MTL - Marvel: Silver Superman of Asgard-Chapter 12

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"It shouldn't be too late, go and inform your army to quickly mobilize the people to help me find someone." Rhodes said.

"This..." Fubas looked away in shame, and then stretched out a hand towards the door, "My lord, please this way, I will show you our current situation, and you will understand."

Rhodes and Sig followed in the footsteps of Forbas, all the way to an open space deep in the building.

There was a group of people lying on a thin white cloth neatly on the ground. Their complexions were gray, and **** festering wounds could be seen on their skin.

The blood on the neck spread out like a black spider web, and against the backdrop of the pale and gray skin, it made people feel a chill down the spine.

Everyone groaned feebly, and only the faint rise and fall of his chest let people know that he was still alive.

The bare skin of the limbs had a large area of ​​rotten flesh hanging on the ground, and flies circled back and forth in the festered place, landing on the wound from time to time to have a feast.

"Yeah~" Above the sky, a crow landed on the eaves, staring at the people on the ground with its empty and dark eyes, and every shriek sounded like it was mocking everyone's powerless actions.

Physicians in Athens came and went, overwhelmed, applying green herbs to the festered skin of their patients.

"Ahem...this doesn't work either." The leading doctor was wearing a yellow robe and coughed a few times from time to time. He scratched his already red throat, trying to use the pain to relieve the itching in his throat that he wanted to cough.

Being able to wear brightly colored clothes shows that his status is not low.

"As you can see." Forbas looked worriedly at the crowd on the ground, "My soldiers have suffered from the evil plague, and we don't have any extra troops to help you."

Rhodes looked at the soldiers guarding the open space, all of them bowed their waists, with cold sweat dripping from their foreheads, and they looked exhausted.

What's worse, Rhodes saw these people start to cough violently from time to time.

"There are no protective measures against the plague at all, and this will only allow the plague to continue to spread."

Rhodes picked up a dirty rag from the ground, then found a jar of water to soak it in.

"What are you doing? It's drinking water for patients. Such a dirty cloth will pollute the water source." Fubas stood there and stretched out his hand, wanting to stop him but dared not.

"This water has been polluted a long time ago. How could the water source be clean when the plague is so big?" Rhodes explained while picking a few stones on the ground and throwing them into the water tank.

"Is there any salt?" he asked the white-robed assistants who circled around the yellow-robed doctor.

"Eh..." They looked at Forbas uneasily, hesitating to answer, after all, salt is a very precious thing, although this stranger seems to have a high status, he can't use it casually.

"What do you want salt for?" asked Forbas.

"I'm going to make some high-strength brine, and the rocks above ground aren't salty enough, so I need a lot of coarse salt."

"Concentration?" Forbus's level of knowledge couldn't understand Rhodes' words at all, but when he thought that Rhodes was a magic soldier from Asgard, he secretly made up his mind and decided to take a big gamble.

"Anyway, I trust you, and we will find salt for you."

After Forbas withdrew, Rhodes called Sig to his side.

"Asgard's medical technology should be more than enough to treat them."

Sig nodded, and then sighed helplessly, "Although treating them is easy, but the plague has already spread, it is impossible for us to treat the entire population of Athens."

Seeger looked at the doctors. They had already started to cough violently when they were talking, apparently because they were infected because of their close contact with the patients.

Seeger felt powerless at the thought that these people would return home at night, and the plague would spread further to the family.

"If you want to heal the people in Athens and wipe out the plague, you must at least call the army from Asgard to come down to earth. The two of us can treat the soldiers on the ground at most."

Rhode nodded, "That's enough."

As he said that, Fubas had returned with his people, and they held a large piece of light yellow solid in their hands. The purification technology of this era has made the salt in his hands the highest purity refined salt.

"My lord, this is all the fine salt in Athens now, you can use it as you like."

Rhodes took the salt block, threw it into the water tank without any mercy, and then stirred it with his spear.

During the stirring process of Rhodes' spear, the salt block collided with the spear, turned into pieces, and then slowly dissolved in the spiral water flow.

After stirring for a long time, he saw some undissolved solids left at the bottom of the tank. Rhodes knew that the water in the tank was already a high-concentration salt water, which had reached the maximum dissolution limit and could not continue to dissolve.

