MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 243

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On weekdays, Gao Gang is also like this, so several sisters are not surprised, and they all know that their younger brother is too young.

There is something, although I can give the family an idea. But this small body is simply not suitable for such a heavy work, so the people in the family also let him get up when he wants to get up leisurely.

After Gao Gang got up, he put on his clothes and walked out of the house to see his eldest sister feeding pigs in the yard.

And the other sisters and mothers didn't know where they went. At this time, Gao Xia saw that her younger brother was already up. She hurried over and said to Gao Gang.

"You're up, little brother, why didn't you go and call eldest sister? Eldest sister is ready to dress you. Are you hungry? The pot has already put all the food for you there."

"Eldest sister, I'll bring it to you now. Are you going to eat it in your own room or in the main room?"

Gao Gang looked at his eldest sister. He had not finished feeding the pig food, so he was here to get this for himself. He quickly waved his hand and said to his sister.

"¨ˇ I'm not busy, eldest sister. If you should do your work, just go and do your work. I'll get it myself in a while. Where did my mother go?"

"Didn't I say today that I want to go out to the town? Why didn't I go with my father, and the other sisters, where did they all go?"

Gao Xia looked at her little brother, like a housekeeper (Mano's) mother-in-law, and asked one by one, these people in the family, he couldn't help but smile at him and said to him.

"Our mother went to Uncle Liu's house next door. Aunt Liu needs our mother to help with some things, so our mother got up early to eat."

"Let's go after dinner. Your sisters have all gone up the mountain. Now there are only the two of us left at home. If you have anything to do, you can say it yourself.".

Chapter 581 Eat Breakfast (Subscribe)

Gao Gang saw that Gao Xia was also a very spiritual person. He originally wanted to discuss with his eldest sister. After all, the conditions at home are getting better and better now.

And the marriage of the eldest sister is also arranged, which is a bit rushed, not to mention the conditions in the big Zhuang brother's house are really bad, let's not talk about the five or six brothers in their family.

And now there is no separation, so after my sister gets married, she will definitely be marginalized, so I rely on this.

Gao Gang was also reluctant to let his sister marry, and now it seems that his sister also knows what he wants to say to her.

"Eldest sister, let's talk about it after you finish feeding the pigs. I know it's useless to say anything to you now. Let's have a good talk with the two of us in a while, while the sisters 883 are not at home, Let's talk to our hearts, can you say yes?"

Gao Xia nodded and quickly went to the side of the pig sty. She added all the remaining pig food to the spoon, and then took the bucket into the factory at home and went back to the front of the house, where there was a big mouthful of food. cylinder.

There was some water in there. At this time, just after the sun came in, the water was a little warm, so it was best to wash your hands with him.

After Gao Xia washed her hands, she brought Gao Gang into the main room, while he himself entered the kitchen, took out the meals left for Gao Gang, and said to Gao Gang.

"Little brother, you are like a housekeeper these days. Hurry up and eat something now, and wait until what you want to say. Let's talk about it after we have eaten."

"Sister knows what you want to tell her, and she can understand your thoughts, so let's talk more carefully after you have eaten."

Gao Gang was very well-behaved. After listening to Gao Xia's words, he sat there and ate today's breakfast in a leisurely manner. Today's meal Gao Gang was quite satisfied.

Since the conditions in my home have been getting better and better, the meals in my home have never been fooled three times a day, unlike before (cgcc), the meals are always the same.

Today and tomorrow are the same. Now that there are such conditions at home, Gao Xia will be very attentive when cooking every day.

At the same time, I also want everyone in the family to take good care of their bodies. Before, Gao Xia knew that even if she wanted to make some delicious food.

But there are not so many things in the house. Now that Gao Gang has brought a lot of these grains and some other chicken, duck, and fish meat to the house, Gao Xia doesn't have to worry about cooking at all.

The thick rice porridge boiled this morning was served with fried scallion pancakes, and some pickled vegetables from home. Such a nutritious breakfast is ready.

And because this breakfast was left in the pot for a long time, the porridge was also very thick. Gao Gang was willing to drink such porridge.

And when he ate it, he felt that the taste of today's food should be made with special care by the elder sister, and Gao Gang didn't care about his compliments and said to Gao Xia.

"Sister, I now find that your cooking skills are getting better and better.".

Chapter 582 The things that my parents explained (please subscribe)

Gao Xia looked at Gao Gang now, like a little hamster, and kept stuffing those meals into her mouth.

He is also very happy in his heart. After all, the people in the family have eaten some of the delicious food made by themselves, and it is also a kind of affirmation for him that they think it is delicious.

"Okay, let's eat now. After a while, my mother told you to stay at the aunt's house to find her, because I was afraid that you would be more playful at home."

