MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 345 Target Broken Isles

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  Chapter 345 Target Broken Isles

  When Josie contacted Abidis, he was in the barren land of Kalimdor, leading his own army, and was clearing up the remaining centaurs and wild boars in this area.

   And in his army, it was a large number of tauren and yak warriors who acted as the vanguard.

It can be said that after the efforts of the past few years, except for the Highmountain Tauren of the Broken Isles, who are afraid of the existence of the Tomb of Sargeras, and the Haldus Yagol tribe on Pandaria who have been searching for many years, they still have no trace. , the tauren tribes that can be found in the entire Azeroth have basically been incorporated by Abides.

  With sufficient respect and a large amount of food and material aid to help them resist the offensive of foreign enemies, these big men with relatively docile personalities were quickly captured by Abidis' "charm of personality".

Riding on the tall Kodo beast, looking at the heavy cavalry of the tauren in front of him, rumbling and easily dispelling an army of tens of thousands of centaurs, Abidis showed great satisfaction on his face. smile.

   Regardless of the number of Kalimdor, centaurs and wild boar completely crush the tauren.

  But honest and reliable tauren and brutal centaur, dirty wild boar.

   Anyone who has a little understanding of these races knows how to choose their allies.

  Although the number of tauren is small, their quality is high!

  The reason has been suppressed by centaurs and wild boars in the past years.

In addition to the large number of these two races, it is also related to the cultural gap that appeared during the rule of the tauren empire. The smelting technology is extremely low, so that many tauren warriors are difficult to get even the metal weapons they use. arrive.

  In this case, no matter how strong the physical strength is, it is naturally impossible to have too many advantages.

  But after being incorporated by Abides, the situation is completely different.

   As Josie's trading partner, Abidis can easily obtain a large amount of modernized alloy armor and weapons from Josie, and it is lighter than the conventional metal equipment of Azeroth.

   As a result, the Tauren warriors and their Kodo beast mounts all began to carry heavy armor, hold spears, maces and other heavy weapons.

  Once cavalry of this level charge up, let alone tens of thousands of centaurs, they will not be able to carry it ten times more.

   As for the fact that centaurs are born to ride and shoot, then don't even care about it.

  The centaur's smelting technology is extremely backward, and the arrows they shoot can't even break the defense of the tauren's heavy cavalry.

   As for the speed... Yes, the centaur is faster than the Tauren heavy cavalry, but can it be faster than the dragoons flying in the sky?

  Even Josie has a rich proto-dragon that can be used as a trade item for Kuaqi. How could it be possible that the ruler of the place of origin, Abbendis, did not?

   There are already over ten thousand Vrykul progenitor dragon knights of the dragon plundering tribe under him, and the first air force of Azeroth except the five-color dragon is properly included.

  If it was the dragon-plundering tribe in the original time and space, they would not have such powerful strength.

   It's not that they can't train so many, but the productivity of the Vrykul. If there are too many proto-dragons, they simply can't afford it.

   After all, the food intake of an adult proto-dragon is terrifying, at least one cow a day.

But Abidis can afford it completely, and there is no need to buy it. With the support of Josie, Abidis has established a large number of modern breeding farms and farms in Kalimdor, and through Josie from All planes get the best meat and grain.

   Not only is it completely enough for the soldiers under his command to show off their meat every day, but they also have enough energy to export to the Seven Kingdoms and earn a lot of money.

  And these ancestor dragoons, like the tauren cavalry, are also heavily armored.

  And these heavy armors will not reduce the flying speed of the proto-dragon too much, the physical strength of these primitive dragons is too strong.

   In addition to Vrykul's proto-dragon heavy airriders, there are also a large number of light airriders composed of humans riding pterosaurs scattered around them.

  Under the cooperation of land and air, not to mention those centaurs, even all kinds of beasts in the entire barren land are all running wildly.

   "Josie, why contact me at this time?" Sensing Josie's communication request, Abedis signaled his adjutant to set up camp at the same time, and connected the communication!

   "Some things happened, so I hope to speed up our progress!" Facing this child whom he grew up with, Josie also carefully described the relevant things without any concealment.

