MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 196

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"No, you didn't see it, Mingyue seems to have something to say."

Luo 937 sized up Miss Mingyue carefully, and even detected the aura of Miss Mingyue.

Rhodes felt that this bright moon girl had an unusual aura.

Rhodes now understood why this bright moon girl was able to cause such a huge sensation in Qingshui City.

This moon girl has some very attractive qualities of her own.

And this kind of temperament seems to be obtained by practicing some kind of power.

This Mingyue girl is obviously not an ordinary person.

To be precise, they are not ordinary people.

It's just that right now Rhodes can't tell the kind of power used by the Mingyue girl, whether it is a human or a demon, or some fairy gods.

This kind of power is neither Buddhist mana, nor Taoist aura, nor is it the breath possessed by monsters.

This made Rhodes secretly surprised.

"Hey, it's so strange. Since it can be so attractive, especially men, why can't we find out where the person is from? This is very strange.".

Chapter 368: Chaos

Yang Chan on the side asked.

"Master, this woman is indeed beautiful and has a good figure. She does have a very attractive charm to men, and she is also the kind that men like in their hearts, but she doesn't seem to have anything special about her."


Rhodes looked at Yang Chan. When Rhodes looked at Miss Mingyue at close range just now, with Rhodes' strong cultivation base and Taoism, he still felt that he wanted to get close to Miss Mingyue in his heart.

But Rhodes is a cultivator.

Although he wasn't a Taoist priest born and bred in this world, Rhode's heart was still very stable.

If it is a general charm or other women's attraction to men, Rhodes cannot be shaken at all.

But Rhodes actually had this feeling.

If even Rhodes feels this way, let alone these ordinary mortals.

Rhodes now understands that women's attraction to men exists in itself. This is a theorem in nature, but every man's aesthetics are slightly different, although the appearance and various aspects of the bright moon girl are indeed in line with most men's aesthetic.

But radish and cabbage have their own preferences, and there will always be some men who will like women of other looks, but Miss Mingyue's appearance like this is clearly a killer.

Then there is indeed a problem.

The problem naturally lies with the bright moon girl.

Rhodes said.

"The problem lies in Miss Mingyue herself. I now understand that she has a special attraction to men, which can attract all men to have a good impression of her, but this power will not act on women¨‖."

"So you won't feel any abnormalities, but any man here, even if he just looks at her from a distance, will be deeply attracted by her. This is a method similar to supernatural powers, not to say How attractive is this woman herself."

"It's because she has a special magic weapon or method for men, which is why it has such a big effect."

Yang Chan was taken aback.

"Ah? Master, is it possible that even you have been tricked? If you are captured by her, it will be over. I can't beat you."

Rhodes said.

"She wants to be on my way, she is thousands of years earlier."

"Why can't I see that, if you put it that way, then her method is quite clever. No wonder these men are so fanatical. It turns out that the problem lies here, but she doesn't seem to be a demon either."

Rhodes laughed.

"It will take further testing to find out. Now that the distance is so far, it's really hard to see what kind of way. Maybe she is really a demon."

"Then master, if she is a demon, why doesn't she have any demonic aura?"

"There are many secret methods or magic weapons in this world that can help the Yaozu completely cover up their own demonic aura. Don't worry, after some trials, she will always show her feet."

"So that's the case, master, then is there any special purpose for her to seduce the men in Qingshui City so much? If that's the case, should we kill her?"

"Don't rush to act, let's find out what her ultimate goal is. If her ultimate goal is to harm these people, you can naturally take action, but if it is not, then we don't need to meddle in other people's business. I don't want to be the **** Taoist priests who just start killing demons indiscriminately."

"makes sense."

With the appearance of Miss Mingyue, these men became excited.

It is comparable to a large-scale star chasing scene.

"Miss Mingyue, I love you."

"'〃Give me the hydrangea, Miss Mingyue, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life."

"Ms. Mingyue is mine, and none of you are allowed to **** it. Miss Mingyue said that she would be with me for the rest of her life."

"Fart, Miss Mingyue can fall in love with a guy like you, and take care of your own virtue without pissing."

"Go away, don't appear in front of Miss Mingyue and stain her eyes."

"What did you say? You don't deserve to see Miss Mingyue. Miss Mingyue is mine."

"Go to **** with me."


With the appearance of Miss Mingyue, there is a lot of commotion in the crowd right now. This crazy confession, and some people were beaten for unilaterally announcing their relationship with Miss Mingyue.

Many men beat each other at the scene, and the scene can be said to be chaotic.

The people next to him were fighting, but the people nearby ignored them at all, and didn't have any intention of trying to persuade the fight. They just stood there and stared at Mingyue upstairs in a daze.

The bright moon girl waved her hand down.

"Look, Miss Mingyue waved her hand, she must be waving at me."

"Fart, it's clearly aimed at me."

