MTL - Marvel: Trading From the Ninja World-v2 Chapter 330 identity exposure

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The Tailed Beast Jade exploded over Fuyuki City like a small nuclear bomb, and the impact even set off a magnitude 7 or 8 hurricane, and the entire residents of Fuyuki City were awakened by the loud noise.

Some people even thought that the war was coming, and Fuyuki City of a certain country would launch a nuclear strike, and they were so scared that they hid directly in the basement.


Fists and feet collided, and the violent impact directly razed all nearby buildings to the ground.

It was also a 20-fold increase in strength. After Kahn fought against the blonde female servant, his powerful power was violently vented to the opponent.



The ground collapsed, and dozens of cracks appeared around the two of them; Kahn's arm broke directly, and the armor on the blond female servant's arm also collapsed into tiny pieces.

However, in the next second, the magic power flows, the injury recovers, and the armor restores; for a follower, as long as there is magic power, all non-fatal injuries can be repaired.

Even Tohsaka Rin in the distance was stunned by this kind of movement. Her ability to analyze Kahn before might be biased towards the magician's side. I didn't expect this guy's melee ability to be so perverted.

Just relying on the impact air wave of the fist collision, it affected the battle between Medea and Saber, and if they got closer, they would be involved in the air wave generated by the impact, and the battle would be affected.

However, thanks to such a violent impact, Emiya Shirou, who was restrained by the giant rock hand, escaped, although he suffered a little injury.

"Damn it, this guy is so strong, what about Sakura?"

Emiya Shirou was guarded by Saber, and looked around for Matou Sakura, but found nothing; even if he saw Matou Sakura, rider would not let Emiya Shirou approach.

Saber fired a few beams of magic light bullets, and solemnly said to Shirou: "Shirou, it's dangerous here, it's better for us to leave first."


"Who allowed you to leave!"

Medea laughed softly, then waved her hand, countless purple ripples appeared in the air, and the magic barrier was summoned by Medea again.

"Shirou be careful!"

Saber pushed Emiya Shirou away and rushed towards Medea again, but she soon lost her hold and was hit by magic light bullets many times, so she couldn't hold on for long.

Medea's goal was to capture Saber. From her eyes, she quickly saw that Saber lacked mana supply, and she was out of breath after fighting for a while.

The Saber in the upper three ranks is so weak that she can't hold on before she can use her full strength. That kind of useless master should have been replaced long ago.

If Saber becomes her servant, Medea can make Saber exert her greatest strength, and she also sees a holy and upright temperament in Saber. If such a person is allowed to degenerate, Medea cannot imagine that she will have What a pleasure.

"Don't any of you run away, Saber, you brought such a weak Master to fight, don't even think about bringing him back now."

Medea saw the weakness of Knight King Saber, and 70% of the magic light bullets were aimed at Emiya Shirou.

Today's Emiya Shirou's magic level can't handle the magic light bullet at all. If Medea didn't have the blessing of the magic barrier, Emiya Shirou could barely block the magic light bullet once or twice.

But now, Emiya Shiro will be seriously injured if he catches a magic light bullet hard.


Saber was blown into the air, and flew upside down, spitting out a mouthful of blood in mid-air, and after falling, she directly landed on Emiya Shirou behind her, and slid several meters backwards.

Medea smiled with satisfaction: "Saber, you are mine now!" Now that there is no magic power in Saber's body, Emiya Shirou can't replenish Saber unless he replenishes it with Command Spells.

But Shirou Emiya didn't know about this, and Rin Tosaka didn't tell him. She felt that it was a pity that such an important thing as a command spell was used to replenish magic power.

After Medea finished speaking, she directly restrained Saber in the air with magic, and her body formed a bow.


Emiya Shirou shouted anxiously when he saw this, he picked up a steel bar beside him, used the strengthening magic, and rushed towards Medea, trying to **** Saber back.

"Almost forgot about you!"

Medea chuckled, and the guard Gong Shirou was useless after Saber was in hand. Although this guy had something to do with Matou Sakura, Medea didn't care, her master was Kahn and not Matou Sakura, so she killed Wei Miyashiro is fine too.

As for the disappearance of the servant after the death of the master, this matter is nothing to Medea, and it will take time for the servant to disappear. During this time, Medea can completely make Saber her servant.

"Go to hell, innocent fellow!"

