MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 191

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"My lord, please forgive me, my lord, please forgive me."

The black fish spirit waved his hand.

"Forget it, I don't have time to punish you today, I'm very tired now."

The black fish spirit's natal fish beads were broken, her whole body lost her spiritual energy, and her words were useless, let alone punishing these girls.

At this time, a fish spirit stood up and said.

"My lord, why don't we go to the lake and catch some living people for you to make up for you?"

The black fish spirit thought for a while, then nodded.

"Well, yes, let's grab some strong men. They are full of blood and energy, and they can make up for my king. Then you go and come back quickly."

After getting the pertinence from the black fish spirit, these fish spirits immediately became excited.

Once they go out, not only can they catch some living people back for the black fish spirit, but they can also take the opportunity to make a tooth-beating sacrifice and find some living people to try.

They haven't been on 930 for quite a while to try new ones.


After the three of Rhodes entered the water, due to the huge underground area of ​​the lake, Rhodes identified the direction.

In fact, it is also simple, as long as you feel where there is evil spirit.

Rhodes pointed to the deepest part of the lake and said.

"The old lair of the black fish spirit is here, and it seems that a cave has been created under the water. Hehe, it's really decent. You really think of yourself as the dragon king in the lake, right?"

In the depths of the lake, in front of Rhodes and everyone, there was a palace that was not too big.

Walls, buildings, pavilions are all available.

It still looks decent. Although the palace is small, it has all internal organs. It does look interesting.

Yang Chan snorted coldly when she saw the palace.

"Hmph... That scourge actually dared to build a palace under the lake, it's quite a spectacle."

"He is also worthy of being a **** here to be happy and happy. He is really beautiful. This time, he must smash that guy into thousands of pieces.".

Chapter 359: Showing the original shape

"Do you really think of yourself as the dragon king of this lake?"

Rhodes laughed.

"He may really have this plan, but no matter what, he is just a scourge for harming the world. If this scourge continues to develop, it may really become a scourge."

"That's right, just getting rid of him together is considered a merit."

Susu's focus is a bit different.

Susu said.

"However, the view of the underwater palace is pretty good. It would be great if you could practice here with Master."

Rhodes laughed.

"This kind of scenery is nothing. If you meet my requirements later, let's find a fairyland cave, which is much more beautiful than here."

"Really, Master?"

Susu's face was filled with anticipation. Right now, Susu is no longer so interested in pursuing immortality. Susu's only idea now is to have her own cave with Rhodes, be with her master, and avoid this In the troubled world, serving Rhodes well is already her greatest wish in her life.

She just wants to be with Rhodes now.

Rhodes nodded.

"Of course you can, then you should work hard, other fairyland caves are more than 10,000 times more beautiful than this one."

"Okay, master, Susu must work hard."

Yang Chan pursed her lips in dissatisfaction.

"Hmph, Master, I'm so partial, I want to stay with you in the fairyland cave."

Seeing this, Susu pulled Yang Chan and said.

"Then I will serve the master together with my senior sister"‖."

Yang Chan was bribed instantly.

"Okay, okay."

Rhodes shook his head helplessly, these two little girls didn't know what they were thinking every day.

"Okay, Yang Chan, if you hang around for a while, I'm afraid the black fish spirit will run away."

"Are you still going to chase after the **** of a black fish spirit all over the world?"

Yang Chan said.

"Hee hee, master, don't worry, I'll kill that guy right away."

"Smelly fish and rotten shrimp, listen carefully, your grandma Yang Chan is here."

"watch out."

Yang Chan summoned a golden long sword, and rushed in towards the black fish spirit's cave, blasting open the gate of the black fish spirit's cave, causing the entire lake to be turned upside down.

This movement is not much different from Nezha making troubles in the sea.

Seen from the outside of the entire lake, the lake looks like the sea is churning.

The shock on the faces of the villagers who came to watch after getting the old man's news.

"Oh my god, Shangxian really went to the bottom of this lake to catch that black fish spirit."

"Shangxian is really good at it. He was able to go into the water to catch fish spirits."

"Great, we're saved now. If we get rid of that black fish spirit, our days will be peaceful."

said the old man.

