MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 322 Seaman returns

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  Chapter 322 Seaman Returns

  After the negotiations, Josie's subordinates and Hordak's subordinates quickly worked out a combat plan against the anti-Hodd alliance.

  The two sides will divide their troops into two groups and attack the hinterland of the anti-Hodder alliance at the same time.

Because the area where Ouroboros is located is within the Horde Empire, it does not border the Alliance. At the same time, in order to show sincerity, Hordak also specially gave a part of the Horde Empire and the border area of ​​​​the Anti-Hord Alliance to the Horde Empire. The Serpent serves as a forward base to facilitate the use of troops by the Ouroboros organization against the Anti-Hodder Alliance.

  However, from the headquarters of Ouroboros to the territory between the forward bases, it is quite a long and narrow area.

  If the Horde Empire concentrates its forces, it is easy to cut off the connection between the two places.

   Obviously, Hordak was not as kind as he appeared on the surface.

   Josie understands this very well.

  Everyone is a thousand-year-old fox, why are you playing Liao Zhai?

   But he didn't care either.

   It's just mutual cheating, who is afraid of whom?

   Soon, the two camps sent troops together and began to attack the Anti-Hodder Alliance.

  Under the pincer attack of the two major forces, the already disadvantaged anti-Hodder alliance was almost collapsed, and soon the two sides captured 80% of the territory of the anti-Hodder alliance.

   Even Josie took action himself, capturing many powerful members of the Anti-Hodder Alliance, even including the patron saint of the Anti-Hodder Alliance, the extraordinary Siri.

Hearing this, Hordak came to Daohe in person, and when he saw Ciri imprisoned in the arcane cage, he couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. After returning, he stepped up and ordered the whole army to step up the attack, in order to get back in the ranks. Before the Tailed Snake Legion, they occupied the last stronghold of the Anti-Hodder Alliance, Bright Moon City, and captured the leader of the alliance, Adora, and Queen Angela of Bright Moon City.

   completely ignored the alliance army defeated by his own army, which seemed too weak.

   But not everyone has not observed this.

"Master Hordak, I always feel that the current battle is a bit too smooth!" The one who used dark magic to fight against Josie, who was also the strongest under Hordak, was covered in red robes Figure—Mrs. Shadow sensed something strange and approached Hordak.

"Hahahaha, Mrs. Shadow, you are worrying too much. Isn't the situation normal now? It's not like you haven't seen the strength of the Ouroboros organization before, and you even fought against the leader of the opponent once, although it was not a victory. Negative, but it is enough to prove the strength of the opponent, with such a powerful ally, the little girl Adora can't resist, it's normal!" Facing Madam Shadow's reminder, Hordak laughed and didn't take it seriously "You should focus on how to occupy the headquarters of Ouroboros afterwards!"

  Just as Josie is calculating Hordak, Hordak is also calculating Josie.

  When Mingyue City is breached, the Horde Empire's reserve army led by Mrs. Shadow will cut off the return route of the Ouroboros Legion, occupy the Ouroboros General Contracting Department, and crack the secrets there.

And at that time, after getting the secret of Ouroboros and completely eradicating all the resistance forces in Etania, his own strength soared, maybe he really had the opportunity to challenge his brother, the emperor of the Great Horde Empire, Horde king!

  Seeing Hordak's arrogance, Mrs. Shadow couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Maybe she really chose the wrong master.

   "Report... King Hordak!" At this moment, Hordak's adjutant, an alien like a big-eyed murloc rushed in and shouted.

"What happened, Mantegna! If there is no reasonable explanation, I will screw your head off!" His fantasy of a happy ending was interrupted by the yelling of his subordinates, Hordak was very upset Angrily shouted.

   "King Hordak, just now, Mingyue City announced the unconditional surrender to us and Ouroboros!" Mantegna heard Hordak's angry shout, and hurriedly explained.

  Hearing the news, Hordak stood up excitedly.

  Mrs. Shadow at the side narrowed her eyes.

   Soon, the top leaders of the Horde Empire headed by Hordak and the top leaders of Ouroboros headed by Josie met again at the gate of Mingyue City.

