MTL - Marvel Super Extraction-v4 Chapter 311 call

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"I always feel that this place has been shrouded in what is going on. If this is the case, as long as we find the root cause, we can leave here. Look at 'Mao. Line, China, Wen.

The old man frowned and asked: "Is there any danger?" After seeing Jiang Yuan shaking his head, the old man also let go of his heart.

At this time, Qi Ling ran out of the house, came to Jiang Yuan, and then looked at Jiang Yuan and asked: "Big brother, can we leave?"

Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "It is natural to go, but now we have to do is to find the key to go out. So, you two are here now, and when I find it, I will come back to you."

Seeing that the two people were hesitant, Jiang Yuan glanced, and then Jiang Yuan looked at the two people and asked: "How? Don't believe me?" The old man and the spirit did not say anything, but it also showed that the two did not believe in Jiangyuan. .

In desperation, Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "If this is the case, then you are following me." Hearing here, I saw the two nodded without hesitation.

In this way, Jiang Yuan took the two people and began to find the key to going out in the city.

Walking on the dead street. The surrounding buildings are covered by the mist and are not clear.

The footsteps of the three people walking on the street are also echoing on the street. The old man and the spirit are walking behind the back of Jiangyuan, in case something grievances occur, the two are not good at making timely defenses.

Leading the way in front, Jiang Yuan perceives every corner of this area, but there is nothing unusual.

Some of Jiangyuan’s discounts began to wonder if anyone is here.

"Big brother, when can I get out of the key? I am so tired~~" I heard that Lingling is mourning this. After Jiangyuan’s glimpse, he looked at Xiaoling and smiled: "In insisting on persistence, maybe it will be Found it?” Hearing here, Qi Ling also had to bite his teeth and began to reduce his holdings. Look at ‘毛.线,中.文,网

Just as the three men walked to a crossroads, a gust of wind breeze made Jiang Yuan Li Ji warned.

Because there is no abnormality, Jiangyuan is not too tight.

At this time, Jiang Yuan suddenly heard the singer after the body screamed, and then when he turned around, Jiang Yuan found that the old man and the scorpion disappeared.

Seeing here, Jiang Yuan’s heart sank. After all, Jiang Yuan’s heart was somewhat affectionate to both of them. Now that the two disappeared, it is clear that some people are smashing here.

After condensing, Jiang Yuan’s figure disappeared, and then he began to look for the whereabouts of the two in the city.

At the same time, standing outside the city, standing two figures.

Looking at the city that was haunted by the mist all year round, one of them laughed: "This is the beginning. If the news is accurate, then we can't help but have time, and we don't have to live in Tibet anymore."

"In other words, although I heard that the East West is very powerful, but you never tell me what it is, why do I make you uneasy?"

The appearance of the latter is revealed, it is Long Jiu. And the nature beside him is the bat magazine.

I heard the grievance of Longjiu. In order to appease the dragon nine, the bat magazine laughed and said: "We are all brothers and sisters. Some things don't tell you, it's for you, not for the **** and you, or not. I think so much."

Long Jiu suffocated and then looked at the city pond and said: "If this is the case, then we will take a look at it." After that, the figures of the two disappeared.

As the number of people entering the city has increased, the vitality has begun to spread in the city. After all, the three people including Jiangyuan are all overhauled and their strength is terrible. So the vitality is naturally majestic.

Feelings were thriving, and in that house, the environment that had been silent for decades was suddenly destroyed by the sound of a corpse.

On the street, I was looking for the disappearing old man and the source of the spirits. When I stopped, I suddenly smashed a few shadows in the house next to me.

And Jiang Yuan is also being beaten to prevent it. Then a few black shadows were given to the ground.

Because the distance is very close, Jiang Yuan found that these black shadows are actually a body that has been dead for decades. Although I don't know why these bodies are scams.

However, Jiang Yuan knows the rebirth of these dead things, and may delay the speed of finding two people.

Thinking of this, Jiangyuan snorted, and with the appearance of a white light, the bodies that slammed Jiangyuan were directly swallowed up.

Jiangyuan, who was lying on the ground, just got up and suddenly felt a lot of people around him.

Looking up, I found that the streets were covered with black lacquered figures. It was not so much a figure, but rather a corpse.

Reaching out to call out the sword, Jiangyuan's two turbulences blew directly in the corpses on both sides. The two explosions also attracted two people who had just entered the city.

"Hey, I said, there are still people here, I really can't think of it?" Listening to the surprise of Longjiu, the bat magazine frowned and said: "No one can find it here, unless you accidentally walk in here, go, see first. Who is the bottom?"

When I heard this, the two figures disappeared.

Once again, it has come to the place where Jiangyuan has just launched an attack.

But the two arrived at the place, but Jiangyuan had already left here. Perhaps it is a geographical reason, so even if you are a golden fairy or a higher power, you can only feel the movement within 100 meters.

No one is perceived. Long Jiu smiled and said: "This time it is a noisy. Now let us remove this person, or do we first check the true and false of the news?"

The bat magazine meditated and looked at the sporadic limbs that were cut off on the ground. Then, the banquet of the good king said coldly: "The sensation of this matter cannot be known to others. So, let us first solve this problem." Go off and then proceed to the next step."

The dragon nodded nine points, and after saying a word to find it, the figure disappeared instantly.

Looking at the disappearance of the dragon nine figure, the bat magazine also snorted, and then began to search in the opposite direction of the disappearance of the dragon nine.

Just at the time of the two colleagues, Jiang Yuan has come to the only place that he has not found. That is the mansion called Hanfu.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan frowned, and then said with a deep voice: "It seems that there should be someone here." Jiang Yuan reached out and summoned the sword.

Under the condensed god, Jiang Yuan let go of the perception and then stepped closer to the house.

"Hey! Can you guys be honest with Laozi?" At this time a black man was yelling at the two men. .

Read The Duke's Passion