MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 9

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"Don't think about it, can you seduce such an excellent man?"

Before Rhodes knew it, his status had risen to the point where everyone respected him.

After all, being the personal guard of a big man like Hela inevitably raised Rhode's status accordingly.

Chapter 11: Attack of the Frost Giants

Hela took the giant sword in Heimdall's hand and inserted it into the groove.

The Rainbow Bridge suddenly connected to the distance, and the shimmering light of the rainbow illuminated everyone's faces.

Without any words of training, Hela just sternly said to the army: "Let's go! Target Jotunheim!"

The mighty army marched towards the Rainbow Bridge, while Rhodes followed Hela and walked in front of everyone like a general.

Walking into the Rainbow Bridge, the things in front of you flow rapidly, turning into blurred streams of light. When the stream of light gradually shortens, the things in front of you become clear again.

In Jotunheim, the cold wind blows head-on, and the surroundings are covered with ice and snow, and the ground is composed of light blue ice crystals under the feet.

Rhodes shivered, and then he lost consciousness as if his whole body was frozen.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved [Super Cold Resistance]!"

After the voice in his ear ended, Rhodes felt his body gradually warming up, and his consciousness gradually recovered.

The army behind has assembled.

The soldiers quickly pulled out a machine, and immediately used it to create a huge ball of light,

The ball of light floated beside everyone, as if being pulled by an invisible rope.

The light it emits is hot and warm, shining on everyone, helping them resist the severe cold.

At this time, Hela also took over a machine to create a ball of light for Rhodes, letting it float above Rhodes' head.

It's just too late, Rhodes has super cold resistance and now he doesn't need it, but in order to hide his strength, he still nodded his thanks.

"You have to be careful, the soldiers of the protoss are not very adaptable to this extreme environment. Without the sun mirror, the movements of the whole body will be a little stiff, and it will be dangerous if they encounter enemies." Hela instructed.

Rhodes, who had just experienced the feeling of being frozen all over his body, was even more worried about these soldiers. His body was much stronger than them, but he had already started to affect his actions within half a minute, not to mention these people.

After all the sun mirrors were deployed, the army regained its ability to move and began to march.

Rhode noticed that there was a giant black wolf at Hela's feet. Looking at the appearance, he recalled the information he read in the book.

This is the wolf Fenrir, the mighty beast of Asgard.

"Fenrir, go investigate." Hela ordered.

The giant wolf immediately turned into a black mist and drifted away like a ghost.

Rhodes frowned, and he couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart. As expected of the hound at the feet of God King Odin, he could use divine power to transform into ghost fog and sneak.

After a while, Fenrir turned back and growled beside Hela.

Hela frowned, "The whole army is ready to attack! There are a large number of frost giants ahead."

Rhodes also sat ready to fight. He put his spear in front of him, ready to exchange fire from a distance at any time.

As Hela's personal guard, he naturally would not venture into the enemy's formation, but would always protect the safety of Hela, the commanding general.

In the distance, a group of blue-skinned humanoid creatures held axes, maces made of icicles, and other slashing weapons.

Standing scattered, there was no formation at all. Compared to the army, they looked like a group of robbers composed of barbarians.

On the hill behind them, an archer held an ice bow with arrows of ice crystals on the string.

Their eyes were not on the soldiers of Asgard, but on the mirrored sun above their heads.

"Archers." Hila frowned, it was the first time she had seen such a unit in Jotunheim.

"These guys seem to be getting smarter."

The army stopped under Hela's gesture, keeping out of the attack range of the opponent's archers.

Fenrir came to Hela and growled a few times.

"Go, pin down their long-range shooters from behind." Hela ordered.

Then her eyes fell on Rhodes, "Go and see how far the opponent's attack range can reach."

Rhodes was very helpless, why did this kind of death thing fall on him.

In desperation, Rhodes quickly dived towards the opposite army.

"Stupid!" Hella exclaimed.

