MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 286 Xandar's Destruction

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  Chapter 286 The Destruction of Xandar

   Josie's attack came extremely suddenly and swiftly.

In addition, Starka is in a state of extreme rage because of the massacre of his companions, and his attention is completely attracted by those Vrykul soldiers, so even if he has a strength similar to that of Captain Marvel, in the face of this surprise attack, There is also no reaction time at all.

   Therefore, the deviant sword pierced into Stark's back without any hindrance, and led him through the entire bar, until he hit the barrier before stopping.

  The tyrannical power of the gods and the energy of the power gem also poured into Starka's body instantly, destroying his body functions.

However, it can only be said that it is worthy of the famous star eagle in the original time and space. Faced with such a sudden heavy injury, the young Starka did not sit still, but gathered all the strength of the whole body very decisively regardless of the greater damage that might be caused. It hit the barrier in front of him fiercely.

  Although the magic barrier set by Josie was considered solid, it was hit by himself first, and now it was hit by Starka's all-out strength, and it was blasted directly in a daze.

   While the enchantment was shattered, along with a large splash of blood, Starka also successfully sprinted forward and separated his body from the blade of the Deviation Sword.

"Good boy, you are so ruthless, I will keep you!" Josie, who succeeded in one blow, did not expect that this kid would be so ruthless, and his vitality was so tenacious. It was actually able to make such an attack.

  While this made him admire a little bit, it also made him determined to kill it completely!

   Once this kind of enemy lets him grow up, there will be endless troubles.

   "Who are you guys?" At this time, Starka was also observing Josie, trying to delay the opponent's actions with words, while observing the escape route.

   That's right, run away!

   Starka is indeed a bit youthful, but definitely not stupid.

  Although Josie made a surprise attack just now, the powerful oppressive force made Starka clearly feel that the opponent was stronger than himself.

  Although the blow just now didn't kill him, the destructive force in it has actually seriously damaged the functions of his left half of the body, and there is even a strange energy in it, which is constantly eroding his body.

Even if he hadn’t been born with a heart on the right side, he would have died just now—yes, Josie would never have imagined that the heart on the right side, which only appears in novels and film and television dramas, was actually given by him. When I met him, I thought Starka was particularly resistant.

   It was also in this situation that Starka knew that he would definitely not be able to continue to fight the person in front of him, and escape was still the way out.

"Hehe, don't you know what you did yourself? None of you can leave today!" However, Josie, who had already made up her mind not to let the other party go, obviously would not relax her vigilance so easily. As soon as the words fell, He waved his sword again and attacked Stark, and adhering to his usual style, even in this case, his whole body was still shrouded in a layer of energy fog, making it impossible for Stark to see this powerful man clearly. The appearance and shape of the enemy.

"Damn it, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know you at all!" Hearing Josie's words, Starka actually knew the enemy in front of him, the one who attacked the Kerry transport fleet before and was wiped out All the looters, who took them to the mysterious forces in that outer space.

   Sure enough, my father was right. This mysterious organization is not only powerful in technology, but also has more powerful people than imagined.

  But he still refused to admit it in his mouth, trying to distract the other party's attention.

  It is true that the opponent is very strong, but he also knows that with the shattering of the enchantment, it will not be long before the Nova Legion patrolling around will be attracted.

  Those soldiers of the Nova Corps may not be the opponents of the enemy in front of them, but they should be able to cause some troubles to the opponent, and he can also take this opportunity to find a way out.

   It's just that his calculation was obviously wrong. Except for the first sentence, Josie didn't mean to talk nonsense with him at all.

  He understands too well the reason why villains die because they talk too much...Of course this is just a metaphor, Josie will never admit that he is a villain.

  So the deviant sword in his hand could not leave Starka's neck and head.

  The meaning is also very obvious, since stabbing your heart won't kill you, then I will cut off your head!

Therefore, Starka not only failed to distract Josie's attention, but also wasted a lot of his energy, and the wound on his body was still bleeding continuously. Coupled with Josie's onslaught, his movements quickly slowed down. down.

