MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 70

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The remaining 4 people are not stupid, and they know it.

Therefore, those who let the leaders of the country stop are still kept in the dark, and continue to "recruit" the prime minister of the eagle country for their own country.

"You idiot! What they mean is to let your eagle country bloom everywhere! Do you really think they gave away nuclear bombs for nothing?"

The leader of the country scolded in a low voice.

The Prime Minister of the Eagle Country was also slightly taken aback when he heard this, and the Prime Minister of the Eagle Country turned red when he came back to his senses, he was angry!

Looking at the Prime Minister of the Eagle Kingdom who finally came to his senses, Bei Chen crossed his legs carelessly, and looked at the five people opposite him with a sneer.

"Our foundation's duty is to protect the entire human race, and it has nothing to do with your wishes. This is my attitude when I sit here."

At this moment, Beichen finally said what was in his heart.

What does it matter to you to destroy you?

What does protecting you have to do with you?

These are the arrogant thoughts of higher beings when they compare themselves to weak ones, and they are also the thoughts in his heart.

Hearing this, the leaders of my big country all looked very unhappy.

This is Hongguoguo's power and hegemony.

Especially the president of the beautiful country felt even more uncomfortable than eating shit.

You know, before the foundation appeared, the ones **** on the heads of the other four countries were the ones who lived beautifully!

As a result, today I actually became the sufferer who was ridden on the head and exported. This feeling is really hard to describe.

The president of the beautiful country turned pale.

After thinking that the currently exposed bases of this bastard's organization are all in his beautiful country, the mood of the president of the beautiful country is even less beautiful.

In just a few seconds.

The president of the beautiful country has already thought of several proposals for the foundation.

This guy is too arrogant.

The beautiful country does not allow any more arrogant existence in the world than the beautiful country!

Economic pressure?


This crappy organization tm doesn't even have a source of income, so it suppresses the wool.

Force deterrence?

Considering the other party's habit of planting "nuclear flowers" when they disagree with each other, the president of the beautiful country shook his head inwardly.

Technology blockade?

Having said that, does the foundation need to use the technology of the beautiful country? Just ask that **** from S.H.I.E.L.D. in a second.

Looking at the five people who were silent, Bei Chen certainly knew that these people must be very dissatisfied.

So he added fuel to the fire: "Speak! What else do you want to talk about?"

"We hope that the Foundation can join the Convention on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and work with us to limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons."

In the end, it was the leader of the Xia Kingdom who stated the purpose of this meeting.

For this small request, Beichen nodded.


Whether to sign or not is one's own business, and whether to violate it at that time is also one's own business.

Many people understand the restrictive power of these so-called treaties.

The country behind the one next to me, did I play out the breach of contract?

Compared to the leader of the Xia Kingdom who signed the treaty with a smile, the faces of the other four people were not so ugly.

Especially the president of the beautiful country and the prime minister of the eagle country.

His face was so black that he could almost catch up with the bottom of the pot.

After signing the so-called treaty, Bei Chen happily left the White House.

Looking at the back of Beicheng leaving in the dust, the president of the beautiful country had a vicious thought in his heart.

"Do you want to send someone to assassinate this **** foundation leader?"

The president of the beautiful country thinks that Bei Chen is too high-profile.

After all, the foundation was obviously not established in recent years, but was exposed recently.

Before this **** Beichen became the president of the foundation, there was no movement in the foundation, and the world was calm, allowing their beautiful country to dominate.

what does that mean?

It means that the foundation without the **** Beichen will be more low-key, and it will not even affect the hegemony of the beautiful country.

Look at how good the previous foundation was, squatting quietly behind to protect the world, not causing trouble to the beautiful country at all.

Since this **** became the chairman of the foundation, the national power of the beautiful country has been declining day by day. …

The seeds of hatred have been planted in my heart...

After returning to the villa, Beichen did not see Natasha and the others.

Bei Chen found that there were only the old housekeeper and Wendy in the villa, and asked curiously, "Where are Natasha and Skye?"

"Mrs. Natasha just went out, and a kid named Hawkeye came to find her. It is said that some kind of organization is going to be set up by SHIELD and wants to invite Mrs. Natasha to join again." The old butler replied.

Bei Chen nodded, then picked up his phone and counted Tony continuously.

After the call was connected, Bei Chen directly asked, "Tony, I heard that S.H.I.E.L.D. invited you to join a super idol team?"

Tony didn't hide it, and even joked, "Yes, what is it called the Avengers? To be honest, I don't like this name. The Preventers are better than the Avengers."

"Tell me about the Avengers!"

Bei Chen asked with great interest.

"The side of the black corned egg means that you, the Avengers, are independent from S.H.I.E.L.D., have a high degree of freedom, and are not controlled by the government. You only accept the leadership of the black corned egg when necessary."

"Do you want me to recommend someone to join the Avengers?"