The soldiers also showed embarrassment. Rhodes would definitely fall into the dense arrow area on the opposite side if he ran like this, and he would only die.

The correct test method should be to approach slowly to prevent yourself from entering the strike range of intensive firepower and improve your survival rate.

It's not that Rhodes didn't think about this in his mind, but he still rushed into the front of the enemy without hesitation.

Seeing that Rhodes was so reckless, the Frost Giant immediately directed the archers to shoot a dense rain of swords towards Rhodes.

In the gloomy space, it was even more difficult to distinguish the trajectory of the blue ice crystal arrows. Rhodes did not stop to predict the arrow's landing point, but ran wildly.

Those arrows rubbed against his back and fell behind him, shooting out a movement trajectory of Rhodes.

"What!" The Frost Giant in the front row holding an ax looked at Rhodes in disbelief.

They didn't expect that the other party would dare to come to them alone, which would be death.

"Roar~" A frost giant with an ice hammer let out an angry roar, taking Rhode's behavior of rushing alone as a provocation before the battle.

He pushed away the crowd and ran towards Rhodes, holding up the ice hammer to smash him into meat paste.

Rhodes stopped immediately at this moment, then set up his spear and fired an iridescent laser.

The laser hit the Frost Giant's belly, knocking him flying and falling into the crowd.

Then Rhodes strode back.

The archers fired arrows angrily, but the speed was just a little short of catching up with Rhodes, and they missed Rhodes every time.

Returning to Hela, Rhodes pointed to the arrow piercing the ground and said, "This is their attack range."

An attack range indicator marked by light blue ice crystal arrows was displayed in front of everyone.

Everyone secretly admired.

"It's really brave and resourceful!"

"As expected of Lord Hella's personal guard."

"This speed and physical fitness are several times that of ours!"

Hela also cast admiring glances, but she didn't say anything, but said coldly: "Go forward and garrison at the maximum attack distance."

The army moved immediately, striding towards the frost giant aggressively.

With the marks that Rhodes risked his life to create for them, they were not afraid of being hit by each other.

The frost giants gritted their teeth one by one, wishing to devour Rhodes alive. They were so angry that their eyes widened, but they had nothing to do with the Asgardian army in front of them.

The difference in numbers was too large, and the weapons in their hands were not of the same level, so in order to protect themselves, they could only retreat temporarily and find a safe place to station for defense.

Just as they were retreating, the lurking Fenrir suddenly appeared, charging and killing the unsuspecting archers.

Hela also took advantage of the long-range firepower on the opposite side to be diverted, and Er immediately ordered an attack.

Asgardian soldiers capable of firing long-range artillery fire suppressed the frost giants with their attack range.

The latter is often knocked down by a few laser shots before rushing up.

Relying on powerful firepower, what will happen next is a one-sided massacre.

Chapter 12: Frost Giant Wang Laufei

Asgard's soldiers quickly cleared the battlefield, and the Frost Giant's defense forces stationed on the border were completely wiped out, and the first battle was won.

It is all thanks to Rhodes that the battle can become so easy.

The environment in Jotunheim is dark, with a gray mist covering the land.

Looking forward, within a few tens of meters, the figure could not be seen clearly.

Marching in this environment, it is easy to be ambushed, and it is possible to walk into the enemy's encirclement.

Hela frowned slightly, looking a little nervous, Fenrir alone was obviously not enough to know the surrounding situation.

Rhodes saw through Hela's thoughts, and subconsciously looked into the distance, but even with super vision, he couldn't bear the superposition of layers of mist to block his sight.

"Ding! The host [Rods] has evolved [super hyperopia]!"

Suddenly, everything around became extremely clear, and Rhodes felt as if he was looking at the grassland under the clear sky, everything was extremely bright.

He wanted to look far away, but the scene in front of him actually moved forward, things were magnified hundreds of times, and things hundreds of miles away were also extremely clear.

In the field of vision, a palace made of blue ice blocks appeared, and several tall frost giant guards stood in front of the door. They were wearing blade armor covered with spikes and holding giant axes made of ice. .

