MTL - Marvel: Containment Foundation From Scratch-Chapter 64

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After eating, Bei Chen sat on a chair and fell into deep thought.

Containment-354-The blood pool may go berserk at any time, Beichen felt it necessary to arrange a group of cannon fodder to come over.

Cannon fodder, naturally you can't let your own people come.


Which lucky audience should be next?


Those unlucky children were almost harmed by themselves in the North Pole, and they probably haven't recovered yet.


this is okay!

Just when Beichen was thinking about how to fool the Hydra into being cannon fodder for him.

The old butler hurried in and whispered in Countess Valentina's ear, "Ma'am, we found a pool of blood in a valley 2 kilometers away. The researchers in the organization preliminarily estimated that it might be SCP." Hearing the butler's report, Countess Valentina's heart beat wildly.

"No wonder the president of this foundation came to the Kangaroo Country for no reason. It turned out that it was because I had contained objects here!"

Countess Valentina looked at Bei Chen thoughtfully.

She finally understood why Beichen, the chairman of the foundation, came here.

Now all mysteries are solved.

After the mystery (ccdh) was solved, what Countess Valentina thought about was how to take possession of the contents.

What is the containment?

That is extraordinary!

Almost all the top forces in the world have witnessed the network strength of the containment object in the New York War.

The researchers inside Leviathan even analyzed that the containment in New York is very likely to be tamed!

Like the vine tamed by the Foundation president.

Thinking of the excitement, Countess Valentina stood up suddenly, and apologized embarrassedly: "Everyone, I left for a while beforehand, so excuse me."

After coming to the side hall, Countess Valentina ordered in a low voice excitedly: "Send someone to guard there immediately! Then start to explore and investigate the containment ratio."

After the old housekeeper left, Countess Valentina was walking back and forth excitedly, 0 containment!

If I study the laws of the transparent containment, can I use the containment to obtain higher rights and powers.

You know, that old guy Pierce almost ruled the world with a single photo. If the Foundation hadn't contained 096 at a critical moment, Pierce might be the current master of the world.

Sharon. Carter asked depressedly: "Hey! Do you have any ideas now? Now we are still being hunted down, we can't hide here for a lifetime, can we?"

"Woman, let me tell you a truth. The Foundation's influence spreads all over the world. Although the foundation doesn't have a base in Kangaroo Country, it does have a temporary base!" Beichen explained meaningfully.

Mei, who had a similar experience, raised her eyebrows: "Like that base in the Middle East?"


Beichen nodded.

After Mei finished listening, she looked at the chandelier and was speechless for a long time.

He still remembers the configuration of that temporary base...

Three nuclear warheads, nearly 300 armed personnel!

You told me that was a temporary base?

Soon, Countess Valentina returned to her seat with a smile on her face.

"Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Why don't you stay here and spend more time with me?"

Countess Valentina looked at Beichen pretending to be pitiful.

After discovering that the containment was not far from here, Countess Valentina gave up her previous plan without hesitation.

She was going to imprison these three people here forcibly, because if these three people left, they might investigate the containment in the valley.

If the containment was discovered by someone from the foundation, he would definitely follow in Pierce's footsteps.

The foundation's expertise in the field of containment is absolutely beyond doubt.

"We won't keep more, after all, we don't want to cause trouble for the rich."

Sharon who was in a hurry to leave. Carter pleaded guilty.

"Sorry! You can't leave here now."

Countess Valentina waved her hand.

A group of fully armed bodyguards rushed in from the door in an instant, and surrounded the three of them in unison.

"What do you want, Countess Valentina?"

May asked, looking at Valentina.

"I just want to invite you to stay here for a few days, after all..."

Before Countess Valentina could finish her sentence, Bei Chen interrupted: "Are you afraid that I will find out that you have found the contents?"

Although the voice of the housekeeper's whisper just now was very small, to Bei Chen, the voice of the housekeeper can be said to be plotting loudly.

Countess Valentina, a stupid woman, thought that the containment was a good thing, so she wanted to occupy it and transform it into her own power.

Countess Valentina may not be the only one with such brainless thoughts in this world.

These people have not yet been beaten by the horrific consequences of a containment breach.

Naturally, there is no reverence for the contained objects.

What kind of insects dare to covet the containment.

Countess Valentina, who had been guessed by Beichen, was not hiding anything.

