MTL - Marvel: Trading From the Ninja World-v2 Chapter 332 Drive Saber

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"My father?"

Emiya Shirou frowned when he heard Matou Zouken. He was a survivor who was rescued by Emiya Kiritsugu ten years ago, and it was under the influence of Emiya Kiritsugu that he wanted to become a partner of justice.

"Will my father be friends with you? Stop kidding, who the **** are you?"

Matou Zouyan's withered body is thin and weak, exuding a rotten smell, and he often coughs, and his eyes are also very dark.

Emiya Shirou would never believe that Kiritsugu would have such a friend.

"Hehehe, my vigilance is abnormally high, and I am very similar to Emiya Kiritsugu in this point; well, let me tell you my identity, I am the grandfather of Matou Sakura and Matou Shinji, the head of the Matou family, Matou Dirty inkstone."

"Sakura and Shinji's grandfather? Then how could you..."

Emiya Shirou was surprised when he heard the words, and then quickly remembered what Rin Tosaka told him, coupled with the trip to Matou's house he had experienced, and thought of a possibility.

"As you can imagine, I escaped from Matou's house. If I didn't have some tricks, I would have been killed by the servant summoned by Matou Sakura."

Matou Zouken's words dispelled Emiya Shirou's wariness, mainly because of Matou Zouken's identity, the grandfather of Sakura and Shinji, but what Tohsaka Rin said still made him vigilant.

"The servant Sakura summoned was an accident. I also heard about the church. It should be the descendant summoned by Sakura, which will bring the Holy Grail War to an unknown situation."

Matou Zouken recalled what happened that day, and the hatred in his heart was hard to wash away; after planning for decades and hundreds of years, this time was the closest he was to the Holy Grail, but because of Kahn, he could not even save his life now.

"When I summoned two servants, I felt something was wrong. Since Shen Er had no magic power and didn't know that servant, hehe... Maybe he felt that Shen Er offended him, so he was beaten to death on the spot.

Later, I was also attacked, but the Matou family had life-saving magic, which allowed me to barely survive. I don’t know what happened after that, but Shirou Emiya, do you think Sakura instructed those things? "

"Sakura Shinji Zensato, invaded Tohsaka's house and killed Shinji, absolutely would not do that..."

Emiya Shirou shook his head and said, after hearing Matou Zouken's words, he believed in him a little more in his heart.

But now he has no saber, just an ordinary magician... No, he is not even a magician, so how can he have the strength to participate in the Holy Grail War.

If Rin Tohsaka hadn't saved him, Emiya Shiro could even feel the approach of death.

Matou Zouken smiled weakly, and said to Emiya Shirou: "I know what you are worried about. It is really difficult to participate in the Holy Grail War without a servant, but I can give you a servant..."

After finishing speaking, Matou Zouken showed the command spell on the back of his hand, and continued to say to Emiya Shirou: "I am qualified to be a servant, but my magic power is not enough to support the servants to fight. If you want, I will transfer the assassin to you. "

Emiya Shirou was a little moved, but he still asked: "Assassin...why didn't you participate in the Holy Grail War yourself?"

"My magic power is not as rich as yours, and it is not enough to support the battle of the servants, but if you participate in the Holy Grail War, you must help me take back the Matou family, and it is enough to prevent me from having a home and nowhere to go."

Matou Zouken could see that Emiya Shirou was wary of him, so he used this excuse to reassure Emiya Shirou. It is the most reasonable excuse for an old man that he cannot even return to his home that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

As for the servants, no one knows how to bind servants better than him who created the command spell system. Even if the assassin is transferred to Emiya Shirou, Matou Zouken has other ways.

After hearing Matou Zouken's words, Emiya Shirou struggled in his heart for a long time, and finally looked at Matou Zouken decisively and said, "I promise, I will definitely help you take back Matou's house if I have a chance in the future!"

"Hehehe, let's start transferring Command Seals and followers."

Matou Zouken laughed in a hoarse voice, and then stretched out a hand with three Command Seals.


"I went to school, Tohsaka, do you mean you are going to skip class today?"

At Tohsaka's house, Tsunade lifted Tohsaka Rin's quilt directly, and the latter came back to his senses dimly, and after screaming, he remembered that he had to go to class today.

After some urgent washing, Tohsaka Rin finished packing and was ready to go to school, but when she came out, she saw the empty dining table and asked, "Where's breakfast?"