Rhodes also wanted to look inside the palace. Under the effect of the perspective eye, the wall suddenly became thin and transparent, and then the perspective shifted again and went directly through the wall to see the inside of the palace.

The arc ceiling of the hall is supported by four icicles, and the ancient myths of the frost giants are engraved on the walls. An ice crystal chandelier illuminates the hall, perhaps the only light in the entire Jotunheim.

And on the high platform in the hall, a bald frost giant sat on the throne.

He has elf-like sharp ears, red eyes full of blood, black pupils staring forward, wearing simple shoulder pads and arm pads, a large area of ​​his body is exposed, and his strong muscles are fully exposed.

Even without the protection of his armor, his massive muscles looked strong enough to protect his vital organs.

A string of skulls was tied around his waist, and a piece of iron hung down, covering his lower body like an apron.

Rhodes recalled that he had read in the book that the Frost Giant with this appearance was their king, Laufey.

"Mimil." Laufey, the king of the frost giants, turned his head and looked at a small frost giant with sly eyes beside him.

"I'm here, my king." Mimir lowered his head and replied in response.

"The soldiers of the Protoss have attacked the front line, what countermeasures do you have?"

Mimir rolled his eyes up and down, and then a treacherous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "My king, why do you care about an advance army? Even if you defeat them, follow-up troops will just keep coming."

"Why don't you take this opportunity and go directly to the atrium with the ice treasure box. Their attention is already on Jotunheim, and they will definitely neglect the defense of the atrium. At this time, you can turn the atrium into our domain and stay until Completely occupy the atrium, and it will not be too late to fight them head-on.”

"Hahahaha!" Lau Fei laughed heartily, "As expected of the High Priest of my Frost Giant, Senior Counselor!"

As he spoke, he stood up, and took out a box emitting a faint light blue light from the shadow behind the throne.

Then he walked quickly to the hall, walking towards the farther boundless darkness.

Rhodes was shocked, and retracted his farsightedness. With super near hearing, he heard the conversation just now clearly.

If Laufey is not stopped at this time and continues to attack Jotunheim, it will be useless in the end, and the atrium will hardly escape the fate of being turned into a world of ice and snow.

Hesitating secretly in his heart to no avail, he could only find Hai Lahui to report: "Frost King Lau Fei is an extremely belligerent reckless man, his frontline troops were defeated but he did not come out to fight, could it be that he has other plans? "

Hela lowered her brows, lost in thought.

When Rhode saw that Hela didn't understand his hint, he said bluntly, "I think Laufey must have gone to the atrium. If he uses the ice treasure box to occupy the atrium, it will be too late."

Only then did Hela wake up with a sudden realization, "Oops! I've heard that there is a space gap between Jotunheim and the atrium. If we let him go to the atrium first, our trip will be in vain!"

"But..." Hela was in a dilemma again, "Where is this space crack?"

Rhodes was in a state of anxiety. With his farsighted eyes, he had already seen Laufey enter a valley, and just in front of the valley, there was a crack in space surrounded by black lightning.

But he couldn't tell Hela directly. After all, this was his first time in Jotunheim, and Hela didn't even know about it. If he told it, he would definitely be investigated for the reason.

Suddenly, Rhodes had a plan. Heimdall had the ability of clairvoyance. Asking him to help find it was not his fault.

"How about asking Guardian Heimdall to find out where Laufey is. If Laufey really wants to go to the atrium, he will definitely teleport in front of the space crack."

Hela nodded, and immediately sent an order to inform Heimdall to search for Laufey's location.

Soon, a soldier sent an order back to the guards guarding the passageway of the Rainbow Bridge. When Heimdall learned about it, his eyes flashed and he searched around Jotunheim.

But after a while, he saw Hela's troops, and not far in front of her troops, he also found Laufey who was about to pass through the space crack.

"Report! Lord Heimdall said that Laufey is just a few kilometers to the west of the army, and is advancing in a valley."

Read The Duke's Passion