Medea waved her hand, and countless purple light bullets condensed in the air, and instantly attacked the lifeless Emiya Shirou.


Emiya Shiro stopped suddenly, seeing countless purple light bullets, only this thought flashed in his mind.

"You idiot, don't rush up if you don't have the strength!"

Before the purple light bullet hit, Emiya Shiro suddenly heard this voice, and then saw Tohsaka Rin suddenly appearing in front of him, using protective magic.

Boom boom boom!

A series of magic light bombs, the impact of the explosion almost made Tohsaka Rin spit out a mouthful of blood, and her magic power was also rapidly consumed. Fortunately, she brought a string of magic gems before she came, otherwise she would die with Shirou Emiya.


On the other side, the blond female follower kicked Kahn back, then turned her head to look at Rin Tohsaka, and complained: "Tohsaka, you used too much magic power, it has already affected me!"

"Stop rambling, the master is in danger, shouldn't you protect the naster first, I also need magic power here!"

Rin Tohsaka was a little out of strength to block Medea's round of attacks, and he almost lost the strength to refute.

Medea still wanted to attack, but when she found that the blond female servant appeared next to Tohsaka Rin in an instant, she clicked her tongue bitterly.

This servant is not easy to deal with. With that kind of speed and strength, even in the air, Medea will be close if she is not careful. At that time, she, a magician, will be at an extreme disadvantage.

"Retreat, you can't even supply me with sufficient magic power now, if you continue to fight, just withdraw from the Holy Grail War!"

Tohsaka Rin nodded and said, "That's the only way, then I'll leave it to you."

The blonde female follower nodded: "Don't worry, I still have some confidence in this..."

"Wait a moment."

Just after the blond female servant finished speaking, the nearby space was distorted, and then Kahn used apparition to appear here.

"Oops, why is nothing wrong with this guy, hey, can you still take us away? I still have a few magic gems, which can give you the last bit of help..."

Rin Tohsaka said in a low voice, and slowly stretched his hand into his pocket, absorbing energy from the magic gem.

"Don't worry, I can..."

The blond female servant hugged Tohsaka Rin with one hand, and Emiya Shirou with the other hand, but before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Kahn and asked

"You came here, how did Yoko settle down?"

"She's so..."

Before Tsunade finished speaking, he immediately reacted and stopped his mouth, "Spiritual magic?"

She had a good fight just now, which made her relax a lot subconsciously, and Kahn also used spiritual magic on him, and told the truth involuntarily for a while.

"It's really you. Although it's just a martial artist's genetic technique at the level of a world master, you know almost every point of strength. It almost knocked me down and shut me up..."

Before Kahn could finish his words, Tsunade jumped up suddenly, with a jump of hundreds of meters, he disappeared from Kahn's sight in a few strokes.

Seeing this, Medea immediately wanted to intercept: "I want to run..."

"Forget it, let's call it a day. It's really troublesome to repair so many buildings and erase their memories."

Kahn looked at the surrounding environment and felt a headache. There were almost no good places within a kilometer. It would take a lot of mana to restore such a large area.

However, it is impossible not to repair it. Kahn then flew into the air and restored the villa from the Matou family to its original state. Soon, under the huge magic power, the villa that was destroyed to the residue was like going back in time.

Rubble and plank debris flew to their original positions one by one, and even the destroyed flowers and plants flew back into the ground.

After Matou's house was restored, Kahn restored the neighbor's house, and then the nearby houses. He didn't even let go of the roof that was trampled by Tsunade two kilometers away.

After the building was restored, Kahn began to erase the memories of the nearby residents. He and Tsunade could avoid ordinary people in his fights. There may be unlucky people nearby who were injured, but there was absolutely no death.

While Kahn was erasing her memory, Joan of Arc came here suddenly. After looking around, she looked at Kahn and asked, "Fner, what happened just now? Who is fighting?"

"A small misunderstanding, it's over."

After Kahn erased a person's memory, he continued to say to Jeanne: "It's okay, you should go back."

The surroundings did seem to be fine, and the flowers and plants showed no signs of damage, but Joan was very sure that there must have been a fierce battle here, and it seemed that Kahn was trying to clean up the aftermath.

Joan of Arc did not give up, and continued: "The battle just now was very intense, and it is likely that ordinary people will be aware of the existence of the Holy Grail War. If this continues, then I will use God's Judgment..."