"Don't count on me."

Tsunade rolled his eyes and said, "If you want to eat, I can make it for you at night, but you must finish eating."

Her cooking skills were disliked by Naoki, Kahn, and her daughter, and after she became a daimyo's wife, she didn't cook much.

And if it wasn't for eating to replenish a little bit of magic power, Tsunade would definitely not eat after coming to this world. No matter how delicious the food here is, it would be better to gather the best dishes from several worlds.

"Forget it, I'll eat more at noon..."

Sensing something in Tsunade's words, Rin Tohsaka shook his head and rejected Tsunade's kindness, put on his schoolbag and went to school.

After lying in bed last night, she thought about a lot of things about the Holy Grail War, which caused Tohsaka Rin to have no energy at all today, but her status as a student still made her get out of bed and rush to school.

The same is true for Matou Sakura. Kahn originally wanted Matou Sakura to stay at home for about a month, but Matou Sakura could not compromise on the point of going to school, and her personality was surprisingly firm.

When he came to school, Tohsaka Rin took advantage of the lunch break, quickly finished his lunch and came to Matou Sakura's classroom.

In the past, because of the relationship between the Tohsaka family and the Matou family, she could not inquire too much about Matou Sakura, and even pretended to be a stranger, because if she communicated too much, she might be deemed as the Tohsaka family wanted to inquire about Matou Tong family's magic secret.

This is something that even Tosaka Tokiomi would not do, and Tosaka Rin has been warned many times, let alone do it.

But it's different now, the Matou family is dead in name only, and the Matou family's magic is stored in the Tohsaka family's study, Tohsaka Rin must ask Matou Sakura to find out.

"Senior Tohsaka..."

Matou Sakura was pulled out by Tohsaka Rin under the gaze of her classmates, and then she couldn't even resist, and went all the way to the rooftop.

"Are you still called Senior now, Sakura, the Matou family should be gone, and the agreement between the two families can also be cancelled!"

Rin Tohsaka turned around, crossed his chest and asked, "You should be the master of the Matou family, right? I should have thought of it a long time ago. Back then, my father asked you to adopt the Matou family because no one in the Matou family could inherit the magic seal." ..."

After hearing Tohsaka Rin's words, Matou Sakura's body trembled slightly. She recalled what she had suffered back then, and at the same time knew from Kahn that the torture she had suffered in recent years was entirely Matou Zouken's sadistic preference.

Inheriting the magic engraving of the Matou family, one month is enough if the talent is good, and half a year is enough if it is almost half a year, and there is no need to put it in the wormhole during this period.

Jian Tongying clenched her fists slightly, and said in a flat voice: "Sister, if you have anything to say, just say it."

"Okay, then I'll, can you still control the servants?"

Matou Sakura said calmly: "I have never been able to control it. He only asks me not to have any accidents, and at the same time provide magic power stably, which is enough."

Tohsaka Rin covered his face: "It's really simple, that Matou Shinji and Matou Zouyan..."

"It's already dead, but sister, I feel very happy about their death."

Rin Tohsaka was taken aback, and said in surprise, "What!?"

"As you heard, when I saw the two of them die in front of me, I really felt that I had taken off a burden. Although I was a little uncomfortable seeing the two dead bodies at the time, I am very glad that this is true. of."

When Matou Sakura finished speaking, a smile appeared on her face.

The engraving worms on her body are gradually disappearing, and the previous desire for magic power is slowly disappearing, and Matou Sakura is not without some caution, she will find the right time to pour tea for Kahn, and then inquire about some things while he is in a good mood.

It was Matou Sakura who found out about inheriting the engraving worm.

"Sakura, how could you become like this..." with such disregard for life

"If you want to accuse me, sister must at least try my experience first, otherwise you don't have that position!"

Matou Sakura couldn't suppress her emotions for a moment, and raised her voice. This shout directly shocked Tohsaka Rin. After more than ten seconds, Matou Sakura planned to end this boring conversation, and then turned around and prepared to leave.

But before she left, she paused and said in a low voice, "Why didn't my sister be sent to Jian Tong's house..."

After Ma Tongying left, Tohsaka Rin didn't recover until the class bell rang in the afternoon.

"Tsk, what's the secret of the magic engraving of the Matou family..."