In the distance, the gates of Mingyue City are wide open. The remaining troops and a large number of generals have all been disarmed, and they stand sparsely in the open space outside the city, waiting anxiously for the arrival of the Hodders and the Ouroboros Legion. take over.

   "Hahaha, it's really thanks to you, Josie, that you can eliminate these bugs in the sewer so quickly!" Hodak said, giving Josie a warm hug like an old friend he hasn't seen for many years.

   "Hehe, I just helped a little. If it weren't for His Royal Highness Hordak's long-term weakening and deterrence to them, I think the soldiers would not end so smoothly!" Josie also smiled and laughed at the other party.

   "So...together?" Hordak pointed to his own car behind him, an extremely exaggerated armored vehicle.

   "I wish for it!" Josie nodded with a smile.

   Immediately, the two joined hands and got into the car, followed by a large number of senior generals and honor guards from both sides.

  However, the main forces of the two sides are neatly centered on Mingyue City, deployed on both sides, staring at each other vigilantly.

  The fleet in space is also in the outer space of Mingyue City, in the form of a confrontation, surrounding the last fleet of the Anti-Hodder Alliance.

"Hahahaha, Queen Angela, long time no see, I never expected to meet again on such an occasion, and you, my precious daughter, Adora!" The supreme leaders of the Anti-Hodder Alliance, Queen Angela and Adora, Hordak said with a wild laugh.

  The reason why he calls Adora's daughter is not that Adora's identity is hidden, for example, she is actually Hordak's biological daughter or something.

  The real reason is that Adora is actually Hordak's adopted daughter, but it was Hordak who stole the baby Adora from the palace of the Helia Kingdom in his early years.

   This matter is no longer a secret in Etania today.

   "Don't think about it, Hordak!" Just as Queen Angela and Adora were about to say something, there was a loud roar in the sky.

   Immediately accompanied by endless thunder, a burly figure appeared in midair, swung the sharp sword in his hand, and slashed heavily in the direction of Hordak and Josie.

"elder brother?"


  Hearing the roar and seeing the sudden appearance, all the Etanians present were extremely surprised.

  Because the comer is the patron saint of Etania who has disappeared for a long time, the cosmic giant Heman!

   Just a surprise compared to the Etanians.

  Hodak, who was sitting on the armored vehicle showing off his might, and Josie beside him, all changed color.

  The difference is that Hordak is annoyed by the appearance of his old opponent, while Josie is worried that the appearance of Seaman will cause too many changes to the plan.

It's just that although Seaman's appearance was sudden, he couldn't successfully attack Hordak, because at this time the Shadow Lady had already blocked Hordak's face, and the majestic dark force formed a powerful shield, blocking the attack. Seaman's attack.

"Do it!" Seeing that the appearance of Seaman might cause a change in his plan, Josie immediately panicked, shouted loudly, and activated it in advance, and then the Deviant Sword filled with the energy of the power gem appeared on Josie's body in an instant. In his hand, he directly pierced Hordak's body.

   This scene stunned all the Hodders and Etanians present.

  But the Ouroboros Legion will not be stunned, and immediately launched a full-scale attack on the Hodders.

  The entire Mingyue City instantly fell into boundless flames of war.

  The Hodders were unable to gain command for a while because their boss was attacked, and they began to retreat steadily under the attack of the Ouroboros Legion.

   Seeing this scene, Adora also didn't care about reminiscing with her brother, and immediately ordered all the hidden allied forces to launch an attack on Hodder's army.

   Following her order, many Allied troops who were originally hidden in the area just occupied by the Hodd Legion immediately began to attack the Hodd's rear.

   Huo De's army, which was flanked by front and back, instantly became a mess.

  After giving the order, Adora also immediately handed over the command of the army to Queen Angela, then found a corner by herself, transformed into Ciri, and joined the attack sequence against the high-ranking members of Hodd's army.

  Seeing Siri and some high-level allied forces who should have been captured appear on the battlefield, many high-level leaders of the Horde Legion knew that they had been tricked by Ouroboros and the allied forces no matter how dull they were at this time.

   But it was too late at this time.

  Especially when their boss Hordak was plotted against by Josie, he was directly turned into ashes by the terrifying power of the power gem.

  Mrs. Shadow, the strongest among them, is also being beaten by Seaman.

  The rest of the generals suddenly felt timid, and some of them even started thinking about how to escape.

