MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 226

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"Forget it, I won't accept you, but what's the situation with your long sword?"

Seeing that Rhodes was interested in his long sword, the **** Taoist offered it up.

"Master, this long sword is the magic weapon of our sect. I heard from the master that this long sword seems to have come from ancient times and is extremely powerful. It's a pity that our sect is an ordinary sword repair sect. , no one can exert the power of this long sword."

"I have only heard my master briefly say that this long sword can open up the world. If it is in your hands, master, it will definitely exert its greatest power."

Yang Chan said disdainfully.

"Tch, listen to you bragging, why didn't I see the difference in this long sword? Who are you fooling around with a piece of broken copper, trying to bribe my master? He won't pay attention to you."

Rhodes said.

"Okay, anyway, you have nowhere to go, just go with me for now, I have something to ask you, and you have to remember something clearly, I have no intention of accepting you as a disciple, at most I will give you Arrange a good place, and don't call me master."

The second-rate Taoist nodded again and again.

As long as you can have some relationship with a peerless powerhouse like Rhodes.

"Okay, okay, master."

Rhodes turned around and gave the **** Taoist a fierce look.

The second-rate Taoist quickly changed his words in fright.

"No, Shangxian."

Yang Chan looked at Rhodes.

"Master, you don't really want to accept this idiot, do you?"

"It's not enough to succeed, but it's more than a failure. Taking him in is also to discredit you."

"I didn't say that I wanted to take him as an apprentice, but there are some things I want to delve into."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Rhodes took Yang Chan and the others back to the Moon Tower in Qingshui City in an instant.

Here the battlefield has returned to calm.

But the dragon blood sprayed by the dragon and the traces of the battle disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The dragon has just been dealt with by Rhodes 0...

Jinghe Dragon King, who was resting, was suddenly startled.

Feeling a little restless.

"Did something big happen?"

The Dragon King of Jinghe had a serious look on his face, and counted with his fingers.

Suddenly his face changed.

"What? Mo'er? Mo'er is dead?"

"That dragon soul was actually detained by someone. Damn it, who is so bold, who dares to lay such a cruel hand on my son, I will definitely make him pay the most painful price."

The Dragon King of Jinghe River and the Dragon King are father and son, and as dragons, they also have some interactions with each other.

The Dragon King of Jinghe had just died, so the Dragon King of Jinghe could figure it out.

The Dragon King of Jinghe took a few deep breaths. If the opponent had the strength to kill the dragon, he must be an extraordinary person. Although the Dragon King of Jinghe was eager to avenge his son, he also knew that it would not be easy to take down the opponent.

So the Dragon King of Jinghe hesitated for a while, and prepared to go to the West Sea.


Among the West Sea.

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was playing chess and drinking with his friends in the Dragon Palace in the West Sea.

Ao won a round with 2.9 leap and laughed.

"Hahaha, it looks like I won again this time."

The friend laughed.

"Hahaha, yes, brother Ao's chess skills have improved a lot."

At this time, a turtle came to report.


Ao Run asked.

"What's the matter?"

"The Dragon King of Jinghe came to ask for an audience, saying that he had something important to discuss."

Ao Run was a little surprised.

"Huh? Why is my brother-in-law here? Ask him to come in."

The Jinghe Dragon King in a white robe walked in anxiously.

Boo Run greeted him with a smile.

"Brother-in-law, why do you have time to come to my West Sea as a guest?".

Chapter 432: Zongmen Withered

"Sit down, sit down, come, let's serve tea."

The Dragon King of Jinghe sat down under Ao Run's arrangement.

A turtle shook its body and brought the tea up.

Ao Run could see that Jinghe Dragon King looked unnatural.

So he took the initiative to ask.

"Brother-in-law, what happened?"

Jinghe Dragon King said.

"Hey, I don't know what happened, my son... my son was killed, even the dragon soul was detained."

"I feel that this person's strength is extraordinary. If he is able to hold my son's dragon soul, he must not be a mortal. If the dragon soul of my son does not return, it may be more or less auspicious."