He pulled out the soaked cloth that had been put in it before, twisted it half dry, and then tore it into strips that could wrap around the length of a person's jaw.

"Distribute these to everyone present." Rhode ordered.

Fubas took the cloth, his eyes full of doubts. He couldn't understand why Rhodes soaked the cloth with salt water, but he distributed it to soldiers and doctors.

All the people who received the banner looked at Rhodes suspiciously, hoping to get an explanation.

Chapter 18: Treating the Plague 02

Rhodes said: "This is high-concentration salt water, which can resist the plague to a certain extent. Although it cannot be completely prevented, it can slow down the spread of the epidemic."

Everyone was dubious, someone ate the cloth, and then the salty taste made him retch.

"It's not for food." Rhodes shook his head helplessly. The gap in technology among people in this era is too great to explain properly.

So he ordered: "Everyone put cloth strips around their faces to cover their noses and lips!"

Fobas was the first to surround him, and when they saw their consul, they all obeyed Rhodes' orders, and immediately followed suit.

Some people failed to distribute the cloth strips, so Rhodes asked Forbas to send someone to make them specially, and then distributed them to more people.

After doing all this, Rhodes and Seeger focused on the patient in front of them.

When the doctors saw Rhodes approaching, their eyes were full of disdain, and several of them took off the cloth strips on their faces.

"I've never heard of such a treatment method. What can salt water do?" A young doctor with yellow hair said frivolously.

"Lord Hippocracy never mentioned how the fluid outside the body maintains the balance of the human body?" Another person said.

Rhodes rolled his eyes upwards, and remembered who Hippocrates was. It was an ancient Greek medical scientist who advocated that the human body is maintained by the four elements of blood, mucus, yellow bile and black bile to maintain balance.

Once the balance is broken, it will lead to disease.

"Don't you also use herbal grinding liquid to treat wounds?" Rhodes asked.

"We use herbs to stimulate the flow of blood, so that the blood can help the body restore balance. Your salt water is just...ahem...a product mixed with daily food. How to cure the disease?" The doctor in the yellow robe stood up. Come out, said proudly.

"Mr. Locke is right!"

Rhodes looked at the yellow-robed doctor named Locke, and shook his head disdainfully, "Arrogance is the most taboo thing for doctors. You probably don't have such a thing in ancient Greek culture. This is an idea from the ancient East. Remember it." .”

After finishing speaking, Rhodes gave Sieg a color, and the latter squatted down, clicked a few times on the crystal screen on the arm, and then a light green light wave slowly emitted, scanning up and down under the patient in front of him .

"Report! There are yellow fever, cholera, measles, smallpox and other pathogenic viruses in the patient's body." The voice of equipment machinery reported.

Rhodes sighed inwardly, the Apocalypse Apostle Plague's ability is not low, and it can actually manipulate so many viruses.

"Vaccines and therapeutic shots are being produced..."

After about a few seconds, two bottles of light blue medicine popped up from the device on Sig's arm, and a heavy white mist of low-temperature nitrogen suspended on his arm.

Rhodes took an iron sprayer that Sig handed over, and then sprayed the light blue mist on the patient in front of him.

Only half a second after being shrouded in the mist, the terrifying black spider web on his neck disappeared visibly with the naked eye, and his complexion turned rosy.

Black blood gushed out from the festering wounds on the limbs, staining the ground red and black.

"It's getting worse!" Dr. Huang Mao said angrily. He was about to have another attack, but was stopped by Locke.

"No! This is a sign that the black bile and yellow bile are working, and the patient is recovering!"

He knelt down in front of the patient excitedly, looking around at the patient's signs, and was all surprised that just being pricked by a strange pinhole could make their hard work in the past few days ridiculous.

"What did you do?" Locke looked up at Rhodes and Sig, the arrogance in his eyes was gone, replaced by fear of the unknown.

Rhodes didn't answer, picked up the sprayer and sprayed the liquid medicine on Locke's face.

Locke was shocked all over, and then he felt very weak, his legs were weak and he couldn't use his strength, and his whole body was hot.

"What did you do?" Locke asked in horror.

"Don't be afraid, it's just that the vaccine is working, and you'll be fine in a while."