Bei Chen asked with a smile.

"As long as it's not you, it's fine!"

Tony also laughed and teased.

Bei Chen laughed lightly, and didn't hold back any more: "Captain America! Given the time, he should wake up. What do you think of him joining the Avengers?"

"Emmmm, tell me what you think!" Tony didn't nod in agreement, but asked instead.

Beichen also stated his conditions.

"How about I give the Avengers task force the authority to listen to the Foundation's command when necessary? I can let the Avengers join the containment operation."

Bei Chen was also very clear in his heart that the members of the Avengers were basically firm in all positions.

There is nothing for me to coerce and lure, I have to bring justice to drive the Avengers.

Moreover, the Avengers, as the children of luck during this period, can be said to be a large production capacity (legendary value).

Bei Chen felt that it was necessary for him to promote the birth of the Avengers Alliance.

Moreover, among the original members of the Avengers, there are four who have a good relationship with him.

Among the Big Three, the US team is still in its own hands.

Iron Man is also considered half of his own, as for Thor?

Bei Chen felt that the Foundation should have a stronger impression in Thor's mind than S.H.I.E.L.D.

After this rounding, isn't the Avengers equivalent to being all their own people?

As for an ADC known as the mascot of the Avengers?

Bei Chen believed that the Avengers had his own backing, and whether there was an ADC or not, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As we all know, no matter in any game, the ADC is sent! .

Chapter 88: 2521-The Indescribable Person!

After thinking about it for a while, Tony agreed to Beichen's proposal. After all, Beichen's proposal was similar to SHIELD's request. If he could accept SHIELD, he could also accept the Foundation.

What's more, in Tony's mind, the Foundation is more reliable than S.H.I.E.L.D. At least he has seen with his own eyes how the Foundation protects the world.

Although the president of the foundation is not very human sometimes, he is as picky as Tony. Stark also has to admit that the foundation is really a great organization.

They are truly protecting the world silently behind their backs, and their strength is also much stronger than SHIELD.

After the two reached a preliminary cooperation intention, Bei Chen also hung up the phone.

Fury noticed that there was a problem within S.H.I.E.L.D., so he was so eager to implement the Avengers plan.

Of course, there is another more important reason, that is, Fury also realized the powerlessness of ordinary people in front of the contained objects, so he thought about forming an extraordinary team.

After hanging up the phone, Beichen drove to the base in New York.

After digging the US team back, Beichen placed it in the New York base.

Dr. s46 heard that Beichen was coming again, and hurried to greet him at the gate of the base.

"How is it? How is the situation of the US team?"

Beichen directly asked the origin of his trip.

"You can try to wake up the US team at any time. With the opponent's physical fitness and the foundation's technology, there shouldn't be any major problems after waking up."

Dr. s2246 replied.

"Take me to see..."

Beichen nodded, and followed Dr. s46 to a ward.

Bei Chen, who walked up to the US team, looked at the old popsicle in front of him, and fell into deep thought. He wanted to contain him, but he was afraid that the system would use the noble quality of the US team as a reward. The US team gives containment.

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for successfully containing: Containment-MC-037-The frozen captain!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: super soldier serum production materials!"

"Ding~ Congratulations to the host for obtaining: the space-time coordinates of the Marvel universe (Those who travel through time and try to go back to the past to reverse the future will have a greater chance of coming to your time at that time.

Hearing the system's announcement, Bei Chen quickly threw the US team out, and excitedly took out a stack of documents.

This is the file for the Super Soldier Serum!

The super soldier serum can develop the potential of the human body and allow the user's physical fitness to reach the limit of the human body.

But what is the human limit?

Based on the strength shown by the US team in the movie, the explosive power of the opponent is at least about 30 tons. After all, the US team dragged the helicopter and punched Thanos in the movie.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like a person with the limit of his body can do it.

In other words, the physical fitness of the American team is at least 10 times that of normal people!

If I can mass-produce super soldier serum, and then use it to strengthen the fighters in the foundation, doesn't that mean that I will have nearly 10,000 super soldiers?

You must know that the Foundation is 100% loyal to itself. There is no such thing as using the super soldier serum to make good people better and bad people worse. "Doctor, this is super soldier serum, can you see if it works?" Production!"

Beichen handed the information to Dr. s46 next to him.

The doctor just picked up the document and glanced at it, then nodded in affirmation.

Dr. s46 is the top Ph.D. in Life Evolution, and also the top Ph.D. in Biochemistry. He can see whether it is feasible with just a glance at the information in his hand.

"Yes! If the resources are sufficient, we can mass-produce it in only one month."

"Then I'll leave it to you, research funding..."

Beichen picked up the satellite phone and called Countess Valentina, asking the other party to quickly implement the $100 billion.

"As expected of you, Captain America! You actually gave me such a big surprise."

Looking at the sleeping Captain America, Bei Chen was also very grateful.