After looking at Bei Chen with admiring eyes, Countess Valentina praised: "It seems that you guessed it, no wonder you can become the president of the foundation at such a young age, it seems that you are more mature than I imagined." clever."

"Do you know what the containment represents in our eyes? It represents weirdness! It represents extraordinaryness! It represents strength! It represents the future!"

Countess Valentina said frantically.

She will never forget that horrible photo.

And I will never forget the lizard that almost destroyed half of New York.

Not to mention Beichen who controlled the vines like a **** descending on the battlefield in New York.

At that time, she was thinking, so the extraordinary power is so close to her, and the price is so small!

Countess Valentina is 40 years old this year and has already stood at the pinnacle of secular power. What can make him desire now is to have higher power and extraordinary power.

"Since you know the contents so well, are you interested in staying and helping me for a few days?

I promise! As long as you help me research the contents in that valley, I'll let you go!

After all, you are the president of the foundation, and I don't want to fall out with the foundation, I just want to keep a containment. "

Countess Valentina's speech was not as lofty as Fury's, but a little pitiful.

Because Countess Valentina knew that the strength of the Foundation, which had mastered thousands of contained objects, was absolutely beyond her ability and the Leviathan behind it.

"So... you want to control the containment, and then use the containment?"

Bei Chen looked at Countess Valentina in front of him strangely.

Bei Chen had to admit that the woman in front of her was a bit courageous, even to the point of not knowing whether she was going to die or not.

Controlling and using the contained items is a project that the Foundation dare not try (although the Foundation does this kind of thing a lot).

Didn't I still think about how to find cannon fodder?

Didn't the cannon fodder just come to your door?

Bei Chen squinted at Countess Valentina.

Take Control of Containment-354-Bloodpool?

This man is so brave!

Bei Chen really couldn't think of anything worth using in Containment-354-Blood Pond.

After all, the containment - 354 - the blood pool cannot be moved, and various monsters will continue to emerge.

"It's just enough for this stupid woman to test the speed and strength of the monsters produced by the blood pool in the containment-354-."

Bei Chen thought with a sneer in his heart.

Chapter 83: The beginning of the blood pool out of control!

After seeing Beichen nod his head loosely, Countess Valentina nodded in satisfaction.

"Honey! I saved your life, and it's only fair that you do me a favor, isn't it?"

Countess Valentina said with a smile.

Bei Chen nodded expressionlessly.

"So please cooperate, now you go to rest first, and we will have dinner together in the evening."

Countess Valentina left the living room with enchanting catwalks after she finished speaking.

Beichen and others were also invited to the guest room.

"Damn it! You really did hide it from us, we came here to investigate the containment, right?"

Sharon. Carter pretended to be angry ~ asked.

Bei Chen shrugged his shoulders innocently, and didn't reply.

After all, this kind of thing, - he really can't explain it.

The purpose of his coming here is really just to take a look at the Cult of the Broken God, and then take care of the containment - 354 - Blood Pool.

Who would have thought that Countess Valentina would be so close to the blood pool and be found in advance.

"We have to find a way to get the information out, but there seems to be a signal jammer in this room, and even our satellite phone is gone."

Mei looked helplessly at the satellite phone in her hand and said.

"It's okay, we'll be fine waiting."

Beichen smiled meaningfully.

The Winter Soldier ambushing outside the castle looked at the castle in front of him expressionlessly.

"Strange, why hasn't Countess Valentina issued an attack order yet?"

The Hydra agents brought by the Winter Soldier are already ready to move.

The "Heroes to Save the Beauty Plan" formulated above is now short of the last scene.

As a result, Countess Valentina was silent for a long time.

This is **** over the top.

"You said... Countess Valentina won't have taken down that kid?"

A Hydra agent said enviously.

Think of Countess Valentina's voluptuous figure and queen-like temperament.

The separation of the plasmodium was the envy of all Hydra agents present.

When they thought of the proud Countess Valentina being crushed by a yellow monkey, they went crazy with jealousy.

"Fack squid! What a lucky bastard!"

A Hydra agent couldn't help but cursed.

After a while the phone rang.

"You can go, now I have taken Beichen."

Countess Valentina said lazily in the communication channel.

Countess Valentina, who wrote the exclusive containment blood pool, didn't want Hydra to discover her secret.

Read The Duke's Passion