  But at the very moment when Hordak was killed by Josie, in the palace of the Hodder's home planet thousands of light years away, a figure in the mist suddenly opened his eyes.

   "All the legions of the empire gather and set off for Etania!" A huge roar resounded throughout the planet.

   This figure is the ruler of the Great Horde Empire, and also Hordak's brother, King Horde.

   It was Hodak's death, which was sensed by King Hodak.

  Although King Huo De disliked Hodak's ambition, his strength and methods were far inferior to his younger brother.

  But it doesn't mean that he allows other cats and dogs to kill him.


Josie of Etania and his followers, as well as the anti-Hod allies on the Etanian side, were unaware of King Hod's movements. At this time, they were wholeheartedly encircling and suppressing the remnants of Hod. power.

  Under the siege of the two forces, after some mild resistance, the Hodders began to retreat across the board.

And at this time, after Josie glanced at Seaman who was still suppressing Lady Shadow's crazy output, he turned his attention to Ciri who was excitedly rushing to kill in the distance, and Queen Angela surrounded by a large number of guards. body.

   "Bresta, Vereesa, Queen Angela is entrusted to you, is there no problem?" Josie used a magic message to inform her two capable subordinates.

   "No problem!" The two looked at each other and nodded.

   Immediately, while fighting, the two led part of the Jedi Guards, and they split up and outflanked Queen Angela's position.

And Josie leaned towards Ciri while beheading the Horde mechanical soldiers who were still resisting. Although the Hodder's top management has basically been defeated, after all, the Hodder's basic main force is as strong as Ouroboros. It is a robot, so it will not feel fear, so it is still fighting desperately to buy time for Hodder's executives to escape.

"Mr. Kahn, thank you very much, we have won!" Siri sensed someone approaching, turned around and saw that it was Josie, immediately relaxed her vigilance, and said with great joy, "By the way, there is also me." Brother, if he knows that you helped us win, he will be very happy too!"

   "Yeah, this is really something to be happy about!" Josie also walked to Ciri's side with a smile on her face, and without her vigilance, she punched Ciri heavily in the abdomen.

   Ciri didn't expect Josie's sudden blow at all, and was immediately beaten to the ground.

   Before she recovered from the heavy blow, she felt that her hand was empty, but the Excalibur had been taken away by Josie.

   "Sure enough, it's a good sword, but you'd better sleep for a while!" Josie looked at the divine sword, and then the majestic divine power poured in, instantly sealed it, and threw it into the system warehouse.

  As the Excalibur was sealed and thrown into the system warehouse, Ciri also lost her strength instantly, unable to maintain her transformation, and transformed back into Adora.

   While Josie was doing it, Bresta and Vereesa also led people to launch a surprise attack on Queen Angela.

   Facing the sudden attack, the guards around Angela and some high-level officials also suffered a disastrous defeat in an instant.

   And Queen Angela is also worthy of her name. Her ability is to conjure a pair of angel-like wings, trying to get rid of the siege of Brestak and Vereesa.

   As a result, Vereesa shot directly through the wings with a special alloy arrow of Saronite and vibrating gold, fell to the ground and was captured.

"Everyone stop fighting, otherwise your queen and princess will die, and you, Seaman, you won't miss your sister and suffer any harm, right?" Adora was successfully caught After being with Queen Angela, Josie officially became the Great Demon King and issued an ultimatum to the Etanians present.

   Originally rejoicing that everything seemed to be his sister's plan, Heman, who devoted all his attention to fighting the Shadow Lady, was almost hit by dark magic by the Shadow Lady who had recovered.

   "Mrs. Shadow, you are also a smart person. Hordak is dead... how about submitting to me?" Before Seaman could respond, Josie sent out another solicitation to Mrs. Shadow.

  He had seen all the battles between Seaman and Mrs. Shadow before, and the strength of Mrs. Shadow was indeed worthy of his recruitment.

   "I can surrender, but he must die!" Faced with Josie's solicitation, Mrs. Shadow gave a very straightforward answer, pointing at Seaman in front of her and said with hatred!

  Hearing Mrs. Shadow's resentful tone, Josie suddenly smelled a bit of dog blood at eight o'clock!

  (end of this chapter)

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