MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 255

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I have also made my sisters very afraid to go out again, this uncle and his family.

Gao Gang quietly took his elder sister's hand and said to her.

"Big sister, are you people really afraid of Uncle's family? Why should you be afraid of them? Don't all the children in our family have nothing to do with them?"

"Don't these people really dare to beat us? Are you afraid of being bullied by these uncle's children when you were young? I really didn't think that their family could be so hateful. ?"

Gao Xia looked at her brother with such an ignorant look, and he shook his head helplessly, after all, so many years have passed......

Moreover, these people have been bullied for so many years, and the days of beating and scolding have long gone. Liu Caifeng and Gao Dashan are both kind-hearted people.

Moreover, I have never beaten or scolded my own children 2.2. Thinking about it, this is a heavenly life for the children in this village.

In the past, the conditions in the home were not particularly good, but the atmosphere in the home was still quite warm, and the children in the home were very united. Gao Xia also felt that being born in such a home was a blessing. Very lucky thing. .

Chapter 649 Gao Xia's Unwillingness (Subscribe)

It's just that Gao Xia still has a fresh memory of those things in her childhood. After all, he is the eldest in this family and has experienced so much since childhood.

He also sees it in his eyes, and he is well aware of the hardships suffered by several younger sisters from childhood to adulthood. Now his younger brother is asking him about this news.

How could he say these things to his younger brother? After all, these things are related to a family's reputation, and their family doesn't care about them.

But the reputation of girls is better, otherwise, even if they are married, there will be many things waiting for them.

"Gao Gang, you don't know these things in our family, but your sisters lived in the old house from childhood to adulthood, and it's only a few years of time."

"Imagine that at that time, as long as our children could walk down the ground, they would go up the mountain to work together. Your second sister and the third sister are all like this. When they were three or five years old, they went up the mountain with me to collect firewood and dig firewood. Wild vegetables."

"Imagine the time when your eldest sister and I were only five or six years old at that time. I led those sisters who were one or two years older than me to go up the mountain, and the grass on those mountains was much higher than ours."

"Think about how we couldn't be afraid at that time. What's more, we sisters never had a day of idle meals since we were young, but in the mouths of those people, we were scolded every day as broom stars eating idle meals."

"Sometimes when I'm at home, I wonder why we girls have lost their money. We work hard at home every day."

"But a few cousins ​​were able to go out to play. At that time, I really felt it was particularly unfair. Until one day they kicked our family out."

"I can put down a big stone in my heart. At that time, I felt that the sky was blue. As long as our family works hard, we will definitely be able to live a good life."

This is the first time Gao Gang has heard his elder sister say these words. The elder sister never said these things before, and Gao Xia never complained to her younger brothers and sisters before.

Today's incident seems to have touched Gao Xia a lot. Otherwise, with a person like Gao Xiang, he would not have said these words at all.

But for Gao Gang, the fact that Gao Xia was able to tell what they were all about back then meant that at this time, Gao Xia no longer had any illusions about such a family.

Therefore, Gao Gang felt that as long as his family could be together in love with each other, even if the conditions were better or worse, it didn't matter.

"Don't worry, big sister. From now on, we will have me in our family. Even if you are married and your parents are old, I will be able to be a strong backing for several sisters in the future."

"I know that my sisters have had a very hard life since they were young, but from now on, with your little brother, this shoulder of mine will carry everything for you."

"You can just do what you like to do with peace of mind. Even if one day a few sisters don't want to get married, I can support a few sisters for a lifetime."

Chapter 650 Something Happened Again (Subscribe)

Gao Gang didn't know how many times he said this at home, but he could clearly know that the sisters at home didn't believe it at all.

And for these people, they are just a little kid, and for their own behavior, they only regard themselves as a whim.

But for Gao Gang, it also pays great attention to its own promises, so what I say now, I actually really want to hold up a sky for my sisters.

And for Gao Gang, it can also clearly know what stage it is in for such a matter, and for such a matter, can Gao Gang be able to do what he says? ?

Gao Gang had already made up his mind in his heart, but for his sisters, they really didn't quite believe it.

When Gao Gang and the others returned to their house, they found that Gao Dashan had not come back, but the whole house seemed to have been pried open.

And the things in the house have been turned in a mess. In such a small village, such a thing is really a big event.

And in such a village, if something like this happened in the family, then I would definitely choose to go to the village chief as soon as possible.