His assistants surrounded him, asking in a panic, but no one could understand what happened to his mentor.

After about half a minute passed, Locke felt a refreshment in his body, and then his throat was sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"This is?" Locke looked at the black blood on the ground in surprise, and the feeling of wanting to cough from time to time disappeared instantly.

"These are your virus-infected blood, and the vaccine cleaned it up for you." Rhodes explained.

"I feel better, very refreshed, but what are viruses and vaccines?" Locke touched his body and said happily.

Rhodes was having a headache, it was too troublesome to explain to these people, so he simply ordered: "Fobas go and gather the citizens for me!"

Fubas immediately set off and walked out of the hall.

Rhodes used the sprayer to spray the patients on the ground indiscriminately, just like spraying the crops.

Afterwards, their pale and gray skin immediately became rosy and vibrant, and black blood spewed out from their mouths.

In the eyes of everyone, this was simply a miracle, so they all knelt down and shouted words of gratitude.

Several doctors in white robes lowered their heads one by one, not daring to get up, feeling ashamed of their arrogance to Rhodes just now.

"Put all the cloth strips on me." Rhodes ordered, the medicinal liquid has given them immunity, but after all, the apostles of the apocalypse at the source have not been eliminated, and new viruses are likely to strike.

At that time, there will be no specific antibody protection, and it is better to have a layer of defense than nothing.

Hearing Rhodes' order, they all rushed to the pool to get the cloth strips, and each of them cherished the cloth strips as sacred objects.

Some people are greedy, and they are still not satisfied after taking several pieces in a row, causing the crowd to riot all of a sudden.

Chapter 19: It's a Miracle

"Don't worry! Don't make a mess!" Rhode gave an order, and everyone stopped rushing.

"Each person only needs one, and it's useless to wear more."

After he said this, everyone stopped fighting frantically and slowly lined up to receive it.

Those who got the cloth strips a long time ago rejoiced secretly, and wrapped the cloth strips around their faces tightly, for fear that they would fall and be snatched away by others.

"Master Shenbing!" Fubas ran over and said in a panic, "The citizens have gathered, do you have any new instructions?"

"Ah? Divine Soldier!" The doctors were so frightened that their legs went limp, thinking that they had uttered wild words to Rhodes just now, a chill hit their backs, and then they knelt on the ground.

They hurriedly kowtowed in front of Rhodes, all terrified.

"I'm sorry, Lord Shenbing, we have blind eyes and failed to recognize you as such a noble person!"

Someone wanted to hold up Rhodes' shoes and kiss them, but Rhodes kicked them away, and then walked away without even looking at them.

"Take me there." Rhodes said lightly, ignoring the begging for mercy of several doctors following behind.

After Rhodes left, the doctors were afraid for a while. Fortunately, Rhodes was a magnanimous Protoss and did not take his anger out on them. Otherwise, if the Protoss wanted to torture and kill a mortal, their lives would not be enough to die.

Forbas led him to the Athenian Civic Stand, where all citizens met to discuss and elect bills.

A place that can accommodate thousands of people, like an arena, has rows of terraced seats on the height, and a podium below for the consul to preside over.

The crowd gradually walked into the arena, sat on the chairs on the high platform, and looked impatiently at Rhodes and Forbas at the podium.

Because it is not a monthly routine meeting now, they have the right not to come, and it was Fubas who forced them to come here with the force of the soldiers.

Rhodes glanced at these people, some people had already started to cough, and some people's bodies had already started to fester.

If you want all of these people to get antibodies, you need to spread them over a large area with a spray.

But before that, these people are asked to bring salt water cloth strips, so that the plague will not worsen before the spraying starts.

"What are we doing together!"

"Adjourn the meeting if there is nothing to do! Isn't this month's meeting already over!"

"I have the right to be free!"

Seeing that Rhodes and Forbas hadn't moved for a long time, the crowd became restless.

At this time, several soldiers outside the field brought in a few corpses. They emitted the stench of carrion, and flies and bedbugs surrounded them.

The people in the arena covered their noses one after another and became even more manic.

"What are you doing!"

"Move out! It stinks!"

"If you die from the plague, what are you waiting for if you don't take it out and bury it?"

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