MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 9 : Spike, Level 5 Agent!

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Chapter 9: Spike Kill, Level 5 Agent! [New book seeking collection, seeking everything]

Ritter actually accepted Duke's challenge?

The agents present only felt surprised, and the black Bill didn't quite understand it.

As Ritt's careful leader, Frank narrowed his eyes slightly.

The meaning he expressed just now is obvious.

But everyone has their own ideas, and Li Te dares to fight, that means he has this confidence.

"Well, I allow the fight between you!" Frank nodded.

After seeing Li Te accept the challenge, Duke's qun was shocked at first, but quickly sneered.

Who is Duke?

It is considered the strongest among all four-level agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and is comparable to level five agents.

What he lacks is just an assessment and promotion.

Li Te accepted his challenge, in their eyes, it was nothing but death.

"Duke, don't be merciful and remove this yellow-skinned monkey from our SHIELD!"

A white agent said, with a strong killing intent in his eyes.

Duke nodded slightly, his Zui angle slightly raised, he shook his palms, and made a clucking sound.

Everyone gave way to free up a sufficient space.

Ritt and Duke looked at each other, and they were about five meters apart.

The other agents formed a circle and stood aside.

The black Bill's face was not very good-looking, and he looked at Lit nervously.

In S.H.I.E.L.D., he does not have many friends, and Li Te is one of them.

Frank stood between Lit and Duke. He was tall and he was 1.9 meters tall.

"In fighting, you can use daggers but not firearms. Offenders will be confined for one month!"

He looked at both sides, not because he was of the same race as Duke, or because Ritt was partial.

If you want to win the respect of others, you must rely on your own strength!

"I didn't expect that you would dare to accept my challenge. I believe you will die miserably!"

Duke was cruel, and he looked at Ritt like this, with a joke in his tone.

"The result hasn't come out yet, you don't know who the dead will be!" Li Te said leisurely.

"Very well, I appreciate your courage, but courage alone is useless for this kind of thing. Come on, yellow monkey!" Duke laughed, taking a mouthful of a yellow monkey.

His attitude had already made Li Te murderous.

"Start!" Frank ordered.

And at the moment he ordered, Duke moved.

He directly drew the dagger, shining a cold light.

In just an instant, he appeared in front of Li Te.

He was holding a dagger, and the target was the aorta in Lit's neck.

The agent will kill with one blow!

Everyone held their breath and wanted to see what the result was.

But Li Te didn't make the slightest move at this time, and stood still.

Black Bill was frightened, and Leete would die if he continued.

As for the chief examiner Zoe, he stood aside and looked at Lit.

"What would he do?" Zoe thought in his heart.

And all these thoughts only happened in an instant.

Duke raised the dagger in his hand, and of course he could see that Li Te did not move at all.

His actions have scared the yellow-skinned monkey silly.

He sneered in his heart, the movement in his hand did not stop.

"Go to God!" Duke said in a low voice, making a quick shot.

His speed is so fast that many people can only see an afterimage.

At this moment, Lee Te moved.

He has the super speed of Hawkeye, and although his power is not terrifying, he is more than enough to deal with the person in front of him.

Without any extra action, Li Te slammed.

Directly evaded Duke's ultimate move.

In an instant, he shot.

Grab Duke's right hand holding the dagger directly, and control his body with the other hand.

Then with the most powerful force, Duke's right hand was bent into an incredible angle.


Duke's right hand broke.


He yelled, and was horrified to find that the dagger that shone brightly went straight to the aorta in his neck.

This is the breath of death!


At the next moment, Lit grabbed Duke's hand and slid down.

The hot blood was like a fountain, Duke's body fell limply, his eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

Li Te, on the other hand, stepped back slightly, without a trace of blood on his body, looking calm and relaxed.

clean! neat!

Without any extra action, he was wearing a black suit, like a black death.

All the agents watched this scene in horror, whether it was Black Bill or Frank.

They opened their eyes wide, full of incredible.

The battle just now ended in just three seconds.

You know, Duke is a Level 4 agent, someone who has experienced many assassinations.

Just like this, he died as soon as he was met.

The white agents who had insulted Ritt shivered and frightened thousands of people.

This Chinese agent is terrifying.

Did he hide his strength before?

Even Duke is dead.

Frank didn't react for a while and could not speak.

He was also thinking that Li Te had definitely hidden his strength before.

As for identity, those who can enter S.H.I.E.L.D. will have a thorough investigation almost in their life experience, and there will generally be no problems.

"good very good!"

Just before everyone reacted, a voice came out.

Zoe, the high-level S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel who is called the Scarlet Mantis clapped his hands and walked out with a smile.

Everyone stood up straight and did not speak.

"Your name is Bruce Leet, you are very good!" Zoe said.

Li has a head, composed and calm!

Seeing Li Te's performance, Zoe was very happy.

A truly outstanding agent has such qualities.

Zoe looked at all the agents present, his eyes as knives.

Although he is not tall, his deterrence is very large.

The seventh-level agent is not for nothing.

SHIELD does not raise waste.

"I announce that starting today, Li Te has officially been promoted to Level 5 agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

The assessment was not over yet, Zoe directly promoted Li Te to a fifth-level agent.

All the agents present were shocked. The five-level agents have great authority and privileges, and they are real bosses.

Only at this time, Li Te's eyes had a strange light.

Zoe, a seventh-level agent, possesses extraordinary fighting ability! .

Read The Duke's Passion