"it's me."

"it's me."

Just because of a wave, many people fought.

Yang Chan looked helplessly at these fighting men.

"Master, I'm afraid these men are hopeless, do you want to take care of them?".

Chapter 369: What is right and what is evil

Rhodes shook his head.

"They didn't kill each other because they were bewitched, it was just because the greed in their hearts broke out. We are not Bodhisattvas. They beat them if they want to. Why do we bother with this?"

"The greed in human beings' hearts will explode even without the intervention of any external factors."

"Throughout the ages, wars, plundering of resources, and even just to vent their animal nature have caused conflicts and conflicts. Although this Mingyue girl has an extraordinary power to attract men, she has not manipulated or bewitched them to kill each other. .”

"It's just their own greedy desires that make them want to vent their possessiveness for beautiful things in this way. This is entirely their own reason."


"Even if we want to stop it, can we stop it for a while, or for a lifetime?"

"It can be stopped for ten years, but it can't be stopped for a hundred years. In the end, they will still fight each other because of some trivial things. Those gods and Buddhas can't control it. We don't care about it."

When Yang Chan heard Rhode's words, it sounded very reasonable.

This desire deep in the heart of the heart, I am afraid that no power from the top of the world can stop it.

Rhodes naturally stopped worrying about this.

Although Yang Chan has a good cultivation, she is still an inexperienced girl after all, and she is a little shocked and surprised by what happened before her eyes.

Yang Chan nodded half understanding.

"Master, what you said is quite profound and quite reasonable. Although I half understand it, I think what you said is right, and it seems to be true."

"That's why I want to take you out to practice. What you want to practice is not the cultivation, but the heart. The cultivation is easy to practice, but the heart is difficult to practice. No matter how strong the cultivation is, the heart is not good. It’s just evil heretics.”

"Only by experiencing the sufferings of the world can you experience the sufferings of the world, and you can cultivate your state of mind. After you have read all human nature, you can understand your own heart, what kind of person you are, and what kind of person you want to choose next. path of."

"In the end, no matter what choice you make or what you do, as long as you live up to your own heart, it is enough. There is so much righteousness in this world, and how can there be so much evil."

"It's true that good and evil are irreconcilable, but they are also intertwined with each other. It's just that they have different starting points. They all start out for their own personal interests. Where does the right come from? Where does the evil come from?"

"Then who is qualified to judge good and evil?"

Yang Chan's pretty little face was solemn, and when Rhodes talked about such a profound topic, Yang Chan also half understood.

At this time, Rhodes and Yang Chan were extremely quiet, which was in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle around them.

Yang Chan felt that she seemed to have realized a lot of things after Rhodes' words.

But to let Yang Chan understand it thoroughly, Yang Chan is a bit confused about what he means.

And above the Mochizuki Tower, the Mingyue girl seemed to feel Rhodes' gaze.

Miss Mingyue exchanged glances with Rhodes.

In this eye contact, the two sides seemed to touch each other in essence.

Miss Mingyue nodded and smiled at Rhodes.

Rhodes also nodded.

Although the two parties were strangers and met for the first time, they greeted each other as if they were old friends for many years.

"Look, Miss Mingyue is smiling at me."

"Fart, Miss Mingyue is clearly smiling at me."

The men beside Rhodes started fighting because of Miss Mingyue's actions.

Rhode helplessly watched these mortals fighting for such absurd reasons, and shook his head helplessly.

"Why doesn't Miss Mingyue throw the hydrangea?"

"That's right, Miss Mingyue, it's already time, why don't you throw the hydrangea?"

Right now, many men are booing one after another, telling Miss Mingyue to drop the hydrangea earlier.

At this time, a woman came to Miss Mingyue holding a plate with hydrangea on it.

Miss Mingyue raised the hydrangea in her hand and looked towards Rhodes' position in the crowd.

Then Miss Mingyue threw the hydrangea in her hand over.

And the direction happened to be the direction where Rhodes and the others were.

Miss Mingyue's gesture made Rhodes understand that this woman seemed to be interested in him, and she clearly wanted to give Rhodes a chance.

In that case, Rhodes is also welcome.

"Miss Mingyue's hydrangea has come down."

I saw a hydrangea falling from the air ten stories high.

These men who had been waiting for a long time at the Mochizuki Tower quickly crowded towards Rhodes.

However, Rhodes and Yang Chan were protected by spiritual energy. No matter how turbulent the crowd was, the two of them were like rocks in the stormy waves, standing still in place.

Chapter 370: Winning Hydrangea

Under the influence of spiritual power, those crowds who crowded towards Rhodes and Yang Chan slid towards the two sides before they touched Rhodes and Yang Chan's bodies.

Because of the crowding, many people fell to the ground and were trampled on by everyone, screaming.

Soon the hydrangea~ has already fallen down.

Read The Duke's Passion