MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 11

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However, if he wanted to escape, how could Richard just let him escape!

In addition, Richard has spent too much time on him, so Wei Wei moves his body, and Richard has already planned to do it himself!

Calling out ten black shadow ninjas to guard beside him again, Richard sat cross-legged on the ground and slowly closed his eyes!

The next second, an invisible soul body suddenly emerged from Richard's body!

This is exactly the ability of the sheep charm, one of the twelve charms Richard obtained before, out of body!

The performance of this skill in the anime is very weak, and even a bit tasteless, but this does not mean that this skill cannot fight!

As the saying goes, there is no ability to waste, only people who are waste.

Richard, since he got the sheep charm, he has been constantly exploring the ability of the sheep charm. He has already thoroughly researched the sheep charm, and has developed an attack method that is unique to the sheep charm!

[I wrote 4,000 words at a time, and there are 2,000 words left to be revised. I will update it after dinner! Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets! ].

Chapter 19 Remember to chop off your head (4 more for collection)

There are two specific abilities of the Sheep Charm.

The first out of the body, the second into a dream!

The body without the soul suddenly turned into a body, sitting cross-legged on the ground under the guard of ten black shadow ninjas!

And Richard's soul, at this moment, is heading towards Thompson in the center of the battlefield!

Thompson, who was fighting, was unaware of the approaching Richard!

Without the slightest effort, Richard had come to Thompson's side.

With a playful smile on his face, Richard rammed directly at Thompson!

Suddenly, Richard's soul was directly bounced off.

And Thompson, who was fighting, suddenly fainted, and the iron fist, which was full of explosive power, instantly became weak!

There are black halos in front of his eyes, and the whole person seems to faint at any time!

This is the unique attack method of the sheep talisman, soul collision!

Richard, who exists in a soul body, can invade other people's bodies, but because of the existence of Thompson's own soul, the body already has a master, so Richard cannot settle in!

But this will cause the souls of the two to collide.

With the sheep charm to strengthen the soul, a small collision is naturally nothing to Richard.

But Thompson is different. Even if he uses super serum to strengthen his body, he cannot strengthen his soul!

Therefore, the impacted soul will naturally feel uncomfortable, which will affect the physical aspect!

The scene just now appeared, and it was impossible to fight normally!

Immediately, at the moment Thompson was affected, the black shadow ninja would not pay attention to why he was like this. The fierce attack did not stop at all, and his body, which was already covered with scars, was directly pierced through the chest by two swords!


The sound of meat piercing suddenly sounded, and the intense pain suddenly forced Thompson to wake up, and a miserable howl came out of his mouth subconsciously.


Looking at the two ninjas in front of him and the two swords running through his chest, Thompson's eyes flashed two angry colors, and a roar of grief and indignation came out of his mouth.

"Damn! What's going on here!"

While speaking, Thompson subconsciously wanted to raise his hand and blast the two ninjas in front of him!

But just when he was about to start, Richard, who was floating beside him, slammed into him again!


A roar that ordinary people could not hear sounded, Thompson's face instantly turned pale, his eyes burst out at this moment, and the whole person's image was like a ghost!


The terrifying scream came from Thompson's mouth again, and the voice contained the meaning of extreme pain!

Richard's collision just now shattered a small piece of Thompson's soul, although it was only the size of a fingernail!

But that is the trauma of the soul, and the pain that touches the soul is thousands of times stronger than the pain of the body!

At this moment, a total of six ninjas, front and back, up and down, left and right, also used the sword to penetrate Thompson's body!

Coupled with the two swords that passed through the chest before, Thompson at the moment is like a hedgehog.

With a hoarse wailing in his mouth, his body slammed heavily on the ground!

The many researchers hiding in the corner watched Thompson, who was injected with the super serum, fall in front of them, and everyone's faces were full of disbelief!

As the maker of Super Serum, they know how powerful Thompson who was injected with Super Serum is!

But it was such a powerful Thompson who fell at Richard's feet at this moment. For a time, everyone only felt an emotion called shock rising from the bottom of their hearts, and their emotions were up and down!

And Richard, who was in the soul body, looked at Thompson, who had only his last breath left, and instead of launching a soul collision, he returned to his body!

After regaining control of his body, Richard stood up from the ground and moved closer to Thompson. The ten ninjas beside him followed him like personal guards.

In the end, Richard stood still ten meters away from Thompson, and had no idea of ​​continuing to approach.

As the saying goes, there are still 3,000 nails left in the broken boat. Don't look at Thompson's last breath, but Richard is sure that once he gets close, Thompson will never mind pulling him to his death, so it is naturally impossible for Richard to get close to him.

"Tell me, where are the other three giants of Hell's Kitchen?"

Richard's indifferent voice sounded slowly, Thompson forced his head to look at Richard, a hint of disappointment flashed in the bottom of his eyes, and then a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"You can't find them, they will avenge me!"

Hearing this, Richard shrugged slightly, turned directly to the group of researchers, and left a sentence before leaving.

"Kill it, remember to chop off your head!"

As soon as these words came out, Thompson's eyes popped. He didn't expect Richard to be so decisive, and he wanted to stop Richard immediately!

