thing."