   And for top powerhouses like them, even a small gap will be magnified infinitely!

Soon, Josie seized the opportunity again and stabbed Starka's shoulder and neck with a sword. Even though Starka dodged with all his strength, his left half of his body was seriously injured and his movements couldn't keep up with his rhythm. .

   There was another cloud of bright red blood, and Starka's left arm left his body in an instant.

   No, if this continues, I will really die! Father, come back quickly!

   Starka couldn't help but be filled with despair at this time, and he completely lost the publicity and pride that he had gained great strength and rescued his father and many predator companions during this period of time.

  Perhaps he shouldn't have resisted in the first place. After all, although all the predators except him were arrested, the other party didn't clearly intend to hurt them.

   Another hesitation, Josie's deviant sword slashed across Starka's chest, leaving a deep bone wound.

   Suffering severe injuries one after another, Starka, who had lost too much blood, could no longer hold on, and fell to the ground on his back.

   "You are a young man with good talent, but it's a pity that you offended someone who shouldn't be offended!" Looking at Starka who had lost his resistance, Josie sighed, and then held up the sword of deviation, ready to fully understand the disaster in front of him.

   "My lord, something is wrong!" At this moment, Loki suddenly ran towards Josie.

   "What's the matter?" Josie couldn't help frowning upon hearing the words, and temporarily stopped what she was doing.

   "Those vampires' information has gone wrong, that Ryan Ogged in the bar is fake!" Loki said with a breath.

  Is Ryan Oggard a fake?

  Hearing the news, Josie couldn't help being a little surprised.

   "Your father isn't here?" He looked at Starka, who was lying on the ground, spitting blood, and asked with a frown.

   "Hehe, he will avenge me!" Although Starka's heart was already full of despair, his mouth was still very firm.

  But the information in his words also clearly revealed that what Loki said was true.

  Maybe from the beginning of the vampires stalking, the Lane Ogged in the bar is fake.

   "I advise you to tell his whereabouts, if you don't want your sister or your lover to have something to do!" Josie pressed the tip of the sword against Starka's throat, mercilessly threatening.

   "You don't know what you're talking about!" Hearing Josie's threat, Starka's pupils shrank slightly, and he denied it.

"Aletta Ogde, No. 15 Street, Arcturus Fourth District! I advise you to think about it carefully. You should understand what is the biggest harm to a girl who has not been involved in the world. !” Josie said coldly.

   "You are despicable!" Starka couldn't help scolding.

   "I count to three!" Josie snorted coldly, and was about to start counting.

   It was Loki who interrupted him again.

   "My lord, the Nova Corps is here!" Loki said nervously, pointing to the ever-approaching bright lights in the distance.

   "Am I blind?" Josie said angrily, always interrupting, which side are you on?

"...My lord, if you keep the green hills, you won't have to worry about firewood. Shall we take him to evacuate here first?" Loki still persuaded. He knew that Josie was very strong, at least much stronger than him, but the Nova Corps came. There are so many people, and the strength of the Nova Corps is well known throughout the universe. He doesn't think Josie is strong enough to rival the entire Nova Corps.

  He hasn't gotten enough wool from Josie yet, and he doesn't want Josie to die too early.

   "Hmph, if you're afraid, take someone to retreat first!" However, Josie didn't heed Loki's persuasion at all.

  Seeing that Josie was so stubborn, Loki didn't dare to persuade him anymore, otherwise he would give himself a backhand sword, and there would be no place to cry.

  But after hesitating for a while, he didn't really escape alone as Josie said.

  His behavior surprised Josie.

  Josie's magical ability is also very strong, he can be very sure that the Loki standing beside him at this time is the real body, not a magical illusion.

"Frost Giants, put down your weapons immediately. According to the rights owned by the Nova Corps, you will be suspected of murder, terrorist attacks, and property damage..." At this time, the spaceship of the Nova Corps in the sky has transmitted their logo The charges of **** were read, and at the same time a lot of traction light shone on everyone.