"...Isn't it? Suddenly it's so big?" After listening to Josie's description, he understood that the other party wanted to attack Azeroth's star soul and even the Titans, and Abedis couldn't help swallowing. !

   On the other hand, the fact that the essence of Azeroth's star soul was absorbed, which may lead to the decline of Azeroth to a certain extent, Abbendis didn't care much about it.

  Because from the point of view of a ruler, the existence of the Azeroth Star Soul is actually not a good thing.

  Compared to the Pandora that Josie has seen, Azeroth is too powerful.

  It is so powerful that just the blood from a single wound can create an incomparably prosperous magical civilization—here undoubtedly refers to the former Well of Eternity and the incomparably brilliant Highborne Empire.

   Moreover, there is a point unknown to many people in the universe of Warcraft, that is, the maturity of the titan, which is the same as the appearance of the gods and gods, may bring disaster to the creatures on this planet.

   Therefore, Abidis, who knows this, does not have much sense of belonging to the so-called star soul of his own planet, and does not want her to mature and appear as a titan on his head.

After all, unlike Josie, who has always been favored by Tiamat, Abidis has not received more favors from Azeroth besides being born in this world, and humans are not the most favored race in Azeroth. .

  Azeroth also did not show Tiamat's willingness to sacrifice himself for the creatures on the planet.

"It can only be different today... don't you want to become a true **** and build your own **** court?" Josie smiled slightly and said, "If we can complete our plan, then it is not impossible to devour the essence of Sargeras , when the time comes, the power of this fallen titan will be yours!"

  If he can absorb the essence of a powerful star soul like Azeroth and other titans, then even if he gives Abydis one or two seeds of the gods, he will not say much if he wants to come to Alitham.

   "The power of Sargeras...can I really do it?" Hearing Josie's shipment, Abedis was a little in disbelief.

  Because Josie has always instilled in him this fallen Titan, who is also the strongest Titan in the Pantheon and has made great achievements.

   So much so that in his mind, he also had an impression that this fallen titan was invincible by human power.

  But now Josie actually said that he can also have the power of Sargeras... This is really unbelievable.

   But at the same time as it was unbelievable, a kind of excitement began to sprout deep in Abidis' heart.

  Yeah, just like what Josie said, if you can become your real body and build your own divine court... the seven human kingdoms are bullshit!

   "Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Abides forcibly suppressed the waves in his heart and asked Josie seriously.

   "...Send troops to the Broken Isles!" Josie said solemnly.

   "The Broken Isles?" Hearing Josie's answer, Abbendis' face became more solemn. Just like Sargeras, Josie never instilled in him the danger of the Broken Isles.

  Thus, although the power in his hands has grown extremely these years, and he has already determined the location of the Broken Isles, he has never set foot there.

   Especially setting foot on that archipelago rashly, it is very likely that Azshara in the maelstrom and Medivh, who has already become a guardian but has actually been controlled by the soul of the dark titan Sargeras, will be watched.

   But now that I think about it, with Abidis's inflated strength, it may not necessarily have been paid attention to by the guardian Medivh.

   "There is no problem sending troops to the Broken Islands, but you should understand that the magic power in my hands is probably far from being the opponent of those strong men you mentioned... Even if you use the mechanical corps..." Abidis hesitated.

   If there is any shortcoming in the strength of Abydis's command now, it is all kinds of cutting-edge combat power, especially the cutting-edge combat power on the magic side.

  Although he has attracted many mages to work for him with a large amount of money and abundant resources over the years, most of them are just ordinary mages, and none of the legendary mages exist.

   In this respect, Abidis is not even as good as Josie.

"At that time, I will arrange a few top experts to help you out... If nothing can be done, they will take you away as soon as possible!" Josie was naturally aware of the problem Abidis said, so she closed her eyes slightly. After thinking for a while, he opened his eyes and said.

   "If that's the case, that would be the best!" Hearing Josie's promise, Abidis nodded slightly relaxed. "Then I start preparations now?"

   "Well, get ready first, I'll arrange for you to help!" Josie nodded.

   Immediately, the two ended their communication, and Abedis immediately returned to the northern castle with the army that had strangled the remnants of the centaur, and at the same time began to prepare for battle.

