MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 249

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Just smiled awkwardly.

"Of course, Ao Lie knows that he can't compare with Mr. Luo. Ao Lie just wants to do his best. It's a trivial matter, so it's nothing to worry about."

Yang Chan said.

"It's really not worth worrying about. Come on, **** Taoist priest. Now that you're sober, you should be a human being. Clean up this place. Look, we're visiting Xihai Dragon Palace, and you give them "Nine Nine Seven" This room is like this, how can I use this room in the future."

"Although there are many rooms in the West Sea Dragon Palace, there is no shortage of rooms, but you can't embarrass us like this. After all, you are also someone we brought here. It all smells like wine, and it will kill people."

The second-rate Taoist said with a look of embarrassment.

"Sorry sorry, I'll fix it."

In front of Rhodes and his party, a second-rate Taoist priest really has no dignity at all.

The second-rate Taoist quickly apologized for this.

Said Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea.

"No need, hangovers are normal. In fact, my father vomited a lot yesterday. This is a common occurrence. Everyone is often drunk. Just ask the servants to clean up."

The second-rate Taoist said.

"Then what a shame, this... Young Master."

The second-rate Taoist was stunned when he saw the outfit and attire of Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, combined with the claim of the third prince Ao Lie.

"Well, dare you say that this son is the prince of the West Sea Dragon Palace?"

The third prince, Ao Lie, did not hide anything.

"Naturally, so is Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea."

The second-rate Taoist almost smoked in excitement.

"What? The Third Prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea? Your Highness Ao Lie? You actually helped me sober up personally? It's really frustrating to me."

The third prince, Ao Lie, saw that the **** Taoist knew his name and was still so nervous, he smiled and waved his hands.

"No problem, no problem, you don't need to be so courteous, you are my father's guests, there is absolutely no need to thank you for such a trivial matter."

Yang Chan said.

"That is to say, isn't he the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea? It's just a dragon prince. Xiaolong, we can even beat up a dragon king. What does a dragon prince matter?"

Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, smiled awkwardly. It was a bit embarrassing to be mentioned by Yang Chan over and over again, but Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, explained it to the third prince Ao Lie on purpose.

No matter what exaggerated words Rhodes said, just pretend they didn't hear it. Although Yang Chan's words were indeed rude from the boss, the third prince Ao Lie didn't care.

The second-rate Taoist thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be true, but anyway, the other party kindly helped him, and he couldn't refute his face no matter what.

The second-rate Taoist said to the third prince Ao Lie.

"Don't blame the third prince, don't blame."

Ao Lie, the third prince of the Dragon King of the West Sea, waved his hand.

"It's okay, brother, don't worry about it."

It was only then that Yang Chan remembered what was going on.

"By the way, after talking so much, I almost forgot the business. Little San Ao Lie, have you seen my master? I didn't see them when I came together. This **** Taoist just woke up now. He must have nothing to worry about. have no idea."

The third prince, Ao Lie, was very surprised by Yang Chan's address to him...

Why does this junior, Ao Lie, sound weird? Although the third prince, Ao Lie, does not know very well about the affairs of the human world, and he has no chance to go out to take a closer look, but he has learned about the human world through many shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The third prince, Ao Lie, knew quite a lot.

It doesn't seem like it's a shame to call this mistress.

Third Prince Ao Lie said.

"Miss Yang Chan, in fact, you can call me Ao Lie, you don't need to add so many prefixes or other names..."

But Yang Chan obviously didn't regard the third prince Ao Lie as a person, or as a dragon.

Yang Chan waved her hand.

"Whatever it is, come here as you please, the little three Ao Lie is actually not bad."

The third prince, Ao Lie, was a little helpless. It seemed that he wanted to correct Yang Chan, but it would not be too easy.

Forget it, let her go, it's just a title anyway.

Third Prince Ao Lie said.

"Then Miss Yang Chan is free, but I don't know where Mr. Luo is. I came here to visit Mr. Luo, and I happened to meet you two before I thought of 2.9."

Yang Chan said.

"It turned out to be like this, it's strange, the master is not here, neither is Mingyue..."

Yang Chan seemed to have suddenly thought of a bold idea.

"No, it could be the two of them...well, master, this old fox, took advantage of my drunkenness to go on a date with Mingyue secretly. God knows what they will do. No, I have to stop it." them."

"Otherwise, if you look back... Maybe there will be a little fox coming out."

Third Prince Ao Lie said with a surprised face.

Chapter 477: They are all weirdos

"Miss Yang Chan, that's not the case. How could Mr. Luo do such a thing? But Miss Mingyue doesn't seem to be Mr. Luo's apprentice. Miss Mingyue is Mr. Luo's maid. Even if there is something wrong, it's not wrong. It's in line with the rules."

Yang Chan said.

"You don't know the seriousness of the problem. My master can't control himself from time to time. He can attack anyone except me. If I don't keep an eye on him, I don't know what will happen. .”