  Except for Josie, Loki, and Starka lying on the ground, all the remaining Vrykul soldiers and vampires were pulled into the air by the pulling light.

   It's just that the accusation announced by the caller has not finished, Josie on the ground let out a cold snort.

   Immediately, a burst of purple light flashed, and the traction light of the Nova Legion instantly failed, and all the Vrykul warriors and vampire assassins were instantly free.

"Unknown powerhouse, I am Romand, the commander of the Nova Corps. I don't know why you came here, but your behavior is equivalent to declaring war on the Nova Empire. Please carefully consider the possible consequences of all your actions. Serious consequences!" The moment just now obviously made the leaders of the Nova Legion aware of Josie's strength, so they didn't attack immediately, but tried to persuade Josie to give up resistance.

It's not that the Nova Corps is afraid of Josie because of the power he displayed, but because the area they are in is a relatively prosperous urban area. Once Josie is ready to resist to the end, it is likely to bring shock waves to the surrounding residents. a great threat.

"...I don't know why I came here? Hehe, who is the person next to you?" However, Josie was happy when he heard the other party's warning, and said something that made everyone except Nova Commander Romand feel Some inexplicable words.

   "How did he know you were here?" Inside a spaceship, Commander Romand Day looked at Ryan Ogged beside him in astonishment.

  While Ryan Ogged looked worriedly at his son who was held by Josie's sword below, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

   "It seems that he has reached some agreement with your Nova Empire, hasn't he?" Josie sneered again.

  But this time, just as Josie finished speaking, Starka, who was lying on the ground, suddenly showed a glimmer of hope.

  He understood what Josie meant, and if he guessed correctly, his father was beside the commander of the Nova Corps.

  My father has reached an agreement with the Nova Empire, and the Nova Army is here to rescue him.

  However, the smile on his face lasted less than a second, and Josie put away the sword and fell.

  Stakana's smiling head flew far away.

   "No!!!!" Inside the spaceship, Ryan Ogged was stunned when he saw his son's death.

  Although Starka is his adopted son, Ryan, who brought him up alone, has always been closer to him than his own son, and even ignored prejudice, acquiescing to his own daughter and his feelings.

  But now, right in front of his eyes, his favorite adopted son had his head chopped off by Josie.

   "Outsider, I now order you to put down your weapons immediately, or you will face the wrath of the entire Nova Empire!" Roman De Dai was also furious when he saw this, and scolded Josie.

  However, what responded to him was a gigantic light blade that swept across the entire sky, and the hundreds of Nova spaceships that had come to help were cut in half in an instant.

   directly frightened the remaining half of the soldiers of the Nova Corps.

  When did they see such a terrifying power.

   However, Josie will not give them a chance to react.

   "What a beautiful planet, what a pity!" Josie slowly floated into the air, looking down at the gorgeous night view of Xandar below.

   Behind him, the Vrykul soldiers and Loki were also shrouded in a golden halo, floating in mid-air.

  None of them knew what Josie wanted to do.

   But soon they figured it out.

  In Josie's hands, the purple energy filled with endless destructive power began to flow continuously, gradually forming a huge purple energy ball.

  He did not destroy the planet in an understatement like the way the Celestial Group destroyed civilization in the movie, but adopted an extremely publicized method in a certain cartoon that destroys stars at every turn.

  The Nova Corps in the distance obviously also felt the huge threat contained in this purple energy bomb, and tried to break the energy ball with full firepower.

   But this thing is not a bomb that will explode on touch.

  Under Josie's control, the power gem's energy is quite tight, and even forms a special protective layer by itself.

   The attack of the Nova Corps fell on it without causing any ripples at all.

   "Destroy it!" Josie's face flashed a trace of ferocity, and the energy bomb in his hand blasted towards Xandar star in an instant.

  At this time, Josie also really felt the pleasure of Frieza mastering the life and death of the entire civilization!

  A new devil king who made the entire Marvel universe fearful was born!

   Rebirth of Hokage, with the power of the yellow monkey, very good theme of refreshing text, a bit interesting



  (end of this chapter)

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