MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 293 Vickers

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  Chapter 293 Vickers who was completely released

   "Vickers? Why did you wake me up? Where's David?" When Wieland woke up leisurely, he looked at Vickers standing aside and asked in confusion.

Vickers, who had been resting up and waiting for Wieland to wake up with a slight smile, heard that the first sentence Wieland uttered after waking up was to ask David, his face immediately turned cold, and he used an extremely indifferent His eyes turned to this hunchbacked old man who was over a hundred years old.

   "Don't worry, you will see it in a while, my dear father!" Vickers said in an emotionless tone with an indifferent face.

   "What happened?" Hearing that Vickers actually used the title of father to refer to himself and the word it to David, Wieland realized that something had happened.

  Because as early as more than 20 years ago, when Wieland took over this illegitimate daughter from her mother, Wieland forbade her to call her father, and didn't even allow her to inherit her surname.

  And the other party is actually using this title to call himself with such an extremely indifferent attitude.

   Obviously something happened that I didn't know about.

"Don't worry, dear father, it's nothing serious, and we've reached our destination, and it won't be long before you meet your Creator, you should be happy! Come, for my father Put on his equipment!" Vickers said with a fake and undisguised smile on his face.

   Under her command, two medical robots walked into the cabin and began to put on life support equipment for Wieland.

Wieland, whose actual age is 103 years old this year, has actually lost the ability to take care of himself long ago. However, as the largest technology group company on the earth, Wieland in his later years has not only the artificial man David to provide In addition to meticulous care, he also developed an auxiliary power unit for himself.

  Under normal circumstances, this set of equipment is to be worn by David and Wieland's medical team.

  However, this kind of device is extremely simple for the robot provided by Josie. It can be used after just scanning it, and it is equipped for Wieland at a very fast speed.

   "I don't remember that the group has such advanced robot technology..." Although he knew that something must have happened, Wieland couldn't help but said when he saw the robot around him that was obviously more advanced than David.

  Although it is said that David has self-emotions, whether he has emotions has never been a sign of whether a robot or an artificial human is advanced or not.

   As a scientific research genius, Wieland is naturally very clear-he is not a simple capitalist. When he was 14 years old, he already had 12 patents.

  So he can easily see that the technology used in these robots is far more advanced than David's.

   Not to mention the Wieland Group, or even the entire earth, may not have such advanced technology.

  Reminiscent of what Vickers said before, that they had reached their intended destination, Wieland couldn't help but have an amazing idea in his heart.

   "Have you met the Creator? Have you reached an agreement with them?" Wieland suddenly asked Vickers extremely excitedly.

  In his opinion, to possess such advanced technology, there will be no other existence except the "creator" he was looking for.

   And Vickers's completely different attitude from his before hibernation must be because of some agreement she reached with the Creator, so she is so unscrupulous.

   "What? Hahahahahahaha..." Hearing Wieland's words, Vickers was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing out loud, almost to the point of tears.

   "What's so funny about this? Tell me!" Wieland was still extremely excited and asked.

"No, no, my dear father, you misunderstood, our spaceship hasn't landed yet, your creator is still lying on planet LV223, and these robots have nothing to do with them... Do you think the robots made by your creator, Will there be an English label? And look here!" Vickers suppressed a smile, then pointed to the logo on the back of a medical robot and said.

   Looking in the direction Vickers pointed, Wieland saw a sign as expected.

   It is marked above, MADEINA Austria? ? ? ?

  Made in Austria? ? ? ?

   Wieland was completely stunned. His old brain was completely unable to understand the current situation.

   "Hehe, as I said, don't worry, my father, you will know everything soon." Vickers sneered, and then ordered two robots to "help" Wieland out of the cabin.

  Out of the cabin, Wieland's face changed again when he saw the five military robots guarding outside, and he lost his mind in an instant.

  Military robots…

   So not the Creator, but the military?

   But Vickers didn't bother to pay attention to him at this time.

   In this way, he took him to the event hall.

  In the event hall at this time, the remaining 9 crew members, guarded by many robot soldiers, are squatting in the center of the hall tremblingly.

  Seeing that Vickers came in with Wieland and another team of robots flamboyantly, and it didn't look like he was being captured, his eyes widened immediately.

   "Ms. Vickers, what's going on?" Holloway couldn't help but stood up and asked.

  In just the next second, he was knocked to the ground by the **** of a gun from a robot soldier on the side.

   "Where are the rest?" Vickers didn't even look at the beaten Holloway, but asked the robot soldiers beside him.

  The crew of this expedition, including Vickers Wieland, was originally a total of 17 people, and the artificial David was not counted among them.

  So in addition to Vickers and Wieland, and the four entourage of Wieland who were killed before, there should be 11 people.

   "Captain Jernick and Dr. Xiao, who disobeyed the command and tried to resist, have been shot dead!" The robot soldier on the side immediately reported.

   "Oh, what a pity!" Vickers curled his lips and said contemptuously.

  Seeing Vickers' indifferent performance, Holloway wanted to say something, but the severe pain in the back of his neck told him that it was better to say nothing.

"Good morning everyone, it's nice to see you again... Well, this is for a few employees I recruited personally, as for the others, let me introduce myself first, I'm Meredith Weeks, originally I am here to supervise you to work hard, but for some special reasons, the original work does not need you, and they will replace your work... Well, yes, they obey my orders, but don't worry, as long as you Obediently obeying orders, tragedies like Dr. Shaw and Captain Jennike will naturally not happen." Vickers pointed to the surrounding robots and said.