Third Prince Ao Lie said with a speechless face.

"Well, Miss Yang Chan, aren't you Mr. Luo's apprentice? Mr. Luo won't attack you, that's a normal thing."

Yang Chan said.

"That's not normal. I have been with the master for the longest time. If the master wants to attack, he should attack me first. 05 I was the first to follow the master, but I was the last to attack. Maybe he didn't plan to attack me. Let’s get started, this is a big problem.”

"No, no matter whether the master accepts Mingyue or not, at least I have to dare to be in front of Mingyue, otherwise it will be too much. Before, one of my junior sisters rushed in front of me, so how can I do it?"

"No, absolutely not. I have to find my master quickly. I must stop everything that might happen to them."

At this time, the second-rate Taoist said.

"From my point of view, at this point in time, we've all been drunk for such a long time. If they had any idea, it would have been over already, okay? You're already too late."

Just after the **** Taoist finished his sentence, he saw two red lights with extremely murderous aura looking towards him. Yang Chan stared straight at the **** Taoist like a ghost in the Nine Netherworld.

"Taoist priest, if you have the guts, tell me again? If you don't want your tongue, I can cut it off for you. How dare you curse me?"

It was the first time for the second Taoist priest and the third prince Ao Lie to see Yang Chan look so fierce, and even the third prince Ao Lie took a few steps back in fright.

The second-rate Taoist said.

"No, no, no, I didn't say anything, I just said that you will get what you want, and what you think will never happen."

Only then did Yang Chan's red eyes get better.

"That's about the same. If I hear you say similar things again, I'll get you to Jiuyou Huangquan to take a bath. Do you understand?"

The second-rate Taoist nodded quickly and agreed.

"Yes, yes, I understand."

The third prince, Ao Lie, was a little surprised and secretly guessed.

Mr. Luo and his party don't seem to be normal people. Ms. Yang Chan, Mr. Luo's disciple, seems to be eager to be with Mr. Luo, although in this world, it has happened that apprentices and their masters are together.

However, under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is quite rare. The prehistoric world still cares more about the issue of human ethics and morality. Although there is no express regulation, such things are still rare.

But it doesn't violate any rules.

It's not like those in the western world, where at the beginning they all dealt with their own sisters, and basically all the relatives around them would not let them go, and the chaos was almost impossible to straighten out.

Yang Chan looked at the third prince, Ao Lie.

"Quick, ask the servants, where are my masters?"

The third prince, Ao Lie, only reacted at this time.

"Oh, okay, don't panic, I'll find a servant to come over and ask, and I'll know that Mr. Luo is definitely still in the Dragon Palace."

"Come here."

The third prince, Ao Lie, called a few clam girls.

"Do you know where Mr. Luo is now?"

A clam girl said.

"Reporting to His Highness the Third Prince, I heard from my sisters that Mr. Luo should be enjoying the scenery in the coral forest of the Dragon Palace."

As soon as Yang Chan knew Rhode's location, she let go and prepared to kill him.

Third Prince Ao Lie said.

"Miss Yang Chan wait a minute."

Yang Chan was a little upset when he was stopped by the third prince Ao Lie.

"What's wrong?"

"Let's go together, you don't know the environment in Dragon Palace, do you know where the coral forest is?"


It was only then that Yang Chan remembered that it was really inconvenient for her to be unfamiliar with the place in this vast Dragon Palace.

"Okay, then you lead the way."


The third prince Ao Lie said to the mussel girls.

"Okay, I'll go to Mr. Luo, you guys clean up this room."

The clam girls nodded in response.

"Yes, Your Highness the third prince."

The third prince, Ao Lie, took Yang Chan and the second-rate Taoist priest to look for Rhodes.


And at this moment, Rhodes naturally lived up to Yang Chan's trust in him, so he was having a romantic relationship with Mingyue in the coral forest.

Mingyue expressed her heart to Rhodes, and the two are now in the stage of intimacy, but of course, this is naturally Mingyue's initiative to drag Rhodes around.

This coral forest is full of various tall coral clusters. Those colorful corals sway with the rhythm of the sea water, looking very romantic and beautiful.

If it weren't for the deep sea here, I'm afraid this place will become a holy place for Internet celebrities to check in.

Chapter 478: The woman who went crazy

Mingyue said.

"Master, the scenery here is so beautiful. Look, the coral forest over there is all pink."

"It's really beautiful."

"I really want to freeze at this moment forever. It's just like this with the master. Even if I don't do anything, the servant feels very happy."

Rhodes said.

"What's so difficult about this? Let's find a beautiful fairy cave later, and then turn one of them into such a scene. It's very simple. Then we will be able to experience this view without leaving home."

"At that time, we will also create an underwater hot spring in the courtyard of our home. That underwater hot spring is really good."

"You can enjoy it when you look back, and you can relive it..."

Mingyue said with a shy face.