"I know Your Excellency the Holy Maiden, go back and rest if you have nothing to do."

Kahn was a little impatient, and then his voice raised slightly, and he continued: "Get out if you have nothing to do, stay nearby and prepare to return to the Holy Grail."

With the help of magic, the sound spread far away, and every follower nearby heard this sentence clearly; he was suddenly subjected to domestic violence, and so much magic power was wasted, but if the target was Tsunade, he would even raise his Qi Can't get up.

"Bastard, so rampant!"

"Is it a special descendant? I really want to see what his hole cards look like. One of the parties in the battle just now should be him...."

On a roof in the distance, two people stood here.

After hearing Kahn's words, Gilgamesh said with an ugly face: "That miscellaneous cultivator, dare to speak to the king in such a tone, is he confident in his own strength, let the king come..."

"Please wait a moment, King of Heroes."

Kotomine Kirei shook his head, pointed to Joan of Arc in the distance and said: "The Judge is still there, she will not allow another battle of heroic spirits to happen tonight, and the sirens keep ringing in the distance, it is estimated that this place will be over soon." Will be surrounded by army and police...."

"Tonight is really not suitable for fighting. If you want, you can choose tomorrow night or other time, unless the King of Heroes, you plan to face the army and police of ordinary people..."

In that case, Gilgamesh frowned after hearing this, and the anger in his heart was slightly suppressed.

Gilgamesh didn't want to face either of the two reasons, and he had lived in Fuyuki City for ten years, so he didn't know anything. If he insisted on a high-profile battle tonight, it would attract an army of ordinary people to attack him.

The ability of that judge, Joan of Arc, must also be considered.

Thinking of this, Gilgamesh suppressed his plan to make a move, but he still snorted coldly: "I will never let this miscellaneous cultivator go another day. How dare you disrespect the king, hmph!"

After finishing speaking, the golden ripples on Gilgamesh's back lighted up and disappeared. It was his king's treasure, and there were countless treasures inside.

The approaching sirens and the constantly dispatched troops also made other followers leave here. Their scruples were similar to those of Gilgamesh, but more followers considered that the information was unknown.

They didn't forget the explosion in the sky and the shock on the ground just now. If it was a treasure, its power would be at least ex level.

Moreover, there is more than one servant on Kahn's side, and there is also a magic barrier. Even if two servants join forces, they may not be able to get benefits. If they are extremely enraged, they will rush in and die. Except for the berserker who is not restrained by the master, no People do it.

Then the army blocked the streets and the police sealed off the periphery, but they found nothing. The memories of the people nearby were all erased by Kahn, and the memories of those who were close to Matou's house would also be tampered with by him.

Even if they didn't gain anything for a year, Kahn also used the Imperius Curse on all the leaders of Fuyuki City, telling them to evacuate all of them after dawn, and never talk about this matter again.



After Tsunade put Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou at the door, the two covered their mouths and almost spat out.

Continuous high-speed jumps, coupled with the cold wind pouring into their mouths, made them feel motion sickness, especially Emiya Shirou, who felt extremely uncomfortable being held in Tsunade's hands.

"Ahem, thank, Tohsaka, without you this time, I might just..."

Emiya Shiro thought of Medea's magic light bullet, and thinking about it now can still scare him. At that time, he really almost died. Counting this time, he has been rescued twice by Tohsaka Rin.

After recovering, Tohsaka Rin waved his hand weakly and said, "I told you not to be impulsive. Fortunately, you survived, but now even Saber..."

Before he finished speaking, UU Reading Emiya Shirou suddenly felt a burning on the back of his hand, and then he raised his hand to see that the Command Seal in his hand had disappeared.


Emiya Shirou regretted it very much in his heart, just as he was about to use the Command Seal to summon Saber back, the Command Seal disappeared.

Rin Tohsaka frowned slightly after seeing this: "It seems that the enemy has a means to terminate the contract, and you have lost the follower Saber... Anyway, let's discuss it first."

Although he just had a meal, the magic power was consumed too much. Rin Tohsaka felt that his body was very empty now and needed food and drinks.

After finishing speaking, Tohsaka Rin took the initiative to hold Tsunade's wrist, and said with a sense of threat on his face: "This time, you must explain clearly to me what happened just now! My berserker!"

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