MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 58 : [Part1 / 2] Rocky, the **** of tricks

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Chapter 58: Rocky, God of Tricks

The dark night sky. A Kunshan warfare mountain is now in the clouds.

Below is Li Te and others who have already begun operations.

They have found where Rocky is, and they have begun operations.

Lit and the US team stood in the cabin, and they waited for orders at any time.

"The eight-day mark, he seems to want a loved one." Mo Xunfu looked at the screen wearing Rocky Long Lining, slightly rich.

The US team had already put on a combat suit and he took out his shield.

"Hurry up!"

After having said that, the US team jumped off the plane carrying a luxury education.

And Lite symbolically took out the landing father, ready to move with the US team.

He can't count on Iron Man's shoes, otherwise he can't.

Now, Lit must constantly look for battle.

And grabbing pieces of Rocky, can tell one step to promote virginity.

Soon, Lit took off and wiped the plane.

By the time Lit filled it out, the US team and Rocky had already fought.

Rocky has said that it is called God, and the US team has just recovered after a short while, naturally it will not be his opponent at 1:30.


At this point, the US team fell into the downwind, and the box cards also hung in a visit.

A single ray of light emerged in Li Te's eyes, and the current article made a shadow of friendship.

When Rocky dreamed of a heavy hand, he felt a kind of fish insurance.


The four or five handle flying knives appeared, and each layer of knives contained the power of extreme bullets.


Rocky retreated as a whole. He had a lot of ancient talents, but he didn't suffer.

He was very frightened at first sight.

"Who, that **** who dared to steal your chrysanthemums." Loki shouted.

At this moment, Lit has arrived.

He really wanted to see how many so-called gods were playing.

Without any redundant works, Li Tezao personally turned into a dark shadow, and even handed ten flying knives in his hands.

The sound of the break in the toilet was eaten, and Rocky passed by at this time, showing the existence of Li Te.

He directly picked up the power in his hand, and inherited the special Li Teyu who flew to the court.

However, Li Te's degree was extremely fast. He was beyond the US team. He raised his palms and his hands bouncing. It was a color that was against the Rocky.


Li Te's strength is not very strong, but Luo Jisheng's body is the most flexible, not a folded battle.

The two fought, and for the time being no one has gained the upper hand.

"Heavy weight!"

Suddenly, two Lit appeared in the speech.

"What?" Rocky's face changed, and he couldn't see clearly the real body for a while, and the changed US team was even discolored.

When Liete was ill with him, the comment did not use all his strength.


Loki had no other way of standing, he used the powerful energy of Shu Shudu in his hands and Hachijo.

During his week, all the Zhifangs exploded under tremendous energy, and Li Te's avatar was also affected. The kitchen continued to disappear.

However, Rocky shot immediately and appeared in front of Xiang Li in the moment.

He used the right hand, and the cook reached Lit's chest.

Seeing this scene, the black electric women and the US team changed their faces.

"not good!"

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