"So our mother wants you to follow her, and when my father left, I told my mother to ask him to get you a set of pen and paper~"

"Then let you go and draw a sketch for our house. You say what the house we are building now looks like. After a while, you can draw it, eldest sister, and see if it's alright?"

Gao Gang suddenly thought that he had promised Gao Dashan, and he was going to draw a sketch for him today, and he knew that Gao Dashan really wanted to see what the sketch he had drawn for him was. - look.

At this time, Gao Gang already had several sets of plans in his mind, so he wanted to come up with all these sets of plans, and then draw them for the whole family to see what it should look like.

"Sister, has my mother brought all those brushes and inks? If I do, I'll lay here and draw some sketches for you in a while."

"I have several plans in my head, but I don't know which one our family can choose in the end, and you know what our family looks like. I think it's better to keep it simple."

"Otherwise, it's really such a maverick, I'm really afraid that those people can't accept these new things at all."

Hearing what Gao Gang said, Gao Xia didn't understand a little, but he also knew that his younger brother was a very capable person.

So what is your brother saying now? Anyway, at the end of this family, Gao Gang will be in charge.

And at this time, Gao Xia can also clearly know that her parents have already wanted to give the right to be the head of the family to Gao Gang, but this child is just unwilling to do so now.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

After all, he is still relatively young now. If he is the head of the family, the people in the village will gossip, so this child knows it well.

Because there was something to do in a while, Gao Gang didn't eat breakfast slowly, but took a few quick bites and stuffed all the rest of the porridge into his stomach.


And he only ate a small piece of those oil cakes, and said to Gao Xia.

"Big sister, take it away quickly. I don't want to eat so much now. After I help you clean up together, you can find the paper for me."

"Then go and bring me a charcoal-fired branch, so that I can draw a rendering of what I want, eldest sister, hurry up."

While talking, Gao Gang urged Gao Xia to hurry up and get these things for herself, and at this time Gao Xia was also urged by Gao Gang like this.

It was a bit of a mess, and he took all the plates on the table into the kitchen, and he didn't have time to brush them at all. pill.

Chapter 583 Accompanying (for subscription)

He went back to the room, took out the blank sheets of paper for Gao Gang when his parents left, and put them on the table in the main room.

He went to the kitchen again, found a thinner one among the branches that had been burned into carbon, gave it to Gao Gang, and said to him.

"Okay, little brother, you can do it yourself. I still have some work to do. After I'm done, the eldest sister will come to accompany you. "Eight Seven Zero"

After Gao Gang nodded, he let Gao Xia go back to the kitchen to do his own thing, while Gao Gang was lying on the table.

He kept writing and drawing there, and when Gao Xia had finished her own things, she returned to the main room and saw that the sketches that Gao Gang drew were only a little bit.

It's just that when he saw the house that Gao Gang was drawing with this charcoal, he also felt it was very strange, but now he saw Gao Gang's concentration.

He was also afraid of disrupting Gao Gang's thoughts, so he quietly left the main room and returned to his room, where he took out a small handkerchief he had embroidered.

Then he brought him to the door of the main room and quietly accompanied Gao Gang there, watching him draw these things quietly, and the time passed little by little.

When Liu Caifeng came home, she saw her eldest daughter was sitting in front of the house embroidering, while her youngest son was lying in the house and kept writing and drawing. When he opened his mouth to scream, I saw Gao Xia softly booed her and said in a low voice.

"I don't think you should disturb my brother. He is drawing the house graphics for our family. After a while, you can see what the graphics look like, and then you talk. He has been there all morning. "

"I think he has painted several pictures, but I don't know which one we will choose at the end of our family. You must be quiet now and don't talk, or else he will lose his temper after disrupting his thinking. already."

Liu Caifeng watched his old son concentrate on doing this, so he nodded, and at this time, Gao Gang's sisters also came back from the mountain.

Because the Gao family eats three meals now, they just happened to be going home for lunch at this time. Gao Xia patted her head and said with some annoyance......

"Mother, look at me, I'm here with Gao Gang, watching quietly all day. He drew pictures there, and even forgot to cook. You guys are waiting here for a while, and then no one Talk, I'll go make lunch for you now."

After Gao Lu Gaoping put the baskets on them on the ground, he put all the firewood inside in the firewood shed, and then went to the pigsty, poured the pig grass into the pigsty, and then Gao Xia said.

"What's going on for us at noon, eldest sister? I want to eat rice for noon today, and I also want to eat some dishes with meat, okay? Big sister, can we eat it at noon today, 1.2? Is this?"

Liu Caifeng watched her two younger daughters play coquettish with her eldest daughter there, and she couldn't help laughing. Now her life at home is getting better and better.

He is also getting stronger and stronger, thinking about the hardships he lived in those days, how can he be unhappy now that he is finally able to make it through? .

Chapter 584: Gao Gang's Thoughts (Subscribe)

Gao Xia also saw her two younger sisters acting like a spoiled child with her here. This really hadn't been like this for a long time.