"I saw it with my own eyes, so can it be true? I saw it with my own eyes. Those three gods are very powerful. They have severely injured the black fish spirit before. Look, that big piece of meat that was cut off from the black fish spirit, now It's still there."

A crowd of villagers wept bitterly.

"That's great, thanks to the god's pity, our village is finally saved, and finally there is no more fish spirits harming our village."

"I just pity my daughter. She has been taken away by the black fish spirit for so many years. I don't know whether she is alive or dead now."

Inside the Heiyujing Cave Mansion.

A fish spirit ran over in a panic.

"It's not good, the king is not good, a teenage girl rushed in."

Hei Yujing took the elixir and was recuperating, when he heard the news suddenly, he said angrily.

"What do you guys eat? There are so many fish that even a teenage girl can't handle?"

"My lord, but that little girl doesn't look like a mortal, this place is in the water."

After thinking about it, the black fish spirit realized it.

That's right, this is his old den, and ordinary teenage girls would have drowned long ago.

Hei Yujing instantly thought of Yang Chan who almost killed him.

"'〃Not good, it's that girl, **** it, how does she know I'm here? She even killed me? Where is she now?"

"It has rushed in just now and killed many of our brothers. I'm afraid it has already rushed in now."

Don't wait for the fish spirit to finish speaking.

There was an explosion in the palace.

Came Yang Chan's domineering voice.

"Heiyujing, get out and die for my aunt."

The souls of the dead frightened by the black fish spirit all trembled.

"Quick, run."

He was not Yang Chan's opponent before, but now that he has lost his natal Yuzhu, and his strength is no more than ten percent, he is still Yang Chan's opponent. If he falls into Yang Chan's hands, then he can still survive (Nuo Hao )?

Without saying a word, Hei Yujing stalked and prepared to run away.

But before the black fish spirit could run a few meters away, a golden sword energy flew over.

Seal the escape route of the black fish spirit.

The black fish spirit trembled in fright, if he ran one step faster, he might be cut into two pieces.

The black fish spirit said angrily.

"You are so aggressive, do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, Auntie Ben will definitely take your life today."

The black fish spirit was furious.

"My lord is fighting with you."

Seeing that there was no way for him to retreat, the black fish spirit had no choice but to show his own body. A huge black fish with a length of more than ten meters and a huge body covered in mucus and stripes appeared in the water.

Chapter 360: So there is someone behind

The black fish spirit rushed towards Yang Chan.

"Go to **** with me."

The black fish spirit's eyes were red, and with a flick of its huge body in the water, the strong waves shattered everything in the surrounding room.

If Yang Chan had fought against the main body before the Black Fish Essence had lost its natal fish ball, Yang Chan might still be at a disadvantage.

But now the black fish spirit was severely injured by Yang Chan on the shore.

Right now, Black Fish Essence is nothing more than a guy who is strong on the outside but does nothing on the inside.

This broken body still has a little fighting power, if the black fish spirit continues to maintain its human form, I am afraid it will be beaten to death by Yang Chan.

The black fish spirit rushed towards Yang Chan.

Yang Chan was right, she grabbed the golden long sword in her hand and pounced on it.

"Heiyujing, take your life."

Yang Chan holds a golden long sword in her right hand, and a Taoist seal in her left hand.

With a wave of Yang Chan's left hand, a few Taoist talismans hit the 930 body of the black fish spirit.

The black fish spirit could only resist with its big mouth full of sharp teeth.

Boom boom boom...

The black fish spirit's underwater cave was bombarded into darkness.

The entire cave was bombarded to pieces.

Yang Chan knew the trick to deal with this black fish spirit.

Just use Taoist talismans and supernatural powers, this black fish spirit is powerless to parry at all.

A burst of sand and gravel dispersed, and there were incomparably huge scars on the body of the black fish essence.

The black fish essence that was fried was covered in black blood, and the surrounding water was dyed black.

The black fish spirit screamed a few times.

The black fish spirit dragged his broken body and lay on the ground.

"Damn... I didn't expect to enter me and die in the hands of you, a yellow-haired girl."

Yang Chan snorted coldly.