  And his behavior immediately attracted the attention of some interested people, especially the night elves in Ashenvale to the north.

  For a human lord who suddenly arrived in Kalimdor and recruited the natives headed by the tauren to expand his territory wantonly, if the night elves who were close at hand didn't know anything about it, then they deserved to be wiped out.

However, because Tyrande in this period was still the Priestess of the Moon with a relatively mild and conservative attitude, except for the establishment of a few outposts and trading markets in the border areas between Ashenvale and the Barrens, humans did not have the slightest fortification. Or in the case of offense, it is naturally impossible for her to take any action against Abidis.

   But inaction does not mean indifference.

In recent years, the night elves have paid great attention to every action of Abbendis's army sweeping the barren land and Kocal, and there are druids watching from a distance, for fear that Abbendis will make a surprise attack on Ashenvale. attack.

  Kokar is also the later Durotar in the original time and space.

   Durotar is the name Thrall gave to this land after he landed on Kalimdor with the orcs.

   But before the shadow of the orcs, this place has always been the home of wild boars and centaurs.

  The name Kocal comes from the Kokar centaur clan that originally lived in this land.

   What Abidis led troops to destroy earlier was the last remnant of the Kocal centaur that stayed on the border of Kocal.

And now, after clearing the last resistance forces on the two lands, Abidis is frantically preparing for battle again. The night elves who were secretly watching naturally became nervous immediately—because of the echoes from the Barrens, Kocal, and the southeast. The archipelago has been completely occupied by Abides, and all resistance forces have been wiped out.

  Mulgore, which is relatively rich in the west, has been given by Abydis to the tauren as a permanent reservation—this is one of the reasons why the tauren are desperately loyal to Abydis.

  The south is the deserted Thousand Needles Forest, and the possibility of Abidis expanding there is very low.

   Further south, Tanaris is occupied by trolls, but there is a desert with little value.

   Based on such an analysis, it seems that only the night elves' territory is worth fighting around Abidis's territory.

   As a result, Archdruid Fandral Buckhelm, who got the news from the rear, immediately mobilized a large number of troops to Ashenvale to stand by, regardless of Tyrande's dissuasion and opposition.

  But before the main force of the night elves arrived in Ashenvale, another news came from ahead.

   That is the army of Abbendis, and they did not march towards the Ashen Valley in the north, but went to sea...

   went to sea...

Fandral Staghelmet was a little embarrassed when he got the news, but he couldn't admit that his decision was wrong. When he even let the army move on, after arriving at the Silver Wing Post, he began to build fortifications in the border area to strengthen defense—although those humans seem to be There is no intention of invading Ashenvale, but what about the future?

  It is not a bad thing to plan for a rainy day.

   Regarding this, even Tyrande couldn't be too objectionable.

  However, after an unharmonious discussion with Fandral Staghelmet, Tyrande, who had just returned to his Moon God Temple, met an unexpected person in his residence.

  The third largest faction of night elves, leader of the Watchers, Maiev Shadowsong.

  As for the other two major factions, they are naturally the Temple of the Moon led by Tyrande, and the main armed force is the Sentinels.

As well as the Druid Cenarion Council that was originally led by Tyrande's husband, Malfurion Stormrage, but Malfurion has been sleeping in the Emerald Dream all year round, so the actual helm is Malfurion Fandral Staghelmet, his personal disciple.

   It’s just that compared to the Cenarion Council and the Temple of the Moon, the watchmen headed by Maiev’s Shadow Song don’t usually participate in the daily affairs management of the night elves.

  They exist more as intelligence agencies.

   "Maeev? What a rare visitor, what is the reason you came to see me?" Tyrande was surprised to see Maiev.

  Due to some reasons during the War of the Ancients, the relationship between Tyrande and Maiev was not very harmonious. Under normal circumstances, it is almost impossible for Maiev to come to Tyrande alone.

   Now that Maiev appears here, there is obviously something important.

   "I've found out that the target of the human lord is the Broken Isles!" Maiev, who was covered in the Warden's armor, said in a loud voice.

   "What? Broken Isles!" Hearing this name, Tyrande suddenly changed color!

  (end of this chapter)

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