And at this time, Gao Xia also knew very well what the conditions were in her home, so she didn't care about it at all, so he nodded and promised his two younger sisters to speak to them at the same time.

"Okay, I'll make something delicious for you at noon today, but you can go and play now, don't disturb your brother."

"You must know that he is now concentrating on painting these things. It is the big house that our family will live in in the future. After a while, he will finish painting."

"Daddy can find someone to look at when he comes back 26. Such a blueprint can also be used to build a house in our house, so don't disturb him at this time."

"Otherwise, with Gao Gang's bad temper, he will definitely not let the two of you have any face, so it's better not to disturb him."

Gao Xia deliberately made things more serious, just to prevent Gao Ping and Gao Lu from disturbing Gao Gang'er's creation.

And for Gao Xia, she herself can clearly know that she basically can't live in such a house for long.

But for such a situation, it does not mean that she herself does not want to live in a good house in her own home, and for Gao Xia, he can also know clearly.

In fact, Gao Gang had already wanted to talk to himself about his marriage. At the very beginning, he could feel that Gao Gang wanted him to be happy.

But after hearing about her fiancé, Da Zhuang and their family, Gao Xia can clearly know that Gao Gang has a lot of dislikes. There's too much **** in the house.

Although Gao Xia said that she was a very gentle woman, it wasn't that she didn't know about such a thing, but she just didn't want to say it.

What's more, in a situation like their family, the conditions are getting better and better now. If the dowry for her can be richer, Gao Xia feels that she has gone to Dazhuang's family.

She can also come out on top among all the daughters-in-law, and she won't let her mother-in-law treat her differently, and she is a very gentle woman.

There is no way to have some quarrels with her mother-in-law at all, so Gao Xia feels that there is still a certain emotional foundation between herself and Da Zhuang.

So such a marriage should be able to continue, and the most important thing is that Gao Xia doesn't want others to say that her family is a family that dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

After Gao Xia finished talking to her two younger sisters, she went directly into the kitchen. At this time, Gao Lu and Gao Ping also followed Gao Xia into the kitchen.

They went to help out. They also picked a lot of wild vegetables today, so they were able to add vegetables to the house.

Moreover, Gao Gang is also very willing to eat these wild vegetables in normal times, which is just enough to make Gao Gang eat more. This kid is too skinny. .

Chapter 585: Ready to Eat (Subscribe)

Since Gao Gang had eaten breakfast, he was lying on the table directly, writing and drawing. I don't know how long it has passed.

When he smelled the smell of meat, he realized that his sister and mother had already returned, and they had already cooked a lot of delicious food in the kitchen.

Now it just happened to be brought into the house, and Gao Gang only raised his head from these pictures after smelling the smell of meat.

Gao Gang reached out and scratched his hair, and said something embarrassed to his sisters.

"Sisters, you've all come back. I'm really embarrassed that I'm still drawing and writing here. I'll make room for you now. Are you all hungry?"

"Let's hurry up to eat now. The meal that eldest sister made in the morning was so delicious that I couldn't help but ate all the medicine. Now I happen to be very hungry."

"If it weren't for the smell of these meats that made me feel hungry, I would have really been completely immersed in such pictures 〃~"

"I'll show you the sketches I've drawn in a while, and then you can choose which home you like."

Gao Xia saw that her brother had begun to stretch out his hands to pack these things, and he nodded, after all, he was about to eat.

And his younger brother also got so many things on the table when Gao Xia originally wanted to call Gao Gang to put all these things up.

But now that he sees that his younger brother has taken the initiative to put all these things aside, he is also very relieved in his heart.

Although Gao Gang is the only boy in the family, this boy is still very capable, and the most important thing is that this boy is also very considerate of the family's hardships.

So in normal life, he is very obedient and obedient, which also makes Gao Xia and the others like their younger brother very much.

"Gao Gang happens to be with your second and third sisters. Let them help you bring these pictures to the side. It's not good for us to get oil stains when we eat for a while."

Gao Gang also knew that this was the relationship between his eldest sister and himself, and he was very clear about such things. If he really broke a little bit of his efforts, it would be in vain.

So Gao Gang nodded and agreed to his sister's request, knowing that these things were originally prepared for the people in their own family.

Therefore, these people in the family can watch it if they want. The most important thing is that these things are really very important to Gao Gang.

And this is Gao Gang's hard work this morning, so if something like this is really broken, the effect will feel very sad in the heart, and this is a result that their whole family wants to see (money is good) .

So Gao Gang really wanted to protect such a thing well, and for Gao Gang, he himself knew very well that it had too much meaning for him.

Gao Xia saw that her younger brother had agreed, so he hurriedly winked and told Gao Lu and Gao Ping to hurry up and sort out these things. Then they want to eat. .

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