MTL - Marvel: I Can Download Unlimited Talents-Chapter 31 : More important tasks

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Chapter Thirty-One: More Important Tasks [New Books Seek Collection and Seek Everything]

Of course Lit knew who the other party was.

It's just that the Hawkeye shot himself first, how can he not find a spot?

Hawkeye looked at Li Te's expression and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

This guy is really too vigorous.

As if knowing his weakness.

Then Li Te pulled Hawkeye up, and Hawkeye's message was presented to him again.


[Name]: Clinton Francis Button.

[Identity]: Hawkeye.

[Ability]: Super Wisdom (300mb), Marksman (500mb), Super Power (500mb), Super Speed ​​(500mb), Sensitive Officer (300mb), Binocular Reconstruction (500mb).


Before Li Te chose Hawkeye's two super abilities, Super Speed ​​and Marksman.

Now Li Te chooses his super power and eye modification.

In the previous fight, Hawkeye's power was obviously stronger than him, and Li Te also won by skill.

Moreover, his own strength was beyond Hawkeye's expectations, so he could solve the battle in a short time.

If it is really a battle of life and death, especially when the distance is sufficient, it is not clear which one will win and which is weak.

But Li Te's close combat can definitely crush Hawkeye.

This is also very remarkable.

As for the sensitive officer, although Li Te wanted it, he did not download it.

In the future, the little spider will be awakened with super powers. The legendary spider induction is much stronger than the eagle eye's sensitive officer.

Without hesitation, Li Te directly chose to download.

"Ding Dong, the connection is successful..."

"Dingdong, the super power capacity is 500mb, start downloading!"

"Ding dong, the size of the eye reconstruction is 500mb, start downloading!"

"Dingdong, the current download speed is 1mb/s (valid within five meters

The download speed is still 1mb, but Li Te confirmed that after waiting for this time, his next download speed should be 2mb.

The download of both abilities is complete, and it takes about 15 or 6 minutes.

At this moment, Hawkeye also stood up and looked at Li Te with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

"This time Coleson asked me to come, and it can be regarded as an assessment for you. As long as the task is completed this time, you will be a level six agent, and we have more important tasks for you."

Hawkeye said, found some gauze and wanted to bandage his shoulders.

More important task?

Li Te squinted his eyes, he didn't know what it meant.

But looking at how Coleson and Hawkeye pay so much attention, Li Te knows that this task is not easy.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Barton for telling me." Li Te smiled.

He didn't ask what the task was, it would be a taboo.

Hawkeye nodded and sighed sincerely: "I'm so old, I was actually defeated by your hands."

Li Te couldn't deny it and said: "It's just speculation."

He was still very satisfied with Li Te's answer.

After all, no matter where you are, people have self-esteem.

"Then I hope to see you next time, I have other things, let's go first." Hawkeye said.

Subsequently, the two separated.

Li pointed his head, and at this moment, the system voice in his mind sounded again.

"Ding Dong, the download is complete."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for acquiring the super power ability!"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the transformation of his eyes!"

In an instant, Li Te only felt that the power in his body suddenly increased by five or six times.

His power, perhaps together with a small car, can be completely lifted.

This is the growth of power. When he shoots darts in the future, the destructive power is absolutely terrifying.

But the biggest change for Li Te now is his eyes.

Although it is night, it looks like day in his eyes at this moment.

Even if it is a mouse hundreds of meters away, he can see the hair clearly.

With the transformation of eyes and super power, he is almost exactly the same as Hawkeye now.

But more powerful than Hawkeye, Li Te is perfect in both close combat and long range combat.

Today's harvest is indeed very good.

Not long after, Li Te also left the abandoned factory.

His mission will be completed in a few days, when he will return to the Avengers base.

So during this time, he had to make more money.

As for what task S.H.I.E.L.D. will give him next, Li Te is not very clear.

But he was sure that it definitely had a lot to do with the next assembly of Avengers.

Soon after, Lit returned to his residence.

On his account, another half million dollars was added.

The total is two million dollars!

After filling the system, he opened his panel.


[Name]: Li Te.

[Identity]: Level 5 agent.

[Abilities]: marksman, anti-aging genes, super speed, super power, immune mind control, physical self-healing, strengthening of hands, eye modification, body of pig iron, super fighting technique, mastery of swordsmanship, mastery of firearms, stealth stealth.

[Balance]: 2 million US dollars.


It's a brand new panel again. Next, what Rite needs to wait for is the appearance of the next superhero.

Two million dollars can achieve his two thousand-fold acceleration.

It can also be accelerated by two thousand times.

In the following time, Li Te did nothing.

But as usual, it seemed very quiet at school.

In these days, he is also looking for some bounty criminals, intending to use it as a goal, waiting a few days before the task is completed.

In this way, four days passed in a flash.

Because most of the students today have their own activity classes, Li Te rarely has a time to rest.

Of course, he was not idle, looking at events happening in various places.

He needs the time when the New York War is about to happen so that he can be adequately prepared.

However, a lot of news has been blocked, even if he has the privileges of S.H.I.E.L.D., he has not checked all of them.

After all, this matter is too relevant, and it is impossible for those organizations to let civilians know.

And just when Li Te was looking for a lot of information from various places.

Little Spider, that is, Peter Parker, got on the school bus going home.

At this moment, he only felt dizzy and dizzy, his whole body was trembling, cold sweat was flowing.

"No, is the spider poisonous? Am I going to die? No, I can't die. I'm going to find Mr. Bruce. He can save me."

The little spider kept talking in a voice that only he could hear. .

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