"I came to Xihai to look for you this time because I wanted to find a way to save my son's dragon soul."

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was shocked when he heard this.

"What? There are such things?"

"Do you know who did that?"

Jinghe Dragon King shook his head and said.

"I don't know, I also wanted to follow the dragon soul of Tuo'er, but it failed. The other party's spiritual sense is so strong that it bounced my spirit stone back. Even I couldn't detect it, so I expected it This person's cultivation is definitely above mine."

"That's why I came to ask you for help."

Ao Run, the Dragon King of the West Sea, was taken aback.

"There is such a thing, don't you panic, Yu'er is your son, and also my nephew, I will definitely not ignore this matter."

"Since this person was able to get rid of your Lingshi's detection, then this person's background is indeed extraordinary."

"How about this, I'll send someone to investigate first, and after I find out the other party's whereabouts, I will take you there to bring back the dragon soul of Chu'er, and I will definitely seek justice for you."

"If that person is a member of the sect, I will report the truth to the heavenly court at this time, and let the heavenly court come forward to solve it."

The Dragon King of Jinghe heard what Ao Run said.

The originally flustered heart calmed down a little.

"It's so good."

That's why the Dragon King of Jinghe came to look for Ao Run.

Although the influence of the Dragon King of the Four Seas is extraordinary, since the opponent dares to attack the Dragon Clan so blatantly, he must not be afraid of the Dragon Clan.

However, with Ao Run's words, reporting this time to the Heavenly Court, it would naturally be much easier for the Heavenly Court to come forward.

You still have to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

Jinghe Dragon King said.

"Then I'll just wait for the good news."

Ao Run said.

"Hey, brother-in-law, just stay in my West Sea first, don't worry about it, I'll go back and report to you, and I'll send someone to investigate, and there will be news soon."

"At that time, let's go meet this person first, and see how capable this person is, and dare to touch my Dragon Clan."

Jinghe Dragon King nodded.

"Well, that's very good, then I'll wait in the West Sea for a while."

Ao Run said.

"Come here."

A turtle came over.

"Dragon King, what are your orders?"

"Quickly go to the place where the accident happened, and find out who is attacking my Dragon Clan, and then report to me quickly."

"Yes, Dragon King."

There are quite a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals under the Dragon King of the West Sea.

There are also some of them who have some skills, and they go to investigate, and the speed is naturally not slow.

Under Ao Run's order, several shrimp soldiers and crabs quickly transformed into human forms and headed towards Qingshui City.


Rhodes and the others were in Moonwatching Tower at this time.

After this battle, Yang Chan was slightly injured, and at the same time she had a clear understanding of the battle.

After talking to Rhodes, he found a quiet room to practice.

Rhodes didn't care about Yang Chan either, letting her practice **** her own.

Mingyue was still very skilled in serving Rhodes drinks and pastries, rubbing his shoulders and legs.

And the **** Taoist priest sat aside, fidgeting.

After Rhodes brought him back, he still ignored him.

He wasn't familiar with Moonwatcher, so Rhodes didn't speak for a long time.

He didn't know what to say.

Rhodes drank the wine in the glass.

The second-hand Taoist priest was very attentive and dared to pour the wine before Mingyue made a move.

The second-rate Taoist grinned.

"973 Shangxian, I don't know if Shangxian has anything to ask me?"

Rhodes said.

"You don't know the origin of your long sword, but what's the matter with your sect? Could it be that the sect has changed, and has it dispersed?"

The second-rate Taoist nodded when he heard Rhodes mentioning this.

"Yes, our sect has only a dozen or so disciples."

"Except for me being a big disciple, the cultivation of others is not as good as mine."

"My master's cultivation is not bad, but he is near the end of his life, so he gave me the blue shadow sword in his hand. In fact, this sword is still the sect master's token."

"Whoever owns this sword is the master, but the master dies."

Read The Duke's Passion