Rin Tohsaka frowned and gnawed her fingers thinking that she could hear that Matou Sakura was very resentful towards the Matou family, as if she had suffered a lot of unfair treatment, and she could even imagine it in terms of abuse.

"Looks like I'm going to go back and have a look at the Matou family's magic. If I just inherit the magic seal, Sakura shouldn't have such a big resentment."

Rin Tohsaka glanced at the school and knew that Emiya Shirou hadn't come today, and wondered if he was hit yesterday.

As for the afternoon classes, she didn't plan to attend either. Although going to school was more important to her, compared to Matou Sakura, going to school seemed irrelevant.


"This guy is really tenacious..."

In the basement of Matou's house, Medea gritted her teeth while watching Saber who was still resisting. She promised Mr. Kahn that she would convert Saber into her own combat power as soon as possible.

At this time, Saber was wearing a white wedding dress, her smooth shoulders exposed a large area of ​​white skin, and her slightly frowning expression showed how difficult it was for her to resist Medea's magic.

This is Medea's little fun, she likes to watch pure people slowly degenerate, but Saber is too resistant, and has not completely surrendered to her for so long.

clatter! clatter!

There were footsteps on the stairs, and Medea looked up at the door, and saw Kahn pushing the door and coming in.

After seeing Saber's situation, Kahn said, "Have you succeeded yet? Although I really want you to continue training the Knight King, time is running out. I plan to end the Holy Grail War as soon as possible."

Medea lowered her head slightly and said, "I'm very sorry Mr. Kahn, this guy's resistance is too strong, I... haven't been able to convince her yet."


Kahn looked at Saber and found that although she was corrupted by magic, she could still speak, but it was very uncomfortable.

Is this trying to imitate him to seduce with words? But it's completely useless against people like Saber.

"You don't need to deal with her. Knights are kings. Although I hate that old-fashioned spirit, I have to admire her chivalry, which is stronger than steel bars..."

Kahn shook his head, and then a cloud of incomparably black mist appeared in his hand. After changing for a while, this cloud of mist turned into three runes.

Medea's face became serious, she took a half step back and asked, "This is..."

"The evil in this world originates from the curse power of the Holy Grail. It is the nemesis of the heroic spirits... It should be said that it is the nemesis of all people, but it has a greater effect on the heroic spirits.

When I was fighting with you, the curse energy used was the energy from the evil in this world, you should have a feeling, Medea. "

Medea's face darkened, and she said reluctantly: "Yes, this kind of power is completely incapable of resisting for me as a servant..."

Just after she finished speaking, Kahn threw the puppet rune into Saber's body.


After being attacked by the curse of the evil in this world, Saber couldn't help shouting out. She was wrapped in the most turbid and malicious curse in the world at this time, like a powerless prey in a deep mire, no matter how hard she struggled, she could only sink into this a road.


A huge magical power gushes out of Saber's body, but this magical power is completely different from before. The maliciousness is so powerful that it even changed Saber's treasure and armor.

The black armor and the mask that covered half of the face, plus the fallen sword of the oath of victory, the power emerging from Saber at this time made Medea feel that she was not her opponent.


"Successful, she completely obeys me now, but let Saber be left to you, with Saber's guard, your shortcomings can also be made up for."

After speaking, Kahn handed Medea a bracelet, which is a puppet rune alchemy item he refined, and can control the black saber through this bracelet.

Medea was pleasantly surprised when she heard the words, and asked, "Hey, is she in my care? Mr. Kahn, thank you very much..."

"You're welcome, anyway, I'm in charge of you, and it's up to the three of you to hunt and kill those single followers."

Kahn interrupted without waiting for Medea to finish This kind of thing is not like participating at all. With Medea, rider and black saber as three followers, plus enough magic power, it is golden glitter It's too bad!

There is no need to estimate any servants at all, and they don't need to care about Joan of Arc's divine judgment. Now that Joan of Arc can't control the whereabouts of all the servants, it is better to solve one or two servants as soon as possible.

The more followers who return to the Holy Grail, the stronger Matou Sakura will be.

And Kahn also has business to do, it is better to accompany Tsunade to hunt and kill servants, he also has to make zero tails.

The materials are almost ready, but the energy of the evil curse of this world overflowing from Matou Sakura's body is not enough, and two more servants will be enough to die.

As long as Zero Tail is created, Kahn feels that he can consider purifying the Holy Grail.

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