But Sombra moved the moment Richard gave the order.

Before Thompson could speak, Sen Han's knife flashed past, and a head rolled to the ground!

The blood raced from the neck and shot for more than ten meters. All the researchers who witnessed this scene trembled, and there was a look of fear on their faces!

Especially when Richard approached them, it made them squeeze together in horror!

Looking at Richard, a nine-year-old child, everyone seems to be looking at the devil, and their eyes are full of fear and awe!

And Richard didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, so he spoke directly.

"Work for me in the future, and someone will come to discuss your treatment later. I don't want anyone to reject me."

"Give you ten minutes to pack up all the materials that can be used. In addition, he has made a specimen for you. Let's see if you can study something from him."

Speaking of which, Richard glanced in Thompson's direction, and it was obvious that the specimen Richard was talking about was Thompson!

There are so many things that can be studied in a superhuman corpse, so when they heard that Richard handed Thompson's corpse to them, everyone's eyes flashed a hint of ecstasy!

Even the fear that Richard brought to them was dissipated a bit.

After doing all this, Richard finally completed everything, and at the same time, the system in his mind went online again!

"Ding, the second stage of the revenge mission has been completed, and now the rewards are issued, the rewards have been issued, please check it yourself!"

Hearing this, Richard called up the system without saying a word, and a panel suddenly appeared in front of Richard's eyes.

"Character Attributes Panel"

Name: Richard Fisk

Age: nine years old

Status: Son of Wilson Fisk

Skills: Ninja Corps, Sheep Charm

Items: none

Sweepstakes: Twice

[For collections, for flowers, for evaluation tickets, for rewards! Get rid of the pull guys. ].

Chapter 20 The Shadow Blade and the Snake Charm (5 more for collection)

Seeing the two extra draws in the number of draws column, Richard's calm mood suddenly became hot!

After taking control of Ninja, Richard's character has also been affected to a certain extent, and he has become more and more like a boss, so few things can disturb his emotions!

But the raffle is definitely not included!

You must know that every draw is an increase in Richard's power, so how could he not look forward to it!

He took a deep breath, ignoring the many researchers who were packing information, Richard gave the order directly in his mind, "Start the lottery!"

About a minute or so, the system's cold electronic synthesis sound suddenly sounded in Richard's mind!

"Ding, congratulations, you got the snake charm!"

Hearing this, Richard's eyes suddenly had a hint of joy!

The snake charm, although not the one Richard wanted most of the 12 charms, is not bad!

Its stealth effect can not only ignore all kinds of infrared rays, but also cannot be found even with thermal imaging scanning, far beyond the ordinary sense of stealth!

At a critical moment, this ability is enough to play a huge role!

Suddenly, a warm current slowly merged into Richard's body, and at the same time, Richard also felt that there was something in his mind.

Invisibility has completely become his instinct, as long as he has a thought, he can instantly disappear!

There was a satisfied smile on the corner of Richard's mouth!

With the first good start, Richard is even more looking forward to the second lottery!

Rubbing his fingers subconsciously in his right hand, Richard decisively gave the order, "Start the lottery!"

Also after a minute, the sound of the system sounded slowly.

"Ding, congratulations, you have obtained the Black Shadow Blade, one of the nine divisions of the Black Shadow Corps!"

As the system's voice fell, Richard's eyes lit up immediately!

One of the nine parts of the Sombra Legion, the Sombra Blade, the Sombra Legion summoned by Rasu in the anime, is also known as the Claw Shadow!

Claw Shadow's hands are sharp claws, his legs are spike-like, and the single combat power is extremely powerful!

If the Sombra Ninja is the basic unit in the Sombra Corps, then the Claw Shadow is the advanced unit!

Single strength, one claw shadow is enough to fight ten black shadow ninjas!

Extraordinary people like Thompson, if they face the claw shadow, they can only fight two or three at most!

There is no need to use human sea tactics at all, it is enough to take it down, which shows the power of Claw Shadow!

It can be said that the claw shadow came at the right time, just to make up for Richard's lack of combat power!

Otherwise, you can't use crowd tactics every time you deal with superhumans.

Moreover, when the strength reaches a certain height, the crowd tactics may not work!

Due to the complex background of Marvel, there are too many superheroes and alien civilizations, resulting in a very complicated power system!

Therefore, in the past few days, Richard has planned a power system himself!

The whole system is divided into several stages. The first stage is the mortal level. At this stage, most people can basically achieve it after hard training, and the Black Shadow Ninja is the leader of the mortal level!

The second stage is extraordinary. This stage is subdivided into four stages by Richard, with the first stage being the lowest and the fourth stage being the highest!

Like Thompson who was injected with super serum before, his comprehensive strength belongs to the extraordinary first-order!

After that, the extraordinary second-order, like Hawkeye, is at this stage!

And the extraordinary third-order, compared with the extraordinary second-order, the comprehensive strength has doubled again!

The last extraordinary fourth-order, such as Spider-Man, is at the pinnacle of this stage!

On the other hand, the supernatural is called the destruction level by Richard.

A powerhouse who has reached this level has basically stood at the peak of the Marvel world!

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