Liu Caifeng saw that his home had been tossed into such a state, he was already crying at that time, and for Liu Caifeng, he still knew how many things in the home.

After wandering around for a while, he found that there was not much lost in the house, but the house had already been turned into this way, how could he just let it go?

"Children, these things in our family must be done by your grandparents. At this time, we are all in the ground, and there is no one in the house. Only the last time Gao Xia went to take Gao Gang, the two of them came to the ground. When inside 〃 "."

"I just don't know who has been in the middle. Our family will go to the village chief immediately after a while. If it doesn't work, we will go to the town and report the case. If this matter doesn't get to the bottom of our family, we must It'll be fine."

These people from Lao Gao's family heard what Liu Caixia said, and they all agreed very much, no matter who stole things in their house.

Or how can these people in the family let it go, let alone such a thing.

For their own family, this is really a great shame. They can be turned into this way when they are at home, so will their family really be able to walk on the ground in the future?

At that time, people (Qian Nuozhao) will take whatever they think they want to get in their home. Gao Gang feels that it will be their family's sorrow at that time.

At this time, the autumn harvest is about to happen, so every household is basically busy in the ground, and this time is just because of noon.

Therefore, there are also many people who have been able to raise cooking smoke in their homes. Now listening to Liu Caifeng's sobbing voice, they all came out one after another. .

Chapter 651 Crying and crying (please subscribe)

Everyone came to the door of Gao Dashan's house one after another, watching Liu Caifeng crying non-stop in the yard, and scolding the street there while crying.

Liu Caifeng's staff are already very good in the village, and after everyone heard what Liu Caifeng said, they were all very angry. After all, everyone lived in the same village, and this time was the busiest time in the village. a period of time.

And Liu Caifeng's family was at a time like this, and people outside their home had been turned upside down, if it was normal.

Everyone is still in the mood to go and see the excitement, but this happened at such a time.

Everyone is constantly silent, and after all, if this kind of thing is replaced by other people's 310, then it will definitely be turned upside down.

At this time, Gao Feng had also found the village chief. It wasn't long after the village chief returned home when he saw Gao Feng and went to their house again.

He really felt very puzzled, did their old Gao family really have nothing to do for a day? And a person like himself.

Could it be that it is to be able to serve the people of their old Gao family? But after hearing what Gou Fen said, he was also very shocked.

I really didn't expect such a thing to happen in my own village, so the village chief also followed Gao Feng at the fastest speed.

When I arrived at the door of Lao Gao's house, I saw Liu Caixia was there, crying and scolding.

It's just that after seeing the village chief's arrival, Liu Caixia reached out and dragged the village chief, and then said to him.

"Village chief, you have to decide for us. Look at what our house has been turned into. Now there is only a little money in the house."

"It has disappeared completely, and you saw that the food in our house is gone. This is killing us."

"Our family Gao Dashan hasn't come back yet. If you come back and find out, think about what kind of mood he (cgai) is in, village chief, so I beg of you to give me some money before Gao Dashan comes back. Case solved."

"If not, I will go to the county to report the case. If something really happens, don't blame me for not telling these people in Murakami beforehand."

After the village chief followed Liu Caifeng into the house, he also found that the house had been turned over in a mess, and the most serious crime was the kitchen.

As well as the room of Gao Dashan and his husband and wife, Liu Caifeng said to the village chief after seeing that the village chief had entered the room.

"Village Chief, I will never give up on this matter today, and I also know who took our family's things, but they will definitely not send it back to us obediently."

"So I hope the village chief can handle this matter fairly. If you really can't handle it, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Anyway, I have already offended the people in their family this morning. If this time is added, I don't care. They are forcing me to die, so how can I do what they want? ?".

Chapter 652 Don't be impulsive (please subscribe)

After listening to Liu Caifeng's words, the village chief could immediately understand that this matter must be inseparable from the people in the old Gao family and their old house.

And in the morning, all the people were blocked in the ground, so it may be convenient for them to start, but before there is no evidence to prove it.

The village chief is useless at all, and he doesn't want to report to the county office because of such a thing, and he, the village chief, will be to blame.

"Liu Caifeng, don't be impulsive. This kind of thing is not a big deal for you at all. After a while, you can find someone to **** your money back~ Is it okay?"

"Why is it so inspiring, and we really have nothing to do with your two families. This year, your brother didn't come to scourge-their family's food."

"Think about it, it's also your parents-in-law's house. If Gao Dashan is at home, you can do whatever you want. After all, Gao Dashan will be a strong backing for you."