"In addition, you don't have to worry about losing your job. After landing, there will be a new job that needs to be completed by you... Do you understand?" Vickers continued. There was a weird smile, but no one seemed to notice it except Wieland at the side.

"By the way, let me introduce you. The person next to me is the founder of the Wieland Group, your original real employer, and my father. Although it is not necessary, I think it is necessary to introduce it. After all, In the next few days, you will all get along together." After Vickers finished speaking, he pointed to Wieland and introduced.

  Hearing what Vickers said, the eyes of the nine crew members couldn't help but look at Wieland, and their eyes were full of shock.

   Didn't Wieland die two years ago? It made headlines in newspapers around the world.

"Hehe, I know you must have a lot of questions, you can just ask him yourself, by the way, my dear father, this is your David, you must take it!" Looking at the weird expressions on both sides, Vickers smiled happily, then took David's head, which had been completely turned into a pile of rubbish, from a robot soldier who had just entered, and stuffed it into the arms of Wieland, who had an extremely ugly face.

   "Then, there is still a little time before landing, everyone have a good rest!" After finishing all this, Vickers bounced away like a little girl.

   These years, she has suppressed too much.

   And now, she felt more relaxed than ever.

  Of course, in the eyes of the nine detained crew members and Wieland, this woman was probably insane.

   After Vickers left, the robot soldiers around him also dispersed to a distance, and then the crew hurriedly gathered around Wieland, asking anxiously.

   In their view, Wieland must know more than them.

   "It seems that you are very happy!" On the other side of the trader, Josie looked at Vickers and said with a smile.

  Everything just now was done by Vickers when he opened the trading communication.

   So he sees everything.

"Of course, you've seen it too. I've never been so happy with Wieland's expression! Thank you, if it wasn't for you, I don't know how long I would have to be depressed!" Back in his cabin, Vickers He took off his coat, poured himself a glass of wine, leaned on the sofa in extreme relaxation and sighed.

   "You're welcome, it's just mutual benefit! As long as you cooperate with me well, you can have everything!" Josie smiled.

   "Ah, that's what I'm looking forward to...Cheers!" Vickers raised his glass.


   A few hours later, the Prometheus spacecraft, under the control of the robot crew, landed on the planet LV-223 extremely smoothly.

   However, it did not land in a valley like in the movie, but on a plain not far from the engineer base.

  With Josie's support, Vickers doesn't need to be as cautious as Captain Jack Nick, who died in the original plot.

   As for the upcoming sandstorm?

   After the spacecraft was stable, the robot soldiers quickly placed a series of devices around the spacecraft, and an energy light curtain enveloped the Prometheus spacecraft.

  Then the robot soldiers arranged a large number of firepower points around them.

  Although in the plot, the crew of the Prometheus only encountered the alien genetic stock solution and a dormant engineer, except for the alien designed by David, there were no other living aliens.

  But Josie doesn't think there are really no aliens on this planet.

  If it was just a genetic stock solution, how could all the engineers on this planet be wiped out?

  In the movie, some scenes such as piles of corpses of engineers and scattered biomass films have actually hinted that there are actually a lot of aliens living on this planet.

   It's just that the time when everyone on the Prometheus came here is too long since the alien leaked, and there are no natural creatures on this planet, so those aliens may have starved to death or entered a dormant state.

  According to Josie's guess, the latter is very likely.

Because on the planet in the second Alien Covenant, all the animals have been slaughtered by the aliens long ago, but the huge number of aliens are still alive and well, but because there is no food, they have entered dormancy state.

  Wait until the protagonist and the others arrive, David wakes them up.

  Now, Vickers will carry out various major actions on this planet next, and those dormant aliens will definitely be awakened at that time, so the necessary force protection is very important.

  After completing the preliminary defense facilities, Vickers sent teams of robot soldiers traded from Josie to the engineer's base, totaling more than a thousand.

  Of course Vickers will not go by himself.

   As for the upcoming sandstorm i, Vickers is not worried.

  Because she has obtained a brand new hyperspace communication command system from Josie.

  Hyperspace communication can be used even in most extreme environments of the universe, not to mention the impact of mere sandstorms?

   Soon the robot army successfully entered the remains of the engineer's base.

  Because of Josie's reminder, Vickers had let the robot read the data chip in David's brain in advance, so all the robot troops she has now have the ability to recognize the engineer's text and language.

So soon these robot troops found the storage room of the alien gene stock solution, and the spaceship with the engineer dormant, the spaceship was easy to find—because it was like the holographic recording image seen by the protagonists in the movie, Just find the corpse of the engineer whose head was cut off by the automatic door.

   It was only soon that Vickers discovered that Josie probably underestimated the size of the base.

   After several hours of investigation by more than a thousand robots and the intelligent mapping drones they carried, there are actually hundreds of U-shaped engineer spaceships that appeared in the movies underground in this base.

  The stock of abnormal gene stock solution is even more shocking.

"What are you panicking about? I will send you some battleships and more robot troops. Besides, there are also a few superpowers. You must watch these things for me!" Josie said happily after hearing the news. .

  (end of this chapter)

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