"But now Gao Dashan is not at home. Think about it if you continue to toss like this, who will pay for your behavior?"

Gao Gang looked at his mother, and after listening to the village chief's words, he felt a little stunned. How could such a thing continue to happen.

What's more, such a thing happened in Gao Gang's house, how could he allow such a thing to make his mother suffer so much grievance?

Gao Gang then stood in front of the village chief and said to him.

"Grandpa, the village chief, you don't need to say these words anymore. Now, I really want to declare this matter to customs. After all, this matter is a big deal for our family."

"Imagine that our family does not invite disaster or trouble. Our family has always been kind to others in the village, and our family has never bullied the weak."

"But what is waiting for us, and what is it for everyone to see that we are so patient? Is it to make others continue to be like this in front of our family?"

"Think about what we have done wrong for our family, and I think we really can't forgive such a thing."

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"What's more, for us, we really can't go on talking about such a thing, no matter whether my father comes back or not."

"I also decided to report to the official. Since they dared to do the first year of junior high school, don't blame us for daring to do 15. Since they want to take so much advantage from our family, then don't blame us for being rude."


After Gao Gang finished speaking, he continued to speak directly to Liu Caifeng and several sisters at home.

"Ladies and sisters, don't worry now, we'll get someone to declare at the customs now. If there is no one to help us with this kind of thing, then we'll leave."

"We don't stay in this village anymore. Anyway, things like this don't matter to us now. Since they want to treat us like this."

"Then don't blame us for being rude. This time, no matter who the other party is, we won't be able to forgive him again. Even if they are my grandparents, I definitely won't." Cai.

Chapter 653 Ask everyone for help (Subscribe)

After Liu Caifeng listened to what his son said, his heart became calmer. After all, for him, a woman's family suddenly encountered such a thing.

It was also very shocking, and for their family, they needed to go to customs, and it also needed to go to the scene or the town.

Now we have to see what the village chief has to say. After all, things like "one zero zero" are managed by the village chief. If the village chief cannot give them an explanation, Liu Caifeng can understand.

Liu Caifeng bowed to the crowd at this time, and then said to everyone.

"My fellow villagers, we all live in the same village. Everyone knows what kind of temper I, Liu Caifeng, have."

"What kind of state is Gao Dashan in this village? Everyone knows each other. Good brothers and sisters who grew up together from childhood to adulthood."

"Everyone in their hearts is very able to understand what kind of temperament people in our family are, and everyone can clearly know."

"So now I, Liu Caifeng, are here to beg everyone, if anyone can really see who entered our house and who took our belongings, and I hope everyone can help us with clues, our family will be grateful. Exhausted."

There were real voices in the crowd, but most of them were whispering there. After all, their family was considered a big family in the village.

And these things about their old Gao family are also known to everyone, not to mention that everyone is well aware of this matter.

It's just that it's understandable that something like this is worse than something less for these people, not to mention that it's their own business.

"Caifeng, you should stop pursuing this matter. After all, this is your own family matter. Although it is said that this matter is not authentic, they are Dashan's parents after all."

"And these people may have really had some difficulties, so they did this. You should stop pursuing them. Since they are all family, why make it so embarrassing."

Liu Caifeng looked at the voice of the person in the crowd. He was also very familiar with it. This was his neighbor... It seems that someone must be able to know about this matter. At this time, he heard it from outside. After a while, the voice of Gao Dashan came over.

"What's the matter? What happened at home? I just went out, how long has I been inside, why is it already like this, Caifeng, Gao Gang's daughters, are you all at home? What happened to our family? what?"

Liu Caifeng heard Gao Dashan's voice. The cry that had just stopped, wow, began to cry again, and at this time Gao Dashan walked in quickly from the outside.

Seeing Liu Caifeng crying bitterly, he hugged Liu Caifeng and asked anxiously.

"Caifeng, what's wrong with you? Hurry up and stop crying. What's going on at home, talk about something, and do something if you have something to do, but you mustn't be like this."

"Don't you want to scare me to death if you say this? You are talking, what happened to our family? The way you cry is so anxious."

Chapter 654 Gao Gang's Statement (Subscribe)

Gao Gang watched his parents hug each other, he just sighed helplessly, and then said to Gao Dashan.

"Father, it's great that you're back here. The backbone of our family is back. Come and see what our house looks like."

"And if our family can't get it right today, our mothers will be hanged at the door of grandma's house."

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